Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 23, 1988, Page THREE, Image 3

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Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppnrr. Oregon Wednesday, Nos ember 23. 19ft* - THREE
Workshop for gifted students encourages creativity
• - —--- — —- f -.
Irrigon police dept, receives
money forfeited from drug bust
By Joyce Hensley
by Joyce Hen Hoy
(L to R) Joe Larsen, seventh grade. Columbia Jr High and
Trudy Jurney, sixth grade, Sam Boardman Elementary, were
winners of the paper clip and card creative activity at the
workshop for gifted Morrow County students directed by Margo
Long, Whitworth College Theresa Proctor, fifth grade teacher
at Sam Boardman, was a winner of the creative activity con­
test for teachers
A workshop for parents of gifted
illvUf.«. Hm «1«,, h.M nnvffini* «ih'h
areas as “ The Challenge of Raising
Bright Students."
“ The kids and Ihcir parents in this
area are fun and interested," said
Long “ There are very bright
youngsters in this distnet "
“ They arc enthusiastic and well-
behaved.“ she added
To qualify tor the Talented and
Gifted (TAG) program, a student
must average a ninety seven perc.cn
tile on his achievement test, accor-
ding to Linda Shaw, TAG coor­
dinator for Heppner Elementary
“ In the future our guidelines will
be more strict.'' she said
TAG coordinators for Morrow
County are Theresa Proctor, Sam
Boardman Elem entary. Doug
Howell. A C Houghton Elemen-
(ary. Marlene Davison, lone, t inda
Shaw. Heppner Elementary; Sally
F.dmgcr,Columbia Junior High. Boh
Dcctcr. Riverside High School, and
Linda Dulcher. Heppner High
Schtx'l Assistant School Supcrimen
deni Charles Starr is the coordinator
tor Morrow County
The program was sponsored by
the Morrow County School
District's talented and gifted educa
lion program
Six Riverside High School choral
students attended the District S'x
Honor Choir Festival in LaGrandc
on November 14 and 15
Select students from 14 high
schools comprised the X2 member
choir under the direction of Dr
Wayne Hertz, Professor Emeritus.
Central Washington University
Hector Pacheco, ken Morris,
Heather Cumhie. Beth Winkler,
Daletta Trueax and Kelly Spray
spent iwo lull davs in rehers.ils
Gibb Evans, Irrigon, bagged his first bull elk in the Heppner
area. He was hunting with his brother Swayne. who left short­
ly thereafter for the service
Three RHS students place in
speech contest
Harold Glenn, also a senior and
son of F.d and Frances Glenn placed
second and will receive a $20 gift
certificate Mindy Nix. junior and
daughter of Glen and Gayle Nix
placed third and will receive a $15
gift certificate
They all wrote and spoke on the
theme “ Preparing lor America's
Future " The speeches were aired
on KOHL. Henniston on November
10 to coincide with the beginning of
the Veterans Day celebration
Chief Rathbun’s
Found this week a hike, blue in
color. If you arc missing one, come
by the police station
V iouse Factory
B e a u ty S a lon
l#f Opsrito«
20&B NW 1st hvrJimtn
4 1 1 -tti«
+• :* ' • %
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C all 675-9228, 567-7873 o r 481-3274 W ith New* Item s
The Irrigon Police Department
received a $5.793 30check from the
U S Treasury through the Federal
Drug Enforcement Administration to
he used to further drug investigations
in Morrow County at a rather un
timely time
There will he no active Irrigon
Police Department to do turther drug
Police Chief Steve Mackey. along
with officer Brad Winkler, will he
laid off November 30. inasmuch as
the Irrigon City operating levy pro­
posal was defeated for the third time,
and there is no money in the cay cof­
fer» to run the Irrigon Police
Chief Mackey explained what the
$5.793.30 may he used for. “ the
money was seized as evidence in a
February drug bust and was forfeited
by the detendents." he said, “ and
can only he used for drug investiga
“ It cannot he used for general
operating expenses," he added
The purchase of equipment to fur­
ther Morrow County drug investiga
lions was on the agenda
In February. Gerald Craig
Wallace, 30. Florence, and Donald
Ixe Baechtold, 23. Gleneden Beach.
