Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 12, 1996, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TOO Heppner &»t»-I»™«. Heppne. or«,™ weonesoay June i 2 . 19 % B a rra tts to c e le b ra te 5 0 th a n n iv e rs a ry
jjm Raible wins Grant Rigby award
18 Y E A R S !
-Birthday Celebration-
O u td o o r
57 6-2 08 0
Main Street
The Barratts, 1946
! No Guns, Ammo
L A Y A W A Y S O.K.
1st prize - .22 Rifle New
2nd prize - Custom Knife
3rd prize - BH Gold Ring
Pop Free
Hotdogs 250
June 14-15-16
Special Savings Every Friday and Saturday
Everything MARKED DOWN!
Hours 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Mon.-Sat.
Blue Mountain Outlet Center
Front Room of Skaggs Heppner
Jim and Dorotha Barratt of
Corvallis will celebrate their
50th wedding anniversary on
Sunday, June 16, at the Court­
yard Inn at N.W. Harrison
Boulevard, Corvallis, between
2-4 p.m. Attendance is by in­
vitation only and the hosts
have requested no gifts.
The Barratts were married in
their hometown of Heppner on
June 16, 1946, after Jim was
discharged from the U.S.
Navy, where he served during
World War II. After a short
honeymoon in Victoria, British
Columbia, they returned to
Heppner where Jim was fore­
man of Barratt Ranches located
in the Heppner area and at
Browning, Montana. Dorotha,
who was a nursing student at
Portland, spent her honey­
moon cooking for a shearing
Come Celebrate Father's Day June 16
o t
H m k& i'b ‘R w law w d
£ m tg e
'W M
A ll you can eat B uffet 1-7 p.m.
4* Swiss Steak, Barbecued Chicken, Barbecued Ribs, Coleslaw, Baked 4
Beans, Potato Salad, Relish Tray, Fresh Fruit 6 Strawberry Pie
*9.00 Adults
4 *4 * 4 * ^
*4.00 Children
Reservations Recommended
Retlmmd & £omge
3 5 0 Hwy 7 4 • lone, OR
4 2 2 -7 0 3 8
j|c> j | c > ¿je» jjc> j | c > 4^
^ 4 * ^ 4 * ^ ^ 4 *^ *1^4*
4 * *^ 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 * 4 *4 '*
During the fall of 1946, the
newlyweds moved to Corvallis
where Jim entered Oregon
State University (OSU) and
served as editor of the Daily
Barometer. After graduating
with honors, he joined the
OSU Alumni Association as
assistant director and editor of
the Oregon Stater alumni
He joined the OSU Athletic
Department a year later, where
he eventually became director
of athletics, a job he held until
1975 when he retired to join
Away Travel Service as manag­
ing partner. He and Dorotha
now operate Jim Barratt Tours
in Corvallis. Dorotha served as
a registered nurse with the Cor­
vallis Clinic for several years
while Jim was going to school
and working his way up in
OSU athletics.
Jack and Jill
set at W C C C
The Willow Creek Country
Club golfers will have a Jack
and Jill mini-tournament on Fri­
day, June 14 at 6 p.m.
The activity will involve a
nine-hole modified couples
type of play, with the format
determined by the committee
in charge.
Prizes will be awarded for
low scores and special events.
The charge will be $4 per cou­
ple for members and $10 per
couple for non-members.
Light snacks will be provid­
ed by the committee in charge.
Hosts will be Rollie and Debbie
M arshall, Jeff and Missy
Cutsforth, and Mike and
Regina Mills.
S ale E nds J une 2 1 1 9 9 6
Take Off Into The Country On R ev Cenex Tires
Get sure fire starting ability
with the Big Gun Battery!
B ig G u n 6 7 5
Motor, Oil Sale
B G 2 4 /2 4F....$«9.95
BG 74...— $53.95
BG 27/27F— $56.95
BG 78... ...552.95
lone teacher Jim Raible has
been named the recipient of the
$1,000 Grant Rigby Memorial
Teacher Award.
The award has been estab­
lished by Dennis Swanson, a
1954 lone graduate, who
wishes to annually acknow­
ledge and honor an lone teach­
er or staff member for "out­
standing commitment to our
lone School students." The
award was presented recently
by Dennis' brother Jim Swan­
son of lone.
