Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 15, 1996, Page NINE, Image 9

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    Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday. May 15, 1996 - NINE
Czech student in lone on exchange program
Petr Hybs
Petr Hybs came to the U.S.
last fall on an exchange pro­
gram with the goal of learning
the English language. With the
exception of som e tricky
American slang, notably one
amusing incident concerning a
part of the anatomy, Petr has
definitely accomplished his
Petr, who tu rn ed 18 in
February, came all the way
P rague, jCzech
Republic, with a population of
one and a half million, to lone,
population of around 200. His
home away from home is the
Janet and Dennis Stefani fami­
ly. "I was expecting a real big
change,” says Petr, ” but I was
still totally unprepared.”
In the Czech Repuplic, Petr
(pronounced Pet-er) lives in an
apartment with his father, a
civil engineer, his mother, a
television producer, and his
sister, Jana, 16.
Petr is a senior both in the
Czech Republic and in the lone
Schools, although he may have
to repeat his senior year when
he returns home. "School is
pretty easy here,” says Petr.
"My biggest problem was the
language." ” 1 couldn't unders­
tand him at all when he first got
here,” says Janet. "N ow he
doesn't have to carry around a
dictionary.” "H e was taught
proper English at hom e," adds
Dennis. "Here there's so much
slang.” Still, Petr managed to
pull mostly Bs in school at lone.'
"I didn't fail my classes,” he
adds. "I only got one C the first
quarter." In the Czech Repub­
lic, students study six to seven
subjects a term, with around 13
subjects through the year. He
takes literature every day, math
four times a week, chemistry
and physics two times a week
and English and German three
times a week. Petr took English
four years in school and the last
year, spent eight hours a week
in English class. Students can
also choose a special subject,
usually a subject in which they
plan to major in collect. All
students have to take all sub­
jects with no electives.
Students in the Czech Re­
public reach a crossroads at the
eighth grade. From there they
have three different options,
depending on exam scores.
Students take grammar school,
in preparation for a university,
secondary vocational training
or secondary apprentice train
ing. "I have to pass an exam to
get into a state school,” says
Petr. "If I don't pass, then I can
try the next year or go to a
private school.” In the Czech
Republic, state schools are free,
even at the university level. In
the communist regime, books,
notebooks, and even paper
were provided. Now students
must buy their own books and
supplies, however books are
"still cheap".
Petr says that things have
changed a great deal since the
fall of communism. "Things
changed for the better for my
family," he says. "I w ouldn't
be here if there was still com­
munism, but for some people
it's harder. It's harder to make
money. Everything costs a lot
and wages are still the same.
People are trying to keep the
good things about communism
and the good things from
In school, Petr enjoys history,
which he considers kind of a
hobby and plans to study math
and physics, preparing for a
m aster's degree and a possible
career in civil engineering or
software engineering.
One thing is universal, both
in lone and Prague. No, not
love--the love of basketball. "I
like to play basketball," says
Petr, who, at 6 '5" got the
"m ost improved honors" at
lone High School. "I like all
kinds of sports." He played
soccer and tennis for fun at
home. He took second place in
tennis for lone at the Sherman
County tournament. Petr says
he likes the sports program in
lone because it is organized
through the schools. In the
Czech Republic, the kids join
clubs to play sports.
Before Petr left for the U.S.
his mother told him not to
watch too much TV. "O f
course we put a TV in his
room ," laughs Dennis. "H e's
not too bad, though. He's pret­
ty good about getting every­
thing done." "I don't have
time to watch TV at hom e,"
says Petr, who spends his time
with his girlfriend and playing
The drinking age is 18 in the
Czech Republic, but, says Petr,
it is not enforced. There, teens
listen to music and dance at
clubs for entertainment.
"This place is kind of quiet,"
says Petr. " It's kind of boring.
The problem here, is that I'm
dependent on someone giving
me a ride. I mostly get rides
from Dennis and Janet. "In
Prague, there are buses, sub­
ways and light rails. But, you
could be bored in a big city, too.
You could be in New Jersey
and still be bored."
Petr says he feels older than
the A m erican te en ag ers.
"Teenagers in the Czech Re­
public seem older. We have to
be very polite in class. Here,
there is a lot of pushing, and
yelling in the hallway. It's more
regimented at home.
