Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 31, 1990, Page SIX, Image 6

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    SIX. Heppner G uette Times. Heppner, Oregon Wednesday, January 31, |WN)
'■ >r t **
Community meeting set on
health priorities Feb. 5
Oregon Health Decision and the
Health Services Commission are co­
sponsoring a community meeting on
Oregon Health priorities and values
* I . "
The meeting will he on February 5,
at 10 a m in Hrppnrr at the St
1 v • * ¿r't**
Mi/ / * /.
bv Mark Hagrli
Patrick's Senior Center
The meeting offers people a
"I will give up my gun when they
pry ii from my cold, dead fingers. . I chance to voice their values and opi­
nions on vime of the key health care
Surely, there arc few eastern Orego
issues in Oregon today. including the
mans who have nut seen this slogan and expectations
values to be used
others like it, on the bumpers of by the Health and
automobiles or adorning the walls of! in preparing Services
list of
sporting good stores and other gather . health services The Health Services
ing places of the hunting or shooting
inclined These arc noble sentiments, Commission will use the reports
from the community meetings to
to be sure, echoing the general deter
their recommendation to the
mination of the shooting public to de
fend their Constitutional rights under
"We believe that the citizens and
the Second Amendment
Hut often such hold statements, as well as other actions unknowingly taxpayers of Oregon should have an
performed by hunters and sporl shooters, provide additional ammunition opportunity to be involved in the
tor "antis" convinced that strict gun legislation is what’s needed to help process of deciding what health ser­
curb this nation's violent crime and shooting death problem Hy sending vices should receive top priority for
state, federal and private health in
messages suggesting that any legislative attempt to separate us from our
sura nee dollars." said Humana Has-
treasured firearms will be met with violence, we unwittingly fuel the anti j nain.
Oregon Health Decisions
gunner's claim that the average gun owning citizen is apt to use his prized
Those attending the meeting will
possession!s) in an act of hositility Of course, responsible gun owners
first be given an overview of the
(including, but not limited to sportsmen) know this to be incorrect, but
format and the information
let a non gun owner who is indifferent or undecided about gun control
needed by the Health Scrv ices Com­
hear you proudly chant the " cold, dead fingers" thing ami then ask which mission
Attendees will be given a
side he or she would take
to fill out. then
Unnecessary gun legislation must be fought with intelligent, unified will convene in sheet
groups and try
voices serving legitimate concerns and accurate data, anything else is akin
to saying. "I'm not violent person, and if you say that I am. I'll smash; to reach a consensus by discussing
their values and opinions on issues
your face.”
concern to the Health Services
( crt.nnli. this is not to suggest that we be even the slightest bit hesitant Commission
The groups then will
to defend our rights to keep and bear arms as a means of protecting our
report their conclusions to the full
lives and in some cases, property the initial catalyst around which the community
meeting People also will
Sc. ond \mendmcnt was written Here in eastern < fregon. fortunately , such
complete an individual
measures are rarely necessary Hut in the National Rifle Association's
their opinions about
American Hunter " magazine, the "Armed Citizen" section is filled each health services and
individual values
month with actual accounts in which victims throughout the nation concerning
of health scr
lustifiably used or offered to use a firearm to deter an immediate, immi
and improve
nent threat to life or limb
In a recent AW news special in which Peter Jennings moderated a na
"The Oregon legislature's devi
tionally televised forum on gun control, one police officer explained that
w itfi an average of only one officer for eac h 7() people in the l ruled States,
the force can't presume to administer adequate protection
"The frolice can't protect us." he said from a civilian's standpoint
More than 40.t«xi copies of the
I hey're saying it's not their |ob to protect us .\t least let us protect 1000 0| White and Yellow Pages
published by 1 S West Direct for 1
I he program was otherwise tairlv tvpical as tar as gun control debates S West Communications will be
go. with the I S news media showing its usual position in favor of anti distributed to area homes, businesses
gin efforts Hut one charge was brought against gun owners that is dil and public locations beginning
tic nit. it not impossible, to argue the staggering number of accidental February 2
shootings that have occurred as the result of children accessing loaded,
Communities scheduled to receive
unsecured guns in the home Here, gun owners cannot rationalize or pass the book arc Heppner. lone, larx
the blame Here gun owners, be they sportsmen, collectors or those in ington. Roardman and Irngon.
terested in protection, must assume lull responsibility
Adams. Athena, Cabbage Hill.
