Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 03, 1996, Page TWO, Image 2

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    TWO - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 3, 1996
The Ofttcia1 Newspaper of the
City of Heppner and the
County of Morrow
Cloy W. Dykestra
U.S.P.S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly and entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Hepp­
ner. Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Second class postage paid at Hepp­
ner. Oregon Office at 147 West Willow Street. Telephone (503) 676-9228.
Postmaster send address changes to the Heppner Gazette-Times, P.O. Box 337,
Heppner, Oregon 97836. Subscriptions: $18 in Morrow, Wheeler, Gilliam and
Grant Counties; $25 elsewhere.
April Hilton-Sykes........................................................................................News Editor
Stephanie Jensen
..............Typesetting, Layout, Distribution
Monique D e v in ..........................................................Advertising layout & Graphics
Penni K eersem aker...............................................................................................Printer
D avid and April H ilto n -S ykes, P ublishers
Letters to the Editor
Wyden against small business
To the Editor:
Oregon is one of the states
with the largest number of
small businesses and small
farms. Yet senate-candidate
Wyden, who hails from Ore­
gon, has voted 70 percent of the
time against small business on
150 key issues.
And the record is getting
worse. In the most recent ses­
sion ('93-'94) he voted against
us 80 percent of the time.
The upcoming senator-elect
will be the senior senator from
Oregon, ahead of all those
elected in Nov. 1996. As such,
he will get the better commit­
tee assignments. Although
Rep. Wyden is currently a
member of the House Small
Business Committee, he seems
to forget he comes from Ore­
gon when voting on issues vital
to the survival of Oregon's
small farms and businesses.
I do not want to elect a 15-
year professional politician who
has no knowledge of how dif­
ficult it is to meet a payroll or
adhere to a working budget.
Please vote for Gordon Smith.
(s) John Murray
(s) Ann Murray
A W A N A club to resume Jan. 3
missions and others; and a
counsel time where a Bible
message is presented.
AWANA clubs are held
Wednesdays from 6:30-8 p.m.
at Lexington Baptist Church for
kids in kindergarten through
sixth grade.
For more information, con­
tact the Lexington Baptist
Church, 989-8555, or Loren Un-
ruh, 676-9873.
AWANA, a non-denomina-
tional kids' club with partici­
pants from several churches in
Heppner, Lexington and lone,
starts back up Wednesday, Jan.
3, after the holiday break.
Activities will include a game
time where clubbers play team
games; a handbook time with
activities including Bible mem­
orization, patriotism, nature,
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Marriage Licenses
The Morrow County Clerk's
office at the courthouse in
Heppner reports issuing the
following marriage license dur­
ing the past week:
Dec. 26: Jose Antonio
Renteria, 35, Boardman; and
Hilda Liliana Montes, 31,
The Justice Court office at the
courthouse annex building in
Heppner reports handling the
following business during the
past week:
Steve Laurel Wilson, Lexing­
ton-Unlawful Use of White
Light to the Rear, $77 fine.
Cloy Wellington Dykestra,
90, of Newport, died in New­
port on January 1, 19%. Ser­
vices will be held at Bateman
Funeral Home in Newport on
Friday, January 5, 19%, at 10:30
a m. Interment will be in the
l.O.O.F. Cemetery in Lebanon.
Mr. Dykstra was born on
August 11, 1905 to Arthur and
Ida White Dykstra on a home­
stead about 25 miles east of
Heppner. He attended school
in a small country schoolhouse
for eight years then attended
high school in Heppner until
the family moved to Halsey. He
graduated from high school in
Halsey in 1924.
Mr. Dystra worked on the
family farm until 1927 when he
returned to Heppner to help
his grandfather with his farm
and worked on other farms. He
returned to Halsey for a visit
with his parents and sister,
Doris, who was a school
teacher at Crawfordsville. Doris
introduced him to Mary Irene
Nutten who was to become his
wife on January 30, 1932.
The Dykstras lived on the
farm in Halsey until 1934 when
they moved to Crawfordsville.
He drove school bus from
Crawfordsville to Sweet Home.
In 1936, they returned to Hepp­
ner where he farmed, herded
sheep and ran a second-hand
store until the war began.
In 1942, they started defense
work which lead them to the
Portland shipyards. In 1945,
they returned again to Hepp­
ner and purchased a small
farm. After several years, they
sold the farm and bought a
small grocery store in Salem.
They sold it in 1949 when Mr.