American food has been no
problem for the young Czech
H eppner & lo n e
Stop in and enter
oor graduation registry
List items you need for
graduation and enter our
drawing for a $5000 gift
certificate one for Heppner
and one for lone.
"I can eat everything," he says,
adding that Thanksgiving was
his favorite. "H e's pretty big on
spaghetti too," says Dennis.
Petr's favorite dinner at home
is pork, dumplings and cab­
Petr says that summers are
hot back home, "but not as hot
as here. There is more rain
there. Summer is usually pret­
ty nice. Winter is longer and
there is more snow at home "
He enjoys skiing at home and
has been able to ski at Anthony
Lakes and Colorado since his
arrival in the U.S.
Petr has been to New York
and California since arriving in
the U.S. and plans to go to
Seattle to a Mariners and In­
dians game before leaving for
home June 10.
Send o r Receive
L a d ie s ' P la y , M a y 7
Low gross of the field: Jan
Paustian and Pat Edmundson
Flight A: low gross Karen
W ildm an, low net Karen
Thompson, least putts Lois
Flight B: low gross Carol Nor­
ris, low net Susan Atkins, least
putts Mary Beamer.
Flight C: low gross Betty
Christman, low net Dorothy
Hawkins, least putts Lorene
Montgomery and Cam Wish-
Chip in: Mary Beamer and
Karen Wildman.
Short drive #10: Juanita Mar­
tin, Norma French, Cam Wish-
OTPR Court takes first in parade
Morrow County Fair and
Oregon Trail Pro Rodeo 1996
court brought home first place
honors in the queen and court
division of the Arlington Sad­
dle Club parade last Saturday,
May 4.
Queen Brenda Holtz and her
princesses, Stormy Howard,
Beth Hermanns, and Dawn
Boor, wore their official ultra
suede outfits and rode their of­
ficial mounts with serapes and
flowers along the parade . They
were accompained by pennant
bearers, Sybil Krebs, Nonnie
Walters, Katie Bacon, Maci
Childers, and Dawnica Snider.
The pennant bearers looked
sharp for their first parade in
their new Pendleton wool
vests, straw hats, and cream-
colored tuxedo shirts and
pants, said a court spokesper­
son. Outfits were accented with
the court colors-hunter green
and black hat bands, hunter
green neck ties, and black
Following the parade the en­
tire court and chaperone Glen­
da Taylor were guests of the
Arlington Saddle Club at the
queen's luncheon. "The rodeo
crowd was very receptive to the
court's smiles and royal waves
as they ran their horses around
the areana for the grand en­
try,” countinued the spokes­
person. Some of the girls
stayed to run barrels at the
This Friday, May 10, the
queen and her princesses will
meet some potential court fans
w hen they help with the
Lutheran-M ethodist Friday
School in Heppner.
Saturday, May 18, the court
will ride in the parade and
grand entry at Waitsburg, WA.
The John Day High School
Rodeo was held May 3-5 with
many local winners. Here are
the results for the lntermoun-
tain and Columbia Basin High
School Rodeo teams:
Bareback riding: sixth Tyson
Shoemaker, eighth Nate FUbin,
both Columbia Basin team
Calf roping: sixth Justin Mat-
teson, 10th Seth Hopper, both
Intermountain team (IM).
Saddle bronc: second Nate
Philbin, seventh Ty Wilkins,
Steer wrestling: fourth Seth
Hopper, fifth Justin Matteson.
Barrel racing: third Angela
Munkers, CB, sixth Lexi Mat­
teson, IM.
Pole bending: first Lexi Mat­
teson, second Katie McCoin,
Goat tying: first Mandi
Duby, IM, fifth Tiffanie Munk­
ers, CB.
Breakaway roping: eighth
Lexi Matteson, ninth Billy Jo
Swanson, IM.
Boy's cutting: sixth Brian
Knowles, IM.
Girl's cutting: eighth Tiffanie
Munkers, ninth Angela Munk­
Team roping: first Justin Mat­
teson, second Seth Hopper,
eighth Ben Rodriguez.
Scratch Pads
5 0 $ lb .
lone Annual IVCC
A u c tio n & B a r-B -Q
Saturday, June 1, 1996
Willows Grange Hall-lone, OR .
Country Store 10:00 a.m.
Foods, Hand Crafted Items,
Books, Toys, Household Items
AUCTION — 10:30 a.m.
