Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner. Oregon Wednesday, May 29, 1996 - FIVE Heppner Junior High presents academ ic awards May Outreach Month for Neighborhood Center The Academic Awards Des­ sert for Heppner Junior High was held recently. Students were recognized and honored for academic excellence in the classroom, as well as for par­ ticipation in special programs and contests. The following students were recognized for their achieve­ ments during the 1995-96 school year: President's Awards for Aca­ demic Excellence-Abby Kahl, Ashley Ropp, Ben Goodyear, Casey Ingraham, Cody Bel­ lamy, Corey Miller, Kim Point­ er, Kristen Marshall, Laurie Michael, Leah Denton, Lindsay Grief, Macy Rhea, Matt Jepsen, Matthew Van Liew, Michael Schonbachler, Mitch Mathews, Stephanie Clough, Trisha Adams. President's Awards for Aca­ demic Improvements-Amy Drake, Amy Papineau, Heidi Turrell, Kimberly Hansen, Tracy Rankin. Honor Roll 4. Recognition- Abby Kahl, Amanda Sneddon, Amber Flaiz, Ashley Ropp, Casey Ingraham, Craig Scott, Heidi Turrell, Laurie Michael, Leah Denton, Lindsay Greif, Marissa McCabe, Matt Jepsen, Matthew Van Liew, Michael Schonbachler, Trisha Adams. Honor Roll Recognition: Allison Sykes, Amy Drake, Amy Papineau, Ben Goodyear, Chris Bowman, Cody Bellamy, Corey Miller, Danielle McDow­ ell, David Piper, Justin Wood, Kim Pointer, Kimberly Hansen, Krista Adams, Kristen Marsh­ all, Lindsey Ward, Macy Rhea, Mitch Mathews, Scott Van Winkle, Seth Givens, Steph­ anie Clough, Tara Ozment. Honorable Mention Recogni- tion-Alea Strouse, Amanda Mc­ Daniel, Amber Lynch, Blake Knowles, Brandon Young, Clint Bellamy, Elizabeth Baker, Jacob Roy, Jared Wilson, Jeff ^Currin, Jeff Sneddon, Levi Geer, Marie Saenz, Miff Devin, Ryan Matteson, Sarah Eckman, Shad Hisler, Stephen Hughes, Tracy Rankin, Melissa Harsh- man, Stanley Cutsforth. American Citizenship Awards-Abby Kahl, Amber Flaiz, Ashley Ropp, Ben Goodyear, Krista Adams, Levi Geer, Lindsey Ward, Macy Rhea, Marissa McCabe, Matt Jepsen, Matthew Van Liew, Scott Van Winkle, Seth Givens, Heidi Turrell. Blazer/Avia Scholastic Im­ provement Awards Recogni­ tion-Amber Lynch, Ashley Ropp, Brandi Brantley, Cody Bellamy, Cory' Breeding, Jacob Roy, Josh Hill, Justin Nelson, Kristen Marshall, Matt Jepsen, Matthew Van Liew, Mitch Mathews, Samantha Wilhelm, Scott Van Winkle, Matt Baker, Leah Denton, Trisha Adams. Knowledge Master-Abby Kahl, Amber Flaiz, Amy Papineau, Ashley Ropp, Ben Goodyear, Craig Scott, Leah Denton, Lindsey Ward, Marissa McCabe, Matt Jepsen, Matthew Van Liew, Scott Van Winkle, Trisha Adams, Casey Ingraham, Kim Pointer. Oregon Writing Festival Recognition-Amber Flaiz, Kim Pointer, Matthew Van Liew, Seth Givens. Discoveries Publications-Hei- di Turrell, Kim Pointer, Amber Flaiz, David Piper, Jared Wil­ son, Seth Givens. Storyline Press Publications- Seth Givens, Heidi Turrell, Jared Wilson, Kim Pointer. Student Council Recognition- president Casey Ingraham; vice president Blake Knowles; secretary Kim Pointer; treasurer Shad Hisler; eighth grade representatives Amy Papineau, Cory Miller, Jacob Roy, Steph­ anie Clough; seventh grade representatives Krista Adams, Ryan Matteson, Sarah Eckman, Scott Van Winkle. University of Oregon Sum­ mer Enrichm ent Program Recognition-Leah Denton. A1 Beck Eighth Grade Social Studies Achievement-Abby Kahl, Ashley Ropp, Casey In­ graham, Justin Nelson, Kim Pointer, Lindsay Greif, Macy Rhea, Matthew Van Liew, Michael Schonbachler, Steph­ anie Clough, Trisha Adams, Ben Goodyear. Greg Grant Seventh Grade Social Studies Achievement- Craig Scott, David Piper, Lind­ sey Ward, Marissa McCabe, Scott Van Winkle. Geography Bee-in-school seventh grade first place Craig Scott, second Justin Wood, third Mandy Sneddon; in­ school eighth grade first place Matt Jepsen, second Ben Goodyear and Jeff Currin, third Abby Kahl and Jeff Sneddon. Global Challenge-seventh grade first place Craig Scott, se­ cond Justin Wood; eighth grade first place Justin Nelson, se­ cond Matt Jepsen. In-school Math Contest- seventh grade first place Amber Flaiz, second