* ' ’ ’ ■ -------------- i---- . . . . . _ FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, May 29, 1996 Heppner High School Academic Awards held The Academic Awards Dessert for Heppner High School was held recently. Students were recognized and honored for academic excel­ lence in the classroom as well as for participation in special programs and contests. The following students were recog­ nized for their achievements during the 1995-% school year: Heppner High School Coun­ cil-student body president Ben Ewing; student body vice presi­ dent Brian Koffler; student body secretary Traci Dicken­ son; student body treasurer Kristina Grant, student body publicity director Brandi Mar­ shall; student body business manager Brent Gunderson. Senior class officers-president Jessica Sumner; vice president Donnie Pointer; secretary/trea- surer Dodie Givens; represen­ tative Dan Burnside. Junior class officers-president Josh Coiner; vice president Jim Schlaich; secretary/treasurer Toni Kemp; representative Eric Schonbachler. Sophomore class officers-president Annie Hisler; vice president Sherry Sieler; secretary/treasurer Jessica Van Winkle; boy repre­ sentative Adam Doherty; girl representative Jessica Van Win­ kle. Freshman class officers- president Tim Dickenson; vice president Derek Gunderson; secretary/treasurer Kathleen Greenup; boy representative Shane Matheny; girl represen­ tative Jill Barber. P resid en t's Awards for Academic Excellence: Ben Ew­ ing; Kristina Grant; Philip Spicerkuhn; Tina Kemp. President's Awards for Aca­ demic Improvement: Stephanie Johnson; Joshua Clark; Donald Pointer; Brian Struckmeier; Jessica Sumner. Honor Roll 4. Recognition: Jill Barber; Tim Dickenson; Ben Hubert; Tina Kemp; Toni Kemp. Honor Roll Recognition: Brooke Boyer, Jerod Clark; Josh Clark; Traci Dickenson; Adam Doherty; Ben Ewing; Kristina Grant; Kathleen Greenup; Mandi G utierrez; Brent Gunderson; Jaclynn Hughes; Christine Kenny; Brian Koffler; Brandi Marshall; Frank Martin; Justin Matteson; Lori Moeller; Donald Pointer; Mindy Qualls; Eric Schonbachler; Robby Schultz; Genny Sneddon; Phillip Spicerkuhn; Brian Struckmeier; Jessica Sumner; Phillip Tellechea; Rebecca Ward; Lindsey Waterland. Honorable Mention Recogni­ tion: Matt Berretta; Mindy Binschus; Matt Browning; Jen­ nifer Burkenbine; Josh Coiner; M elissa C utsforth; Renee Devin; Dodie Givens; Tony Greenup; Sarah Grief; Derek Gunderson; Jayme Hansen; Jonas Healy; Stormy Howard; Stephanie Johnson; Stacy Lauritsen; Shane Matheny; David Michael; Angela Munk- ers; Tiffanie Munkers; Katie Nichols; Josie Proctor; Bobbie Rankin; Linsey Ropp; Jim Schlaich; Cam Sweeney; Jessi­ ca Van Winkle; Julie Watkins; Damien Wilhelm; Travis Wil­ helm; Jeff Wilson; Richard Worden. OASSA Awards: language arts Toni Kemp; home econo­ mics Jerid Ployhar; foreign lan­ guage Ben Hubert; business education Toni Kemp; com­ puter science Robby Schultz; fine arts performing Beth Cookston; industrial arts Jeff Wilson; P.E./health Matt Ber­ retta; science Ben Ewing; social science Brent Gunderson; math Tina Kemp. OSAA/TrailBlazer Scholar Athlete: Tina Kemp; Phillip Spicerkuhn; Ben Ewing. Xerox Award: Tina Kemp. Northeast Oregon Area Health Education Center Cer­ tificates: Jessica Sum ner; Kristina Grant; Beth Cookston; Dodie Givens; Traci Dicken­ son. American C