• f' 1 • - « -4 * - • * - • ♦ - • ■ w - «!' ■ » - * . Heppner Gazette-Times. Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, March 27, 1 9 % - THREE The Official Newspaper of the City of Meppner and the County of Morrow M ore administrators or more class time Heppner G A Z E T T E -T IM E S U S P S 240-420 Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper Published weekly and entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Hepp- uer. Oregon under the Act ol March 3, 1879. Second class postage paid at llepp- ner, Oregon. Office at 147 West Willow Street Telephone (503) 676-9228. Postmaster send address changes to the lleppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337, lleppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $18 in Morrow , Wheeler, Gilliam and Grant Counties; $25 elsewhere. April Hilton-Svkes........................................................................................ News Editor Stephanie Jensen...................................................Typesetting, Layout, Distribution Moni(|ue D e v in .......................................................... Advertising layout & Graphics Penni K eersem aker.......................................................... .................................... Printer David Sykes, Publisher Youth symphony provides opportunities The Willow Creek Youth Symphony (WCYS), establish­ ed in October 1995, is a com­ munity-based orchestra that originated due to a growing desire of musicians in the area to enhance their musical skills and simultaneously provide additional cultural opportuni­ ties for the community. The WCYS is an organization available to any interested musician, regardless of ability, race or religion, says director Sharia Erich. Membership with the symphony is voluntary and no fee is required. Although the WCYS is comprised pri­ marily of residents from south Morrow County, it is open to interested musicians from other locations. Presently the WCYS is com­ prised of approximately 15 musicians, ages six to adult. Rehearsals occur weekly, cur­ rently on Tuesday afternoon, for one hour. The instruments represented in the group in­ clude the violin, cello, flute, recorder, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, percussion and harp. The group plans on ex­ panding their instrument selec­ tion as interest allows, says Erich. The WCYS's first public per­ formance was given this past winter and since then they have been asked by four dif­ ferent local organizations to provide music for special occasions. Anyone interested in joining the symphony or for more in­ formation on performance op­ portunities, contact Erich, 676-5851. Christian w om en's dessert scheduled An All Faith Women's Even­ ing Dessert will be held on Monday April 8, at 7 p.m. at the St. Patrick's Parish Hall. Colleen Berry, motivational speaker from Pendleton, will be the featured speaker. "This year's dessert will mark the return of the annual evening of sharing, once so popular \vith area women," said a spokesperson. St. Patrick's Altar Society will host the dessert. Those plann­ ing to attend are invited to join in by bringing desserts for the evening of sharing and inspira­ tion. Light desserts will be in­ cluded for those on sugar-free diets. Organizers say they hope that this year's event will be the new beginning of an annual dessert, with a different wo­ men's church group hosting each year. Grant info books now available The Heppner Ranger District has purchased a set of books for researching potential sources for grants. This was made possible through the USDA Forest Service's Rural Com­ munity Assistance program. The books provide information regarding grants awarded in 1994 and 1995, who received the grants and background data on the private and corporate foundations which donate money. To provide local communities Letters to the Editor access to these books, an agree­ ment has been made with the Morrow County Library Dis­ trict to house the texts at the Oregon Trail Library in Hepp­ ner. Books will be available for public use during library hours, but may not be removed from the building. For more information on how to use the texts or regarding grants in general, contact Janel Lacey, Rural Community Assistance contact for the Heppner Ranger District, 676-9187. IM Donald J. Carlson, D.P.M. 111 Medicine and Surgery of the Foot will be at Heppner Clinic on April 10 • to treat all foot problems 676-5504 Pioneer Memorial Clinic 567-8750 COAST TO COAST HARDWARE To the Editor: It has been said that a call to your school board member would not help secure a five- day school week because the 4-3 decision for four days was already made. The decision was based on the stated assertion that pro­ gram cuts would have to be made if the board did not pass this measure. This does not have to be true. The budget committee meets Monday, April 1 at 7:30 p.m. in Lexington. In addition to your current board members, the budget committee has the fol­ lowing members: Jerry Healy, Heppner; Clint Krebs, Cecil; Joe McElligott, lone, John Ed­ wards, Lexington; John Prag, Boardman; Pat McNamee, Ir- rigon and David Hirai, Board- man. All these people are in­ terested in giving our children the best education possible or they would not be serving on the board or the committee. It is important for you to tell them whether our communities would benefit most from more administrators or more teach­ ing time. Only your concern will make a difference. Please call. (s) Meg Murray lone To the Editor: First, we agree completely with Meg Murray's letter to the editor of March 20th. We would like to add that the shame of it is that the better­ ment of the students is being overlooked. Where has the compassion to mold, train and graduate a well-rounded student from our county systems gone? Where, pray tell, does HHS teach art classes, to apply upon gradua­ tion for college entrance qualify as visual and are listed in the schedule as "Woodworking I & II"? We are sorry, someone lost us there. Our recreation and parks money was totally (or nearly, we understand) used for the athletic programs within our district. Now, to further cloud the issue, the county adminis­ tration just happens to come up with $816,200 and their pro­ posal is to raise the adminis­ trative salaries at all levels in our district. This sounds like the old familiar ploy of most bureaucrats