Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, June 21, 1989, Image 1

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Gladys Drake chosen as Grand Marshall
Gladys Lundcll Drake. X3. lone,
has been chosen to he the Grand
Marshall for the 14X4 lone 4th o f Ju­
ly Celebration
Mrs Drake, daughter o f t R and
Lena l.undetl and granddaughter o f
M orrow County Pioneer Stock was
horn in the old M ilt Morgan home
below lone The house burned in the
1480V She graduated from lone
schools in 1424 After graduation,
»he attended the U niversity o f
Oregon and North Western School
o f Commerce in Portland
M rs Drake, an accomplished
pianist, gase music lessons in lone,
played for many weddings and
funerals, school graduatams. church
i. i
The Heppner
\o i 117 NO. IS
Birchard convicted of
attempted murder
Morrow County's Home Owned Newspaper
Wednesday, J u t 21, IW»
Hrppnrr 25
and also sang in the choir She was
state musician for the Kchekah
Assembly in the I440's
She was school clerk for District
35 for 12 years and lone City
Treasurer for several years She is
a member o f the lone United Church
if Christ, a charter member o f
American Legion Auxiliary No 45.
former member o f Topic Club,
member o f Bunchgrass Rebekahs
and Ruth laKust Fasten! Star No
Gladys was married to Clco Drake
in I42X They had four children;
Robert. The Dalles. l>ilores Turner.
Vancouver. F m ic. Fairfield. C A .
and Patricia Tucker, deceased
H Page*
A Hcrmiston man was convicted
ot attempted murder Tuesday. June
13. 14X4 in Morrow County C ircuit
Court in Heppner
James Birchard. 36. was convicted
follow mg a twteday jury tnaJ for the
anempted shooting o f a person walk
mg along the beach in Ihc Three-
M ile Canyon area near Boardtnan on
December 27 The man he shot at
was F.ugcne Nordquist o f Im go n
Nordquist was walking his dog along
the Columbia River in the Three
Mike has served j s National High
School Rodeo vice president for the
last year He was also Oregon Presi
dent for the past two years
He qualified for Nationals m steer
wrestling, cow cutting and team
A lv i attending the state competi
lion, was l.ibby Hritt and Hrsan
K o lln u n . Heppner
A triend of M ike's. Clint f ilmore.
Jordan Valley was Reserve A ll
Around. heating Mike by 11: |»>ints
(iood luck. M ike, at Nationals
A M orrow County C ircuit Judge
has upheld two searches which
resulted in the bodies o f tw o ap­
parent fu ll-te rm infants being
discovered in Heppner and lone
earlier this year
Following a day-long hearing.
C ircuit Court Judge Robert Abrams
ruled Monday. June 14. (hat Paula
A n d crvm 's constitutional rights
were not violated when police sear
ched a Heppner residence and
discovered the body o f an inlant on
February 15,14X4 In a separate rul
ing. Judge Abrams a lv i ruled that the
search o f a residence in lone on
March I. 14X4 which yielded ihc
Three arrested in drug bust
Three men were arrested Satur
day. June 17 at 5 p m. and charged
with five counts each o f conspiracy
to commit crim inal m ischief, viola
lion o f road closure, cultivating
marijuana, conspiracy to manufac
ture drugs and crim inal m ischief
Arraigned in Justice Court June I 1*
by Judge Charlotte <»ray were I ric
Von D ellinger. 2X. Kennewick.
Wa , Gordon Gerhart I vans. '2 .
Fcrndale. Wa and Timothy Joseph
M cDaniel, 24. also of Kennewick
Bail was set at $52.5(X) lor each
person arrested Timothy McDaniel
posted ten percent bail after his at
lorney consulted w ith M orrow
C ounty D istrict A tto rn e y. Jell
The investigation ol the trio began
earlier in the day on June 17 on
W ilson Creek near Rhea Creek
when Oregon State Policeman Norm
/e lle r became suspicious o l the van
and people in it He radioed ahead
to City Police and the three men
were arrested in Heppner There was
no resistance and no weapons were
A court date has not been set The
investigation is continuing
I he other two men. Von I )cllinger
and f vans are being held in Benton
County ja il
I he van. a 1477 silver colored
Dodge van was impounded pending
further investigation
Mike Mahoney
Specisl election w ill be held lues
day. June 27 to vote on Morrow
County School D istrict operating
levy and lone Rural Fire Protection
D istrict operating levy. This is a
walk in election with voting at the
follow ing places Combined Board
man 01 A 02 Greenfield Grange,
lone (U lone City Hall. Combined
Irrig o n 0 5 A Ob North M orrow An
ncx. Irv in g to n 07 Mormon Church;
Combined Hardman, Heppner 01,
OX. 04. 10 A | | Pettyjohn Building
Polls are open Irom 7 a m to X p m
". .
