Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, September 06, 1995, Page FOUR, Image 4

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    FOUR - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, September 6, 1995
The Official Newspaper of the
City of Heppner and the
County of Morrow
U S P S. 240-420
Morrow County’s Home-Owjied Weekly Newspaper
Published weekly and entered as second-class matter at the Post Of­
fice at Heppner. Oregon under the Act of March 3, 1879. Second class
postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 147 West Willow Street.
Telephone (503) 676-9228. Postmaster send address changes to the
Heppner Gazette-Times. P.O. Box 337, Heppner, Oregon 97836.
Subscriptions: S I S in Morrow. Wheeler, Gilliam and Grant Coun­
ties; $26 elsewhere.
Joy ce H u g h es........................................Office Manager. Typesetting
April H ilton-Sykes..................................... •.......................News Editor
Stephanie J e n s e n ................................................................. Typesetting
Monique D evin.................................. Advertising layout & Graphics
Susan Hansen........................................................................Distribution
Penni K eersem ak er...................................................................... Printer
Prevent pet problems
To the Editor:
To those of you who have
animals and you are positive
you do not want to keep these
animals, please do some deep
soul searching. They love and
trust you with their lives and
you are the ones to whom they
come when they are happy,
sad, crying, hurt and they are
willing to lay down their lives
for you. There are a number of
things you can do.
Just remember, do not try
telling us a falsehood (i.e.,
"This animal was dumped. It's
a stray animal that just came
here,” as the truth always
comes out. (We who answer
Humane Society calls are mind
readers, we know.)
1. To prevent the problems in
the first place, get your animals
spayed or neutered. If you can
afford to have the animal in the
first place, you can afford to get
them cared for. A female can be
spayed at the age of six months
and a male neutered at the age
of nine months.
2. Place an ad in a local
3. Make up flyers that can be
put on bulletin boards in the
area and if you have pictures of
these animals, so much the bet­
ter. Be sure to state the age,
sex, color, shot history, whe­
ther it has been neutered or
spayed and also put tear-off
slips on these sheets with your
telephone number on them.
4. Talk to friends at work, or
other friends you have. Also
ask your children to call and
talk to their friends and with
their parents' permission, you
may be able to place the
Then, after you have done all
these things, call the Pioneer
Humane Society, Hermiston
567-2%l, Pendleton 276-0181
and Pet Rescue 567-7066. We all
do ask and expect donations for
help in placing owned animals.
Please don't call us and tell
us you have only half a day to
place your animals or they are
going to be shot. You have just
given your pets a death sen­
We need time to work and
this problem is one that never
should have happened in the
first place. Children, if you own
a pet female, save your money
and give your animal a won­
derful Christmas present: spay­
ing. Or if you own a male pet,
you too can save up your
money and pay for getting your
loved one a wonderful gift of
being neutered.
Remember, this also helps to
make really good friends out of
your neighbors and certainly
does not stop your animal from
being an excellent pet friend,
who is far more likely to stay at
home and not get run over.
They will also be excellent
watch dogs.
It doesn't take any of the fun
out of owning a pet, just the
(s) Roberta Davis
for Pioneer Humane Society
Box 361
Hermiston, 97838
Sheriff» Report
The Morrow County Sheriff's
office in Heppner reports
dispatching the following
business during the past week:
August 29: Morrow County
deputy responded to a report
of a disturbance at a West
Glenn residence in Boardman;
Show youth we care
Morrow County deputy
responded to a traffic problem
To the Editor:
at the comer of Kunze and Paul
Here are some facts that
5. Nationally, over half of the
Smith roads, Boardman;
everyone inside and outside
high school students participate
Morrow County deputy
education should know concer­ in activities programs, utilizing
responded to a disturbance in
ning school activities:
approximately one percent of
the Lexington area;
1. National surveys reveal the total school budget. What
Morrow County deputy
that students participating in a bargain.
assisted a citizen in the Irrigon
high school activities are more
6. Nearly seven of 10 Ameri­
likely to have higher academic cans say high school sports
Morrow County deputy
averages and far better atten­ teach students lessons about
responded to a disturbance in
dance records.
life they can't learn in a
the Irrigon area;
2. Of the students who drop classroom; nine in 10 believe
Morrow County deputy
out of high school, 94 percent sports contribute to health and
to the Boardman
have not been involved in any fitness.
area to assist the Boardman
school activities.
