Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, February 14, 1996, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 14, 1996
Hope Lutheran to dedicate pews
Steve, Josh and Tana Hill, Or-
val Matheny, Vicki Rayburn,
Elmer Holtz, Bob Broden, and
Chris, Kathy, A.J. and Natali
The new hymnals at Valby
Lutheran Church, "W ith One
Voice", were dedicated by the
congregation at the 9a.m . wor­
ship service on Sunday, Feb.
11. The funds were raised by
the congregation and matched
at the Heppner Artifactory in
Pastor Hoobing will be pre­
siding at the services of Holy
Communion at 9 a.m. at Valby
and the 11 a.m. at Hope. Pastor
Hoobing will also be bringing
the message for the day,
"Sneak Preview and Main At­
traction", based on scripture
reading of St. Matthew 17:1-9.
Coffee hour will follow each
service and people have oppor­
tunity to visit with other wor­
All services are open to
members, friends and visitors.
Hope Lutheran Church in
Heppner will dedicate their
newly reuphostered pews on
Sunday, Feb. 18 at the 11 a.m,
service of Holy Communion.
A pew committee of Millie
Rauch, Robanai Disque and
Carol Hoobing, under the lead­
ership of Tana Hill, have been
working since the annual
meeting of Jan. 21, 1995, to
reupholster the church pews.
“ After many meetings of
finding out costs, selecting a
company, raising funds, selec­
ting possible colors and vote by
the congregation on the one
color that best suits the sanc­
tuary, a small army of helpers
disassembled and later reas­
sembled the pews. The actual
work was done by A-Ok Up­
holstery of Pendleton. The new
pews were back and ready for
use on "Souper Bowl" Sun­
day, Jan. 28," said the Rever­
end Stan Hoobing. Helpers in­
cluded Irv and Millie Rauch,
Men's community breakfast planned
coffee. Dave Hall, an evangelist
from Salem, will be the speak­
All men are welcome to at­
tend the breakfast. For more in­
formation, call 676-5581 or
A community m en's break­
fast will be held at Christian
Life Center on Sunday, Feb. 18,
at 8 a.m.
The menu will include a
breakfast casserole, juice and
Justice Court
The Justice Court office at the
courthouse annex building in
Heppner reports handling the
following business during the
past week:
Slater Mitchell, 22, Heppner-
Violation of the Basic Rule, 35
mph in a 25 mph zone, $49
Dale Munkers, 39, Heppner-
two counts Permitting Dog to
Run At Large, $115 fine with
one year probation with no fur­
ther violation of law;
Kevin Brewer, 26, Lexington-
Negotiating a Bad Check, $617
fine plus restitution, 180 days
in jail, jail sentence and $250
suspended with one year pro­
bation with no further violation
of law;
David Bills, 47, Irrigon-Crim-
inal Trespass II, $91 fine;
Raymond Corwin, 20, Yam­
hill, Negotiating a Bad Check,
$381 fine plus $24.15 restitu­
tion, 90 days in jail, $150 and
jail sentence suspended with
one year probation with no fur­
ther violation of law.
Booster Club to
hold chili/potato
The Heppner Booster Club
will have a chili/baked potato
dinner, Saturday, Feb. 17, from
3-7 p.m. at the Heppner High
School cafeteria.
The menu includes chili, bak­
ed potato, toppings, home­
made bread, homemade pie,
coffee and punch. The cost of
the complete dinner, which in­
cludes chili/baked potato,
bread, pie and drink is $4; a
potato/topping or chili/topping
dinner is $2; pie and drink on­
ly is $1.50. A family may eat for
Everyone is invited to come
watch the Mustangs and Fillies
play their last home game
against Sherman County and
support the Booster Club.
Market Report
Compliments ol the Morrow County Brsin Growers
Tuesday, Feb. 13
Soft White
GoasttoGoast j
fA .V
new crop-Aug.
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Next stop? For the Shermans, the rest of the world
Editor’s note: the following
article about Jim and Vicki
Sherman appearing in the
W ednesday, Jan. 17 Sun
Bulletin was sent by John Van
Winkle, Beaverton. Jim, a 1968
graduate of Heppner High
School, is the son of Wes and
Helen Sherman, owners of the
Gazette-Times in the 1960s.