"The purpose (of the award)
is to give a monetary award to
a teacher or staff member who
has shown outstanding dedica­
tion in furthering the education
of an lone student by going the
extra mile. We have scholar­
ships for students but we only
give verbal accolades to our
teachers. I hope this lets them
know that the appreciation
goes a little deeper than just
Heppner First Christian
Church, the Christian Life
Center and Heppner Church of
the Nazarene will host "The
Jesus Expedition" Vacation Bi­
ble School, June 16-21, from
6:30-8:45 p.m. at the First
Christian Church on Gale
Street in Heppner.
Classes will be held for ages
four to adult. A nursery will be
provided for those who are in
attendance. Children four years
to sixth grade will be involved
in various activities throughout
the evening. "Truth Matters"
«J F
N o w o n S a le
CO 1096
CO 52
CO 4 4 5
€0 2 *3 5
Fils most popular
Fits most popular
Fils most popular
Fits most popular
6 cylinder Fords
6 cylinder GMs
6 cylinder OkJsmobiles
6 cylinder Chryslers
C mm II aa N#
other oils for gasoline
engines in cars and
liq nt trucks
Ü lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllf^
75 W -90 lo r extreme
temperatures and
heavy conditions
5 .7 4 * .
jT T r n g iii
Engine Cleaner
and Degreaser
Great Gift
for a Grad...
Superior form ula
quickly rem oves o il
grease & grim e
w ithout leaving a film y
residue Rmsesoff
tw ice as fast aS
leading com petitors.
Harmless to electrica l
systems (2 0 7 2 7 1 )
Platinum D Oil
synthetic oil
out perform s
Also available
MP Synthetic
Gear Oil
2 ^
F ir e E x t in g u is h e r
C locks
with vehicle brocket U S Coast Guard approved
for boat use (27321X)
B k o u m ot location, n r. ot fa c **« or a fa r facton tom . .tim and * v a t a tW
hsod m this od may not be available of oil participating cooperatives Merchandise
may be ordered but pricing may be somewhat higher on ihese speed orders
Cenex/land O Lakes is not responvble for any typographical or pictorial errors
Morrow County Grain Growers
y m
350 Main
Lexington, Oregon
by Josh McDowell will be
shown for the adults and teens.
This is a video series designed
to strengthen relationships bet­
ween parents and their child­
A puppet presentation by
Boise Children Ranch will be
held on Sunday, June 16, from
6:30-8:45 p.m. in the auditori­
um. Snacks will be served
following the presentation.
Everyone is invited to "come
and join the fun at First Chris­
tian Church," said a spokes­
.Stephanie 'Payne and D uane Dal1 will hew
‘M arried on Ju n e 2 9 , 1 9 9 6 , at 5:30 in the
evening at Peace Lutheran Church, 2 1 0
9th S t , Tendieton , Oregon. Jriends andfam dy
are welcome to attend.
B G 5 6 ------- ..$55.95
m -Q m rn
■ | p I i 'YMI
words," Dennis Swanson said
in announcing the award.
Swanson said Rigby, who
was a teacher at lone in the
1950s, was just such a teacher
who would "go the extra mile"
for students.
Raible, this year's recipient,
has taught at lone the last six
out of seven years. He teaches
language arts and Spanish. He
earned his bachelor's degree at
the University of Santa Clara
and his teaching degree at
Western Oregon State College.
He will be returning to school
for his master's degree.
"It's a lot easier to go the ex­
tra mile in a school like lone
because the environm ent
creates an atmosphere where
you really want to do this,"
Raible said. He also coaches
tennis and works on the Fourth
of July Walk-Run.
"Jim is just an enthusiastic
teacher," Jim Swanson added.
Churches to hold Bible school
Hie Big Gun ¡s o fa * heavy di*y service ballery designed b
meet ihe demand of off tie road aubmolrie use in tucks,
4x4 s efc. The Big Gun w il bite vibration and punishment
$ 1.19 per Quart
- .50 mail in rebate
- $.69 Your final cost
Jim Swanson (L) presents first annual Grant Rigby award to lone
teacher Jim Raible
M em ber
Je w e le r* o f A m erica . Inc