Admittedly. I don't know many people who keep a firearm solely tor Meacham. Milton Freewater. Pilot
protection, certainly the numbers are tar greater in areas with higher c rime Hock Weston. Echo, Stanfield.
rates Hut I'll wager that most sportsmen myself included, have at one' I kiah Umatilla. Hermiston,
time or another been guilty of leaving firearms within reach of a carter
Pendleton and Helix
mined child
\ twenty four page easy reference
While the potential accident is unspeakable. the prevention is so sun
guide highlights this year’s edition
pie l.ocking steel gun safes are available for under $lixi I he (Xtober, I he guide features an area history
I 989. issue of "Outdoor 1 ife featured an at tractive. easv to make lock
and list of attractions, information on
mg gun cabinet tor something less than $X() \t the verv least, individual Hlue Mountain Community College,
gun trigger locks can fv had tor a pittance (Gander Mountain lists a set a guide to state and national parks,
of three tor under $1(1 I
an <)regon ski areas map, communi
Shooting accidents in the home especially those involving children
tv maps, and stale wide zip codes
can lx- construed only as pure negligence on the part of the gun owner
Delivery should take about one
\side trom the obvious safety implications the tact that the anti gunners week to complete Anyone who does
could have such statistics at all to use to their advantage is unthinkable not receive a hook. or those who
and embarrassing
need additional copies should call l
S West Direct at I KIN) 422 879 3
Sportsmen Often
Ammunition for
Anti-gun Efforts
Phone books
Fillies earn sixth CBC victory;
beat Pilot Rock Rockets 55-27
A strong second halt lifted the
Heppner Fillies to their sixth CBC
victors as Ifiev heat their (lost the
Pilot Roc k Ri\ kets | r ulav . J.Iliu.it v
I he Rockets. who have only won
one ( HI game, stayed close in the
first quarter, despite seven points
from Jennifer ( 'urrin ITie I lilies led
hv only a point at the end of the
quarter II It)
Nikki Hi ists <is scored all ses en of
fier [mints in the second quarter to
lead the Fillies, but the Rickets hung
SS -’(> v ic tor v
Jennifer Currin tore a|\irt the
Roc kets defense as she scorci) 22
Heppner blew the game wnle ojvn ¡mints Currin also had 12 rebounds
in the third quarter a s the tough I il and five steals Nikki Hrishois add
Iv delense held the Rockets to |iist ed seven (mints toi the I lilies
one f ic-ld goal I he l illies inc reased Hrpimrr
|| 1 11 22 ll
10 6 2 N 27
the two point lead thev had al hait IVM Mock
»55» Hoslmis l | | ’ Sp«.liri
lime to 13 at the end of the third 2 2 H rppnrr
2 I», lu tk rr (Ml 4 I'alinrr 2 (Ml 4
IC kman I I 2 V I urrin I 2 2 4.
Heppner s offense cxploded in the (•rrrn u p 2 1 » 3. J l urrin v 4 22
final st.ui/a as the I illies scoreil 22 Pilo« K.ak (27l Vici all 2 II I 4. W atlr I
Ibi.» arms II 0- 1 il. | om II I 2 I IVin
|siints I fie I 1 11ies oulscored the orli
I 2 Humi.Kl.Kl 4 4 ’ 12. Hrachrr
Rockets bv 14 ami gallopcd to the I IMI I 2. IV Hacnir
I IMI 2 futáis 10 7 20 27
By Bob K r e in
On I ndav Januarv 2b the
Mustangs traveled to Pilot R.xk to
face the Rickets Die Mustangs,
who have battled illnesses
throughout the week, came out a lit
tie s l o w and trailed bv two at halt
time I'hev started plaving ball in the
•econd halt and had a seven [mint
B y S c o tt J o h n s t o n
lo u g h and on ly tia ilc d bv fo u i |s>mts
g o in g in to the lo c k e r ro o m at
h a lttim e
Mustangs bounce back after slow
start, defeat Rockets, 57-45
Ilo|H‘ Lutheran to have |>nthiek, meeting
tin Sutklav February 4 Hope
I utheran Church will have Sund.iv
School at 9 4 ' a lit and worship ser
v ic e at I I a m
Immcdiuielv following the wot
ship scrv ic e there will tv a congrega
tional politick dinner in the
fellowship hall After the dinner
congregational president Irv Rauch.