David Piper, third Mandy Sneddon, fourth Lind­ sey Ward, fifth Marissa Mc­ Cabe, sixth Krista Adams, seventh Blake Knowles, first alternate Danielle McDowell, second alternate Scott Van Winkle; eighth grade first place Matthew Van Liew, second Casey Ingraham, third Matt Jepsen, fourth Trisha Adams, fifth Leah Denton, sixth Ashley Ropp, first alternate Heidi Tur­ rell, second alternate Stephanie Clough. District Math Contest-seven­ th grade sixth place Amber Flaiz, seventh Mandy Sned­ don, eighth David Piper; eighth grade first Matthew Van Liew, second Trisha Adams, third Matt Jepsen, fourth Leah Den­ ton, eighth Laurie Michael, 10th Casey Ingraham. Nancy Swarat Algebra I-Ash- ley Ropp, Matt Jepsen, Mat­ thew Van Liew. Karen Beck Math-pre-algebra achievement Abby Kahl, Casey Ingraham, Laurie Michael, Leah Denton, Lindsay Greif, Stephanie Clough, Trisha Adams; over-all improvement for eighth grade-Jeff Currin; seventh grade math achieve- ment-Amber Flaiz, Danielle McDowell, Krista Adams, Marissa McCabe. Sally Walker Language Arts Academic Excellence-Amber Flaiz, Craig Scott, Lindsey Ward, Mandy Sneddon. Val Campbell Language Arts Outstanding LA Eight Student- Ashley Ropp, Chris Bowman, Heidi Turrell. Seth Givens, creative writing eighth grade. Dutcher Publications-publi- cations student of the year Trisha Adams, outstanding publications student Ashley Ropp, outstanding seventh grade publications student Mandy Sneddon, outstanding visual arts publications Kim Pointer. Spelling Contest Awards-in- school Division II first Joseph Bourrie, second Leah Denton, third Mitch Mathews; District Division II fourth Leah Denton, fifth Joseph Bourrie. Karen Sm ith-G riffith Awards-positive willingness to succeed Samantha Wilhelm, consistent effort and initiative Sarah Eckman, excellent effort and attitude improvement Jeanette Brantley. Steve Brownfield Academic Achievement in Life Science- Amber Flaiz, Amber Lynch, Craig Scott, Krista Adams, Lindsey Ward, Mandy Sned­ don, Scott Van Winkle, Jeanette Brantley, Luiza Saenz, Marie Saenz, Sam antha Wilhelm, Sarah Eckman. Bob Sagely Science Awards- Miller & Sons Welding, Inc. G Equipment Repair teel Sales eld Repair rill Packer Wheel Recaps 676-9613 1 - 800 - 827-8257 outstanding achievement in science Matthew Van Liew; outstanding effort all year Jeff Currin, Laurie Michael, Leah Denton, Trisha Adams; out­ standing effort this quarter Casey Ingraham, Heidi Turrell, Levi Geer, Lindsay Grief, Michael Schonbachler; outstan­ ding effort in science Cody Bellamy. Vicki Broden Excellence in Spanish-Abby Kahl, Amber Flaiz, Ashley Ropp, Craig Scott, Kim Pointer, Leah Den­ ton, Lindsay Greif, Lindsey Ward, Mandy Sneddon, Mat­ thew Van Liew, Scott Van Winkle, Stephanie Clough, Tara Ozment, Trisha Adams; most improved in Spanish Ben Goodyear, Clint Bellamy, Cody Bellamy, Jeff Sneddon, Stanley Cutsforth. Barney Lindsay Natural Resources-most outstanding natural resource student Scott Van Winkle; citizenship award Camille Sykes, Sarah Eckman; consistent and quality work in natural resources Levi Geer, Corey Miller. Dave Fowler Technology- most improved technology stu­ dent Beth Baker; problem solver of the year Matthew Van Liew; technology student of the year Heidi Turrell. LCDC plans meeting of resource use The Land Conservation and Development Commission (LCDC) held its final public hearing for oral testimony regarding the draft Goal 5 and rule amendments on April 18-19. LCDC expects to adopt the proposed amendments at its June 14 meeting. There will be no more public hearings on this proposal. However, LCDC will consider additional written testimony. Such testimony will be con­ sidered only if received at LCDC, 1175 Court Street, N.E., Salem, OR 97310, by 12 noon, Wednesday, ( May 30, 19%. Written comments received after that time will not be con­ sidered. Comments should ad­ dress only those elements of the proposal that have chang­ ed from the draft rules issued March 1-14, 1996. Goal 5 contains policies and procedures for local land use planning concerning a variety of natural