7. Student athletes' parents
Police Dept, with a motor vehi­
3. The best predictor of suc­ are more involved with the
cle accident;
cess in later life is previous par­ students' educational process.
Morrow County deputy
ticipation in high school activi­
8. Student athletes tend to
to the Boardman
ty programs, not grade point focus more on long-term life ac­
the Boardman
average, test scores or rank in complishments than short-term
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
4. Participation in activity
Please join with me in voting
fice dispatched the Boardman
programs teaches values that in favor of the Morrow Coun­
ambulance to a residence in
motivate students to be better ty Unified Recreation District.
Boardman for an adult male
citizens, builds strong minds Let us show “our youth'' that
with an unknown illness. The
and bodies and that race, col­ we do care about each and
was transported to
or, sex or economic status are every one of them.
not obstacles for participation
and finally instills poise and
(s) Betty Gray
Morrow County deputy
confidence along with self-
responded to the Irrigon area
for a report of suspicious
Continue clubs, sports in county
August 30: Morrow County
To the Editor:
school budget now has no
Sheriff's office dispatched the
This September, Morrow room for non-state mandated
Spray ambulance for a two
County residents will receive a programs. This levy is a coun­
vehicle accident on Hwy 19 by
ballot asking us to fund a three ty wide effort to bring our
Kahler Creek. One female was
year levy for the Morrow Coun­ education opportunities back to
transported to Blue Mt.'
ty Unified Recreation District. a more acceptable level.
Hospital in John Day with
We need to vote yes for this
Please vote yes on the
levy to continue clubs and Recreation District Levy. There
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
sports in Morrow County will not be a second chance for
fice dispatched the lone Fire
the students of the 95-% school
Dept, for a field fire five miles
We all know the negative, the year.
east of lone by Rhea Creek;
politics, everything that school
(s) Charlie Anderson
Morrow County deputy
sports would be better without,
began an investigation of
but the truth is, one of the best
harassing phone calls to an Ir­
parts about living in this area
rigon residence;
A fence and not the church
is the youth. We are very lucky
Morrow County deputy took
to have the caliber of young building or yard were damag­
a report of telephone harass­
people that we do, and sports ed in an incident on the Church
ment in the Boardman area;
are an important element in of the Latter-Day Saints in
Morrow County deputy
Marriage Licenses checked
developing and rounding out Lexington.
out a report of shots
Richard Ellis Pettyjohn, 39,
our youngsters.
Irrigon area. The
The Morrow County Clerk's
Over the last few years, the Heppner, who was cited for office at the courthouse in deputy was unable to locate
infamous Measure 5 has erod­ failure to perform duties of a Heppner reports issuing the anything;
ed away state support for our driver and property damage in following marriage licenses
Morrow County deputy
county school district, which connection with the incident, during the past week:
responded to the Irrigon area
has robbed us of program said he swerved to avoid a
August 28: Jose Luis Ayala, for a neighborhood problem;
choices in our schools. The deer.
Morrow County deputy
34, Irrigon; and
Sheri Ann Verley, 17, responded to the Irrigon
Marina for a report of a boat
September 1: Dustin Joseph sinking;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
Trader, 19, Irrigon; and
Layla Beth Vaughn, 20, fice dispatched the Boardman
ambulance to the Wilson Road
September 5: Kevin Ray Trailer Park for an injury acci­
Mossman, 27, St. Joseph, In­ dent. The ambulance was
cancelled en route;
diana; and
Morrow County deputy
Marti Jean Baker, 30,
responded to assist the Board-
man Police Dept, with a
D av id a n d April H ilto n -S y ke s, P ub lishers
Letters to the Editor
you need
of services in the lone area.
