.. . » •* _ •* • 1 # • • • m 4 > i* . i ■ ni -~ rr i »-m , *•* » • * • Ä / . ~ ~ ~ “ - _ •* , • » * % -. , • - . - • > * • • »; * t‘ ¿ • • « - -f -X .. • r. _ « r . , ' , •#.» J . - ■>. 3 » - * ••• ^ , . * f »i . V , • * > — -----*--. ^ » - e. Heppnrr Gazette-Times. Heppnrr, Oregon Wednesday. December 21,1988 - FIVE L e tte r T h a t Santa C o u ld n ’t Read H e a th e r D a v is S an u ft * u> many letter» and one of the letter» he muldn t read St> he the letter hack and »aal. “ tarne c h * i s t * A * 3 We hope you have a heavenly Christmas A sincere thank you to all our wonderful friends and customers. Y » \ y • arpa» ft I a w « * a ft I a* k a l b , « al I 'l t H i r ( o \ e r i n | ¡ •ndMeeUaMMel Co w m f»st Wb** Gu*'«nt**d Former local man wins National newspaper award “ Believe as a child believes, and the magic will find you.** Candy cane», kids. Chnstmas music. and the M o m i* County Fair Court drawing (or a beautiful ring were on the Chamber agenda this week Chamber member» joined in w nh the student» to sing ’ ‘ It Must Be Santa“ There's nothing like children at Christmas to get you in the spirit of the season and to help you remember the true reason for Christ mas Shoppers arc »currying back and forth with package», gnvertes are being loaded into trunks for Christmas dinners and parties, houses are decked out with lights, “ giving trees“ are located in many churches, a bunko club joined the fairy godmother program, children arc excited, people around town are gis ing extra time so that others may have a Christmas tis the season Let some o f the Christmas magic steal into your hearts and take time to remember why we celebrate Christmas Joy to the World See you next week at Chamber when we get serious about planning a new Chamber year A very Merry Christmas from Hcppncr Chamber o f Commerce • E d ito r's note Many lo ca l residents wt II rr member ' Kit ' as the little boy who Jelisered papers ami wrote sports stones fo r Wes Sher man. former Gazette owner in the late 60 s He is the son o f Nels and Esther Anderson, former Hrpp- nenles now residing in Dallas. OK N Christian Anderson, editor o f The Orange County Register (San­ ta Ana. C A ) has been named Editor o f the Year by the National Press Foundation, an independent non­ profit organization devoted to the support of excellence in journalism Anderson. 38, was cited for transforming the Register into one of the nat ion’ s most respected Thank You For Your Patronage We Appreciate Your Support Throughout the Year newspapers “ Under Anderson's leadership, the Register has return­ ed to straight news coverage, leav­ ing opinion for the editorial pages." the selection committee said “ In ad ditMtn. the paper is now nationally recognized fur its layout. photos anil graphics '* The foundation's companion award for Excellence in Broadcast Journalism will go to Bnan P Lamb, chairman and chief executive officer of C-SPAN, for building the cable television system into “ America's Town Hall ” The awards will he presented at the fourxlanon'» annual black tie din­ ner Feb 22 at the Sheraton South Morrow County Ministerial Association By Father Tony Butt man “ The Word became flesh and lived for awhile among us Wc have seen his Glory, the Glory o f the one and only Son. Who came from the Father, full o f Grace and Truth ” John 1:14 We have seen His Glory Five words with staggering implications What is God like’ How can an infinite and Holy God reveal Himself to finite and sinful man’ The great thinkers o f the world have been grappling with questions like these for over 3.1XX) years without reaching any final conclusions The Old Testament prophets spoke about what God was like, but when Jesus came down from Heaven and was made tnan He revealed God so perfectly thjt He is described as “ the image o f the invisible G od " (Col 1 13). “ The radiance o f Gods glory and the exact representation o f His Being“ (Hebrews I 3) When the Disciples wanted to he quite sure ahout God. Phillip said to the Lord “ Show us the Father and that will be enough for us" (John 14 8l. and Jesus replied "Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father” (John 14 *4» We hear so much about communication problems these days God sols ed the pn>blcm perfectly What cinild he more meaningful than the hirth o f a baby-growing into boyhood and manhood, showing love and compas SHin. knowing loneliness and haired, suffering pain