Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, December 13, 1995 - SEVEN Girls JV Cards defeat Umatilla B y K a r a M ille r The Umatilla Vikings came to lone Saturday, Dec. 9, and put a lot of pressure on lone's young team. The Cardinals met the challenge head-on and played good basketball, defeat­ ing the Vikings, 41-18. Hearing canceled The Willow Creek Park District hearing, scheduled for Wed., Dec. 13, has been cancel­ ed, the Morrow County Clerk has announced. Friday School kids to present program The "Friday School" kids, Mrs. Henry; Stephanie Trach- under the direction of Dr. sel-Marri; Kiel Johnson-Melvin; Jeanne Berretta and pastors A1 Luke Murray-Calvin, soldier; Trachsel and Stan Hoobing, Chelsea Anderson-Alice; Jean­ will present a Christmas nette Trachsel-Helen; Blake musical drama entitled, "The Allstott-Lisa; Sheena Shank- Missing Magi". The program choir director; Jerry Shank- will be presented Friday, Dec. Zach; Kylee Disque-girl; Mikel 15, at 7 p.m., at Heppner Britt, Gene Ball, Jeannette United Methodist Church and Trachsel and Kylee Disque- again on Sunday, Dec. 17, at kings; Eva Chitty-Julie; Tram- Hope Lutheran Church in pas Jefferys-voice. Heppner. A potluck supper The manger scene cast in­ will be held after the perfor­ clude: Kylie Doherty-Mary; mance at Hope Lutheran. Aaron Allstott-Joseph; Bradon Friday School cast members Britt, Caleb Mabon, Quinn include; Vincent Berretta as Peck and Nick Berretta-shep- Tommy; Mikel Britt, Christoph­ herds; Brittany Boothe, Kendra er Rayburn and Gene Ball- Rayburn, Sean Murray, Bran­ friends; Ariel Johnson, Kelly don Johnston, Casey Maben Straley and Stephanie Shank- and A.J. Rauch-angels. Tori Odinet had 11 points to lead the Cardinals scoring. An­ gie Ball, Niki Sullivan and Kara Miller led the rebounding. Coach Kelley Swarat said he was very pleased with the girls' improvement. "In the second half, desire and hustle, defen­ sive and offensive desire, made the d iffe ren ce," he said. "Things started working well for the defense and that trans­ ferred through to the offense. The execution of our man-to­ man defense has really improv­ ed ." Christmas Trees A ll Sizes an d K ind s Lady Cardinals win over Vikings LP Nursery E. Wilson Road Boardman, O R ( 541 ) 481-3566 i î B 0 è H »F ij B enefit P or th e | U lone Library | (Sponsored by Topic Club) E M H § Friday, December 22nd jg Beginning 5 p.m. at Beechers fa a portion of Beverage Receipts fjjj H for the evening will Benefit B pf The Library o B v*?« » T i » T » T i »T» »*?« » T o T m T o T o T h T « »7!« »T« »T t i|£>ilft)ilft)ifft)ilK)ilE)ilft)ilK>i(ll)i0)i0)(0)i|£)i|$)i|$)(|$)(0)i$)i0) ! Kids - D on't m m f | Lunch with Santa # Sunday December 17th 12 - 2 p.m. ^ Heppner Elks Lodge I I # Santa Arrives 12:15 p.m. m # $2 50 includes lunch and photo with Santa ^ £ Shop Downtown 12-4 p.m. ^ ^ Sponsored By Heppner Chamber of Commerce ^ Stephanie-H aguew ood looks for a shot. By Kara Miller The fans were on the edge of their seats in a exciting mat­ Miller, Boor, N. Sullivan. Totals 20 7-8 51. chup between the Umatilla Vik­ Three-point goals: Anderson 2, ings and the lone Cardinals McElligott 2. Total fouls: lone 5, Umatilla Varsity, Saturday, Dec. 9 at 15. lone. The Cards emerged the victors, 51-49. Chamber Chatter Neither team took very many By Claudia Hughes. Chamber Manager shots, but their accuracy was "And suddenly the star ap­ on. Both teams were quick and peared!" New additions con­ defensively well-matched. tinue to appear on the com­ Melissa McElligott had a munity Christmas tree, but for season-high of 25 points, while some, the appearance of a shin­ Laree Anderson donated 14. ing star on the very top caused Suzy Heideman led lone with them to wonder if they were 12 rebounds and Jenny Sulli­ just imagining things, or had it van added six. been there all along? After con­ The Cardinals will travel to sultation with people with Maupin for the Wasco County clearer heads than mine, it truly Tournament this coming week­ had just appeared. Further in­ end. Games begin at 3 p.m. Fri­ vestigation by Santa's elves in­ day, Dec. 15 and 1 p.m. Satur­ dicated that Tom Rawlins day, Dec. 16. might have a clue. It's a truly Anderson 8 0-0 14, Haguewood 2 0-0 4, Heideman 3 0-0 6, Holtz 1 0-0 2, McElligott 18 7-7 25. J. Sullivan 0 0-1 0. P U B L I C N O T IC E L a rry a n d M a x in e a re QUITTING K R e tirin g a fte r 2 0 y e a rs . SAVE PRICES UP TO SLASHED! 