Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 10, 1996, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Sheriff» Report
The Sheriff's office in Hepp­
ner reports dispatching the
following business during the
past week:
April 2: Morrow County
deputy responded to the Irri-
gon area for a juvenile problem;
Morrow County deputy
responded to A.C. Houghton
for a suspicious vehicle;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the Irrigon area
for an alarm at a residence. It
was a false alarm;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Heppner
Fire Dept, to a residence on
May Street for a flue fire. The
fire was put out before the
dept, got there;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a residence in Ir­
rigon for suspicious activity;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the lone area for
a family disturbance;
Morrow County deputy
responded to assist the Oregon
State Police in pursuit of a
suspect heading towards the
Highway 207 area from Echo.
April 3: Morrow County
deputy responded to Potlatch
in Boardman for a report of an
audible alarm sounding. It was
an employee error;
Morrow County deputy ar­
rested Garfield Notestine for a
warrant from The Dalles She­
riff's office for Negotiating a
Bad Check.
April 5: Morrow County
Sheriff's office dispatched the
Heppner ambulance, Fire
^Dept. and the Lexington Res­
cue to a rollover on Highway
207 milepost 4. Two patients
with injuries were transported
to Pioneer Memorial Hospital
in Heppner;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Heppner
ambulance to St. Patrick's
Catholic Church for a male
with an illness. The patient was
transported to Pioneer Memo­
rial Hospital in Heppner;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the lone area for
a report of shots fired in the ci­
ty limits;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Heppner
ambulance to a residence on
Union Street for an adult with
an unknown injury. The pa­
tient was transported to Pio­
neer Memorial Hospital in
April 6: Morrow County
deputy arrested Shayne Hoff­
man, 26, of Irrigon for Driving
Under the Influence of Intoxi­
Morrow County deputy
responded to the Wagon Wheel
Addition in Irrigon for a report
of a starter from a pickup;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the Boardman
area for trespass complaint.
Cited for Criminal Trespass II
were Josh Thompson Bray, 19,
and Travis Ray Savage, 19,
both Boardman. Both were
cited and released to appear in
April 7: Morrow County
deputy responded to Bake's in
Irrigon for a minor motor vehi­
cle accident. Regino Landeros-
Navarro, 31, of Irrigon was ar­
rested for Driving Under the In­
fluence of Intoxicants. He was
cited and released to appear in
Morrow County deputy
responded to the Irrigon area
for a disturbance;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the Irrigon area
for a report of black smoke.
April 8: Morrow County
deputy responded to a traffic
problem in the Boardman area;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a report of a
suspicious vehicle on 4th Street
West in Irrigon;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Boardman
ambulance to Boardman Foods
for a female with an illness. No
transport was made.
April 9: Morrow County
deputy responded to a business
in Irrigon for a report of theft
in progress;
Morrow County deputy ar­
rested Robert Shane Swan, 20,
and Toby Allen Hall, 19, both
of Boardman, for Theft III and
Criminal Trespass II. Swan and
Hall were released on their
own recognizance with a court
appearance date;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the 4th Street
West area in Irrigon for a
suspicious person.
Marriage License«
The Morrow County Clerk's
office at the courthouse in
Heppner reports issuing the
following marriage licenses
during the past week:
April 1: Kenneth Wayne
Thomason, 42, Boardman; and
Sandra Fay McKinney, 29,
April 2: William I. Kelly, 50,
Lassen, California; and
Janet S. Eakin, 50, Umatilla.
April 5: Brian Keith Kollman,
25, Heppner; and
Amy Lyn Greenup, 22,
Bowling League
Thursday Nite Mixers
week of March 21
27 17
Wright’s Century
24 20
lone Repair
I 8 V 2 25V2
Lancer Lanes
18 26
Skaggs Auto Clinic
20V2 23V2
R&W Drive In
24 20
High games: Fran Barnett 193,
Dustin Padberg 165.
High series: Marie Rudisill 540,
Doug Gunderson 469,
Splits converted: Peggy Michael 5-6,
Matt Clark 3-7, Fran Barnett 5-6,
Monique Devin 2-5-7.
Payne — Ball
V Stephanie Sue Payne and Robert Duane Ball, both of Wenat­
chee, Washington, have announced their engagement, and plan
to be married on June 29, 1996 in Pendleton.