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German visitors on Buttercreek
Mile Canyon area on December 27
Birchard is also toeing trial in
Umatilla County C ircuit Court on
several other shooting incidents
which occurred the same day C ir­
cuit Judge Tom flooding ordered
that Birchard he held without bail,
and ordered that a pre sentence in ­
vestigation be done
Sentenc ing was continued pending
completion o f the pre sentence
juries, a broken neck, five broken
ribs, broken left hip and leg. anil
lacerated ear
Surgery was performed Saturday.
repairing her let! leg ami broken hip
She received extensive irrcpcrahle
damage to the lower back and it is
believed she is permanently disabl
ed from the waist ilownward. accor
ding to a family member
Ms White w ill bo approximately
a month in the hospital before she
begins receiving therapy
Cards and letters may be sent to
her at Oregon Health Sciences
University Hospital in Portland
• •
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(heller 27
anil Hubert K r.it/ 13
from the village o l M o n u n . visited
this week with Tom and Marlene
C urrtn and lam ilv
Hans is the brother ot Axel
Trum plhcller who also stayed with
the C urrin family two summers ago
The men arrived June 4 in New
York City where they were met hy
Cclia Currm K a l/ She planned a bus
trip for them across the L-S to
Oregon They saw Washington.
» \ .
D t , Memphis, itallas. hiked the
Grand Canyon "seven miles down
and seven miles back u p .” said
Hans He doesn't plan on doing that
Both o f the men are dairymen at
M onun with appmxiiiutely 6 0 dairy
cows each
Leon Scvrin and Bob and Carrie
Fctsch. Pendleton hosted them there
They attended the Oregon High
School Rodeo Finals in Redmond
where Brent and Canity Fetsch were
tb o r hosts.
iieforc returning home, they arc
planning to go to the ( >rcgon Coast,
visit some dairy (arms in I illumook.
and view W allowa l.akc
fhey arc lo visit Disneyland
before returning lo their homeland
on June 24 "T h a i would be a life 's
dream .” says Hubert
There arc 60 m illio n people in
(ierm any which is about the same
s i/c as Oregon compared lo three
m illion Oregonians
The men presented a souvenir
plate to the Currms with the likeness
o l a 620 year old oak tree located in
Mnm art on it ax a thank you g ilt
Basin Fleet nc Co-op boardroom
A ll board members are urged to
attend The public is a lv i welcome
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Paula Anderson
Saling grandson
Chris Harris, vin ol Renn Harris,
Portland and Margaret H arris.
H illsboro, is one of approximately
2.500 high v hool seniors nadonw h J c
who received a National M erit
Scholarship recently
T w e n ty seven seniors fro m
Oregon were recipients o f the four-
year scholarship
Chris is a student at Oregon
Fpiscopal SchxKil in Portland and
plans to attend the University o f
He is the grandson ol M ike amt
Filecn Saling. Heppner
June 13 - 14
High to «
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Market Report
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Soft W hite
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Annuity Guaranteed
Rate Three Years
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W illow Creek Little 1-caguc Board
o f Directors w ill meet Tuesday. June
27 at 7:30 p m in the Columbia
Left to right Bob Nelson, pilot, Ryan Currm. Jeffrey Currtn, in front. Hans Trumpffiettei'. BeH irtiT
and Hubert Kratz Hans and Hubert have been visiting the Tom Currm Fam ily this week
1 wo C ieritun men. Hans 1 rump
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Weather Report
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Little League
board to meet
skeletal remains ot a second inlant
was a lv i lawful
Further hearings w ill lx- held prior
to Inal now scheduled lor August 2X.
14X4. to determine other pre trial
legal nutters
Anderson, 23. of Heppner, is
charged with tw o counts o f murder,
two counts of abuse o f corpse and
two counts of concealing the birth o f
an infant She was indicted hy the
Morrow County Grand Jury on
March 17 lollow ing a month long
investigation conducted hy the Hepp
ner Police department and the
Oregon Stale Police.
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Gladys Drake
No vote won’t drive away
issues, board member says
"W ha t has happened the past con
pie o l months should have nothing
lo do with how you vote on this
budget,'' school board nurmber
Dwayne C arroll told the Heppner
Chamber o f Commerce last week
C arroll urged voters to set aside
their feelings about the recent
teacher's strike, and vote yes on the
"T h e district has been in (he salety
net the past year and we have had lo
operate out o f cash reserves
Funds are not available again this
year, and I hope we get enough sup
port to pass this budget and get out
o f the safety n e t.” he said
"There are a lot ot other issues out
there, ami they can't he driven away
with a no vo te ." C arroll said about
recent tu rm o il in the d is tric t
Voters w ill be asked lo approve
the school hmlgct in an election next
Tuesday The budget has been
defeated once this year already
• iv ' 7
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lone Woman injured in car
accident Saturday
An I oik * woman Wi year old Mar
sha I White was seriously injured
in a one-car accident early Saturday
morning on Bultcrcreck Highway
White and two p.isv*ngers in the
cat, Thomas A Peltier, 26. lone and
Bradley B Carpenter 22. Prescott,
Wa were all ejected from the car
rhey were taken lo (k in d Shepherd
Hospital. Hcrmiston The men had
m inor injuries White was then
transferred by plane to Oregon
Health Sciences U n iv e rs ity in
Portland with extensive injuries
While received extensive back in
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Third Mahoney takes OHSRA All-Around Court upholds search in Anderson case
M ike Mahoney. son o f Boh ami
Sherrie Mahoney o f Heppner,
became the third ol their three
children to win the A ll Around
Cowboy Award at the Oregon Slate
High School Rodeo tmals held last
weekend in Redmond
M ike’ s sisters fara and Trish won
the award in 14X1 and 14X5
Mike is now eligible to attend the
National High School Finals in
Pueblo, Colo July 23-30
M ike won a horse trailer, buckle,
hat, rope bag and other items lor his
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