EIGHT - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner. Oregon Wednesday, September 20, 1995 Concert set at Nazarene church Class celebrates 50 years The Heppner High School class of 1935 held their 50 year class reunion recently at the Heppner Elks Lodge. Members present were: front, l-r: Midge Provo Noack, Katherine Howell McLaughlin, Jean Turner Runnion, Betty Coxen Hoyt and Patricia Kenny Erwin; Back l-r: Joe-Hughes, Albert Bailey, Fred Rugg, Jack Edmondson, Jack Pickens, Raymond French, Ted Ferguson and Joe McLaughlin. Handicap access to be installed at dam The area will include handicap toilet facilities and a garbage receptacle in the parking area. The area will be posted for seniors and the handicapped. Logs have already been placed in the area to prevent cars from rolling in Jhe lake. Michel says that Pettyjohns, Columbia Basin Electric and D & L Auto Parts donated time and supplies for the project. Organizers are seeking addi­ tional donations of time and materials, such as lumber to complete the improvements. Anyone who can help is asked to call Michel at 676-9084. Michel said they are trying to finish the project as soon as possible, which the water level is low. Seniors and the disabled will soon have access for fishing at the Willow Creek Lake near Heppner. Ted Michel of Heppner said he thought up the idea and Larry Smith of the Army Corps of Engineers from The Dalles gave the okay. Jim Cooper and Bill Klein are also helping with the project, which got under­ way Sunday morning.. "A lot of people said, 'I'd like to get down there (to the lake) to fish, but I can't get down th ere'," said Michel. Michel says that they plan to build a dock with handicap ac­ cess, a handicap ramp, railing and with built-in benches. He said that the dock will be stabilized to minimize rocking. More Goodies For You is now stocking The next meeting of the Mor­ row County Creative Arts and Crafts group will be Wednes­ day, Sept. 27, at 1 p.m. upstairs at Kate's Pizza. The club will sponsor a watercolor workship in October if there is enough interest. Anyone interested is invited to attend the meeting. Hostess Snacks In area stores Look For: Cupcakes, Ding Dongs, Suzi Q ’s, and Ho Ho’s In addition to: Franz, Country Hearth, Western Family, Red Apple and Archway Cookies Coordinating Council to meet Morrow County Gun Club $500 **s -8 * i • r , • r •; M eat Shoot y iß ' , . * . * i —• ‘ * » . •’•I'" . * Members ù non-members Welcome ■ _• » • .: •: • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • ■ • a • ' \ .* «" • TRUCKLOAD I !• * 10-round Shoots September 23rd, 10 a.m. 4 P L The next meeting of the Heppner Coordinating Council will be Tuesday, Sept. 26, at 7:30 a.m. at the Heppner Ran­ ger District office. Topics of discussion will be emergency management and the Heppner Foundation. The public is welcome to at­ tend all meetings. per fe • % v' 1 • •'' * . •* ■ i / . • The fourth season of AWANA clubs will begin Wednesday, Sept. 20, at Lex­ ington Baptish Church from 6:30-8 p.m. Children in kindergarten through sixth grade are welcome to attend. Club ac­ tivities include relay games around a game circle, working in handbooks and Bible stories. AWANA is a nondenomina- tional Bible-based club spon­ sored by Lexington Baptist Church, with leaders from the H eppner First Christian Church, Christian Life Center and the Episcopal Church also involved. For more information, call Loren Unruh, 676-9873 or Lex­ ington Baptist Church, 989-8555. Arts and Crafts group to meet Adams Distributing ,u ,i A W A N A club begin Sept. 20 • •* . V* i i m ' .*, • . ; r - * ; Is ;• • . V . . * • •* kNTY * :* • •: : P215/WR-15 . « • ß V» • W *'>* mode a Spmiol Purthave of premium all Maton radiait in theie popular tizot Willi ouf. ttanding tarings >90 P215/70R-14 P195/60R 15 I »99 199 P205/60R 15 P265/75R-15 lor you! •*' ’-** 4 9^1 P 2 2 5 /7 5 R 1 5 I ¡6 9 " P 2 0 5 /6 5 R 15 1 TRt * 0 DESIGN MAV VARY T H E LES SCH W AB W ARRAN TY .!