Students attend Honor Choir Festival
Three Boardman students at
Riverside High School placed first,
second and third at the local level of
the VFW "s “ Voice of Democracy"
speech contest. Vince Daltoso,
senior and son of Dan and Mary I jhj
Daltoso placed first and will receive
a $50 savings bond and the right to
compete at the District level in
Pendleton the first week of
December This is the third year in
a row that Vince has placed first at
the local level
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Evans bags 4-point bull elk
By Ed Glenn
Boardman • Irrigon
By Joyce Hensley
“ Creativity dues not have to he
brand new or onfinal. juit new to
you." Margo Long told a group of
gifted Morrow County Undent\ at a
special workshop recently.
“ Creativity can he fun." said
Long, the Director of the Center for
Gifted Education at Whitwrorth Col­
lege. Spokane
Qualified Morrow County
undents in grades four through eight
were given a little hit of this and a
little hit of that and were asked to
create something Their creations
were then judged by their peers at
the recent workshop at Columbia
Junior High
“ Creating is tough and it is also
n tk y ," said Long, speaking of the
vulnerability the creator feels when
hu creation is exposed to public
Long, also a well known consul­
tant on gifted education throughout
the northwest, taught the students
how creativity can he enhanced by
special condition*
The charismatic Long, who could
undoubtedly make a log enjoy lear­
ning, asked the students to sum­
marize what they had learned dur­
ing the workshop
You don't have to create alone,
you can create with others, and you
can use old to create new. were a
couple of concepts the students pop­
ped up with
Long inserted a simple, hut basic
concept, “ use your imagination."
Long also conducted a workshop
for gifted students in grades nine
through twelve the same day on
“ How to Learn Difficult Subjects
and Materials."
Citizens remember peddlers have
to gel a city license to sell You
should ask if they can prove they
have a licnesc to sell inside the city
The police check them out betöre is­
suing a license Don’t buy if no
Highway department asks for
help with thefts
The Oregon Highway Division is
jskmg drivers to he on (he lookout
for highway work crews that aren't
highway work crews
They arc impostors, usually work
ing under the cover of darkness, who
have stolen $bO.(XM) worth of
aluminum bridge railings and signs
from state highways during the past
six months
The thieves sell the hot aluminum
for scrap, said John Sheldrake,
maintenance operations engineer tor
the Oregon Highway Division The
costs to the state are much higher
than the scrap value because the
finished products are expensive to
“ This kind of loss is not covered
by any form of insurance The
replacement costs come right out of
the taxpayer's pocket," he said
The Highway Division must use
money set aside for other road im­
provements to replace the signs and
bridge rails Because it's a direct cost
to motorists. Sheldrake is asking
them to report suspicious-looking
highway crews to the State Police
K U M A FM 107.7 or 100.1
1 p.m. Saturday
Protection of gray whales
was first initiated by Mexico
and then by the International
Whaling Commission in 1946
The species has now
recovered to nearly 20.000
and can be viewed in winter
months swimming north and
south along Oregon's coast.
were arrested after being stopped by
officer Rob Flkins. who is now with
the Molalla Police department, and
hack up officer. Deputv Gary War­
ren of the Morrow County Sheriff's
An estimated $25.000 in drugs,
drug manufacturing paraphernalia,
cash, weapons, vehicles and jewelry
were confiscated
Although both Wallace and
Bexhtold were corn Med. neither one
is in jail and both arc “ walking the
Riverside High School lists
first nine weeks honor roll
Riverside High School has an
nounccd the following honor roll
students for the first nine weeks of
“ A" Honor Roll 3.5-4 0
Freshmen Tracy Dumlcr 4.0,
Mikka Evans, Guisar Araselc 4.U,
T ravis Johnson. Jana Mounts, Rox-
anna Perez. Elena Ponce 4 0. Kelly
Spray, Brandon Suchy and Richard
Sophomores Dawn Ammons.
Peter Ccton. Angie Copenhaver 4 0.
Charlene Finley 4 0. Amy Ganten
bein 4 0. Margi Garcia. Jon Horn.
Christi Irwin, Jose Ramos 4 0.
Angela Tipton. Kara Tucker,
Christina Crane. Tnna Saylcs, and
Angela Smythc 4.0
Juniors Melanie Bass, Daenu
Busen. Wendy Dawson, l-ca lid-
wards. Shanna Evans. Fstela Garcia,
lxnn Greer Joy Hcllberg. Sherry
Lake. Steve Larsen. Jennifer
lePlatt. Terri McKcnncy. Regina
Rodrigue/ 4 0. Lisa Short. Mary
Stevens, Mike Tallman, Scott
Timms, Kassie Westmoreland and
Mindy Nix
Sennits Robert Bates, Ingo Bette.
