r f V'r r r » ‘V FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 17, 1996 Nordic Club concludes season struction effort. Club members decided that they would not actively work on setting up a use agreement with the Forest Service for the Ditch Creek Guard Station because of the availability of the Tullis and Hughes mountain cabins. Mark Tullis was elected chair­ man, Tony Doherty, vice chair­ man, and Rene Devin, secretary-treasurer. The next meeting of the club will be scheduled as needed. The Arbuckle Nordic Club concluded its season with a meeting on March 27. The con­ sensus of the group was that although they had an "ab­ solutely crummy snow year", they still had an enjoyable year. The group agreed to plan next year's outings around an interest survey conducted by Blue Mountain Community College Morrow County coor­ dinator Ann Morter. Steve Brownfield and John Edmund- son agreed to head up the in­ Rodeo Club competes at McMinnville Cutting-fourth Angela Mun­ kers. Bareback riding-third Nate Philbin. Saddlebronc-third Tyson Shoemaker, tie seventh and eighth Ty Wilkins and Nate Philbin. Steerwresting-fourth Justin Matteson. Calf roping-sixth Justin Matteson. Team roping-fourth Lexi Matteson and Brian Knowles, seventh Justin Matteson. The next high school rodeo will be held in M ilton- Freewater April 20-21. For more information on high school rodeo, contact Mary Ann Munkers, 989-8488, or Rita Rattray, Condon. The Heppner-Condon High School Rodeo Club has chang­ ed its name to the "Columbia Basin High School Rodeo C lub." The club has members from Heppner, Condon, lone, The Dalles, Maupin, Fossil and Arlington. "Both the girls' and boys' teams are having a fan­ tastic y e a r ," said a club spokesperson. Following are results of the M cM innville High School Rodeo held on March 6-7: Barrels-first Annie Hisler, sixth Lexi Matteson, ninth Tif- fanie Munkers. Poles-first Annie Hisler. Goat tying-fourth Tiffanie Munkers, eighth Lexi Matte- son. lone Topic Club has new books books include some non-fiction for junior high age children on animals, the English language as a global language and space travel. New fiction books for the same age group on sports are also available. The lone Topic Club has several new books in this spring, including biographies of Albert Schweitzer, Ernest Hemingway, Nelson Mandela and Jane Goodall. Other new HCC to discuss Heppner housing in south Morrow County. Invited discussion leaders in­ clude Greg Smith from the Port of Morrow, Mike Armato from the Bank of Eastern Oregon, Cyde Estes from the Heppner Planning Commission, Gary Marks, Heppner city manager, and Sharon Lewis from Heri­ tage Realty. The public is welcome to at­ tend all meetings of the HCC. The Heppner Coordinating Council (HCC) will meet on Tuesday, April 23, at 7:30 a.m. at the Heppner Ranger District. The main topic of discussion will be housing in Heppner, in­ cluding the HEDC-Port of Mor­ row Lakeview subdivision, the urban growth boundary and zoning, the housing rehabilita­ tion program and the general status of the real estate business Arts and Crafts club to meet Members of the Morrow County Creative Arts and Crafts Club will meet for lunch Wednesday, April 24, at 1 p.m. at the Heppner bowling alley. The meeting will follow at 1:30 p.m. Plans will be made for two upcoming workshops and a bus trip to the High Desert museum in Bend. Guests are welcome to attend the meeting. M arket Report Com plim ent* ol the Morrow County Grain Growers Tuesday, April 16 Soft White April May July August Sept. *5.60 *5.62 *5.46/*5.44 *5.42 *5.43/5.45 Barley April May new crop *160 *160 *145 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Happy 16th Birthday 16 Andy 16 16 16 L o r e , Mom, Dad, 16 Chris, Allison S Camille 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 -y“ e- Oregon colleges list honor rolls September football trip planned Western Oregon State College Western Oregon State Col­ lege has released its winter quarter honor roll. Students must maintain a 3.5-3.99 to qualify. Area students who have qualified include Rick Koffler, Heppner, and Betsy Hernan­ dez and Jana Mounts, both Boardman. Blue Mountain CC Blue Mountain Community College has announced its win­ ter term president's list (3.85 grade point average or higher), dean's list (3.4-3.84 GPA) and honor roll (3.