»V , • . • •••■..•- ^ v • /• > . „ ; . *-*. • * \ . • -■- • - v- k / • •’ H cppnrr Gazette-1 imcs. Ile p p a rr. Oregon \N rdnesday. May 31. I W Student body officers elected at Riverside By Mindy Nix A w v u ic d Student Body officers for the 198V VO school year have been elected at Riverside High School Steve Larsen is the newly elected ASB president Steve will he a senior next year and it involved with the National Honor Society, basketball and golf Steve was the |V88 8V junior class president and is the son of Sally and James lairsen of Boardman Hie 1 S»Msa VO ASB vice president is Charlene Finley Charlene w ill be a junior next year and »as recently initiated in to the National Honor Society She is actise in volleyball and was the 1988 KV sophomore class secretary Charlene is the daughter of John and Ex clone Finley of Boardman Mindy Nix was re elected as ASB secretary Mindy is involved with the school paper and Varsity cheerleading Mindy wax the 1988 MV ASB secretary and is the daughter of Glen and Gayle Nix of Boardman Sherri U k c will be the 198940 ASB treasurer Sherri is active in varsity volleyball and cheerleading Shcm was the I VMM MV Science Club representative to Student Council Shern is the daughter of Ken and Il­ ona lak e of Boardman It is once again time for the rabies clinic ottered by the Animal Control program Pie Hermiston Veterinary Clinic will administer rabies shots at a cost of $7 30and OHLP Parso will he ottered at SI2 30 Included in this cost is your city of Boardman dog license The clinic will be held on Thursday. June 15. from 2 p m un til 4 30 p m at the Public Safety Center He sure to take ads antage of this opportunity to have your dog protected without making a special trip to the vetennarv Left to right: Steve Larson,president. Charlene Finley, vice < 1 1 1 (1 llO O K Friends of the Boardman City 1 ibrary are having a Bake and Hook Sale Saturday. June 3 The sale will begin at 10 a m and St. Patrick’s Senior Center Bulletin Board Last week brought in several out of town s isitors who came to our center for tours through the building They were impressed It also brought a super new refrigerator for our kitchen, presented by the Wranglers Cow-Cutting Association (Floyd Jones. Ralph Be .inter and Gene Pierce came by earlier to find what we needed ami measure upl This is truly a top-of the line number, stainless steel with full length dou­ ble glass doors and the latest gadgets Superb The Senior Center Board has announced with regret, the resignation of Lynnca Sargent and Mary Gohccn l.ynnea served us well as secretary for over three years. Arnold Melby had resigned as a board member in late March due to health reasons His position has been filled by Meg Murray fhis Week: Friday coffee time in the rcc room from V II a m Kelt Week: Tuesday morning 9 to 11 a m will be coffee with a "little something" Wednesday Regular luncheon in the dining hall Menu meat loaf, mash ed potatoes, mixed vegetables, carrot and raisin salad, apple juice, hot bread and peanut butter bars Lutheran ladies will be serving Sunday this is the biggest event for us when Ralph and Barbara Jean Struthers will be celebrating their Golden Wedding Anniversary in all rooms of our center from 2 to 5 p m Barbara says she doesn I know whether Heppner is ready for the Rileys and (he Struthers, but we are and happy to be Theta Lowe presented us with a slide projector and screen anil several Condon artists brought their canvases which we will be putting up soon All these gifts add to the pleasure and use of the center Heppner Barrel Club ' i • May 17, Open first Christi Strocber. second Nikki Brisbois. third-Joan Eckman $200 Novice first run first Jossi Evans, second