rwo - Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, July 5, 1995 » < » » « . - 4 -4 è « . 4 I 4 I * 4 Soroptimist install new officers, initiate new member Manias« L it u i « The Morrow County Clerk's office at the courthouse in Heppner reports issuing the following marriage licenses during the past week: June 26: Sidney Joseph Jolly, 48, San Diego, CA.; and Barbara Edman Grossman, 49, Boardman; Gabriel Flores, 21, Irrigon; and Coral Marie Charter, 19, Irrigon. Pharmacy & Your Health Boardman Pharmacy & Hardware Outgoing president Ann Spicer (I) initiates new member Janelle Lacey. L-R: Judy Wright, Pat Hyatt, Judie Laughlin, Pauline Winter (standing in for Carol Bennett), Margo Sherer, Bettie Doherty, Mary Goheen, Marsha Sweek, Vi Wilgers. Scholarship deadline nears The Gertrude McRae Schol­ arship Committee announces that applications for scholar­ ships are still available. Students graduating from Grant County high schools will be given preference. Graduates of W heeler, Morrow and Wasco counties, in that order, will also be considered. Preference for grants will be given to those having com­ pleted one or more years of col­ lege and preference will be to Oregon residents. Applications are due by August 1, at 5 p.m., and may be obtained at the Grant Coun­ ty Courthouse by contacting County Judge Dennis Rey­ nolds, P.O. Box 220, Canyon City, OR 97820, or by telephone at 575-0059. 8x10 wise I Color Portrait Asthma Drug Recom­ W CCC closed July 8 from 1-3 mended for Approval treasurer; Bettie Doherty, recording secretary; Marsha Sweek, corresponding secretary; Pat Hyatt, delegate; Vi Wilgers, alternate delegate; Mary Goheen, federation delegate. The Soroptimist club welcomed new member Janelle Lacey. Soroptimist International Club of Heppner held their installation of new officers and initia­ tion of new members recently. Newly elected officers are Judy Wright, president; Judie Laughlin first vice president; Carol Michael Ben­ nett, second vice president; Margo Sherer, PORTRAITS only $ 2.99 all a g e s w e lc o m e g r o u p s $ 1 OO e x tn Murray's Drug July 11th Tuesday 12:00 noon to 5:00 p.m. The Willow Creek Country Club will be closed July 8, from 1-3 p.m. for the Heppner High Morrow County's forest receipts down An estimated $142 'million dollars will be shared by 31 counties in Oregon and 27 counties in Washington as their portion of the 1995 National Forest System receipts. This amount is about 53% of the $268 million in receipts distributed nationally among 43 states and Puerto Rico. According to Regional Forest­ er John Lowe of the Pacific Nor­ thwest Region, the Oregon estim ated total is $109,857,778.39, with Morrow County's estimated total for 1995 set at $95,484. (Last year, Morrow County received $256,092.) The estimated share for W ashington is $31,782,016.43. "W e provide these advance estimates of payments to help local budget planners," Lowe said, adding that "final payments will b*? based on actual amounts col­ lected." Provisions of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 were designed to mitigate economic effects associated with the listing of the northern spotted owl. This year, they allow the Forest Service to pay counties affected by reductions in forest revenues at a rate equal to 82 percent of a five- year (1986-1990) average. Normally, 25 percent of re­ venues collected from land-use fees and the sale of resources from 24.5 million acres of na­ tional forests and national grasslands go to the states, which are required by federal law to use their share of the money for public schools and roads. Interim payments represen­ ting 75 percent of the estimated total state shares of national forest receipts will be made in October. The balance will be paid in December, when final figures on the revenue collected during fiscal year 1995 are available. V o lle y b a ll g a m e a t D a v id D o u g la s Bridal Tables iP a tx icia ( \\/ctzc.[ &