EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, February 7, 1996 Nam* of UnA Progranv Department Accounting Actual Oats Last Year 94-96 Adopted Budget This Year 95-96 81,959 3 238 t Total Personal Services 2 Total Mall net* end Services 3 Regubljcation 105,036 4 050 150 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total D*W Service 5 T o w Transfer* Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 Name of UnA/PrograrVDepertment Haafth 115,835 50 ' “ ' ~ ; ----------------------------- 7 Totei All Othsr Expenditures and Rsqurrsmsnts 8 Total unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance S To W Transfer* : : T * i w — *u---------- 1 — 8 . t lo * i w contingencies 85.195 109.2361 IB S P S 9 Total Requirements.................................................. 119,8851 W Nam* of Uret/ProgranVDepaftmant Nam* of UnuPrqgrem/Deportment t Total Personal Serenes 2 Total M e te r»» and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay Actual Data Laat Year M j Adoptad Budget This veer 95-96 256.152 ............................. Approved Budget I Year 96-97 1565Ö 75150 500 600 335 .................................. 4 Total Debt Service 5 Total Tranatars ....................................................... 6 Total Contingencies ------------— ............................................. 7 Total All Other Expenditures ana Requirements S Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance .I.,,'_____iii i L i i 270,633 9 Total Requirements................................................. 44,360 1 T otal Personal Services 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingenciee Approved Budget Next Year _ a § - 9 7 _ _ _ = m 3,588 W 7 Total All Other Expenditures and Requirements S Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 9 Total Requirements Name of Unit ProgranvDepartment County Clerk t Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Service* 3 Total Capital Outlay 114,762 107.651 110,819 751T5 15.150 17,807 17,000 1,000 .............. 4 Total Dew Service Approved Budget t Year 96-97 Adopted Budget This Year 95-96 Actual Data t Year 94-95 ....................................... ^ Total Contingencies -------- y r ..... 7 ToW All Othsr Expenditure* and Requaements......... 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Baiane* 1,433[ 1,2081 9 Total Requirements............................................... Fund General Nam* of UnH/Program/Depertment Emergency Management 1 ToW Personal Serenes... 2 Tow Material* and Serena* ............................... 3 ToW Cep*al Outlay ......................................... 4 ToW DoW Sorena ............................................ 5 ToW Tranefere ................................................ 6 ToW Conbngencn* ........................................ 7 Total Al Other Expenditure* end Requirements 8 Tow Unappropriated or Ending Fund DeWne........ 9 Total Requirements ...................... Approved Budget -------------- Actual Dab-------------- ------------- Adopted Budget------------- Next Year 96-97 Lett Year 94-95 Th» Year 95-96 8,494 25,751 7,095 3,4d2 ---------------------------------- TU73 --------------------------------------T O T T3 3 T aifessifclSiiyysi * * ; ---------------------------- *------ ------------ • J L......... ? — 51365J ■ ' "" . "- ■ ■■■' " S 0 Ö 2 I .... “* T055] ............................ 5 Total Transfer* ....................................................... 6 Total Contingencies ........................................ 7 Total All Other Expenditure* and Requirements 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 9 Total Requirements ............................................... Name of Unit/Program/Dapartment 1 Total Personal Sarvicas 2 TWal Materials and Services 3 TWal Capital Outlay Adopted Budget Actual Data Veterans Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 Last Year 94-96 T h » Year _95-96 6,138 --------------------------------------53T 6,015 6,028 ---------------------------------------------------TC S 52 1 .0 6 2 Nam* of Uret/Program/Depertmant Approved Budget Actual Data Adopted Budget Surveyor Laat Year 94-95 This Year 95-96 Next Year 96-97 1 Total Personal Serenes ............................ 2 ToW Materials and Serena*................................ ---------------------------------- T O T --------------------------------------S O T ------------------------------S O T 3 Total CapiW Outlay ........................................ 4 Total DoW Sorena .......................................... .