£ e e road hazard • F R E E F E A T R E P A IR S . f r e e m o u n t in g . f r e e r o t a t io n s . FR EE a ir c h e c k s Heppner 676-9481 124 N. Main Singer/songwriter Merilee Stewart will be in concert on Sunday, Sept. 24, at 6 p.m. at H eppner Church of the Nazarene. Originally from Bellingham, Washington, Stewart has lived in Eastern Oregon since 1977. Stewart officially began her public singing career in 1992, when she signed as an artist with Incubator Records. She can remember singing in public as early as three years of age and she made her first radio debut, singing her first original composition, at age nine. The theme of Stew art's ministry is "Motivating God's People, through music and testimony, toward an uncom­ promising, Christian journey." "Listeners of all ages will be en­ couraged as Stewart shares original compositions that reflect her life experiences and as she tells of an event that changed her life forever," said Pastor Duane Jones. Everyone is invited to attend. For more information, contact Pastor Jones at 676-5529. All Saints' Episcopal Church We wish to welcome you as a part o f our Church fam ily Worship is at 10:30 Sunday mornings Child care is provided. Corner of Church & Gale Streets Heppner, Oregon_________ 676-9970 L iv e M u s ic b y T im C u n d e ll at Beecher's Restaurant In lone Friday, Sept. 22nd at 7 p.m. for your Dining and Dancing pleasure Remember: ^ S en io rs night every Wed. evening 'Buy one dinner,.. ...g et the second one free. IMPORTANT NOTICE OF PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF CLASS ACTION AND FAIRNESS HEARING IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF ALABAM A SOUTHERN DIVISION Jack H. Woodward, et al. vs. NO R-AM Chemical Company No. 94-0780-CB-C U.S. WORKERS WITH ON-THE-JOB EXPOSURE TO FUNDAL® and Their Spouses, Children. Other Relatives and Legal Representatives and PRICE v. CIBA-GEIGY , Civ. No. 94-0647-C B -S (S.D. Ala. 1995). S ET T L E M E N T CLASS M EM BER S FUNDAL* WAS A COMMERCIAL ACRICl LTURAL PESTICIDE WHICH WAS MARKETED IN THE f.S . BY NOR-AM CHEMICAL COMPANY. El ND Al V\ VS NOT MARKETED FOR RESIDENTIAL OR HOME GARDENING USE. I .S. WORKERS WITH ON-THE-JOB EXPOSURE TO FUNDAL* MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR FREE MEDICAL MONITORING AND/OR CASH PAY MENTS UNDER THIS PROPOSED LEGAL SETTLEMENT. PRICE SETTLEMENT CLASS MEMBERS ARE ALI. US. YYORKERS WITH ON-THE-JOB F.XPOSl RE TO GALECROY iINCLl DING GALECROV AND FI NDAL l WHO DID NOT EXCLU DE THEMSELVES FROM THE PRICE SETTLEMENT. PRICE SETTLEMENT CLASS MEMBERS MAY BE ELIGIBLE FOR CASH SUPPLEMENTS UNDER THIS PROPOSED LEGAL SETTLEMENT. PLEASE READ THIS NOTICE CARE FILLY. YOU MAY BELONG TO A CLASS OF PEOPLE COVERED BV A PROPOSED SETTLEMENT OF A LEGAL ACTION WOODWARD SETTLEMENT ). THE WOODWARD SETTLEMENT MAY AFFECT YOl R LEGAL RIGHTS. FOR MORE INFORM ATION CALL I BM-2114»» By Order o f the Court, a class action has been conditionally certified for settlement purposes. On January 9, 1996. a fairness hearing will be held al the Courthouse. United States D istrict Court. Southern D istrict o f Alabam a. 113 St Joseph Street. Mobile. Alabama, 36602. al 9 a.m. Central Time, so the Court can determine if the class ac­ tion should be finally certified and if the W oodward Settlement, as summarized in this Notice, should be approved as fair, reasonable and adequate Al­ though participation in this settlement is voluntary, all W oodw ard Settlement Class Members who do not timely exclude themselves from the lawsuit will be bound by the W oodw ard Settlement if u is ap­ proved. I. D E F IN IT IO N O F C L A S S Under the Woodw a r d Settlement, Fundal* is de­ fined as chlordimeform or any chlordimeform-con- laining product, either manufactured, formulated, packaged, distributed or sold by or on behalf o f NOR-AM Chem ical Company (“N O R-A M ") or related parties, regardless o f the trade name o f the product; or any metabolite o f Fundal*. including the su b sta n ces known as 4 -C O T or 5-CA T. Galecron® has the same meaning as it did in the Price v. Ciba-Geigy C