Sept. 3: Morrow County
deputy arrested Evelio Lomas-
Torres, 23, of Hermiston, on an
Assault IV warrant. Lomas-
Torres was lodged at the
Umatilla County Jail;
Morrow County deputy in­
vestigated a suspicious vehicle
by the Redi-Mix in Boardman;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Boardman
Fire Dept, to Canal Road off
Paul Smith Road for a field fire;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a report of van­
dalism at an Irrigon residence;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a report of van­
dalism at the Intertribe building
on Tower Road, Boardman;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Arlington
and lone Fire Depts. to a grass
fire near the Four-Mile canyon
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Arlington
Fire Dept, to a second grass fire
near Rea Road and Soap Rocks.
Sept. 4: Morrow County
deputy investigated suspicious
circumstances at a Boardman
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Michell Fire
Dept, for a grass fire on W.
Branch Road, Mitchell;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a call of a juvenile
problem in the Irrigon area;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Heppner
ambulance to a residence on
Sperry St., Heppner, for a
female with an injury. The pa­
tient was transported to
Pioneer Memorial Hospital;
Morrow County deputy
responded to an alarm at the
Intertribe Office on Tower
Road, Boardman. The deputy
was unable to locate;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Boardman
Fire Dept, and ambulance to a
report of a two vehicle accident
on Tower Road. They were
unable to locate anything.
Sept. 5: Morrow Coiihty
deputy responded to a report
of a suspicious vehicle in the
area of the West Glenn Addi­
tion, Boardman,
Ladies Nile
September 7, Dinner 6-8 p.m.
Eleanor G onty’s Stuffed Pork Chops
Thank you to all that worked &
helped in the Snack Shack & Thank
you to all the customers too!
¿w* Heppner Elks 358
^ » ► * 6 7 6 -9 1 8 1
H in rc I hauls A la h
142 V
<£l/[oi.im an
Wedding September 9
U hl
V zygandt & <cRicfuxxA d l /[c £ [[i g o t t
Wedding September 9
M im / mujï Diiiu) !
217 North Main
M a in
Bridal Tables
& M axti H3cdzer <£r
juvenile problem.
August 31: Morrow County
Sheriff's office dispatched the
Arlington Fire Dept, to a vehi­
cle fire on 1-84 at mile post 145
Morrow County deputy
assisted a citizen whose vehi­
cle was stuck in the sand on
Paterson Ferry road;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Boardman
ambulance to a residence on
Wilson Road for a male subject
with an illness;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a report of dogs
being poisoned at the West
Glenn Addition, Boardman.
The investigation is continuing;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Boardman
ambulance to the BP station for
a male with an unknown il­
lness. The patient was
transported to Good Shepherd
Community Hospital in Her­
Sept. 1: Morrow County
deputy responded to a report
of a suspicious subject in the
area of NE 7th St. in Irrigon.
The deputy was unable to
locate anyone;
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Heppner
ambulance to a residence on
Gale St. for a female with an il­
lness. The patient was trans­
ported to Pioneer Memorial
Morrow County Sheriff's of­
fice dispatched the Boardman
ambulance and Fire Dept, to a
one car roll-over on 1-84 at mile
post 165. Four people were
transported to Good Shepherd
Community Hospital in Her­
Morrow County deputy
responded to mile post 74 for
a dead deer;
Morrow County deputy
responded to the lone area for
a report of a suspicious vehicle.
Sept. 2: Morrow County
Sheriff's office dispatched the
Arlington Fire Dept, to a shed
on fire south of Arlington;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a juvenile pro­
blem at the Country Garden
Estates in Irrigon;
Morrow County deputy
responded to a report of theft
Volleyball Knee Pads
In S tock
> 193 N. Main St
w I af ?