itizenship Awards: Jessica Sumner; Ben Ewing; Tina Kemp; Toni Kemp; Traci Dickenson; Bran­ di Marshall; Tim Dickenson; Adam Doherty; Katie Nichols; Brian Koffler; Brent Gunder­ son; Jennifer Rankin; Lindsey Waterland; Rebecca Ward; Jill Barber; Rick W'orden; Jossie Evans. Navy Recruiter Awards (Math and Science Top Juniors and Seniors)-Traci Dickenson; Ben Ewing; Kristina Grant; Brent Gunderson; Ben Hubert; Tina Kemp; Toni Kemp; Brian Koffler. Blazer-Avia Scholastic Im­ provement Awards Recogni­ tion: Sarah Baker; Matt Brown­ ing; Sarah Cimmiyotti; Jerid Clark; Tim Dickenson; Traci Dickenson; Adam Doherty; Jered Eckman; Kathleen Green­ up; Amanda Gutierrez; Brent Gunderson; Terry Hendricks; Miles Hill; Shawn Hisler; An­ nie Hisler; Stephanie Johnson; Christy Kenny; Katie Kenny; Paul Lauritsen; Stacy Laurit­ sen; Frank Martin; Katie Nichols; Tara Ozment; Jaylene Papineau; Amber Peck; Jim Schlaich; Josh Sharp; Jenny Sneddon; Brooke Sweeney; Cam Sweeney; Jessica Van Winkle; Rebecca Ward; Jeff Watkins; Julie Watkins; Donald White; Jeff Wilson. BMCC Skills Contest Awards: first place plaques- Jayme Hansen keyboarding I; Brent Gunderson accounting I; Jennifer Rankin bridge build­ ing; Donald White 500 metric. Blue ribbons-Toni Kemp and Justin Matteson accounting I; Sarah Baker and Jessica Van Winkle algebra I; Justin Mat­ teson geometry. Red ribbons- Keith Scott and Travis Wilhelm catapult; Travis Wilhelm and Jim Schlaich bridge building; Robby Schultz and Stacy Lauritsen metric 500; Jonas Healy keyboarding; Robby Schultz recreational math; Nicole Van Etta accounting I; Jennifer Rankin child develop­ ment; Josh Roy and Andy Sykes algebra I; Donald White general math. White ribbons: Eric Schonbachler, Brent Gun­ derson and Ben Hubert recrea­ tional math; Stacy Lauritsen catapult; Tina Kemp and Toni Kemp advanced math; Josh Roy bridge building; Mandi Gutierrez and Tina Kemp per­ sonal finance; Ben Hubert, Rick Worden and Eric Schonbachler lone Annual IUCC Auction & Bar-B-Q Saturday, June 1, 1996 Willows Grange Hall-lone, OR . Country Store 10:00 a.m. — Foods , Hand Crafted Items , Books , Toys , Household Items AUCTION — 1 0 :3 0 a.m . ANTIQUES, Tools, Furniture, Lots More!! Dum-12:30 p.m — Pci Bftt-B-Q Beet Adu£M5 6-12 ifii. $2.50 Pte-ftdcaal F*ee Auctioneers—Triad Auctioneers algebra II; Mandi Gutierrez and Jayme Hansen geometry; Linsey Ropp algebra I; Jeff Watkins accounting I; Adam Doherty keyboarding I. Skills contest qualifier in math-Justin Matteson; Jessica Van Winkle; Sarah Baker. Knowledge Master: Traci Dickenson; Josh Clark; Josh Coiner; Ben Ewing; Kristina Grant; Brent Gunderson; Jonas Healy; Ben Hubert; Tina Kemp; Toni Kemp; Brian Kof­ fler; David Michael; Eric Schon­ bachler; Phillip Spicerkuhn. National Council of Teachers of English Achievement Awards in Writing: Toni Kemp. Discoveries Publications: Mandi Gutierrez; Jennifer Rankin; Ben Hubert. Storyline Press Publications: Mandi Gutierrez; Jennifer Rankin; Ben Hubert. The National Library of Poetry: Jennifer Rankin. Drama: actor-josh Coiner; Tim Dickenson; Traci Dicken­ son; Dodie Givens; Jayme Hansen; Ben Hubert; Tina Kemp; Brandi Marshall; David Michael; Lonnie Rill; Josh Roy; Rebecca Ward. Director-Beth Cookston; Kristina Grant; Phillip Spicerkuhn; Stormy Howard; Toni Kemp. Extras- Jossie Evans; Jackie Sherwood; Julie