Vince Daltoso. IX-hi Driver. Harold
Glenn. Hank Johnson. Stacey
McCorkle. Kristi Medley. Holly
Miller. Dan Peck and Melissa Rich
mond 4 0.
■*B" Honor Roll 3 0-3 49
Freshmen Shannon Alford.
Tosha Bray. Sarah Ccarley. Richard
Cole. Andrea Cumbie, Michelle
Easterling, Molly Evans, Ryan
Evans. Dana Flanagan. Ronald
Ford. Kevin Gilbertson, laurel
Glenn. Mark Gomez. Stacey Henry.
Luis Hernandez, Ixnora Hinton.
Jolccn Huttman, Vicente Juarez.
Amic Keizur, Angie Lewellyn.
Tracey McCorkle. Will Moser. Hee
tor Pacheco, Brad Paradiso, Connie
Rodriguez. Grant Sams. Marc
Schilling. Heather Toman. Ruben
Torres. Daletta Trueax. Jodi
Vandeventcr. Chris Vcrlcy. Jem
Wheeler and Elizabeth Winkler
Sophomores Randy Beard. Karen
Bowling. Donna Dow. Rusty
Driver, Tim Hill, Marilec Huttman.
Jim Kinsey, Corey Prior, Victor
Reyes. Kari Seel, Ty Lappen and
Stephen Harrison
Juniors IXiuglas Alford. Matt
Andreason, David Barnck. Tracie
Cherry, Justin Dike. Joe Fxlward*.
Toni Hciple. I.yle Hobbs, Shane
Mathis. Patrick McDonough. Jim
Meyers. Jell Moody. Cecilia San­
chez, I isa Silva, Marty Suter. Missy
Whitehorn. Staci Wise and Heather
Seniors Gale Bailey. Carmen
Britt. Marina Colmcnero. Bonna
Davidson. Tina Duncan. Cynthia
Harrison. Clay Haynes, Mike
Ixdhettcr. Fumihiro Naruge. Tina
Palmer. Brent Paradiso. Gina Smith,
Mikel Sturdy. Michele Thomas and
Pam Wet/cl
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Thank you for your
vote of confidence!
Congressman Bob Smith
K k u M I6 I
H tL < 'm m e t
V j
A.' > •*. . VS.
f t h i t i n * S m tth f a r i a r n t f r u x < n m m u iir t
rt* f
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lone. OR
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A nd All Your
Insurance Needs!
Main Street
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Check with us for Multi Peril
Crop Insurance
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Protect Your
M u sta n g s
Drivers should find it fairly easy
to tell the difference between an of­
ficial highway work crew and the
impostors, he said Official highway
crews place advance warning signs
at work sites and use clearly mark
cd contractor or Highway Division
Another tip-off is that official sign
and bridge crews normally work
days, while most thieves work at
To report a suspicious looking
highway crew. State Police say to
use a telephone, not a citizen's hand
radio Many thieves monitor CB and
police radio in case they need to
make a quick get away
Steve Mackey
H eppner
perfecting the music for the concert
held Tuesday evening in the
laGrunde High School gymnasium
before a standing room only crowd
The efforts of all who participated
were richlcy rewarded by a standing
ovation at the end o f thier
“ Hus was the best performance
by any high school choir I've heard
and was a great cxpriencc for the
students." stated Hoskins. Riverside
choral director
P h o to by Jove« M«c»t*Y
streets," according to Mackey
Bcchtold was convicted for
[x>vsessK>n of a controlled substance
He spent forty-two days in jail and
is now out on probation
Wallace was convicted on several
drug related offense* and is also out
on prohat ion
Wallace has been arrested on
similar charges in the Florence area,
according to Mackey
Monies will also be coming after
the jewelry, appraised at approx­
imately $10,000, and other items
forfeited from the drug bust, can be
turned into cash
A 1979 Chevrolet four wheel
drive pickup, also forfeited, will be
auctioned otT.
The funds from the jewelry and
cash arc to be shared with the Mor­
row County Tusk Force to reimburse
them for the part they played in the
investigation But. the bulk of the
check goes to the Irrigon Police
Department, according to Mackey
The U S Treasury receives ten
percent of the funds for handling
If a special levy election set for
December 27 passes, the Irrigon
Police Department will he reinstated