resources: open space; mineral and aggregate resources; energy sources; fish and wildlife areas and habitats; ecologically and scientifically significant natural areas includ­ ing desert areas; outstanding scenic views and sites; water areas, wetlands, watersheds and groundwater resources; wilderness areas; historic areas, sites, structures and objects; cultural areas; potential and ap­ proved Oregon recreation trails; potential and approved federal wild and scenic water­ ways and state scenic water­ ways. lone Garden Club holds meeting * lone Garden Club members met at the home of Phyllis Anderson on May 8 for their regular meeting. Reports on the plant sale and district meeting were given. Following refreshments, the group went to the greenhouse of Corrine Miles to view the new plants. The June meeting is planned as a wildflower tour. May is Mission and Outreach Month for the South Morrow County Neighborhood Center. The Neighborhood Center of South Morrow County, located on Main Street in Heppner, serves the communities of Hardman, lone, Lexington and Heppner. The center exists to serve the needs of the poor and low-income individuals by pro­ viding emergency assistance for food, clothing, medical needs, transportation and shelter. They also work in cooperation with other public and private organizations in response to the deprivation of these targeted persons. This past year and a half, Community Advantage Net­ work for Developing Oppor­ tunities, involving Blue Moun­ tain Community College (BMCC), the State Employ­ ment Department, Job Training Partnership Act, Vocational Rehabilitation and Adult Fami­ ly Services have utilized the facility once a month for the Pendleton Field Day planned June 11 The Columbia Basin Agricul­ ture Research Center will have their Pendleton Field Day, Tuesday, June 11 and the Sher­ man Station Field Day, Wed­ nesday, June 12. The programs will feature tours of experimen­ tal plots and presentations by staff scientists at both locations. The Pendleton Field Day will begin with registration at 8:15 a.m. Welcome and introduc­ tions will begin at 8:55 a.m. Tours of the experimental plots will begin at 9 a.m. and will feature winter barley trials by Pat Hayes, Oregon State Uni­ versity (OSU) plant breeder; resistance to cephalosporium stripe and strawbreaker foot rot by Chris Mundt, OSU plant pathologist; screening common and club wheat for bunt resis­ tance by Mary Verhoeven, OSU instructor; annual spring cropping by Don Wysocki and Sandy Off, OSU extension soil scientist and biological techni­ cian; herbicide evaluation in gafbanzo beans by Darrin Walenta OSU reaearch assis­ tant, and downy brome control in winter wheat by Dan Ball, OSU weed scientist. A lunch hosted by local agri­ business will be served at 12 noon. Afternoon field tours will commence at 1 p.m. and fea­ ture club wheat breeding and statewide variety testing by Mike Moore, OSU research assistant; mow-plow demon­ stration and measuring changes in soil organic matter by Dale Wilkins, John Williams, Clyde Douglas and Steve Albrecht, USDA-ARS agricul­ tural engineer, hydrologist, soil scientist and soil microbiologist; tillage pan formation by John Baham and Said Al-Ismaily, OSU soil scientist and graduate student; the northwest rainfall simulator by John Williams, USDA-ARS hydrologist, and management options for dry­ land foot rot by Richard Smiley and Lisa Patterson, OSU plant pathologist and research assist­ ant. An ice cream social hosted by the Umatilla County Wheat Growers League will begin at 3:30 p.m. Scratch . Pads at Willow Creek Baptist Church 7th Day Advetttfct Church 560 North Minor Colleges list and community donations. -The food drive in the fall of 1995 generated 2,600 pounds to assist the center with emergen­ cy food distribution to the poor and low-income. -Volunteer workers contribu­ ted 2,064.5 hours to the center in 1995. -Clothing donations received by the center in 1995 amounted to $4,202.31. -Thanksgiving 1995, the cen­ ter distributed 57 food boxes to assist 160 poor and low-income