ss 1 11 conduci thè a ri mia I meeting of
thè congreeation Vinone the manv
itenis to he discusseci and voted are
the ivw , fune fi coirne il memhers and
the budget Ri [mrts from comnnttee
fieads and the new paslor will he
glien Goals for the new year will
he set
Bingo party to benefit Rea
\ Hmgo parts will be held Sat
Feb 10 at the Heppner Senior
Center to benefit Carol Ann Rea
who has been diagnosed with
leukenna I he tund raiser is spon
sored bv the Holly Rebekah I »vige
Pie and coffee w ili he on sale star
ling at b p m and Mitigo will hegin
at 7 p m
ead hv ihe end of the third quarter
In the fourth quarter the R.xkets
had a seven (mint run and cut the
Mustangs' lead to three but that is
as close- as ihe R.skets got
Good Mustang tree throw
shooting by Hrandon Pedro and
Russell Hritt built ihe Mustang lead
to 12 Hie final score was Heppner,
57 and Pilot Rock 45
Ihe Mustangs were lead hv
Russell Hntt with 22 (mints and lout
a s s i s t s Hr.un Ion IVdrohad I ' points
and seven rebounds Hob k rein had
five steals to (vice the- Mustangs Fhe
Mustangs arc now six and one in
CH< (»lay
H rp p n rr
Pika Km k
4 1* 21 37
II 12 * I* AX
H rp p n rr i.XTl » . Prxfrn. PrtlvJoHn. K
H ou 7 l b 22 K r r ln 2 0-1 4; J K r a i.
I Kam i H M N X * b IV v t u .h r ll 4 2-4
10. I u r n « I 0-2 2. Kmhtmn, I k o n 2 (V0 4
fll.-l K .n k (49) Ih n . k rr 2 IVO 4. P H liv
M illrr H.n»*rn » 0-0 0; I r h n r r l 4 l é I I ;
I I Ills II 1 2 M .irphc 't r n l / .l ' 4 V l*(
lynam rpts. 1 rrsharn 0 2-42. V r k i « I i»<k
14 11-21 AX
I piani |.« k K Hr il I I . Ilm»urn 2 fnul
rd nut Mile hr II. I .a im a . I rn h rrt
b ails H rp p n rr 10. Pika K i r k |7.
Iran i
sum in 1987 to sti^i paying for organ
transplants has received a lot of at­
tention both in this state and around
the nation and caused many people
to start thinking about how health
service priorities should he set The
1989 legislature passed several new
laws to establish health priorities and
to increase eligibility for health in­
surance We want everyone to have
an opportunity to be involved in the
discussions and share their opinions
on the process and priorities," said
The Heppner community meeting
is one in a series of .V) that will be
held throughout the state Health
values and opinions expressed by
( hegomans w ill he conveyed to the
Health Services Commission and to
the joint legislative Committee on
health care This is an opportunity
for citizens to participate in the pos­
sess of try ing to improve the health
system and health of Oregonians
beginning in February 1990. the
City of Heppner Planning Commis­
sion meeting time will be 7 IM) P M
instead of 8 00 P M on the first
Monday of each month Die next
meeting date is Monday. February
5, 1990
Published Januarv 24 and M, 1990
i 1 st m y i \K 1990-91
A public hearing will be held
wherein citizens comments may be
received on the proposed use of State
Revenue Sharing Futxls. so that they
may be considered in relation to the
entire budget The hearing will he
Monday . February 12. 1990 during
the City of Heppner council meeting
starting at 7 00 P M at 188 W
Willow Street. City Hall. Heppner.
Marshall Lovgrcn,
City Administrator
Published Januarv 31. |99o
........ - , ......... A . —
............................................ ..................- _____ _
17ic regularly scheduled meeting
of the Morrow County Court on
February 7. 1990 is cancelled due to
a lack of quorum Two of the Court
members will he attending Emergen­
cy Management, Conference Fhc
next regular meeting of the County
Court will be on Wednesday
February 14. 1990 at the Cour
thouse. Court Street. Heppner. OR
beginning at 9 00 a m
Hy Order of the County Court
for the County Court
l oRaync M How man
Administrative Assistant
Published January 31. I‘»90
H >K I < >1 M < )R R I >W I >R! (.< IN
SI RIFS 1974 A
HI \ KI R H< >ND NOS 433 489
Ht I MARC II i 1999
( l SIP m U 7 33BP7
( >RI ( i( *N has called for redemption
on March I. 19*81. Bond Nos
43 \ 4h'» iiklusive of its Port o| Mor
row Oregon. Industrial Develop
nvnt Revenue Hoikls. Senes |9’4 V
7‘t I eim Bonds due Male Ii I. I l»N
Cl MP (TM403HP7*
Die payment of the principal
amount of the bonds to be redeem
ed along with interest to Match I.
I‘HO I will be made at the l nited
States National Hank of Oregon.