orp .. Civ. No 94-0647-C B - S (S .D . Ala. 1995), Settlem ent (“ P r ic e S ettle­ m ent"). and is thus defined as chlordimeform or any chlordim eform -conlaining product, either manufactured, formulated, packaged, distributed or sold by or on behalf o f Ciba-Geigy Corporation or related parties, regardless o f the trade name o f the product; or any metabolite o f Galecron*. in­ cluding the substances known as 4-C O T or 5-CAT The Woodward Settlem ent Class is defined as (1) All persons who fall into one o f the follow­ ing categories, and who reside in the United States as o f the date o f filing o f the Class Action Complaint, who have been exposed in the United States to Fundal* only, but not to Fundal® and Galecron® or to Galecron* only (“NOR-AM Exposed Persons”): a. Formulalors: An individual (whether or not employed by NOR-AM Chemical Company) who in the course o f his or her employment was exposed to Fundal® while at a plant or site which was in­ volved in mixing, blending, packaging, handling or otherwise formulating pes­ ticides which contained, in whole or in part. Fundal®; h Applicators An individual (whether or not employed by NOR-AM Chemical Company) who in the course o f his or her em p lo y m en t, w as ex p o sed to Fundal* while involved in the applica­ tion o f pesticides which contained, in whole or in part. Fundal*. including, without limitation, aerial and land ap­ plicators, flagm en, m ixers, blenders, load ers and other in div iduals who handled such pesticide prior to or dur­ ing the application process; or c. Other Covered Workers (i) An individual employed by NOR-AM Chemical Com­ pany who. in the course o f his or her em­ ployment, was exposed to Fundal®; (ii) an individual who worked al Empak. Inc in Deer Park, Texas and/or Micro Chemical in Louisiana and who was exposed to Fundal* in the course o f his or her em­ ploym ent; (iii) or an individual who worked in a testing or research laboratory and who was exposed to Fundal* in the course of his or her employment; or (2) The spouses, parents, children, other rela­ tives, or legal representatives o f the NOR- AM Exposed Persons described above (3 ) All members o f the Price Settlement Class The Price Settlement Class means all mem­ bers o f the settlement class certified by the court in Price v. Ciba-Geigy Corp.. Civ. No. 9 4 -0 6 4 7 -C B -S (S.D Ala. 1995), excluding persons determined by the court to be opt- outs o f that class That settlement class thus includes persons residing in the United States who in the course o f their employ­ m ent w ere exp osed to Galecron® or to Galecron* and Fundal* (“Ciba Exposed Per­ sons” ); and the spouses, parents, children, other relatives, or legal representatives o f the Ciba Exposed Persons described above (Collectively "W oodw ard Settlement Class Mem­ bers"). N ote: I f you a r e an NOR-AM E x p o sed P e r so n o r a C ib a E x p o s e d P erso n , you a r e a Woodward Settlem ent C la ss M em ber w h eth er o r n ot y ou h a v e b e e n d ia g n o s e d w ith an illn ess. S pou ses, parents, children, o th e r relu m es, a n d l e ­ g a l representatives a re Woodward Settlement C lass M em bers but the claim s they a r e settling a r e lim ­ ited to th o s e arisin g fr o m a NOR-AM E x p o se d P erson o r C ib a E x p o sed P erson s ex p osu re II. IM P O R T A N T M E D IC A L N O T IC E To N O R-A M Exposed Persons and C ib a E x ­ posed Persons (as defined above): You may have an increased risk o f devel­ oping bladder cancer if you had on-the-job ex ­ posure to Fundal* and/or G alecron* Workers exposed to Fundal* and/or Galecron* should par ticipaie in a medical monitoring program be­ cause early detection o f bladder cancer can re­ sult in more effective treatment If you had on-the-job exposure lo Fundal' and/or G alecron*. it is recommended lhal you or your doctor call 1 -800-211-6913 lo learn how you can obtain further medical information or enroll in medical monitoring. III. PR O PO SED SE T T L E M E N T The W oodward Settlement prov