Dykstra started a "traveling
grocery" in an old school bus
and traveled the back roads of
the valley selling needed items
to housewives.
In the 1950s, he started a new
career with the Great Lakes
Carbon Corp. dicalite mine
near Redmond. He started as a
lab technician and progressed
to plant accountant. He Was
there a little over 10 years.
When the mine closed, he went
to work as an accountant at the
Round Butte Dam for two
years, then moved to Mina,
Nevada, to be plant accountant
for Great Lakes Carbon Corp.
and General Refractories dica­
lite mine until his retirement in
1968. After retirement, the cou­
ple returned to Redmond until
1989 when they moved to
Newport with their daughter
and her family.
Mr. Dykstra is survived by
his wife, Irene of Newport;
daughters, Mary J. McCauley
of Terrebonne and Virginia
McCammon, Newport; sister,
Doris Kilburn, Salem; seven
grandchildren and numerous
Bateman Funeral Home is in
charge of arrangements.
Clifford Reon Adams
Clifford Reon Adams, 60, of
Spray, died Friday, December
22, 1995, at his home. Grave­
side services were Tuesday,
December 26, 1995, at the
Spray Cemetery.
Mr. Adams was bom January
3,1935, at Tumalo to Oscar and
Ruth Adams.
On August 15, 1954, he and
his wife, Pat, were married at
Goldendale, Washington.
Mr. Adams was employed by
the Oregon Department of
Transportation in highway
Survivors include his wife,
Pat, at the home; sons, Jim of
Spray and Clifford of Heppner;
daughters, Barbara Collin of
lone, and Sherrill Cossitt of
Spray; brothers, O.L., of Hepp­
ner, Frank of Kennewick,
Washington, Bobby of Red­
ding, California, James and
Odell, both of Spray and Lloyd
of Lapine; and nine grandchild­
ren. Two sisters, a brother and
a granddaughter preceded him
in death.
Memorial contributions may
be made to the Spray Ambu­
lance Fund, AirLife, or the
Spray Assembly of God
Church Bell Fund, directly or
through Driskill Memorial
Chapel, 241 South Canyon
Boulevard, John Day, OR
Archie Bechdolt
Graveside services for Archie
Bechdolt were Thursday, De­
cember 28, 1995 at the Hard­
man Cemetery.
Mr. Bechdolt, 94, of Pendle­
ton, died Sunday, December
24, 1995, at Amber Valley Care
He was born January 29,
1901, at Hardman, to William
and Jennie Bechdolt who had
come from Indiana to Hardman
in 1898. His father was work­
ing at the Mallory Lumber Mill
on Middle Fork of Rock Creek
and his mother was employed
there as a cook until he was
They moved to Heppner in
1906 and back to Hardman in
1908. Mr. Bechdolt attended
grade school at Hardman and
Heppner High School. He at­
tended the University of Ore­
gon and Walla Walla College
and during his college days
worked on the state highway
crew out of Boardman.
In 1968, he and his brother,
Adrian, were partners in a
6,000 acre ranch with 1,200
acres of wheat, the balance in
pasture and they had a cow-calf
operation. They retired in 1975
and bought a home in Pendle­
ton. His brother, Adrian, died
in 1990.
Mr. Bechdolt was a member
of Willow l.O.O.F. Lodge in
Heppner and Lexington
Surviving is a niece, Rebec­
ca Jackson of Vancouver,
Washington and a sister-in-
law, Velva Bechdolt of Pendle­
Bums Mortuary of Pendleton
was in charge of arrangements.
lone Cardinals play tough,
but lose to Umatilla Vikings
Poor period leads Viks over lone
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T o ta l P ro d u c t S upport — Y o u D e s e rv e N o th in g Less!
If the Cardinals could throw
out one quarter in their game
with Umatilla last Friday night,
it surely would have been the
The Cards played the Vikings
tough during the rest of the
game but still came up on the
short end of a 66-59 loss.
lone traveled to Umatilla to
take on the 2-A Vikings as the
Cards' final tune-up game
before heading into league ac­
tion against Dufur.
In Friday's action the Cards
stayed with Umatilla in the first
quarter 14-16, but in the second
lone went cold and Umatilla
got hot, outscoring the boys
from lone 22 to 9 to end the half
up by 15.
The third and fourth quarters
were all lone's as the boys
outscored the Vikings 15-14
and 21-14, but it wasn't enough
to overcome the deficit.
Scoring for lone were: Luke
Swanson, 9; Jake McElligott, 2;
Jon Garrett, 10; Joe Bacon, 15;
Marc Orem, 12; Kelly Morgan,
8; and Jacob Taylor, 3.