By Neil Farrell
Morro Bay-Say "bon voy­
age" to Vicki and Jim Sherman.
The long-time Morro Bay re­
sidents planned to leave this
weekend to sail around the
But this isn't a race. They'll
be setting no records as they
wander the globe for the next
five years seeing as much of the
world as they can from their
42-foot trimaran, the Hana
Call it a retirement vacation.
Jim Sherman retired Dec. 29
from Pacific Gas and Electric
Co. He worked at the Diablo
Canyon nuclear power plant.
Vicki was a long-time boat cap­
tain, who ran whale watching
and sport fishing boats as well
as the old African Queen, for
many years in Morro Bay. She
was born in San Luis Obispo
but has lived in Morro Bay
most of her adult life.
"I can't say we'll never live
in Morro Bay again," said Vicki
Sherman. She's said that be­
fore when moving to Washing­
ton or Alaska. But something
always pulled her back to Mor­
ro Bay. And now there are
grown children and grand­
children to consider. She has
five generations of her family
living in Morro Bay.
"T here's always that little
pull," she said. "Jim 's more of
a vagabond. He was in the
Navy for 10 years."
Vicki said she plans to fly
back to the area for things like
Christmas and birthdays. She
worries like every mother or
grandmother that the next time
she sees her grandchildren they
probably w on't know who she
"After five years," she pre­
dicted, "w e'll be totally dif­
ferent than we are today.
"W e talk to people all the
time in their 70s who wished
they'd done something like
th is," she explained. With
Jim's retirement and 10 years of
scrimping and saving, the
money is there and the time is
"W e've been the 'church
mice' of Diablo Canyon," jok­
ed Vicki. "This has been our
plan for a long tim e."
Poor Jim, he hasn't even got­
ten used to the idea of not hav­
ing to go to work every day.
"I don't think it's hit me
yet," he said, while fidgeting
with the Hana Hou's main sail.
"I just retired Dec. 29 and
haven't made the adjustment
from work to play. But 10 years
planning this is long enough."
Married 11 years, the couple
planned to leave Morro Bay
either Saturday or Sunday for
Ventura where they will paint
the bottom of the Hana Hou.
From there, they sail down
Baja California and the Sea of
Cortez before they explore
C osta Rica. That C entral
American country will be the
starting and ending place for
their circumnavigation of the
They will go from Costa Rica
to the Galapagos Islands, then
cross the Pacific to Easter Is­
land, with its mysterious stat­
ues. Sticking near the equator,
they will cross the Pacific to
French Polynesia and explore
the South Pacific.
"W e plan to spend a year in
Australia," said Vicki. The
journey is full of potential
natural dangers.
"Costa Rica and Australia
have predators that like tour­
ists," joked Jim.
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Professing a love of travel
and the sea, Vicki added, "We
have a desire to meet people in
remote, out-of-the-way places.
Anyone can get on a plane and
fly somewhere. We want to go
to offbeat places." But, she
added, skipping the tourist
traps also means sailing into
unpredictable receptions from
South Pacific islanders.
From there, the next stop is
Madagascar on the eastern
coast of Africa. They plan to
skip all of Southeast Asia and
India and sail non-stop through
the Indian Ocean.
Though that body of water
has a reputation for rough
waters, Vicki is more worried
about pirates.
"In the Indian Ocean," she
explained, "piracy can get real­
ly ugly through there. There's
a lot of official corruption, too.
Piracy is one of the scariest
things (about the journey)."
In that part of the world, hav­
ing a nice boat like the Hana
Hou makes the Shermans look
like billionaires.
“ This boat could bring
enough money to feed an en­
tire village," she said.
They want to sail up the Red
Sea and Suez Canal into the
Mediterranean but that de­
pends on the political situation,
it could be more than two years
before they reach the Middle
In the Mediterranean Sea,
they want to visit Greece and
the European Coast and then
the Canary Islands on the west
coast of North Africa before
crossing the Atlantic for Vene­
From there it'll be up the
coast for another extended stay
in Costa Rica, this time on the
east coast. That would com­
plete the global circumnaviga­
"They say Costa Rica is far
more tropical on the east
coast," said Vicki.