ides for the es­ tablishment by NOR-AM o f two funds to provide medical benefits and com pensation to eligible W oodward Settlement Class Members or their le­ gal representatives This seulement is intended, where applicable, to work as a complement to the P rice Settlement. The total package of benefits potentially avail­ able to a NOR-AM Exposed Person is the same as the total package of benefits potentially avail­ able to a Ciba Exposed Person. Thus. W oodward Settlement Class Members may be eligible for the same benefits w helher they were occupation­ ally exposed to Fundal* only, or to Fundal* and Galecron®. or to Galecron* only. H) The -NUK-AM Medical Monitoring and Treatment Fund l The .NOR-AM MMT Fund") If the Wixxtward Settlement is approved. NOR-AM will make an initial deposit o f S 3.500.000 into the NOR-AM M M T Fund, and will thereafter make ad­ ditional deposits on an as-needed basis. There is no limn lo the amount o f money NOR-AM can be re­ quired to contribute over the life o f the NOR-AM M M T Fund, which will last a minimum of 20 years. NOR-AM Exposed Persons will be entitled to participate in the NOR-AM medical monitoring and treatment program; Ciba Exposed Persons may re­ ceive medical monitoring and treatment benefits only through the Price Settlement The NOR-AM medical monitoring and treatment program and the medical monitoring and treatment program prov ided through the Price Settlement are identical The NOR-AM MMT Fund will pay for a medical morn tonng program designed to detect at an early stage the form of bladder cancer alleged to he associated with exposure to Fundal®: specifically, primary urothelial carcinoma o f the urinary collecting sys­ tem. i.e . renal pelvis, ureter, bladder and urethra The NOR-AM M M T Fund also will pay for all medically necessary treatment for NOR-AM Ex­ posed Persons (2) T he N O R -A M D isease C om pensation and Adm inistration Fund i 'T h e N OR-A M DCA Fund") If the Woodward Settlement is approved. N OR-A M will also make an initial deposit o f $ 2 1.000,000 into the NOR AM DC A Fund, up to a required maximum of $30.000,000 The NOR-AM DCA Fund wilt make cash payments o f up to $626,500 on behalf o f a NOR-AM Exposed Person who, after exposure to Fundal* only, has developed or in the future develops the form o f bladder cancer alleged to be associated with Fundal* In addition, the NOR-AM DCA Fund will make cash supple­ ments amounting to 4 0 9 o f the amounts scheduled for and paid as compensatory payments pursuant to the Price settlement, up to $179,000, on behalf o f a Ciba Exposed Person who. after exposure lo Fundal* and Galecron* or to Galecron* only, has developed or in the future develops the form o f bladder cancer alleged to he associated with Fundal* and Galecron* The NOR AM DCA Fund will also pay for admin isirative costs and class counsel's and admtmstra live class counsel s attorney fees, costs and expenses as determined by the Court The total attorney fee award to be requested will not exceed 209E of the benefit conferred upon the class The benefits of the NOR-AM DCA Fund will continue as long as the NOR- AM MM T Fund continues, or until the NOR-AM DCA Fund is exhausted. If the NOR AM DCA Fund is exhausted. NOR-AM may con­ tinue paying for compensable claims If NOR-AM does not continue to pay for these compensable claims. W oodward Settlement Class Members will he able lo opt-out o f the NOR-AM DCA Fund and pursue any legal claims they may have, except for claims for medical monitoring, medical treatment, fear o f illness or cancer, or increased risk o f illness or cancer (3) O th e r C o n d ition s The Stipulation o f Settlement presently prov ides for medical monitor­ ing. treatment and compensation payments for cer­ tain medical conditions set forth in this Notice. In the event, however, that a Court-approved Epide­ miology Panel determines to a reasonable medical certainty that any other medical condition is caused by Fundal' or Galecron* exposure, that condition will he deemed a compensable