Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 03, 1996, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR • Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 3, 1996
The Official Newspaper of the
City of Heppner and the
County of Morrow
Letters to the Editor
Ruins enjoyment for all
U S P S 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly ami entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Hepp­
ner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879 Second class postage paid at Hepp­
ner. Oregon Office at 147 West Willow Street. Telephone (541) 676-9228.
Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O Box 337,
Heppner. Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $18 in Morrow, Wheeler, Cilliam and
Grant Counties; $25 elsewhere
April Hilton-Sykes
News Editor
Stephanie Jensen ........................................................................................ Typesetting
Monique D evin.......................................................... Advertising Layout fir Graphics'
Bonnie Bennett .....................................................
Penni Iveersemaker ........................................................................................... Printer
David Sykes, Publisher
To the editor:
I would like to "thank" the
person who dug up the rose
bush we planted by the old
swimming pool. The one you
put in its place was dead.
I would like to ask you why
you did that? You didn't take
somthing from us, but from
everyone in this city, who en­
joys something on their walks
other than weeds, which, by
the way used to cover this en­
tire block.
We have planted trees,
shrubs and flowers. We have
cleaned up broken glass, old
rusty nails and all kinds or gar­
bage so everyone can enjoy it
more. We also water and main­
tain it for the better of all.
What you did is one reason
so many feel like, why give up
their time effort and expense?
So on behalf of all in this city
who do want to take pride in
the effort they have put forth
in our city, so all can enjoy it
just a little bit more. I say
shame on you.
(s) Gerald and Sonya Smith
Make a new lifelong
friend from abroad.
Enrich your family with
another culture. Now
you can host an
exchange student
(girl or boy) from
Scandinavia, Germany,
France, Spain. England.
Japan. Brazil or Italy.
Becoming a host to a
young international
visitor is an experience
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Gall for information or to choose your own exchange student, large
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LO C A L A R E A R E P : CA TH Y H A LV O R SEN A T 4 2 2 - 7 1 0 7 .
Susan at 1-800-733-2773 (7 Day», 24 Hour»)
Justice Court
The Justice Court office at
the courthouse annex building
in Heppner reports handling
the following business during
the past week:
William D. Freeman, 45,
Waynesville, Mo, oversize
length, 69'6" alleged, 60' limit,
$49 fine';
Kevin J. Layton, 35, Hepp­
ner, driving while suspended,
driving uninsured $454 fine.
8 A x 1 0 ”
Market Report
Compliments of the Morrow County Grain Growers
Tuesday, July 2
Soft White
all ages welcome
groups $1 OO extra per person
M u rra y ’s D ru g
J u ly 1 0 W e d n e s d a y
1:0 0 p .m to 5 :0 0 p .m .
Donald J. Carlson, D.P.M.
Medicine and Surgery of the Foot
will be at Heppner Clinic on July 10
to treat all foot problems
Pioneer Memorial Clinic
Friends 4s Neighbors are invited
to a BBQ reception fo r
Martha 4s Scott Tevault
Jenni 4s Dick McElligott
Saturday, July 6 starting 3 p.m. -
at the Dick McElligott Ranch
I n t e r e s t e d in t h e S o u t h
M orrow
C o u n ty
M usic P ro g ra m ? ?
Call School Superintendent Chuck
Starr - District office 989-8202 and
your local School Board Member:
Russ M organ 676 -5882
John Riotm ann 422 -7123
Bill D oherty 989 -8113
To voice your opinion preferably
before July 8 School Board meeting.
T H A N K — Y O U !!
______Paid for by P a r n f for music In tha «chool»
Don't turn back on child abuse
To the editor:
I have often asked myself,
why do people turn their backs
when they know a child is be­
ing abused? Most people hear
the abuse and see the abuse the
children are forced to tolerate,
children are forced to tolerate.
Most individuals know child
think either it's not their
responsibility to interfere, or
they fear revenge from the
abusive parent(s).
I always hear, the authorities
should do something. But they
can't even begin to without a
complaint first. Then the
authorities have to investigate,
which requires a lot of paper­
work, before they can even
beging to investigate. Part of in­
vestigating means asking the
abusers questions. They also
question the child sometimes
they are too afraid to tell the
truth. Most neighbors don't
want to get involved, especial­
ly if it means going to court. So
conveniently friends, neighbors
and relatives forget to tell police
or CSD what they see, hear and
know so the cycle continues.
The child goes back to the
abusive home, if they had even
Tyler Luke Julian-a son Tyler
Luke was bom to John and Jana
Julian of Portland, on March 19,
1996 at Good Sam aritan
Hospital in Portland. The baby
weighed 9 lbs. 3 oz. He joins a
brother Nicholas IV 2 , at home.