Watkins. Set design-Travis Wilhelm. Stage crew-Miles Hill; Stacy Lauritsen; Genny Sneddon. Technical director and actor-Robby Schultz. Law: Traci Dickenson; Brent Gunderson; Ben Hubert; Eric Schonbachler; Jessica Sumner; Lindsey Waterland. Les Payne Social Studies Awards: global studies I-Josh Coiner; Brent Gunderson; Mandi Gutierrez; Toni Kemp; Phillip Tellechea; Traci Dicken­ son; Brian Koffler; Brandi Mar­ shall. Governm ent/G lobal Studies II-Ben Ewing, Kristina Grant; Tina Kemp. Linda Dutcher Ethnic Studies Award: ethnic studies student of the year-Rebecca Ward. Global Challenge: ninth grade first Tim Dickenson; se­ cond Jamie Perez. Tenth grade first Jonas Healy; second Adam Doherty. Eleventh grade first Phillip Tellechea; second Josh Coiner. Twelfth grade first Phillip Spicerkuhn; second Ben Ewing. Nancy Swarat Math Awards: integrated I-Jill Barber; Tim Dickenson. Integrated II-Lori Moeller; Phillip Tellechea. In­ tegrated III-Traci Dickenson; Robby Schultz. Calculus-Toni Kemp; Brian Koffler; Dan Burnside; Kristina Grant; Tina Kemp; Phillip Spicerkuhn. Sally Walker Language Arts Awards: academic achievement in language arts nine-Jill Barber; Brooke Boyer; Tim Dickenson; Christy Kenny. Academic achievem ent in language arts ten-M elissa Cutsforth; Katie N ichols; Linsey Ropp; Sherry Sieler. Academic excellence in language arts ten-M indy Binschus; Adam Doherty. Most improved in language arts nine-Julie W atkins; Jared Eckman; Casey Evans. Val Campbell Language Arts Awards: top LA twelve stu- dents-Ben Ewing; Dodie Givens; Tina Kemp; Jessica Sumner. Linda Dutcher Language Arts Awards: voice of demo­ cracy-first Ben Hubert; second Tina Kemp; third Josh Coiner. A.P. language arts III student of the year-Toni Kemp. Language arts III student of the year-Sarah Cimmiyotti. Dutcher Publications: begin­ ning publications student of the year-Tim Dickenson; outstan­ ding publications student- Jessica Sumner; advanced publications student of the year-Ben Ewing. Spelling Contest Awards: in­ school division Ill-first Brian Koffler; second Donnie Pointer; third Josh Coiner; alternate Ben Ewing. Morrow County-first Josh Coiner; third Donnie Pointer; fifth Brian Koffler. > Walt Pilgrim Business Awards: typewriting I Brooke Boyer; Tim Dickenson; Jaclynn Hughes. Typewriting/word processing Adam Doherty. Ac­ counting I Josh Clark; Traci Dickenson; Brent Gunderson; Toni Kemp; Brandi Marshall; Lindsey Waterland. Steve Brownfield Science Awards: academic excellence in biology I-Jill Barber; Brooke Boyer; Tim Dickenson. Aca­ demic excellence in biology II- Ben Hubert; Eric Schonbachler. Special recognition for four years of biology-Dan Burnside; Ben Ewing; Donnie Pointer; Phillip Spicerkuhn. Bob Sagely Science Awards: active learners-science Mindy Qualls; Traci Dickenson; Bran­ di Marshall. Physics-Tina Kemp. Earth science-Travis Winters; Jeff Wilson; Christy Kenny; Mindy Binschus. Chemistry-Toni Kemp. Vicki Broden Spanish Awards: most improved in Spanish-Sarah Baker; Matthew Berretta; Mindy Binschus; Renee Devin; Jonas Healy; Christy Kenny; Katie Nichols; Jessica Van Winkle. Excellence in Spanish-Jill Barber; Tim Dickenson; Adam Doherty; Kathleen Greenup; Ben Hubert; Brian Koffler; Ian Sweek; Phillip Tellechea; Brooke Boyer. Japanese Awards: Japanese I- student of the year Jerod Clark. Excellence