Stephanie is the daughter of Les and Kathy Payne of Umatilla
and Phyllis and Jerry Armitage of Yukon, Oklahoma. Duane's
parents are Archie and Diana Ball of Heppner.
The bride-elect graduated from Heppner High School,
Willamette University and Western Oregon State College. She
works for the Wenatchee School District as a teacher and coach.
Ball graduated from Heppner High School and Oregon State
University and is pursuing a business career in Wenatchee.
St. Patrick’s Senior Center
Bulletin Board
One hundred and ten people were present for the senior meal
site dinner April 3. Four meals were home delivered. Iva Booker
won the meal ticket. Members of the Lutheran Church served.
Hearing aid assistance was given and blood pressures were taken
before the meal.
The menu for April 17 will be meatloaf, whipped potatoes with
gravy, com, fruit, rolls and cookies. Members of the Mormon
(LDS) Church will serve.
Four ladies, Velma Wight, Irene Swanson, Doll Campbell and
Jane Rawlins, played pinochle Friday afternoon. There was no
Sunday night movie.
Monday morning, April 8, Corol Mitchell met with volunteers
from the churches to ask help in restructuring the way that vo­
lunteer hours are utilized. She thanked the volunteers and stress­
ed that without the volunteers, the meals would not be possible.
A bus trip to the Condon meal site is planned for Thursday,
April 11. The bus will leave Heppner at 10 a.m. On Thursday,
April 25, the bus will leave for the Spray meal site at 10 a.m.
Dates to remember: Tuesday and Thursday exercise, 10 a.m.;
Wednesday blood pressure clinic, 11 a.m., senior meal, noon;
Friday cards, 2 p.m.; Sunday, the movie will resume at 7 p.m.
B R I N G T H E E N T I R E F A M I L Y T O A G R E A T C E L E B R A T I O N !!!
11:00 a .m . Fiesta Opens
12:00 p.m . Beer Gardens Opens
1-3 p.m . Mariachees Play<sp. mvirrd ht Morrow County l nifirtl n ation District)
6-9:30 p.m. Dance to Caricia - 2 Separate Performances of Tradi­
tional Mexican Dances (Maria Gonzales-Director) • Traditional
Mexican Food and American available- (Food Vendor« mntart Mr. Ram im
m i -2333 for mor» information) ■ Other Grafts Shown - Fun for the kids
This ad paid for bv the Morrow County Unified Recreation District
week of March 28
lone Repair
Wright’s Century
19V2 28 V 2
Lancer Lanes
19 29
Skaggs Auto Clinic
/2 241/2
R&W Drive In
High games: Gayle Eynetich 188,
Jim Eynetich 184.
High series: John Breidenbach
498, Pat Ward 492.
Splits converted: Dianna Hoeft 2-7,
John Breidenbach 3-10.
Koffee Kup Keglers
week of March 28
The Holy Rollers
The BJ’s
27 33
45 15
No Pin Hitters
36 24
The Dregs
32 28
The Alley Cats
36 24
The No Shows
High series: Iris Campbell 525
High game: Iris Campbell 246.
Splits converted: Pat Gutierrez 5-7
week of April 4
Final Standings
The Holy Rollers
62V2 65V2
The BJ’s
61 67
95 33
No Pin Hitters
73 55
The Dregs
57 71
The Alley Cats
53 75
The No Shows
High series: Susan Atkins 504.
High game: Susan Atkins 186.
Splits converted: Susan Atkins
6-7-10, Linda Schultz 5-7.
Heppner Gazette-Times. Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, April 10, 1996 - FIVE
NCRSB to meet
A North Central Regional
Strategies meeting will be held
Thursday, April 18, at 9 a.m.,
at the Gilliam County Fair­
grounds, Condon. All interest­
ed parties are invited to attend.
Justice Court
The Justice Court office at the
courthouse annex building in
Heppner reports handling the
following business during the
past week:
Sheryl Conklin, 22, Heppner-
Fumishing Alcohol to Minors,
$1650 fine, 185 days in jail, $500
fine and 180 days in jail sus­
pended with two years proba­
tion with no further violation
of law.