BMCC offers Quicken for farmers
Alan Nelson, coordinator of
the Farm Business Manage­
ment program (FBMP), is offer­
ing a FBMP tie-in course.
Chamber Chatter
By Claudia Hugh— , Chamber Manager
I'd like to begin 19% saying,
" I will not be late," but I know
better. You see, some of the
reasons for my tardiness are
unavoidable, such as: there
were two deer by my front door
and I didn't want to spook
them; there was a raccoon in
the tree outside my bathroom
window; the cat carried off my
contact case; the feed truck quit
and I had to walk back to the
house; the car keys were miss­
ing; there were cattle in the
road; my vehicle wouldn't
start; the phone kept ringing;
the Christmas tree fell over; a
mouse was running around in
my car...well, at least some of
the reasons were unavoidable.
I'll try to do better!
In the meantime, while I
work on my resolutions, I'd
like to suggest some for you for
January. Join your local Cham­
ber of Commerce. Volunteer to
help create and be a part of a
Heppner Visitor/Ambassador
group. Deliver your organiza­
tion directory sheet to Twice
Upon A Time... Mark your
calendars to attend the tenth
annual Town and Country Day
on Thursday, Jan. 11, at St.
Patrick's Parish Hall (there will
be something for everyone, in­
cluding music during the social
hour). Resolve to give more
time to the true meaning of
Christmas year round.
May friends, family and faith
sustain you as you grow older
and wiser in 1996. And remem­
ber to laugh at yourself!
Happy New Year!
Quicken for Farmers starts with
three classes which introduce
the user to the computer key­
board. Participants will then get
into Quicken to learn how to
apply the program to farm
Nelson describes Quicken as
inexpensive and easy to use.
Users can also upgrade to
Quickbooks after they've
become proficient in Quicken.
Another selling point is Quick­
en has both Apple and Win­
dow compatible versions.
This 12 week course will be­
gin Thursday, Jan. 11, and will
be held on Thursdays from 1-4
p.m. at the Blue Mountain .
Community College (BMCC)
West Campus in Hermiston.
Cost of the course in $200
which includes the cost of the
1996 Farm Business Manage­
ment Program ($100 per year).
There is an additional $40 lab
In the Farm Business Man­
agement Program, participants
will have the opportunity to im­
plement what they learned in
the Quicken class. The program
will increase management skills »
through good farm record *
keeping and the use of other
business tools. Each farm *
serves as a laboratory project
for the farmer/participant.
Features of the program in­
clude: on-the-farm conferences
and consultations, the ability to
tailor the sessions to specific
situations, periodic classroom
instruction and exposure to the
newest financial management
For more information, con­
tact Nelson at 276-1260, ext. 323
or call BMCC West Campus at
St. Patrick’s Senior Center
Bulletin Board
One hundred people"dttended the senior*»meal Dec. 27. Two
meals were home delivered and one was taken out. Members
of the Catholic Church served. Genevieve Palmer won the bingo
ticket, Sue Vinson, the meal ticket, and Elsie Huston, the birth­
day gift certificate.
The menu for Jan. 10 will be chicken pie with biscuit topping,
tossed salad, fresh fruit and cake. Members of the Baptist Church
will serve. A Senior Center board meeting will be held after the
One table of cards was in play Friday, Dec. 29. A group of
tenants undecorated the Christmas tree in the sitting room the
same afternoon.
Dates to remember: Tuesday and Thursday exercise, 10 a.m.;
Wednesday blood pressure clinic, 11 a.m., senior meal, noon,
quilting, 1 p.m.; Friday cards, 2 p.m.; Sunday movie, 6 p.m.
Come Share With Us
Willow Creek Baptist Church
Bible Study for all ages 2 p.m.
Worship Service 3 p.m.
Meeting in the
7th Day Adventist Church
560 North Minor
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The Bank of Eastern Ore­
gon's 50th anniversary open
houses, held in Heppner and
lone the week before Christ­
mas, were well attended, with
over 100 guests attending at
each branch. 1995 marked 50
years of service for the bank in
Morrow and Gilliam counties.
Drawings for $5 gold coins
were held with the following
winners: Rose Bergstrom, Bill
Kuhn, Darrel Vinson, Wayne
Rollis, Mike Bunch and Barb
Orwick at the Heppner branch;
and Brandi Ball, Katherine
Lindstrom and Lola Pettyjohn
at lone.
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