and agony and finally death In Martin L uthers faxixHis words he said "H e ate. drank, slept, walk cd was weary, sorrowful, rejoicing. He wept and laughed. He knew hunger and thirst and sweat. He talked. He toiled. He played, so that there was no difference between Him and other men. save only this That He was God and had no sin " My prayer for you this Christmas is that God would cause you to believe in your heart that there is no other name under heaven or earth whereby many may he saved except in His Son Jesus Merry Christmas & Happy New Year J«rry. JoyceKay Vicki. Molly and felina *0 BO* ftA HfPPKfM ORtQON VM By Tim Van Cleave Christian Life Center \ & JO Y By Don Boyce Heppner United Methodist Church r n “ , K A < I must have been eight or nine years old at the time It was a cold walk with my lather as wc traveled (he fairly short distance to attend the annual Christmas Eve Candlelight service As wc walked I gazed into the night sky The city lights dimmed the brightness o f many stars hut others were clear and bright in the night sky As I looked into the sky and dreamed o f Christmas day. my eyes fixed upon a light that seemed to he blinking and moving across the sky The light appeared to be red I was both ex cited and afraid that it might he Santa and Rudolph I pointed out the obstacle in the sky and asked my father if it might he Santa His reply led me to believe that anything was possible on Christmas Eve What agony the next lew hours were I had to sit through an hour wor ship service, walk back home and get my self to sleep before Santa would visit my house And Santa was in the neighborhood that very hour Just as you have many memories o f Christmas, perhaps both joyous and sad. this is a Christmas memory that I shall never forget It will he a night filled with wondrr and surprise in my mind for years to come Christmas is indeed a time o f surprise The surprise that the expected Messiah was a poor bahy in a cold stable, surprise that he was of common heritage, not o f royal family, surprise to the shepherds who heard the angelic message, surprise that wise men from the east would worship at his side, surprise that Herod would he so threatened by this child that he would com­ mit mass murder on hahics. surprise that God would visit us in the greatest gift o f all. the gift o f (kid's love embodied in human form and flesh Has Christinas become routine ’ Has Christmas lost it's surprise ’ I must confess, for me Chnstmas often becomes anything but surprising The or dinary and mundane seems to easily slip into the celebration of ( Tiristmas And often anything that threatens the ordinary and routine causes great fear for my rather traditional expectations o f Christmas Perhaps we can truly cxpcncnce the meaning o f Chnstmas when wc allow ourselves to be open to (kid's surprise package for us the gift o f love, the gift o f Christ, the gift o f God with us My prayer for each o f us this Christmas season is that our Christmas celebration might he filled with peace, memory and most o f all. (kid's surprise F from all of us at Bud’s Pub (0 iijnltt Nitjht full) » f relrhrste this holy holiday in th*- true »pirn of love, and i {< mm I a ill To all our many friend. go our wish for a happy, healthy (’hri.tmas Joy Van Marter & Kahl Insurance ( • • • . ♦ V f ’, -k - y • * » - « « , M • * ' •* * »• * • • • • • -, % V V # •* * l V V . '. * » - c • T ‘ - ' .** V V - • -*v’ •] - - ^ '* ‘Ì ' • . * • • •• n veo V y •' - y S t r \ * . I « •• % - • •• , * •• *. -k , • *. : . • I • 4 i ’,»t \ > ;• ' ‘¿ ' . j i t - • -"L'* * - s * .• -V - * • * . -* ■- - ’ y’ - * * * -- • » ' , * L TVTT7 C'J'-iY Pour vanilla on a bit of cotton and put it In tha refrigerator to alminata unpleasant odora thara X, ■* -.V , ; v : " valued patrons. D&L A U T O PARTS & REPAIR !.. y, ’ *»■ - ’ v . - v . I n i_ c ' - • ^ » XX» 44 ame fo r CKrLstivtcLs H appiness i s ... * • » s -* '• » -r-** sharing a special 'H U I I holiday with g o o d frien ds like y o u . COURT STREET O a •'4 t - 1 * MARKET * Jack Ruth Shannon Rita Shelli Bonnie ' iU ~ -r V ;V . Thanks to our friends and customers for your patronage throughout the year \ •V / • ' . ’ w * V ■ • , V v l w ' Î ' ^ . V - V- < T -;c , .2 ; * v; * V *; * Rejoice [S "7 % i M *' -“ ■ » V 1 N< . A Rejoice h 'f$7 » * * ' « # ü | ‘ 7% - / ■ ' dih 1. si - ‘H y We wish you a Merry Christm as and most Happy New Year. KINZUA CORP '/n n m n i i n n n t m i i n i n n u n n i n n i n t u i n n i n t i n t i i i u t t i t t t n u t ■ . «4MP T U * me"#» • m « - s »■ ’ -, i 4 , ’ • ' Santa stories were contributed by Mrs Calverts second grade class. • */ - * ■ . • »•» •»» . • . U .