Ellen Marie Fox, 28, Hepp-
ner-Violation of the Basic Rule,
72 mph in a 55 mph zone, $77
Chamber Chatter
By Claudia Hughes, Chamber Manager
The Chamber will be conduc­
ting a membership drive dur­
ing the month of April. Board
members will be making con­
tacts to invite new businesses
to join Chamber. This is an
agri-business community and
ranchers and farmers, as well
as individuals and organiza­
tions interested in the promo­
tion and well-being of Heppner
are invited to join.
What does an investment in
your Chamber mean for you?
Your Chamber is your ad­
vocate... striving to improve
community understanding of
issues by presenting the busi­
ness perspective on important
topics. All entities are invited to
report at the first monthly
Chamber meeting. Members
get first-hand community re­
Your Chamber is your sales
manager...the Chamber sells
the city, county and local pro­
ducts and services to people
everywhere through network­
ing and referrals.
Your Chamber is your public
relations firm...welcoming vi­
sitors, new people, and events
to Heppner to promote our
quality of living and bring in
Your Chamber is your infor­
mation bureau...with relocation
and visitor packets and a
wealth of information to en­
courage people to spend time
in Heppner.
Your Chamber is your voice
in the community...the Cham­
ber serves as spokesman for the
businesss membership when a
unified stand needs to be
Your Chamber is your re­
search service... maintaining
club, organization, church,
business lists, as well as a
Heppner Fact Sheet and medi­
cal and educational informa­
Your Chamber multiplies
your effectiveness in your com­
munity...providing the struc­
ture, volunteer leadership, and
staff to implement an effective
program to meet business and
community needs.
Your Chamber needs to hear
your voice...the Chamber can
provide seminars and infor­
mative programs to enhance
your business and create new
events and activities with your
Join the Heppner Chamber of
Commerce today..."a non­
profit organization dedicated to
creating a positive environment
where business, community
and people thrive.”
Next week: meet the can­
didates for Morrow/Umatilla
Circuit Judge, noon, Kate's Piz­
za, Tuesday, April 16. The
public is welcome to attend.
Come Share With Us
W illow Creek Baptist Church
Bible Study for all ages 1 p.m.
Worship Service 3 p.m.
Meeting in the
7th Day Adventist Church
560 North Minor
Community Action Program
of East Central Oregon
(CAPECO) is currently plann­
ing the Program Year 19% Job
Training Partnership Act
(JTPA) program. CAPECO ex­
pects to receive approximately
$463,184 in JTPA funds for the
Program Year beginning July 1,
19% and ending June 30, 1997
and expects to serve over 200
participants. CAPECO receiv­
ed over $518,231 in JTPA funds
and served over 235 partici­
pants during the 1995 program.
Programs will focus on voca­
tional training, on-the-job train­
ing, job search training, youth
activities such as job shadow­
ing, mentorship, structured
work experience, and pre­
employment training activities.
Program activities are provided
in different formats utilizing
local agencies, private sector
employers, colleges, school
districts, and in-house training
Written comments are due by
April 15, 19% to the address
below. For more information or
to review the draft plan, please
contact Deborah Parnell, Pro­
gram Manager at (541)276-1926,
CAPECO, 721 SE 3rd, Suite D,
Pendleton, OR 97801.
CAPECO is an equal oppor­
tunity employer/program, and
auxiliary aids and services are
available upon request to in­
dividuals with disabilities.
Published: March 6 and April
10, 1996
USD A Forest Sale
Umatilla National Forest
Heppner Ranger District
Morrow County, Oregon
On April 4, 19%, Heppner Dis­
trict Ranger, Delanne Fergus­
on, made a decision to imple­
ment Alternative 2 of the
Hollywood Salvage Sale EA.
This project will salvage harvest
227 acres and commercial thin/
salvage 64 acres for about 1.3
MMBF of wood products. Of
the 291 acres harvested, 205
acres are located in the Texas
Butte Roadless Area. All har­
vest activity in the roadless area
will take place from existing
Alternative 2 will improve fo­
rest health and vigor, reduce
fuel loadings and the potential
of catastrophic fires, promote
serai species better suited to
these sites, and accelerate
regeneration which will facili­
tate new wildlife habitat.
The associated Decision Notice,
response to public comments,
and analysis file are available
upon request from the Umatilla
National Forest, Heppner Ran­
ger District, P.O. Box 7, Hepp­
ner, OR 97836.