ANTIQUES, Tools, Furniture,
Lots More!!
Diiu<0t-l2:3O p.Ht. — Vil B m -B-Q Be«l
6-12 yw. $2.50
?te-6clc4Mj£ Ftce
Auctioneers—Triad Auctioneers
Heppner residents may dis­
pose of household hazardous
waste at a "Toxic Trash Turn-
In" on Saturday, May 18, from
10 a m.-2 p.m. at the Heppner
city gravel yard, 590 N.W.
Riverside Avenue. The turn-
in will give residents an oppor­
tunity to properly dispose of
items ranging from auto bat­
teries and antifreeze to paints
and pesticides.
All collected materials will be
handled by a state hazardous
waste contractor. Collected
materials will be screened for
usable products, such as latex
paint, and made available to
local residents for reuse. Re­
maining materials will be taken
to a permitted hazardous waste
facility. After final processing,
these materials will be sent to
reuse, recycling, energy re­
covery and incineration facili­
Over 75 percent of the col­
lected materials is burned for
energy recovery or is recycled.
Most of the remaining materials
are either incinerated or land-
filled at the hazardous waste
facility in Arlington.
For additional information on
the turn-in, contact Gary
Marks, 676-9618. The turn-in is
funded by the Department of
Environmental Quality from
landfill disposal fees.
Kinzua Resources, L.L.C.
Pioneer Memorial Clinic
will be closed Monday,
May 27 Memorial Day
Persons interested in...
Taekwon - Do classes
are welcomed to attend an
informational meeting and
demonstration Tuesday May 21
at 7 p.m. At the Morrow County
Fair Grounds in the 4-H Annex.
For more information...call 676-5449
Heppner, Oregon
Has applied for a Title V Operating Permit
The Department of Environmental Quality has conducted a
preliminary review of this application and is providing an
opportunity for public comment. For a copy of the draft permit
and a “Chance to Comment” call Joshua Weber at (503) 229-5380
or call Oregon toll free 1-800-452-4011. For more information
see the legal notice section.______________________________
P o sitio n 1, U m atilla an d M orrow C ounties
US Army Judge Advocate
General's Corps
W I L L O P E N M A Y 18, 1 9 9 6
Do you like to camp out in the
mountains, fish, breathe fresh air
and enjoy a cool, quiet night for
sleeping? If so............................
Morrow County’s Cutsforth and
Anson W right parks will make a
memorable camp-out experience.
The parks offer full hook-ups for
RVs, tents sites, restrooms and
showers, handicapped restrooms,
playground equipm ent and a
stocked fish pond that is han­
dicapped accessible. Both parks
have day use areas for picnics,
recreation, class and family reu­
nions. Volunteer park host are
always on site.
Special Assistant US Attorney
US Army
• LAW CLERK, Oregon State Dept, of Justice
• LAW CLERK, Corey Byler, Rew, et al
Betty Lou Norris
Kent h Shannon Madison
Ron Daniels
Betty Alexander
James & Dolorls Hill
Jacqueline Mack
Mike Gaulke
Bob & Rachelle Walchll
Craig Lockwood
Ken & Sandy Hearn
Phyllis Shovclskl
Kralg Cutsforth
Nathan Crowthor
Carlisle Harrison
Don Allen
Sharon Lewis
Good Shepherd Community
Health Foundation Board
Umatilla County Jail
Fuclllty Committee
Youth Development Committee
Rotary International
Umatilla County Planning
Commission (Chair)
United Way ofUmatilla County
College of Law
• US Army Judge Advocate Basic L
Advanced and 1/2 Command and
General StaffColtegc
Born In Pendleton
Raised In Hermlston
•Oregon State Bar. OSB Military
and Veterans Affairs (Past Chair)
• 6th Judical District Bar Assoc.
(Vice Pres.)
• Federal District Court for Oregon
•Court of Military Appeals
• Army Court of Military Review
Primary Election May 21, 1996
S fc n n
£ te
Toxic trash turn-in planned for May 18
For inform ation Call 541 - 989*9500
217 North Main
Local rodeo team members compete
PaM fo r and Authorized by tho C o rrv r*to o lo Elact D o n ** J. H .l Cfrom l Jurigo
K tla C utaforih, Tr— uror - P O. Po« 7044, Hocmèafon O regon 97B38