in Satellite Japanese I-Ben Ewing; Colin Anderson. Dave Fowler Technology: beginning woodworker of the year Danny Coiner; best pro­ jects for beginning wood­ worker Paul Lauritsen; drafter of the year Jeff Wilson; most improved woodworker Angela Munkers; problem solver of the year Stacy Lauritsen. Attracting butterflies to the garden Oregon is blessed with more than 150 species of butterflies. A little more than half these species are found only in east­ ern Oregon and about 30 species are found only in west­ ern Oregon. Home gardeners don't need a large yard to provide the basics for butterfly survival. All they need are nectar plants, lar­ val host plants, resting areas, sun and water, explains Gail Gredler, home horticulturist with the Oregon State Univer­ sity Extension Service. It is possible to grow nectar plants for butterflies in any­ thing from window boxes to wildflower meadows. Nectar- rich wildflowers include aster, bleeding heart, butterfly weed (Asclepias or milkweed), clarkia, columbine, coreopsis, goldenrod, Indian paintbrush, iris, larkspur, lupine, neetle, owl clover, sedum, thistle and yarrow. Non-native flowers include- ing bee balm, dahlias, cosmos, dianthus, day lilies, geraniums, heliotrope, impatiens, laven­ der, marigolds, Shasta daisy, snapdragon, statice, sweet alyssum, sweet pea, sweet william, zinnias and many of the members of the mint fami­ ly are also good nectar sources for butterflies. Flowering trees and shrubs including manzanita, ceano- thus, rhododendron, elder­ berry, wild roses, red flowering current, butterfly bush (Budd- leia), twin berry, Oregon ' honeysuckle, Piper's willow and snowberry also provide nectar for butterflies. Caterpillars, the voracious larvae of butterflies, must also have food. Plants that provide caterpillars food include alfalfa, anise, clover, fennel, holly­ hock, mallow, lupine, milk­ weed, nasturtium, snapdrag­ on, sunflower, violet, cotton­ wood, poplar, willow, oak and horse chestnut. In particular, Western tiger swallowtail cater­ pillars love alder, cherry, elm, maple, poplar and willows. Anise swallowtail larvae love members of the parsley family, such as fennel, dill and cow parsnip. Nettles and hops are favorites of the red admiral. And painted lady caterpillars love borage, burdock and cen­ taurea. For resting and sunning, shrubs provide a safe place out of the wind for butterflies. Rocks placed in the sun or sun­ ny bare patches out of the way of foot traffic are also good resting spots. Butterflies cannot drink from open water. The best way to provide drinking water is to have some wet mud some­ where in the yard where but­ terflies can land safely and sip. Or mist plants early in the mor­ ning and they will sip from the water droplets. Avoid misting plants later in the day to avoid fungus problems. Also avoid the indiscriminate use of pesticides in the yard. Butterflies have become in­ creasingly uncommon in urban and suburban areas because of pesticides and habitat loss. For more information on creating a healthy habitat for butterflies, consult "T h e Audubon Society Handbook for Butterfly Watchers," by- Robert Michael Pyle, published by Charles Scribner & Sons, or "Butterfly G ardening," by Sierra Club Books and the Na­ tional Wildlife Federation. 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