‘. '.r i 5 Total Tranefere ............................................... ¡ftSvi S' J , , - >r 6 Total Contingenctt* .................................... 7 Total All Other Expenditures and Requirement* 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance X46Ö1 3.560] 9 Total Requirements 3'280| .................................. 4 Total Dew Serene ..........!.................. 5 TWal Transfers 6 1,433 1,208 Nam * o r ï -------— - ........................................... .................................... Next Year _96r97_______ 3 ToW CapiW Outtey.......................................................... 5 17T 7747 4 O T Approved Budget Adopted Budget t To W Pereonal Sarvicas ........................................ 2 To W Material* and Services............................................ ------------------Adopted f f u d ^ T This Year 96-96 138,6221 143,718 This Year _8&-96 Lest Year »4-96 5 ToW Transfers ................................................................ 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay .............................................. 4 Total Dew Servie* .............................................. Approved Budget Next Year 96-87 86,817 84.088 ------------------------- 78,232 51,605 6.697 --------------------------------------S O T 200 50,200 Adapted Budget Th» Year 95-96> Actual Data L.C.D .C. 4 TWal DeW Serene -------------X c k S T B it T I Year 94-95 4 56 1 T 84.929 Nam* of Urvt/PrograrrVDepartment J R e g u b jic a t^ Publish O N L Y completed portion of this page -------- T fia m A ò f Fund General Name of Unit'Prograrrv'Depertment T rassurer ............ 2 O 297 0891 ,6601 293,660 SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 ToW Personal Serves* ToW Material* and Service*................ ............... 3 ToW CapiW Outlay 4 ToW Debt Serene 5 ToW Tranefere 6 Total Contingencies ...................................... 7 ToW Al Other Expendiur** and Requirement* 6 ToW Unappropriated or Eliding Fund BaWne........ 9 ToW Requirement* 1 280,539 " T T W Actual Data Last Year »4-95 Planning 277,210 :Y ¥ Í S n t . 7 Total A l Other Expenditure* and Requirements 6 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balanrs ■< 9 TWal Requirement*......................................................... v / 5 ,z id is m ? ----------------- ^ U Ö .5 Ö 4 — 2 To W Metadata end Samoa* .......... ............................ ------------------------------------------- TTS7T ------------------------------------------------r a i w 3 Total Capital Outlay.......................................................... 4 Total D*W Servie* ----------------------------------------T O T ..........................................#....... ........ Next Year 96-97 1 To W Personal Services ............. ........................................... 6 T o w Contingencies ...................................................... Adopt*«/ Budge! ------------------- Actual Seta------------------- ...... ................................................. Total Contingence* ............................................. i < , 7 Totxl All Other Expenditure* and Requirement* ' 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 9 Total Requirements V - 7,1101 7,097 6 669 ..................... SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND FORM LB-4 Name of Unit Program Department Adopted Budget Approved Budget Actual Data This Year 95-96 Next Year 96-97 Last Year 94-95 Muaaum 47,074 39,359 1 . ToW Personal Services.................................... 35,489 2 ToW Materials and Serene*............................... --------------------------------------------T T T T 5 ------------------------------------------------- TT5Ö5 -------------------------------------- T T O T 2,384 2,895 2,200 3 ToW C*p«al Outlay........................................... 4 Total DeW Serene............................................. ---- ------------------------------------------------------ 5 Total Tranefere............................................... 6 ToW Ccntmgancwe ......................................... 7 ToW All Other Expenditure* and Requirement* .... '■ r } .1 1 8 ToW Unappropriated or Ending Fund Baleric* 55,759 63,^741 9 Total Requirements ....................................... | 47.9921 JR e g u b lic a tiC M P u W is h W L Y _ c ^ p ^ M _ ^ ^ ^ h «_ ^ e _ NÍItt€ OT Name of Unit'Program/Depertmef? Board of Equalization 1 Total Personal Services 2 Total Materials and Services 3 Total Capital Outlay Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 Adopted Budget ------------------- Actual Báta------------------- True Year 95-96 Last Year e ,7 o o .................................. -------------------------------------------------- 6 5 F -------------------------------------------------- O T 7 ,3 0 5 T ,’4 7 5 7 ,5 0 5 OT O T 1 ,4 7 5 4 Total DeW Service ........................................................... 