Grandparents are Betty Mar-
quardt and the late Carl Mar-
quardt of Lexington, and Mr.
and Mrs. John G Julian, Fresno,
G reat grandparents are
Truman and M arguarite
Messenger, Lexington and
Phyllys Bennett, Prescott, AZ.
Rolando Flores Il-a son,
Rolando, was bom to Elizabeth
Mesta and Rolando Flores, Ir-
rigon, on June 16,19% at Good
Shepherd Community Hospital
in Hermiston.
The baty weighed 71bs.
been removed from it to begin
At this point the abuse not
only continues, it usually gets
worse because the parent(s)
blame the child for the trouble
(they caused). After going
through this a couple of times
children because of terror don't
talk about what happens to
them at home any more. They
start to learn talking gets them
hurt more.
We as a society and the
system let these kids down in
too many instances. If any of
you wonder why we have so
many people in jails or mental
institutions just think about it.
If you are an abuser, get help.
There is a Parents Anonymous
meeting every Thursday night
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the back of
St. Pat's Church in Heppner.
The meetings are free. They
also have free baby sitting
while the parents are in the
meeting. At the PA meeting
they can also give parents other
info on places they can also go.
If you are reading this and
not a parent and know about a
child being abused report it.
Think of the child, not excuses
to ignore the problem.
(s) Laurie Reichardt
Marriage Licenses
The Morrow county Clerk's
office at the courthouse in
Heppner reports issuing the
following marriage licenses
during the past week:
June 20:
James Robert Roberts, 20 Ir-
rigon; and
Cynthia Marie Verley, 19,
Booster Club
cancels meeting
There will not be a Heppner
Booster Club meeting in July.
YV.C.CC. men's golf tournam ent set
The 1996 Willow Creek
Country Club's Men's Cham­
pionship Golf Tournament will
be held Sunday, July 14.
D efending cham pion is
Heppner High School golf
coach Greg Grant, who shot a
one over par score of 91 in the
27-hole competition in 1995.
Coffee, fruit and doughnuts
will be available during regis­
tration for play starting at 7
a.m. Tee-off time with a shot­
gun start will be at 8 a.m.
Sandwich service will be pro­
vided by the Area Agency on
Aging as a fund raiser fox
senior center activities.
The tournament committee
includes John Edmundson,
chairman, Howard Gilliam,
Tom Bedortha, Earl Norris, Jirr
Wishart and Earl Fishburn.
Come Share With Us
Willow Creek Baptist Church
Bible Study for all ages 2 p.m.
Worship Service 3 p.m.
Meeting in the
7th Day Adventist Church
560 North Minor
e n u i n e
ween 6-6:30 p.m.
Meat will be furnished.
Everyone is invited to bring a
A m e ric a n O nion
Experience in transloading potatoes or onions.
TRUCK DRIVERS. 10-Wheeler trucks.
TRACTOR DRIVERS. Harvesting onions or potatoes.
PAPERWORK PERSON. Handle paperwork, including
basic math, at transload station. Speak English and Spanish.
iBcecJcet'» ftefttauuutt & JCoiucgej
◄ ► Must be able to work long hours and days during
harvest season. C om petitive salary, dependent upon abili­
ty. Please send resume or contact:
Nolo Form e, P.O. Sox 110, H orm loton, OR S7S3S,
(5 41)547 -90 99, esk fo r Sherry
C h e v r o l e t
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You sealed a deal with a handshake - That's still
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New Car Sales
^ Used Car Center
C O N S IG N M E N T S W A N T E D !!
Walla Walla Livestocks 3rd. Annual
Fall Kick-Off Special Cattle Sale
and Video Auction
W ednesday, A ugust 2 1 s t
“Over 1 0 ,0 0 0 head expected from
Washington, Oregon and Montana. All
video cattle will be sold in the order
consigned. Live cattle in the sale ring
will s ta rt selling a t 1 0 :0 0 a .m .
SHARP, Video cattle auction at 5 :0 0
p.m . SHARP.
For more information or to consign call
Graig Hodnefield 529-3233
Troy Frazier 522-2244
_______ John Doherty 525-6902________
C olin Winters
The annual potluck picnic for
the Degree of Honor Lodge will
be held July 8 at the home of
Dean and Shirley Connor bet­
M u s ic F r i d a y E v e n i n g J u l y 5 th
3 5 0 Hwy 7 4 • lone, OR
4 2 2 -7 0 3 8
Fully Accredited
ASSE International Student Exchange Program is a public benefit, non-profit
Degree of Honor plans picnic
Beeck&i'» fteotauiuud
Remember Seniors Night Wednes­
day Evenings starting at 5 p.m.
Buy one D innerv
g e t the secon d one F re e .
Beecta'ft will be closed Thursday,
Ju ly 4th. Enjoy the lone Celebration.
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