From there they will sail the
Caribbean to South Florida,
where Jim's brother lives, and
then possibly up the East Coast
to Nova Scotia. A second cross­
ing of the Atlantic could take
them to England and Ireland
but they haven't decided on
that part yet.
"N obody's waiting for us
anyplace," said Vicki. "There
are no time schedules. We can
let storms blow out and don't
have to put our boat or our­
selves at risk."
With two captains on the
boat, the chores have to be
divided. Jim, the Navy veteran,
will be the captain and thus the
navigator. The two will trade
off watches and Vicki will deal
with the housekeeping chores.
This w on't be their first ex­
tended time together at sea.
They sailed to Hawaii 11 years
ago for their honeymoon.
Sailing a 27-foot sailboat, the
return trip took 30 days to cross
the Pacific Ocean thanks to
many days of becalmed seas
and no wind.
The Hana Hou is a cutter-
rigged trimaran, with two head
sails and a main sail. She was
built by Ted Brimfield, an En­
glishman who built the three
hulls in Atascadero. The hulls
wre joined in Avila and the
engine installed. The boat was
motored to Morro Bay where
Jim and Vicki fell in love with
it. Brimfield designed her for a
crew of six and sailed the ship
to Cabo San Lucas once, said
Vicki, and didn't like it.
"We loved this boat so much
w e'd drawn up plans to build
one just like it," she added. It
would have taken them six or
seven years to build their own.
Jim and Vicki have refurbished
the Hana Hou with new equip­
m ent, both electronic and
mechanical to make the boat
easier for two people to handle.
The 42-foot boat is 24 feet
across the beam but has just a
35-horsepower auxiliary en­
gine. It weighs 12,000 pounds
and less than 20,000 fully load­
ed. With a strong wind on the
beam, the Hana Hou will do 18
knots, said Vicki. That means
it might have to be slowed to
keep from burying the bow in
a wave and flipping over.
They are carrying a variety of
sea anchors and several types
of bottom anchors, designed to
work on different types of sea
The Hana Hou has a full ar­
ray of safety and navigational
equipment and includes a re-
verse-osmosis water purifica­
tion system and four solar
panels for electricity.
The Shermans have crab and
lobster traps on board, as well
as scuba gear and fishing poles.
They are also taking 100 cas­
sette tapes and about 200 CDs.
And Jim, a musician, is also
taking along his guitar. Vicki
feels the trip will strengthen
their bond.
"Boats brought us together,"
she explained. "A nd a lot of
times it's w hat's kept us to­
gether. You've got to have a
sense of humor and not get too
disappointed when things go
w rong."
In the Service
Navy fireman Erik T. Jorgen­
sen, son of Don E. Jorgensen of
Irrigon, recently reported for
duty with Assault Craft Unit
One, Naval Amphibious Base
Coronado, San Diego.
The 1994 graduate of River­
side High School in Boardman
joined the Navy in July 1994.
Position 1, Umatilla and Morrow Counties
US Army Judge Advocate
General’s Corps
Special Assistant US Attorney
US Army
• LAW CLERK, Oregon State Dept, of Justice
• LAW CLERK, Corey Byler, Rew, et al
Betty Lou Norris
Kent & Shannon Madison
Bon Daniels
Betty Alexander
Jam es & Dolorls Hill
Jacqueline Mack
Mike Gaulke
Bob & Rachelle Walchll
Craig Lockwood
Ken & Sandy Hearn
Phyllis Shovelskl
Kralg Cutsforth
Nathan Crowther
Carlisle Harrison
Don Allen
Good Shepherd Community
Health Foundation Board
Umatilla County Jail
Facility Committee
Youth Development Committee
Rotary International
Umatilla County Planning
Commission (Chair)
United Way of Umatilla County
College of Law
• US Army Judge Advocate Basic It
Advanced and 1/2 Command and
General Staff College
Born In Pendleton
Raised In Hermlston
•Oregon State Bar, OSB Military
and Veterans AfTalrs(Past Chair)
•6th Judical District Bar Assoc.
(Vice Pres.)
• Federal District Court for Oregon
• Court of Military Appeals
• Army Court of Military Review
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Primary Election May 21, 1996