Tern (¡entry Second run first and second-Terri Gentry ; third Jossi Evans Juniors first-Tiffamc Munkers; second A nine Hisler. third Chad Hisler; fourth-Casey Evans, fifth Stormy Howard, sixth Angela Munkers The Barrel Club competes every other Wednesday at 7 p ni at the Wranglers Arena The next competi­ tion will he May 31 Weekly auction at the old A t f ^ o n C & H building in Irrigon Bonnie's Auction and Second Hand Store. Assignments taken during the week Auction every Thursday at 7 p m. For further information call 922-2719 or 922-4453 Antiques, new and used furniture and misc. Auctioneer is Don Tonnin^ ìalph and Barbara Struthers on Saturday, June 10. I9B9 2-4 p.m. St. Patrick 's Senior Center Main Street, Heppner No G tfti PI ra w a -a « a -S* S illC J llIlC • • • 9 1 x . 1 •» *-* v , , 4 • r '• J j a t • * I* ' -r*r '- * :*‘7 \ v f Sy ***V)«o b, Wn)y ta. # ' RHS graduates march down the aisle after graduating Friday night in Boardman 3 last until 2 p m at Sentry Market Proceeds from the sale will benefit the summer reading program Good Shepherd C hurch dedicated P a * V I * • • ‘ - ‘v • .} ■ -a --V - v“ r V * s v -: \ \ stay in during their time at I>>ernhechcrs Keglcrs Sentry Market railed over $ 1.000 from a bake sale with baked goods provided by the Tillicunt club and Garden Club, a roller skate dance, a live hand and a magic- show Mark Kcgler from Sentry said, "even if we only have one kid go (to Docrnhechers) from our area, it’s worth it." i •7'- • »«a - - .- y /v c J 1 VBS is June 19-23 The Heppner United Methodist Church will be having a politick pic­ nic this Sunday, June 4, following the It) 30 a m worship service The potluck picnic will be held in the city park Everyone is invited to attend Please bring a main dish to share and a salad or dessert Beverages and home made ice cream will be provided Please bring your 1 - •3 « ** * */. * ’ « * J *. S • • 1 By Mindy Nix For the class of IVMV the big day. Mas 2b. finally arm ed Graduation ceremonies were held for the IVMV Riverside High School graduates in the Riverside gym nasium at 8 p m The gymnasium was packed with family members, friends and facul ty to congratulate these seniors on their fine job at Riverside High School Honorary speakers for the class included Dan Peck. Student Body President, Vince Daltoxo. senior class sice president. Holly Miller and Christs Medley. National Honor Society president The claw of about 60 students, at tended ( IprratHin Graduation a drug and alcohol-free party after graduation • Hie First Christian Church. Chris tian Lite Center and Na/arenc Church are announcing plans in pro gress lor this years Vacation Bible School to be held at the First Chris­ tian Church June 19-23 The week will be spent celebrating God's la»ve and will run from V 11 45 a in dai I) Classes arc offered for four year olds through 6th grade There is no charge This year's VBS mission field is . *V I " Call 676-9228. or 481-3274 With News Items ITM . faking Christ to Millions, concentrating on those behind the Iron Curtain On the last day of VBS. bring a sack lunch and join volunteers and teachers for a picnic Parents are welcome Ice cream will be pros id ed for the children Plan on attending VBS. bring a friend and come join the fun For pre-registration contact Pam Piper, 676 54> M'-vfy Ns Hisltoji lohns< > ii ot ( "hicago «lid lb« official dedication service He is the head ot the Lutheran Church Reverend Richard I ggen has been the Pastor of Good Shepherd I uther.m Church ol Boardman Set vices have been held hi various places around the town ot Boardman until the funds were made jNixxible to build the new church -- XV*. »-‘ S - N \ t* r - t - •» ... -SÍ V * ■ y ^ t v . 