Coupon Payment Division. PO
Box 4412. Portland. Oregon 9720H
upon presentation aikl surrender of
such bonds with September I. I‘»*<ii
aikl subsequent coupons attached
Interest on all of the bonds to he
redeeiik'd will cease to accrue on
March I, I‘»90
Previously called arc Bond Nos
4‘8) bHO inclusive of this same
l Nil! D SI A lls NATIONAI
H \ M s ( >1 ( >KI ( .( >\ n I rusiee
FEDERA! I -\w Rl «.»f IRI s
ii \ I AXPAYER ID) n i ii it \
ED A H MM Ml 9 Ml si HI si H
w I I Hill LD I RoM I HI
•This CUSIP Number has been
assigned by Standard A Poor's Cor
poration and is included sole
ly for Ihe convenience of the holders
Neither the Port no» the Trustee shall
be responsible tor the selection or
use of this CUSIP Number, nor is
any representation made as Us cor
rectncss on the bond or as indivatcd
in any redemption notice
Published January 31. |990
Reference is made to that certain
trust deed made bv Paul W Brown
and Joann Brown, husband and wife,
as tenants by the entirety , as gran
tor. to Homestead Title and Escrow.
Inc . as trustee, in favor of CLS
Mortgage. Inc . a Washington Cor­
poration, and'or its assigns*, as
hcncficiary, dated October 29. 1983.
recorded November 4. 1983. in the
mortgage records of Morrow Coun­
ty. Oregon, in book/reel/volume
No—at page --, »ir as microfilm No
25744 (indicate which), covering the
following described real property
situated in said county and state,
to- w it
Parcel I Lot O ( I ). Block ( I ),
Ostcrkamp Addition, to the City of
Irrigon. Morrow County. State of
Oregon The NORTH 43 M) feet of
Town of Irrigon, Morrow County.
State of Oregon
Panel II D* NINETEEN (19).
HI OCX ONI (I). 08T1 RK a m p
ADDITION, to the Town of Irrigon,
Morrow County. State of Oregon
Parcel ill LOTS NINE (9) and
(52). and any portion of LOT
SI VI N (7) lying Northerly of U S
Highway 730 m HI < M k ill n
TWO (52), in fhc townsitc of IR­
RIGON, Morrow CiHinty. Stale of
E\C I PT1NG lands deeded lo the
State of Oregon for Highway
•fifty percent of the beneficial in­
terest under said trust deed is now
field f v Rudy W Nelson .md litfv
percent is still held by Cl-S Mor­
tgage. Inc
Both the beneficiary and the
trustee have elected to sell the said
real pro[x*rty to satisfy the obliga­
tions secured by said trust deed and
a notice* of default has been record­
ed pursuant to Oregon Revised
Statutes Hb 735(3). the detault for
which the foreclosure is nude is
grantor's failure to pay when due the
following sums
April. 1989 through tlk* including
October. 1989 m the amount of
SI .«MM» Of) each month, plus laic
charges of S400 (X) and escrow
charges of $105 (X) for a total of
$7.505 (X). plus any payments past
due to any taxing authority or prior
By reason of said default the
beneficiary has declared all sums
owing on the obligation secured by
said trust deed immediately due and
payable, saul sums being the follow­
ing. to wit
,V of November 20. 1989. the
sum is $48,958 95
W HI BEFORE , notice hereby is
given that the undersigned trustee
will on April b, 1990, at the hour of
2 (X) o'clock. P M in accord with
standard of time established by ORS
187 110, at Front entrance of the
Morrow County Courthouse in the
City of Heppner. County of Mor­
row. State of Oregon, sell at public
auction to the highest bidder for cash
ilk* interest in the said described real
properly which the grantor had or
had power to convey at the time of
the execution by him of the said trust
deed, together with any interest
which the grantor or his successors
in interest acquired after the execu­
tion of said trust deed, to satisfy the
foregoing obligations thereby
secured and the costs and expenses
of sale, including a reasonable
charge by the trustee Notice is fur
liter given that any person named in
ORS Hb 753 has the right, at any
link* prior to five days before the
date last set for the sale, to have this
foreclosure prikceding dismissed
and ihe irusi deed reinstated by pay
iik-nt to the beneficiary of the entire
amount then due (other than such
portion nl the principal as would not
then he due had no default occurredi
aikl t>\ curing any other detault com­
plained ol herein that is capable of
being cured by tendering the perfor­
mance required under the obligation
or trust deed, aikl in addition to pay
ing said sums or tendering the per
fomiancc necessary to cure the
default, bv paying all costs and ex
penses actually incurred in enforc
ing the obligation and trust deed,
together with trustee's aikl attorney's
tees not exceeding the arik'unts pro­
vided hv said ORS Xh.75 3
In construing this rk*ticc. the
masculine gender includes the
feminine aikl the neuter, the- singular
includes the plural, the word
"grantor" includes any successor in
interest to the grantor as well as any
other person owing an obligation,
the performance of which is secured
by said tnisi deed, and the words
"trustee" and "beneficiary " include
their respective successors in in
lerest. it anv
DATED November 20. 1989
John I. I angslet
Successor Trustee
Stale of Oregon. County of
Multnomah ss
I. the undersigned, certify that I
am the attorney or one of the at
torneys for the above naiiKd trustee
and that the foregoing is a complete
and exact ci»py of the original
trustee's m>tice of sale
John W Knottnerus
Attorney for said Trustee
Published January 31, February 7,
14 aikl 21. 1990
On the 20th day of February.