5 Total Transfers 6 Total Contingencies................................................. 7 Total All Other Expenditure* and Requirements & 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance W ÊÊÊÊÊIÊÊIKIÊ^W ÊÎÊÊÊÊtKÊÊÊKKKÊÊÊÊÊÊm i 9 Total Requirements .Z f \ K'Áí'sS ■ r. -V ' 1 Total Personal Senncea 2 Total Materials and Services 9,1 o0| 3 Total Capital Outlay 84,475 T ......................... ... .................................................... 9I E ü 94,225| 79,428 25,580 r r r 3 Total Capital Outlay ' 5 T o w Transfers ............................................................... 1---------------------------------------- --------------- ' — ■ C w L Y g ;;? , s:;A 106,035] 105 306 95 447 .................................................... 62.368 48,550 25,000 V . 97.078 ...................................................... Actual Data Public W orks-Parks 135,918 Actual Data Last Year _g4£5 Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 T h » Year 95-96 OT 3.327 ------------------------------------------------ T 5 OT 72,905 2 ÏÏO T 92,305 27.8501 7,500 ' ...................................................... 7 Total All Other Expenditures and Requirements 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 22,129 ..................................................... ____ Adopted Budget This Year 95-96 58 242 1 Totei Personal Service* 117,765| Adopted Budget Laat Year 94-95 1 Total Pareonal Service* 2 Total Malensls end Serenas ........................................ -------------------------------------------- T 6 9 Total Requirement* ^ e g u b lic a t io f ^ Total Matenaw and Service* Total Capital Outlay .................. Total Daw Service ..................................... 70,415 40,950 400 " SUMMARY OF ORGANIZATION UNIT/PROGRAM BY FUND Nam* of unit-ProgranV Department 4 Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 .......................................... ..... 5 ToW Tranefere ................................................................ !'■-V P-ojsMJNU^om gjted^oJbonofthisjage^ 3 Adopted Budget T h » Year 95-96 7 Total A l Other Expenditures snd Requirements 8 ToW Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balenc* 6 ToW Contxigencies FORM LB-4 57251 4 Total DeW Serene ........................................................... 6 Total Contingencies 2 „ ... 3 Total Capital Outlay.......................................................... .............................. 9 Total Requirements 51451 59,838 36,841 399 Name of Unit/ProgrenVDepaitment 80,525 25,810 300 r. " ".. H ...................................................... 9 TWal Requirement* Next Year 96-97 75,670 -------------------------------------------- w 7 Total All Other Expenditure* ind Requirements 9,079 Ö50 Approved Budget Adopted Budget T h * Year 95-96 1 Total Personal Services 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance Actual Data Last Year 94-95 5 To W Transfers .................. .......................................... 88,3981 Actual Data Last Year 94-95 4 Total DeW Servie* 52651 3 Total Capital Outlay......................................................... 4 ToW DeW Serene h h h h 81 8391 2 Total Materials and Service* 9,195 650 6 Total Contingencies ...................................................... ............................. Name of Unit/Progrem/Depart ment Nam* of Unit/Program/Depaitirwnt Public Works-General M elnt 1 Total Personal Serene*.................................................. 7 Total All Other Expenditure* and Requirements 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 9 Total Requirements 7,915 354 I 9 Total Requirements 2 Total Materials and Serenas............................................ •V~' 6 Total Contingencies Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 250 — H Budget •Is! S O T 250 ............................................ 4 Total D#W Service Next Year 96-97 T O ~57T7 Adopted T h » Year 95-9Ç 6 Total Contingencies................................................ 7 Total All Other Expenditure* and Requiramants 78,648 75,127 Actual Data 94-95 Approved Budget Adopted Budget This Year 95-95 _ _ Actual Data Last Year 94-95 Year Latí ' ........................................... Name of Unrt Program/Department Tax Collector 5 Total Trassier* 'S. • " Fund .