to enhance their jobs and increase their own power as well as their own monetary rewards, thus insur­ ing a better retirement (which cannot be very far down the road). Once again, many thanks to you, Morrow County School System, for giving the shaft to our students. Yours, (s) Corabelle L. Norene J.W. Norene Heppner M7 ( I V H H V UH AM VVrt/ Beverly Doherty, secretary, each gave a run-down on what is happening in their post and unit. Members honored for con­ tinuous years of membership were: 25 years-Judy Jepsen Julio, Bob Baker; 30 years- Eunice McElligott, Lucile Riet­ mann, Harold Rietmann; 50 years-Helen Crawford, Eulen- na Vaughn, Bob DeSpain, Charles Doherty, Eldon Pad- berg and Don Peterson. L-R: Lucile Rietmann, Eunice McElligott, Eulenna Vaughn, Helen Crawford. Ed programs need parental support To the Editor: Recently, letters concerning our school programs have ap­ peared, mostly negative. This is an attempt to shed a different light. Since January, I have been responsible for the music pro­ gram at Heppner Elementary School. The fifth and sixth grade band made a goal to march in the St. Patrick's parade. We selected pieces, learned them, memorized them and marched. They did a wonderful job, didn't they? Two letters went home to parents concerning the parade, but I still had two clarinet no- shows with no word from parents that the child wouldn't be there. It almost cost us one song because of the instrumen­ tation as we are only 20 in number. Just prior to my tak­ ing the program, four good band students were allowed to leave the program. My point is that to make any education program succeed, parental support is necessary Teachers need parents to en­ courage their children to strive to be the best and help over­ come the obstacles instead of quit or not show up. Parents and townspeople help make the band a success. Your rounds of,applause dur­ ing the parade were heard by the students and will spur them on to greater work. That's what education needs. (s) Jean Brazell Lexington Best party outside Ireland To the Editor: Once again the town of Heppner did itself proud. The St. Patrick's celebration was the best ever. It is wonderful to see what the citizens of a town can accomplish in this day and age of indifference in other cities. We left on Sunday with a few more pounds, but we can honestly say the food was great. Don't change a thing... keep on doing what the town does best... putting on the best "party" outside of Ireland. (s) George and Nan Dewey Wilson ville Heppner more than a small town To the Editor: Having attended several St. Patrick's celebrations in Hepp­ ner, we found this to be the best ever. Each year, we have seen hundreds of volunteers spend their entire weekend taking part in activities, always with a smile on their face. There's no question it would be difficult to find so much en­ thusiasm in an area with ten times the population. You provide an itinerary re­ plete with good food, enjoyable entertainment, a history lesson and a sold-out cocktail party in a former auto dealership. We enjoy visiting with our friends, the Farley and Huddleston families, and renewing ac­ quaintances with other mem­ bers of the community. It's par­ ticularly enjoyable to see several generations of families socializing together. Heppner is much more than a small town; it's an extended family with a great deal of pride. We look forward to next year. (s) Paula Jones Wilsonville Stor-4-U Mini Storage N O W R E N T IN G 567-7317 at Willow Creek Baptist Church Hrppnrr The lone American Legion Auxiliary Unit #95 held a birth­ day dinner Monday, March 18 at Beecher's Cafe to honor the lone Post #95 for 77 years of service. About 50 people were pre­ sent for the dinner. Following dinner, the traditional cake and ice cream were served. Legion officers Wayne Rietmann, com­ mander, Conrad Tworek, adju­ tant, and Auxiliary officers Helen Crawford, president and Giving shaft to students Come Share With Us GoasttoGoast lone Auxiliary honors Legion Post Bible Study for all ages 2 p.m. Worship Service 3 p.m. Meeting in the 7th Day Adventist Church 560 North Minor L-R: Bob Baker, Bob DeSpain, Charlie Doherty, Eldon Padberg, Don Peterson. Extension slates pattern workshop "Why can't I purchase a pair of pants that fit properly?" If you are one of many women who find ready-to-wear cloth­ ing less than flattering to your figure, you may resolve the situation by making your own pants. "Pants That Fit", a workshop on learning how to alter your own pants pattern, will be taught on Monday, April 1, at the Morrow County Extension Office in Heppner. Cherri Jo Carter, Union County Extension agent, will teach the Palmer/Plesch method of fitting on a pattern ffiat may be used later to con- struct a pair of pants that fit. Participants at the workshop will also learn the professional technique for a fly front zipper and belt loops. Students are requested to bring a portable sewing ma­ chine, clear tape, thread, scissors and a bag lunch. The workshop is limited to the first 15 paid participants and will be cancelled in the event of low enrollment. Registration and payment of $4 must be receiv­ ed by Thursday, March 28. Call the Morrow County Extension office 1-800-342-3664 or 676-9642 to enroll. Gribble appointed d is trib u to r The Cromwell Organization of Delray Beach, Florida has an­ nounced that Lowell L. Gribble of Heppner has been appointed as an independent "top-level" distributor for System "48- PLUS" in Morrow County. Gribble will be personally directing sales oi System "48- PLUS" which is a chemical en­ gine formula that improves gas mileage, increases horsepower, reduces wear on internal com ponents and helps promote longer engine life, said a Crom­ well Organization news re­ lease. March 30: INSTALLATION OF NEW 1996-97 Officers. BBQ pork dining from 6-9 p.m. INSTALLA­ TION AT 4:00 p.m. Come and welcome new Exalted Ruler Jay and his wife Lori and ex­ press your “ Thanks” to outgoing Exalted Ruler Bob and Yvonne Lovgren for a GREAT YEAR. April 4: Ladies nite. New officers show their stuff. April 5: Ducks Unlimited banquet and auction. Many prizes will be given away. Roast beef dinner from 7-8:30 p.m. Free refreshments. April 6: EASTER EGG HUNT 10:00 a.m. Preschoolers at Museum Park; 1st and 2nd graders at Grade School lower field and 3rd-4th graders at Hager Park. Heppner Elks 358 6 7 6 - 9 ! SI Uh, I, 11 it ii