1990. at the hour of 10 00 o'clock
A M Standard Time in accordance
with ORS 187 110. at the front ckk>r
of the Morrxiw County Courthouse
in Heppner. Oregon. I will at Public-
Auction to the highest bidder for
cash in hand the following describ­
ed Real Property located in Morrow
County. Oregon, to-wit
la>ts One (I). Two (2). and Three
(.3). in Blikk One (I). NORTH
BOA RDM AN, Boardinan. Oregon
Said sale is made under
Foreclosure Execution issued out of
the Circuit Court of the Stale of
Oregon for the County of
Multnomah to me directed in tfK
case of Beni Franklin Eexleral Sav­
ings & lavan. Plaintiff, vs Lcs Har
dv and l.exmard Cason. Defendants.
Case No A890I (XM2I (Morrow
County Circuit Court No
TR 9(M)0I)
Writ of Execution dated Januarv
II. 1990
ROY L DRAGO. Sheriff
Morrow County
Heppner. Oregon
By Pauline Winter
Chief Civil Deputy
Published Januarv 17, 24. 31;
February 7. 1990
given, that the two-year period for
the rcdcmptk»n of real properties in
cludexl in the 1987 delinquent tax
lien foreclosure pokccdings in-
situted by Morrow County. Oregon,
on February 12. 1988. in the circuit
court of the State of Oregon for Mor­
row County. Case No 87-CV-73,
and included in the judgnk*nt and
decree entered therein on February
12. 1988 will expire on Eebruarv 12,
All properties ordered sold under
the judgment and decree, unless
redeemed onor before February 12,
1990, will be de«rded to Morrow
County. Oregon, immediately on ex­
piration of the period of redemption,
and every right and interest of any
person in such properties will be
forfeited forever to Morrow Coun­
ty, Oregon.
Margo Shcrer
rax Collector
Published January 24 and 31. l‘»90
Where else can you have a
family dinner for only $ 8 .9 5
Del s Market
Give us a call 989 8133
1 <
Dear Sr Mealsite,
We wish to thank you for reserv­
ing a table that is convenient for all
Sr Citizens in wheelchairs or are
disabled to v>nk" extent that requires
us to have help getting our meals
We really appreciate it
Della Tash
Juanita Carmichael
Helen Hinton
Georgia Lynch
Martha King
1-31- Ic
ITie Heppner VFW Post would
like to thank everyone that purchas
ed tickets on the half of beef and to
George Seiler for donating it
Shirley George had the winning
I would like to thank everyone for
gifts, cards and phone calls that I
received ui St Mary 's Hospital dur
ing my recent illness
A spx-cial thanks to Virgil and
Debbie tor their help and to Dr Ed
tor his quick diagnosis and his speed
in getting me to Walla Walla
Llovd Morgan
1 31-lc
I would like to thank Dr Ed. the
nurses and stall at PMH for the gt*»d
varc that I received while a patient
there Also thanks to the great am
bulance crew
Many thanks to family am) friends
for all of ihe cards, visits, phone
calls anil flowers A very special
thank vou to the lone first grade class
for the get well cards that you made
for nK Fhcy really made my day
Pauline Gates
1-31 Ic
I wish to thank the ambulance
crew for your prompt professional
care 'Thank you" Dr EJ. and all
the nurses who cared for nK Thank
you for being there when I needed
you lam indeed grateful
Thank you
Roger Connor
We are planning to open a craft store
in March at 388 N Main, Heppner
Anyone interested in selling their
homemade crafts and gikidies on
commission, please come to Kate's
at h 30 p m Mon. Feb 5 Wc will
discuss any questions you may have
Thank you
Ellen and Cindy Kennedy
______________________ l-31-lp