-3.39 GPA). Following are the students who qualify: president's list- Chisana Warren, 4., Pendleton, Loretta Phillips, 4., Boardman, Joseph Lindsay, Lexington, Susan McDonald, 4., Irrigon; dean's list-James Gavin and Erin Fishbum, Heppner, Taryn Dick, H erm iston, Trent Hughes, Lexington, Heidi Orem, lone, Kimberly Burke, Andre Gonzales, Mark Medel, Elizabeth Smith and James Lunders, all Irrigon; honor roll- Nola Binschus, Christopher Cookston, Jeremy Maddem, Brett McDowell, Lori Straley and Nicole Sweeney, all Hepp­ ner, Jami Ashbeck, Hermiston, Ryan Munkers, Sharon Robin­ son and Shane Munkers, all Lexington, Jake Bacon, Brian Holtz, Gregg Holtz and April Taylor, all lone, and Franki Laudahl and Stacy Suchy, both Irrigon. Eastern Oregon State College Eastern Oregon State College has announced its 1995 winter quarter dean's list (grade point average 3.5 or better). Follow­ ing are local students who qualify: Sara Greenup, Heppner; and Pamela Minster and Richard Minster, lone. Oregon State University Names of students who have made the Scholastic Honor Roll during winter term have been announced by Oregon State University. Local students on the honor roll included: straight A- average-Jason Smythe, Board- man, sophomore, science; 3.5 or better-jenny Krien, Hepp­ ner, freshman, health and human performance; Amy Pointer, lone, senior, science and Rikki Culley, Irrigon, freshman, liberal arts. The Heppner Mustangs and Ponies will travel to Yoncalla for a preseason football contest Friday, Sept. 13 and will travel Saturday to Autzen Stadium to watch the University of Oregon (UO) Ducks play the Colorado State University (CSU) Rams in nonconference action. A rooters bus is being sched­ uled to travel to southern Ore­ gon to follow the team. The bus will leave Friday morning, Sept. 13, and travel to Yoncalla to watch the junior high, junior varsity and varsity football teams play Friday afternoon and evening. The rooters will stay in Cot­ tage Grove Friday evening, travel to Eugene to watch the UO-CSU game Saturday after­ Wranglers Club holds first playday The Wranglers Riding Club held their first playday Sunday, April 14. The results are as follows: Stickhorse race-first Taylor Parks, second Mary Rietmann, third Jared Gorham, fourth Justin Pranger. Leadline barrels-first Sierra Burton, second Brent Eckman, third Willy Gentry, fourth Joe Pranger; poIes-Sierra Burton, Brent Eckman, Mary Rietmann, Jared Gorham; figure 8-Sierra age of Christ" will also per­ Burton, Brent Eckman, Jared form. The service will start at Gorham, Willy Gentry. 10 a.m. with the singing group Five and six year olds barrels and will follow with Woodard. and figure 8-first Mindee A potluck dinner will follow the Papineau, second Shilo Burton, services. third W hitney M atthews, The public is invited to fourth Regina Seitz; poles- attend. Mindee Papineau, Regina Seitz, Shilo Burton, Whitney Matthews. Seven through nine year olds The afternoon program will barrels-first Madison Bailey, se­ be a dinner held at the lone cond Jamie Kay Westburg, Legion Hall at 1:30 p.m. The third Jessica Westburg, fourth guest speaker will be the Rev­ Brandon Seitz; poles-Jamie Kay erend Don Sevetson, who is Westburg, Jessica Westburg, the conference minister of Madison Bailey, Brandon Seitz; IUCC. figure 8-Madison Bailey, Krys­ For more information, call tal Temple, Jessica Westburg, 422-7530. Jamie Kay Westburg. 10-11 year olds barrels-first Lacey Matteson, second Ashley Ward, third Brett Barber, fourth refreshments will be served at Lacey Davis; poles-Brett Bar­ the end of the competition. ber, Lacey Matteson, Lacey Diane Kincaid is in charge of Davis, Nicole Wilson; figure local arrangements at the lone School. First Christian to have speaker The Heppner First Christian Church will have a guest speaker, Larry Woodard, direc­ tor of development and public relations at Boise Bible College (BBC), this Sunday, April 21. The BBC singing group, "Im - IU CC to celebrate 100th anniversary The lone United Church of Christ (IUCC) will celebrate its 100th anniversary on Sunday, April 21, with a worship service at 11 a.m. The service will be lead by former IUCC minister, the Reverend Bill Graham. The sermon will be "Doughnuts, Holes, and Destiny." Math contest slated for April 24 The annual Morrow County School District Middle School Math Contest will be held on Wednesday, April 24, at 6:30 p.m., at the lone School. The public is welcome to observe the district contest, and WCCC Golf