This timber sale has an iden­
tifiable salvage component and
qualifies as a “ salvage timber
sale" as described in the pro­
visions of subsection 2001(e) of
Public Law 104-19. Under this
legislation, the decision to im­
plement this salvage timber
sale is not subject to appeal.
Published: April 10, 19%
Columbia Basin Electic Cooper­
ative, Inc. will accept sealed
bids on the following surplus
Unit #5 - 1990 Ford F350 4X4,
460 V8 engine, 5 spd std trans­
mission, 105,179 miles, fair
Unit #26- 1988 Ford F350 4X4,
460 V8 engine, 5 spd std. trans­
mission, 80,400 miles, fair tires.
Both units are standard cab
with utility beds.
Vehicles are sold as is, no war­
rantee. Each vehicle must be
bid separately.
Vehicles can be seen at CBEC
headquarters in Heppner from
8:00 A M. to 4:30 P.M. week­
days only. Sealed bids to be
opened at 11:00 A.M. on April
22, 19%. Successful bidder
notified immediately. Payment
in full upon delivery, not more
than 48 hours following open­
ing of bids.
Bids must be clearly marked
“ Sealed Bid” .
CBEC reserves the right to re­
ject any or all bids.
Mail or deliver bids to:
Columbia Basin Electric
Coop., Inc.
ATTN: Fred Toombs, Mana­
Box 398
Heppner, OR 97836
Published: April 10 and 17,
Morrow County invites bids
for professional auditing ser­
vices in order to perform a
financial and compliance audit
for Morrow County for the
period from July 1, 1995 to June
30, 1996. Job and contract
specifications may be obtained
at the office of the Morrow
County Finance Director, P.O.
Box 867, Morrow County
Courthouse, 100 Street, Hepp­
ner, Oregon, 97836.
Sealed bids will be received
at the Morrow County Court­
house, Finance Director's Of­
fice (same address as above),
until 5:00 o'clock p.m. Pacific
Daylight Time on May 14, 19%,
and then publicly opened and
read aloud. No bid will be con­
sidered unless it contains a
statement by the bidder that
ORS 279.350 (prevailing wage
law and prevailing wage rates)
will be complied with, if ap­
plicable. Each sealed bid must
be plainly marked on the out­
side of the envelope as "Bid for
Provision of Auditing Ser­
vices” .
Morrow County does not
discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex,
religion, age and handicapped
status in contracting, employ­
ment or the provision of ser­
vices. Morrow County reserves
the right to reject any or all
For further information, con­
tact Lisanne Currin, Morrow
County Finance Director, at
(541) 676-9061 ext. 15.
Published: April 3 and 10, 19%
Pursuant to ORS 477.250,
notice is hereby given that a
public hearing will be held for
the purpose of providing all
owners of lands an opportuni­
ty to be heard on matters per­
taining to the budgeting of
moneys required to defray the
cost of fire protection and sup­
pression within the boundaries
of the Central Oregon Forest
Protection District and for pri­
vately owned lands in Baker,
Crook, Deschutes, Gilliam,
Grant, Harney, Hood River,
Jefferson, Malheur, Morrow,
Umatilla, Union, Wasco and
Wheeler counties within the
boundaries of the Deschutes,
Malheur, Mt. Hood, Ochoco,
Umatilla and Wallowa-Whit-
man National Forests.
Hearing will be held at the
following places:
Central Oregon Division,
Monday, April 22, 19%, 1
P.M., at Prineville Division
Headquarters, Prineville, Ore­
Central Oregon Division,
Monday, April 22, 19%, 1
P.M., at The Dalles Division
Headquarters, The Dalles, Ore­
Central Oregon Division,
Monday, April 22, 19%, 1
P.M., at John Day Division
Headquarters, John Day, Ore­
Copies of the tentative bud­
get may be inspected during
normal working hours at the
Central Oregon Forest Protec­
tion District offices at John Day,
Prineville and The Dalles. Per­
sons with disabilities requiring
special arrangements, PLEASE
contact the Central Oregon
District at least two working
days (48 hours) in advance at
(541) 447-5658.
Published: April 3 and 10, 19%
2 Affid s
We wish to thank everyone
who donated items and par-