9- « . > — '* * • * * ►* V • • ... TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, Apnl 17, 1996 St. Jude Bike-a-thon set for April 28 The annual St. Jude "Wheels for Life" Bike-a-thon is sched­ uled for Sunday, April 28, with registration to begin at noon near the lone Fire Hall. Participants are urged to gather pledges now to raise funds for this worthwhile cause, said event organizers. Riders turning in at least $35 worth of pledges receive a t- shirt. Those turning in $75 or more receive a sports bag and t-shirt. Two courses are available. A one-mile circuit route within the city limits of lone is set for younger participants, while participants feeling up to the prospect of a longer ride are in­ vited to tour the 22 miles bet­ ween Ruggs and lone. Trans­ portation from lone to Ruggs will be available for bikers and riders and will leave lone at ap­ proximately 12:30 p.m. The ride will start at 1 p.m., from both locations. Participants may also register in Ruggs. Other non-motorized forms of transportation are also wel­ come, such as baby strollers and rollerblades. The St. Jude Bike-a-thon raises funds for the St. Jude Children's Hospital in Mem­ phis, Tennessee. This year's ride is dedicated to 10 year old Jason Ferguson, who was diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer in 1994. He underwent surgery and chemotherapy treatments, and is now cancer free. Pledge sheets are available at Morrow County Title and Ab­ stract in Heppner, the lone Market, the Bank of Eastern Oregon in lone, and the lone Post Office. For more informa­ tion, contact ride coordinators, Anne Morter, 422-7429, or Janet Thompson, 422-7549. St- Patrick’s Senior Center _____ Bulletin B oard____ There were 100 people present for the senior dinner April 10 and six meals were home delivered. Members of the First Chris­ tian Church served. The meal ticket was won by Sue Vinson. The Senior Center board met following the meal. Blood pressures were taken before dinner. The menu for the birthday dinner April 24 will be chicken nug­ gets, oven fries, peas, salad, muffins, fruity jello and cookies. Members of the Christian Life Center will serve. The senior bus went to Condon Thursday, April 11, where 11 riders and bus driver, Ed Baker, enjoyed a delicious chicken din­ ner and visiting at the Condon meal site. Marian Brosnan won the free meal ticket there. The return trip was through Olex, lone and Lexington. One table of pinochle was in play Friday afternoon. Five seniors attended the Sunday movie, "The King and I," which was loaned by Darlene Arrington. The bus will leave for Spray Thursday, April 25, at 10 a.m. Those interested should sign up at the Center office in plenty of time so that the Spray nutrition site can be notified as to the number attending from here. Other dates to remember: Tuesday and Thursday exercise, 10 a.m.; Wednesday blood pressure clinic, 11 a.m., senior meal, noon; Friday cards, 2 p.m.; Sunday movie, 7 p.m. BRING THE ENTIRE FAM ILY TO A G R E A T CELEBRATION!!! . V *• - . * - . .*7 v. Ì* • * * ■' '/••• •. ■ V *'rii VQARDMAM C IS C O DE MAYO 96 i t k i * SATURDAY MAY 4th 41:00 a.m .FiedB.O pSn?'*'' ‘ -*.P 12:00 p .m. Beer Cardens Opens 1-3 p.m. Mariachees Play (Sponiored by Morrow County Unified Recreation District) 6-9:30 p.m. Dance to Caricia - 2 Separate Performances of Tradi­ tional Mexican Dances (Maria Conzales-Director) - Traditional Mexican Food and American available- (Food Vendors contact Mr. Ramirez 481-2333 for more information) - Other Crafts Shown - Fun for the kids This ad paid for by the Morrow County Unified R ecreation District We are having an OPEN ‘GREEN HOUSE’ . « * * • .. m - • to celebrate our expanded Garden Center ★ Drawing for three $10 gift certificates L ‘ . • - C’ . ★ 10% OFF ALL ROSES .» • ★ Rock Daphne special priced $9.95 • • V- . * •• % ★ New shipments every week of plants ★ Free pop! Green Feed & Seed HIGHWAY 207 • 676-9422 Heppner April S May Hours Mon. Fri. Sat. Sun. 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 8 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Noon to 3:00 p.m. expires 4-30-96 Vern Cook makes Heppner stop Grange week set for April 21-27 Beryl and Vern Cook Former State Senator Vern Cook has announced that he will file for reelection to the Oregon Senate District 28. District 28 includes parts of Multnomah, Clackamas, Was- Cook visited Heppner on Monday, April 15, on a cam­ paign stop. co and Morrow counties and all of Hood River, Sherman, Gil­ liam, Wheeler, Crook, Grant and Baker counties. The district runs from the eastern boundary of Troutdale to the Idaho state line. Cook is a lawyer, having been admitted to practice in 1952 and between 1957-81 serv­ ed 24 years in the House and Senate of the Oregon Legisla­ ture. He has had considerable experience in both civil and criminal practice, according to a press release. He is a former Gresham City Judge and Trout- dale City attorney. During his legislative service, Cook served as chairman of various committees including revenue and taxation, judi­ ciary, natural resources, local government and military af­ fairs. He began his legislative career as a member of the tax­ ation committee and of the elec­ tions committee, where he led an effort to adopt reforms to Oregon's election laws. Cook says he supports more funding and local. control fox schools and better funding for colleges and universities. He says that many students "can­ not attend because of high tui­ tion." Cook says he supports Oregon's Constitutional guar­ antee of the right to bear arms; supports regulation of conceal­ ed weapons and believes that felons convicted of crimes against persons and property should not be permitted to carry weapons. Cook opposes a general in­ come tax. He supports reforms of the election laws to eliminate the "current practice of buying political office." He says he also supports Oregonians' right to use the Initative and Referen­ dum. He opposes Measure 24 as "it would weaken that r ig h t," and opposes any changes in those rights except that he disapproves of paid petition circulators. Cook says that he believes HMOs and similiar medical organizations "must be regula­ ted to elim inate present C olumbia B asin E lectric C ooperative , I nc , Now accepting SEA LED BIDS on the following SURPLUS EQUIPM ENT Unit #5 - 1990 Ford F 350 4x4, 460 V8 engine, 5 spd. std. transmission, 105,179 miles, fair tires. , » • . « ■ u • ■ * • • f t s'\ « • . ■ • . • § £ ^ 6 7 6 -9 1 8 1 II lien 11 if nil \ M e e t' 142 V M a in