claim, and will be eligible for medical monitoring (if feasible), medi­ cal treatment, and cash payments 111 Release Woodward Settlement Class Mem­ bers who do not exclude them selves from the W oodward Settlement Class release all past, present and future claims (i) relating to the covered medical conditions listed above, and Iti) relating lo a W oodward Settlement Class Member's exposure to Fundal* or Galecron'. including all claims alleging that any other cancers, personal injuries or risks are caused by exposure to Fundal* or Galecron*. IV. C L A S S R E P R E S E N T A T IV E S AND C L A S S C O U N SE L T h e C ourt has d esig n ated the fo llo w in g W oodw ard Settlement Class Members. Jack H. Woodward. Alta Woodward. Tom Lofton. Cindy Lofton and Rita Snow, as class representatives to represent all W oodw ard Settlement Class M em­ bers The Court has also designated as Class Coun­ sel the following individuals: Timothy E Eble. S.C . Middlebrooks III. and David R Donaldson V. R IG H T S AND O P T IO N S O F WOODWARD S E T T L E M E N T C L A S S M EM BERS If you are a W oodward Settlement Class M em­ ber, you have the following options: (1) You may do noth in g and rem ain a W oodward Settlement Class Member If you choose to take no action, your interests as a member o f the W oodward Settlement Class will he represented by the Class Representatives and Class Counsel at no cost to you. (2) You may remain a W oodward Settlemenl Class Member and either represent yourself or hire your ow n attorney to represent you at your ow n cost. (3) You may remain a W oodward Settlement Class Member and object to the settlement. ( 4 1 If vou choose to remain a W oodward Settle­ ment Class Member (under options 1.2 or 3 above), you may receive the benefits afforded by this settle­ ment within six months of the Court 's Order direct­ ing this Notice. (5) You may request exclusion from this settle­ ment. D E A D L IN E S F O R A B O V E O P T IO N S The deadline for filing an Entry o f Appearance if you choose to represent yourself or retain an attorney; for filing objections to this settlement, for filing a Notice o f Intent lo Appear at the fairness hearing; or for filing a request to be excluded from the W oodw ard Settlemenl Class is D E C E M B E R 1. 1995. T O LE A R N M O R E IN F O R M A T IO N A B O U T H OW T O F I L E ANY O F T H E A B O V E IT E M S . P L E A S E C A L L 1-800-211- 6 9 1 3 o r W R IT E T O : W oodward C lass Action, P.O. Box 9 74, C harleston. S C 29402. V I. P R O O F O F C L A IM P R O C E D U R E In order for any W oodw ard Settlement Class Member to receive any o f the benefits of this settle­ ment. he or she must comply with the proof of claim procedure To learn how you may receive benefits under this settlement or to obtain a Proof o f Claim Form for medical monitoring, medical trcalmenlordtsea.se compensation, call 1-800- 211- 6 9 1 3 or write to W oodw ard Class Action. Post O ffice Box 974, Charleston, SC 29402. V II. F O R F U R T H E R IN FO R M A T IO N T H IS MOTIV E IS ON LY A SU M M A RY If you believe you are a W ood w ard Settlem ent Class Member you are urged to call 1-800-211-6913 or write to W oodw ard Class Action, Post O ffice Box 974. Charleston, SC 29402 to obtain further in­ formation regarding this settlement, how to exclude yourself from the class, and how to obtain ben­ e fits DO NOT C A L L TH E C L E R K O F C O U R T with questions about Ihis Notice or this settlemenl. M obile, Alabama Dated August 21, 1995 By Order o f the Court Judge Charles R Butler. Jr. REQUEST FOR INFORMATION F O R I * ! (T h is is not an Exclusion Request) I I would like to have more detailed information . ' o f the W oodw ard Settlement mailed to: I PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY , N A M E :_______ ________________ A D D R E SS: I C IT Y : I STA TE: Z IP : i PH O NE I (Including area code): M ail this R equ est f o r In form ation to W oodw ard Class Action I Post Office Box 974 I______ ^arieston1S C _ 2 9 4 0 2 _ 1 * *