-'-'W --. . T ■ \ % . * • ' V * , “ * ' * • « -• . * - • », S -, , , The First Christmas By Kristi Worden One day Santa was busy reading the letters He called his elves to him I need more presents he told them Then they loaded the sleigh He flew up and did his job * : Kuhn & Spicer & Staff T 676-9157 Of 676-5001 *. « ■„ » *. ... from ♦ a ' i r C H R IS T M A S ^ •- V V__X. PETTYJOHN’S “ This award is not only a richly deserved honor for Otns personal ly. hut also implicitly recognizes the contributions to product excellence made over these years by all o f the members o f the Register staff.” Publisher R David Threvhie said Anderson said he was very thankful for (he honor ” 1 share it will all my associates at the Register, who over the past eight years have worked so hard together to make this newspaper the best it can he for the people o f Orange County,” he said Raised in Lastern Oregon. Ander­ son hmke into print journalism as a high schtxil sporls stringer He also edited his high school paper and worked pari time as a reporter at the Albany Democrat Herald After graduating with honors fnmt Oregon State University, he work cd at the Albany paper full tunc and eventually became city editor He was editor o f the Walla Walla L’nion Bulletin before joining the Seattle Limes ÍI •V/ • »- % •- i . . .* k In addition, the Register has in­ creased its circulation lead over the Los Angeles Times in Orange Coun­ ty from approximately 38.(XX) in 1979 to 143.127 as »I Sept M , ton* iit t t t n n t m it t it n t n it :t t it ii:it iit :iit it t ii:t t t t t n t t t i:t t t t iin it t i::t t ^ Hope your holiday season is happy! Your patronage is greatly appreciated. 424 Lyndon Way, Heppnor Washington Hotel Anderson and Lamb eac h w ill receive S3 .(XX) cash prizes and plaques named in honor o f George D Bicsendge, a Pulitzer- winning reporter for the old Washington Sur. and Soi Tatshoff. founder and longtime editor o f Broadcasting Magazine The foundation's hoard also ap prosed a special citation commen ding Terry Anderson. Beirut bureau chief o f The Associated Press, for “ his courage and inspiration to jour nalists around the world.” He has been held hostage in L ebanon since March Id. I9«s Terry Anderson has been invited to attend if he is freed by the time o f the awards dinner (Xberwischis sister. Peggy Say. will be asked to stand in for him Chris Anderson came to the Register in 1980 from The Seattle Times, where he had been assistant to the executive editor and then associate managing editor Under his direction, the Register won a Pulitzer Prize for its photo cxiserage o f the 1984 Summer Olym­ pics and was honored by the Califor­ nia Newspaper Publishers A(Jsancia lion in 1983 for general excellence ami in 1987 for best sports coscnige, best feature story. best photo jour nalism an best graphics V i But after he had considered this, an angel o f the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “ Joseph son o f David, do not be afraid to take Mary home as your wife, because what is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit She will give birth to a son, and you arc to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet: “ The virgin will be with child and will give hirth to a son. and they will call him Immanuel which means “ God with us.” Matt 1:20-23. Chnstmas time is one o f the greatest celebrations on earth, not because o f receiving or giving gifts, but because a Savior w^s born to save us from our sins Wc don't have to look very far to see the effects o f sin in this world You see. the sin of mankind was and is so horrible that a perfect sacrifice was needed to pay the price for it once and for all That perfect sacrifice was Jesus God allowed his Son to he horn o f a virgin and to live like you and me Jesus died for our sins and rose again from the grave to defeat death He died so that you and I might live This was God's gift to ntankind and still is today What will you do with God's gift to his Son Jesus ’ Will you accept Him or reject Him? Why not accept (kid's greatest gift o f eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord this Christmas season? r\ u *•- / * \ « a • * > ’ % e \ * ***** 4 1 , : *