^General Nam# of Urut/Program/Oapartment Pubic Works Admin. 1 Total Personal Service* 2 Total Materials end Services 3 Total Capital Outlay ......................................... 4 Total DeW Serene ............................................................ Approved Budget Next Yearjifcaz---------- 61,670 62,451 ---------------------------------------------- 515T ------------------------------------------------ T T O T --------------------------------------T 4 " O T 50Ö Fund General Nam« of Urwt/ProgrinvDepartment Solid W ats« Transfer Station Actual Data Last Year 94-95 Adopted Budget This Year 95-96 ■ • ----------------- ----------- Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 4,739 5,468 ---------------------------------------- 5 7 3 T ....................................... -----------------------------------------------5 1 2 2 -------------------------------------------------T 2 O T --------------------------------------T T O T 3 To W CapiW Outlay.......................................................... 1 Total Personal Serenes 2 To W Match»* and Serene* 4 ToW DeW Seren» .......................................................... 5 To W Transfer* ................................................................ 6 To W Contm gene lea ..................................................... ' 7 To W AH Other Expenditure* and Raque ament* 8 Total unappropriated or Ending Fund Baiane« 6 7 8 9 Total Contingencies ........................... TaW AH Other Expenditure* and RequxemeW* Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance Total Requiramants ............................ 9 Total Requirements ..................................... .. ‘‘T T T O T Juvenile 130,223 46.240 275 123.995 29.110 119,185 21,114 l To W Personal Sarvicas 2 Total Matena» and Servie** ------------- .... ••" ••••‘ ' • • 7 ^ ^ Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 Adoptad Budget T h » Year 95-96 Actual Data Last Year 94-95 Nam* of Unit Program/Department ...............................*...... " ’" " Ü T $ T 3 Total Capital Outlay 4 Total DeW Seme* .............................. ......... | Nam* of Unit/Program/Dapartmont Transfer to Other Funds 1 To W Personal Serene* 2 To W Materials and Serena* U , m Ì| Actual Data Leal Year 94-95 ..................... H .4 IÏ Adotaed Budget T h » Year 95-96 ............ ■ "n ffS H fi Approved Budget Next Year 96-97 ........................................ 3 Total Caprtal Outlay.......................................................... 4 TWsI DeW Serene .......................................................... 5 Total Tranefere 15,000 .......................................................... 6 Total Contingencies 731.720 ..................................................... 7 ToW AH Other Expenditure* and Requirements 5 Total Transfers 8 ToW Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 15,000 9 To W Requirement*......................................................... 28.660I 731,7201 7 ToW A l Other Expenditures and Requvkment* 8 Total Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balance 9 ToW Requirement* 176,738| 153.105 140,299 ..................................................... Nam* of Unft/ProgranVDapertment ----------------------------------------- 5 4 T o w Daw Service 6 'Total Next Year 96-97 728,803 T73175 --------------------------------------------- 265177 278,522 3,187 • ' Year 95-96 720.043 641,524 3 T otal Capital Outlay 5 ToW Transfère Th » Leal Year 94-96 Sheriff 1 ToW Personal Service* 2 Total Malenett and Servie** Approved Budget Adoptad Budget Actual Data Nam* of Unlt/ProgrenVDepertment • 40,700 48,175 ............... Contingencies . 24.880 22,500 15,000 125,921 149,053 4 ToW DaW Service 5 T o w Transfare ..................................... 6 ToW Contingencies .......................................................... 9 ToW Requirement* 8 ToW Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balança 824.339 39,115 5575T ........... 8 ToW Unappropriated or Ending Fund Balanre .......... 7 ToW AH Other Expenditure* and Requirement* 9 Total Requirement* 40,903 7 ToW AH Other Eimendlture* end Requirement*......... T ................................... NextYeer 96-97 55755 ------------------------------------------------ 55156 -------------------------------------------- ................................................. Approved Budget T h « Year 95-96 35 856 1 To W Pareonal Serenas 2 ToW Materials and Serena* 3 ToW CapiW Outlay Adopted Budget Actual Osta Laat Year 94-95 Computer 1.027.120 1.053,500] ...................................................... 123,8651