Ladies' Play, April 9 Flight A; low gross Karen Wildman; low net Jan Paustian; least putts Luvilla Sonstegard. Flight B: low gross Suzanne Jepsen; low net Susan Atkins; least putts Alene Rucker. Flight C; low gross Lorene Montgomery; low net Doll Campbell; least putts Cam Wishart. Long drive: Jan Paustian. Chip in: Jackie Allstott. Stor-4-U M in i S t o r a g e 4 2 6 Linden Way Heppner NOW RENTING 5 6 7 -7 3 1 7 noon, then return to Heppner that evening. Cost for the trip for the bus, lodging at the Best Western Village Green in Cottage Grove and admission to the Yoncalla and Eugene games is as fol­ lows: one person-$125; two people-$185 or $92.50 pre-paid double occupancy (PPDO); three people-$248 or $82.50 PPDO; four people-$314 or $78.50 PPDO. Accomodations are one king size bed or two queen size beds. The trip and the accomoda­ tions must be booked by Wed­ nesday, May 15. Contact George Koffler, 676-5192, after 6 p.m. to con­ firm reservations. Koffler says an easy payment plan is avail­ able. 8-Lacey Matteson, Ashley Ward, Brett Barber, Nicole Wilson. 12-13 year olds barrels-first Krista Adams, second Lindsay Ward, third Tracy Rankin, fourth Amy Papineau; poles- Lindsay Ward, Amy Papineau, Tracy Rankin, Sarah Eckman; figure 8-Krista Adams, Lindsay Ward, Tracy Rankin, Sarah Eckman. 14-15 year olds barrels-first Annie Hisler, second Kathleen Greenup, third Jared Eckman, fourth Bobbie Rankin; poles- Annie Hisler, Lexi Matteson, Kathleen Greenup, Jared Eckman; figure 8-Annie Hisler, Kathleen Greenup, Heather Davis, Bobbie Rankin. 16 and over barrels-first Katie McCoin, second Stormy How­ ard, third Mike Ingraham; poles-Katie McCoin, Stormy Howard, Mike Ingraham, Shawna Wilson; figure 8-Katie McCoin, Stormy Howard, Ken Bailey, Nancy Gorham. The next playday will be held Sunday, April 21. A potluck will begin at 12 p.m., followed by the playday at 1 p.m. New members are wlecome to at­ tend. For more information, call Janet Greenup, president, 676-5822, Terra Adams, vice president, 676-5819, Judy Barber, treasurer, 676-5037, or Judy Eckman, secretary, 989-8498. lone Garden Club plans sale 4-H News Martingale 4-H Horse Club By Erin Crowell, reporter The Martingale 4-H Horse Club hosted their second an­ nual Easter Egg on Horseback Hunt on April 6. Over 20 members and guests gathered at Erin Crowell's house. They took part in several Easter- related games-Easter egg poles, Easter egg barrels, the Easter bonnet race and Easter egg walk-trot-scoot. This was fol­ lowed by a horseback Easter egg hunt. Members taking part were: Erin Crowell, Sybil Krebs, Sarah Barrow, Katie Bacon, Krystal Temple and Nonnee Walters. Guests were Ron, Glaya and Keith Baker; Mim Myron; Susie and Greg Fred- erickson; Karen Temple; Gene and Kristy Crowell; Penny, Kip and Cayle Krebs; Dana and Tonya Heideman; Cameron Krebs, and Peggy, Holly, Haley, Luke and Heidi Taylor. The lone Garden Club met at the home of Helen Martin on April 10 to make plans for the spring plant sale, which will be held Thursday, May 2, at 10 a.m. at Birdine Tullis' home. Election of officers was held, with the following being elected: Delta Huber, presi­ dent; Birdine Tullis, vice-presi­ dent; and Helen Martin, sec­ retary/treasurer. Bedding Plants Flowers Vegetables •gt Herbs Connne’s Greenhouse FuflerCanyon Road 9-6, Mon.-Sat. through May Any other time, or for directions, call: * * 676-5016 & I COAST TO COAST your source for FOR BETTER HANDLING AND TIRE MILEAGE STANDARD ALIGNMENT ★ PASSENGER CARS MOST PICKUPS & VANS 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT H 095 | «PASSENGER CARS THRUST ALIGNMENT ★ PASSENGER CARS ★ MOST PICKUPS & VANS T Ti< -L 34 95 58“ e n u i n e C h e v r o l e t Remember when your word was your Bond. - You sealed a deal with a handshake - That's still the way we do business today. COMFORTABLE • TRU STFU LL • HONEST • CARING SPRING Over ft c a n feeUt M a y should have a 4 arlwtl aiiyn- at. Maat heel eSael art* Every car should at least have a thrust alignment. It relates all 4 wheels to a common center line to insure maximum tire life and a cen­ tered steering wheel Lawn and Garden Center t a n k h »bout It. BRAKES WE DO IT RIGHT, WE DO IT COMPLETE! U S SCHWAB! G The Largest Volume Chevy Truck Dealer in Eastern Oregon SHERRELL CHEVROLET 124 N. Main 676-9481 Hermiston, Oregon 1-800-567-6487 New Car Sales Used Car Center 567-6488 567-3919 r V GoasttoGoast I J Heppner WE CAS H U T UH