individuals to enjoy the holi­ day. -The center entertained San­ ta Claus for Christmas 1995 and assisted 190 people with 68 food and gift boxes. -They employ a center coor­ dinator to distribute food and clothing, expedite assistance for medicine, shelter and transpor­ tation to poor and low-income persons; train and supervise volunteers; and network with other agencies and service pro­ viders in a professional man­ ner. graduates and honors Oregon State University Oregon State University will hold its 127th annual com­ mencement exercises on Sun­ day, June 16, at Gill Coliseum. The ceremony begins at 2 p.m. and will be telecast live over Oregon Public Broadcasting. Nearly 3,000 students are ex­ pected to receive degrees dur­ ing the ceremony, including A.J. Tarnasky of Heppner, BS business administration, and Amy Pointer, lone, BS biology. Oregon Senator Mark Hat­ field will receive the universi­ ty's lone honorary doctorate award; former OSU president John Byrne and U.S. Forest Service chief Jack Ward Thomas will receive Distin­ guished Service Awards. Recreation district plans meeting The Morrow County Unified Recreation District will hold a regular meeting at Riverside High School in Boardman on May 30 at 7 p.,m. Agenda topics include: a resolution to adopt policies and procedures; "The policy of do­ ing business"; Cinco de Mayo cost summary; Barrett Business Service; format for advertising; Morrow County Treasurer's or­ der to invest funds; contract review; Imperial Tombs of China exhibit; the BMCC con­ cert; Carl Oakes performance and instruction; training video; the secretary's job description; treasurer's report and an up­ date on future projects. Southern Oregon State College Teruo "T e r r y " Chinen, Heppner, was recently honor­ ed at the Southern Oregon State College annual Academic Honors and Awards Reception and Banquet. Chinen received a military science 186 Gold Award and also received an Oregon National Guard tuition waiver. University of Idaho University of Idaho officials have announced they expect 1614 students to receive de­ grees at the close of the 1996 spring semester, including Eric Connor, college of engineering, and Nina Tucker, college of agriculture, both of the Hepp­ ner area. Eric Connor graduated from the University of Idaho in Mos­ cow May 18, with a degree in civil engineering. Attending the graduation were his parents, Dean and Shirley Connor and his grand­ mother, Bernice Nash, of Heppner. Also attending were Greg and Jodi Connor of Pen­ dleton; Doug, Penny, Arnica, and Katelyn Tandy of La Grande; Deanna and Whitney Hickey and Mike Stookey of Aloha, and Kyle Stookey of Lewiston, Idaho. Marriage Licenses The Morrow County Clerk's office at the courthouse in Heppner reports issuing the following marriage license dur­ ing the past week: May 20: Joseph Vance Taylor, 27, Boardman; and Cheryl Lynn Hausinger, 25, Boardman. 50 < » Come Share With Us Bible Study for all ages 2 p.m. Worihip Service 3 p.m. benefit of the area. BMCC has held their General Education Development night classes for several years in the building. The center relies totally on contributions and donations of food, clothing and articles to distribute when the occasion occurs. For example, this would encompass a family that has burned out-supplying them with the daily necessities of clothing, food, household goods and shelter. Contributed goods and monetary donations assist in the work of providing to the community an ongoing realiza­ tion. The building is centrally located for access by pedes­ trian, handicapped and motori­ zed traffic. Following are some facts sup­ plied by the center: -The Neighborhood Center receives 38 percent of their operating income from the county budget, the balance is generated through fund raisers For 11 years you’ve counted on us to care. And fo r 11 years, we've counted on you to do the same. A $45 membership supports everyone in need of urgent medical care. And isn't that what caring for each other is all about? Air Life. We Fly at the Speed of Life. 7 m JOIN TODAY 1-800-522-2828