'V . N - ■ \ < Court Club where they sjh - hi the night playing raijucthall. swimming, etc The members ol the «.lass all received door prizes ranging tr«»m cash prizes to ice chests The class had a great time at the drug alcohol tree party Operation Graduation was designed to kee|> ilk- graduates from drinking and out ot trouble follow mg gr.klu.ition . s * * • y _ .-C :v > " . • • R H S graduates go to Tri-Cities By Mindy Nix ( Iperation Graduation a drug and alcohol tree all night party tor the graduating class of l‘>HV from Riser side High Sc hi Nil was held at the Tri City Court Club Friday May 26 following graduation ceremonies Hie class of IVMV left Riverside at II p m to head for the Tri City ’ ^ J s > rA r * y *► . } 1 '• a* ' S .; •• . '• '• • . T i - N í f v V r i- v o x .’ Advisory council meets in Hermiston By Delpha Jo n e s A joint meeting of the Umatilla Morrow County Home Extension Advisory Council met at the home of Wanda Cox in Hermiston for the spring meeting Favorable reports were heard concerning the Needle mama held recently in Pendleton, and plans were discussed for another in the spring of next year Plans were discussed for fair booths for the coming fairs Luncheon was served courtesy of the East Oregonian Those attending from this area were Juanita Martin, Morrow County vice president. Delpha Jones, secretary and Hirdine Tull is School’s out! ? w ccc Ladies Flight A Low gross-Eilcen Padhcrg, Low net Anita Boyer l.east putts Barbara Gilbert k. I’ \niU Mover long drive Anita Boyer Chip ms Bebé Munkerx-two; Eileen Padhcrg I Flight B Low gross Harnct Evans Low net Juanita Martin Lcast putts Bebé Munkers Flight C Low gross-E dic Munkers Low net Maude Hughes By M ichele Ball June 2nd is the last day ot school for all Morrow County students Buses run at regular times on that day for all Morrow County schm'ls B o r. ' ti > ^ T h e re a rc a b o u t ?0 m i l l i o n m o r a m a n in t h a w o r l d t h a n t h a r a ara w o m a n TACO FEED June 3, 1989 - 4-8:30 p.m. ^ Wagon Wheel Banquet Room ' \ r ■- All donation\ uo to Eric Hollis { Who has Muscular Distropliy /'A Sponsored by Morrow County Search and Rescue ^ *VK_ ^.,;C ■■ ‘ 4- , , —k ^ • 0P* U A - W*-y> «• _ • ' ■ / CHEVROLET •s • ft t ' ..s v- * I . Cr ' S ' -l' C1500 Extended Cab Silverado YOU C A N T BEAT OUR DEAL Find A Better Price And W e ll Beat It SHERRELL CHEVROLET 2 96 E Main .S f 567-6487 k. Th« Pant a g on has M.OOO m ita s o t t« t« p h o n « linas 1,1 . f a - I Sf f, IT T - i w*'.> f H E R M IS T O N . O R E G O N 1 J ___ a ' - isa S+4 • w ' « \ > * • • » * • T, * * . N e w s Keglers raise over $1,000 for Doernbecher Hospital By Mindy Nix Keglcr's Sentry Market in Board man. as a member of United Grocers held a fundraiser Saturday, May 20 for D orenbccherx C hildrens Hospital D oernbecherx C h ild re n 's Hospitals arc located in Portland. Eugene and Medford They provide free medical care for children and rooms for their family members to • c ' • V Boardman 9 Irrigon Methodists to hold picnic/potluck The following is the results o f the Heppner Barrel Club's first two competitions: May V Open first-C hrixti Strocber, second Nikki Hrisbois $200 Novice first run first Holli Eckman, second Barbara Zeller, third Tiflame Munkers. fourth Terri Gentry , fifth Jossi Fvans Second run first Tern Gentry, second Holli Eckman; third Barbara Zeller, fourth-Tiffame Munkers. tilth J o s m Evans Juniors first-Tiffamc Munkers; second-Casey Evans, third Angela Munkers, fourth Mandi Gutierrez • » • Sixty graduate at RHS Rabies clinic scheduled for June 15 president and Mindy Nix, secretary, are elected to hold office at Riverside High School for the 1989-90 school year 1IIKKK y . * . .