60 % Sale * Continuing W&stland Discount FwrnBttta Contract or C a s h S tyle C raft Catnapper A sh ley A sso cia te d F u rn itu re Regal Rest W ebb Hours: A ll S a l e s F in a l M o n d a y - F r id a y 8 :3 0 am - 6 :0 0 p m No Exchanges A l l S a l e s F O B. Store. S m a l l D e liv e r y Charge W e s t la n d R o a d 1-82 Exit 10,1-84 Exit 180, H e r m is t o n 567-1939 splendid tree and was a joy to behold as people ventured over slick roads to the community concert on Sunday. Chamber is rapidly sliding right through December. Mark your calendars: Monday, Dec. 18, Lunch With Santa, from noon to 2 p.m., and an oppor­ tunity to finish shopping while children watch a Christmas video. Contact John Murray for further information. Business and community lighting will also be judged that day, so be sure to have all the lights on. Tuesday, Dec. 19, final Chamber luncheon of 1995 to include election of officers, music and shared "Chamber Soup For The Spirit". All will be welcome to share a story, poem, joke, etc., in keeping with the spirit of Christmas. Tuesday, Jan. 2, Chamber business meeting; Wednesday, Jan. 3, board meeting; Thurs­ day, Jan. 11, annual Town & Country luncheon, at St. Patrick's Parish Hall. Thought for the week: "Yes­ terday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is a gift, that's why it's called the present." Basset R u le s o f Sale: N o R e fu n d s B y K a r a M ille r The lone Cardinals girls' JV team met the Rockets for their second matchup this preseason on Friday, Dec. 8, and beat the Rockets, 43-17. The Cardinals played great defense, holding Pilot Rock to 17 game points. All of the Car­ dinals contributed to the scor­ ing and rebounds. PUBLIC NOTICK The Morrow County Court will be considering four-year appointments to serve on the Morrow County Planning Commission for the following geographical areas: 1. One appointment from the City of Heppner or surroun­ ding area 2. One appointment from the lone area 3. One appointment from the Lexington area A letter of interest should be submitted to the Morrow County Court, P.O. Box 788, Heppner, Oregon 97836 by December 29, 1995. Published: December 6 and 13, 1995______________________ PUBLIC NOTICE V * * lone JV girls beat Rockets Saturday 1 0 :0 0 a m - 6 : 0 0 p m S u n ri.iy 12 N o o n - 4 : 0 0 p m Heppner’s L it t l e O r G ir l! Lindy “Leonnig” Gravelle former Heppnerite and Nashville songwriter and recording artist N ew R e le a se “L it t le 01’ G ir l " w ith 12 o rig in a l son g s. CD's *17 OO (include« PAH) C assette« *11.00 (includes PAH) Check or money order Please specify autograph To order or for more info call or write: l indy Gravelle. PO. So* 120363. Nashville. TN 37212 - (615)790-8753 The Morrow County Court is accepting applications for one person from the Heppner area to fill the unexpired four-year term of Kent Goodyear to serve on the Morrow County Plann­ ing Commission. A letter of in­ terest should be submitted to the Morrow County Court, P.O. Box 788, Heppner, Ore­ gon 97836 by December 29, 1995. Published: December 6 and 13, 1995______________________ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE Case No. 95-CV-059 Foreclosure Execution on Personal and Real Property On the 9th day of January, 19%, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock a.m. in accordance with ORS 187.110, at 365 Third Street, in Irrigon, Oregon, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described personal property and real property, subject to redemption, located in Morrow County, Oregon to-wit: PERSONAL PROPERTY: A 197314' x 66' mobile home, manufacturer Tamarack, Model number 956D, Serial Number s6587 and situated on the fol­ lowing described real property. REAL PROPERTY: Lots 7 and 8, Block 32, City of Irrigon, Morrow County, Oregon. The sale is made under a Writ of Execution on foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow to me directed in the case of Wash­ ington Mutual Savings Bank, a Federal Savings Bank, Plaintiff, v. Marvin R. Guenther and Linda Guenther, Defendants, case number 95CV059. Writ of Execution dated Nov. 29, 1995. ROY L. DRAGO, Sheriff Morrow County, Oregon By: Pauline Winter Chief Civil Deputy Published: December 6, 13, 20 and 27, 1995__________ _ ‘ PUBLIC NOTICE The following roads will be closed from December 1, 1995 through April 15, 1995 because of usually adverse road conditions: Road 697, known as Road Canyon Road Road 703, known as Board Creek Road Road 674, known as Toll Rock road Road 852, known as Gurdane Road Road 602, known as Kenny Road Road 608, known as Rhea Creek Road, from Wilson Creek South Road 705, known as Spring Hollow Road 635, known as Dead- man Hill Road Road 789, Caldwell Grade Morrow County Public Works Lexington, Oregon Published: December 6 and 13, 1995 PUBLIC NOTICE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON MORROW COUNTY Case No. 95 PR 29 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate of ROLLO WATE CRAWFORD, , Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed personal represen- 11 tative. All persons having claims against the estate are re­ quired to present them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal repre­ sentative at do Kurt C. Bendix- sen, 245D East Main Street, Hermiston, OR 97838, within four months after the date of first publication of this notice, , or the claims may be barred. * All persons whose rights may be affected by the proceedings may obtain additional informa­ tion from the records of the court, the personal represen­ tative, or the attorney for the personal representative. DATED and first published December 13, 1995. (s) Milton Morgan Personal Representative Published: December 13, 20 and 27, 1995_______________ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Regional Strategy Board, representing the counties of Gilliam, Grant, Morrow, Sher­ man, Wasco, and Wheeler will hold PUBLIC HEARINGS on the following dates and times, at the following locations. Pur­ pose of the hearings is to solicit public input on the 1995-97 Rural Action Plan for the North Central Oregon Region, which has been developed as part of the Oregon Economic Develop­ ment Department's Rural In­ vestment Fund Program. The proposed plan will be available for viewing from December 1 to December 20,1995 at GEODC's Offices in the Regional Airport Building in Pendleton, Oregon from 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. weekdays, or a copy of the plan may be obtained by calling (503/541) 676-5343. Interested persons may present their com­ ments on the proposed plan, orally or in writing, at the hear- ings or in writing to GEODC, PO Box 309, Heppner, Oregon 97836 prior to the hearings. PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULE Wednesday, December 13, 1995 1:00 P.M. Morrow County Courthouse Annex, Irrigon, OR Wednesday, December 20, 1995 1:00 P.M. Grant County Courthouse, Canyon City, OR 1:00 P.M. Sherman County Courthouse, Moro, OR 1:30 P.M. Wasco County Courthouse, The Dalles, OR 1:30 P.M. Wheeler County Courthouse, Fossil, OR 3:00 P.M. Arlington City Hall, Arlington, OR WORKSHOPS explaining elements of the Rural Action Plan and the application pro­ cess for Rural Investment pro­ jects will be held prior to each hearing at the following loca­ tions and times. WORKSHOP SCHEDULE Wednesday, December 13, 1995 10:00 A.M. Irrigon City Hall, Irrigon, OR Wednesday, December 20, 1995 10:00 A.M. School District Board Room, Canyon City, OR 10:00 A.M. OSU Extension Office, Moro, OR 10:00 A.M. Celilo Converter Station, The Dalles, OR 10:00 A.M. Isobel Edwards Hall, Fossil, OR 10:00 A.M. Village Inn Res­ taurant, Arlington, OR Inquiries regarding the Rural Investment Program and re­ quests for application materials may be directed to GEODC at (503/541) 276-6745. This project is funded in part with a grant from the Oregon State Lottery through the Re­ gional Strategies Fund adminis­ tered by the State of Oregon Economic Development D e - • partment. Published: December 13, 1995