Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1987, Page FOUR, Image 4

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FOUR - Heppner Gazette-l imes, Hcppnrr, Oregon VSrdmsdat, Jul> 15. IW 7
, .—
M o rro w C o u n ty ’ » Hom e-O w ned W eekly Newspaper
* i
U S P S 240-420
PuhilOtrU »*«■* Urdnndat and rnlrrrd a> w ia id -ila « mallrr ml Ik* h a l OTTVr
•I Mrpporr Orrfon under Ih* Act oZ Marth .1. I»7» Snuad data puWac* pdd
ml Itcppnrr. I hrgun OTThr a 147 Wnl WiMow Slrm Tftrphunr I VI11 474-42IM
tddrrw tnmmunitaOunt lu Ih* H*ppnrr l.a rrllr lim n . P.O Hot JJ7, lirpp
n»r. Orr«»« V71.I* SutMtrip«lorn: t i t In Morro», Whrrtrr. I.UIIam and (.ran*
( iiunlln; t t < *tt*»h*r*.
Jotr* Huyh«"».................................................. OfTk* Mana«.r 11pnrlllng
Sand* Hohr .......................... .......................... ..................... N*»t IdMor
Mart* M n tlh rrt ........................................................................ I.raphk* Ihrparlm rnl
(lid Pap«n»ao .......................................................... t.raphér*. INdrUtotlon
KU**n Sailing......................................................................... PruoT Krad mg
David and April Sykes. Publishers
Letters to the Editor
An open letter from the Chamber
• * I
K m /ua m ill over the past many
The business community has been
extremely pleased with the outcome
o f yo ur d iv e rs ifie d m arketing
strategy and also the way that you
have sustained the natural resources
o f the area w ith your forest manage
ment program
Again, let us congratulate you on
this huge boost o f the economy o f
s m a ll
lu m b e r (a rm in g
F. George K o fflc r
Heppner Chamber of Commerce
July 14. 1987
Harry Kennison
General Manager
K m /ua C orporation
Heppner. OR 978V.
M r kennison
The Heppner Chamber o f Com
mcrcc would like to take this oppor
tunny to congratulate you and your
staff on ihe new stud null planer
com plex being installed at your m ill
here in Heppncr We understand that
this w ill create 40 more u»bs for the
community I'm sure the entire com
m unily can appreciate the financial
impact that such a large addition to
the work force creates in a small
town the si/c o f Heppner
The com m unities o f M orro w
County owe you a debt o f gratitude
for the way you have managed the
• •/»*
M orrow County Justice CiHirt at
the Courthouse Annex in Heppner
reports handling the fo llo w in g
business during the past week
Wallace Leonard J-.iy. Kennewick.
W js h
- Suspended O p e ra to r
License. S I40 line
F re d e ric k
F ugcne
S teele.
Newport. Wash
• No Vehicle
Registration. S I3 fine
M arie Rose C orw in , Heppner
Fxcceding the M axim um Speed (69
mph in a 55 mph zone I . S30 fine
Darold W ilb u r Cain. Jr , Irngon
- Truck S p ie lin g (65 mph in a 55
mph zonei. S I 3 fine
(ta il Anne Papmcau. lone - E x ­
ceeding (he M axim um Speed (65
mph in a 55 mph zone). S I3 fine
Lynda lx c Crane. Heppner - E x­
ceeding (he M axim um Speed (71
mph in a 55 mph zone). $30 fine
Bobby Gene H arris. Jr.. Heppncr
I xcccding the Maximum Speed (65
mph in a 55 mph zone). S I3 fine
IXmms Scot Thompson, lone -
t ruck Speeding <70 mph in a 55 mph
zone). S30 fine
Neil [a"nw«HHl Ferrell. Lexington
No Fenders on T ra iler. S I 3 fine
l.cslic l.conard Nilsson. M ilto n
Freewater • G roup Axle Overload.
3900 Ih . S46 fine
John K C onnell. Jr Heppncr •
Neg.mating a Bad Check. $337 line
and 60 days in ja il w ith S I50 o f the
fine and the ja il sentence suspended
on conditions set by the judge
Mary M a tu riti* (¿aines
The H eppner
M a ry M a rg u n te G aines o f
Springfield died June 27. 1087. ai
the age o f 73 She was horn August
3. 1913. in H ell», the daughter o f
F.lmcr and Daisy Albcc She had
tv e n a homemaker and had lo e d in
Springfield fo r three years
She married Bruce Gaines on May
21. 1941. in Heppncr She was a
m em ber o f the N eig hb orho o d
Assembly o f G« h 1 Church in Santa
Survivors include her husband.
Bruce, tw o daughters Esangclinc
Smith and her husband. Jerry o f
Paso R ob les. C a lifo rn ia and
M argurite Hoglund o f Springfield,
a daughter in law. My rtha Gaines ol
Santa Rosa. C alifornia: si» grand
children, tw o sisters. Jennie Gregg
o f College P la ic, W ashington, and
Daisy Dominguez o l Garibaldi
Funeral services were Tuesday.
June 30
Heppner Police
___ Report___
The Heppner Police Dept reports
handling ihc follow ing business dur
mg the past week
July h 2 p m assist M orrow
County Sherifl IX ’pt . 11 45 p m -
request o ffic e r for Security Check
July 8 9 a m report o f a Theft.
12:30 p m suspect arrested for
July 9 10 45 p m request o fficer
fo r Security Check
July I I 9 4 1 p m assist M orrow
County Sheriff IV p t
Chief Rathbun’s
If-you’rc walking along and home
seems so lar, don t tail for the line,
“ come get into my c a r.1 don't pay
attention, don 't even go near o f
stran ge rs in ca rs, you have
something to leaf
Meeting Notice
M o rro w C ounty M ed ica l Board
The M orrow County M edK.il
Board w ill meet at 7 p m M onday.
July 20 , at Irngon C ity Hall A
budget review session is also
scheduled for July 20. from 3 to 5
Willow Creek /
M U R R A Y "S
Sheriffs Report
The M orrow County S h e riff s C i t -
ficc reports handling or dispalchipg>
the fo llo w in g business during the
past week
July 6 the s h e riffs office dispat
chcd the le x in g to n fire department
to a grass fire on Front Street in
July 7 the s h e riff s o ffice dispal
chcd (he Boardman ambulance to (he
fu r hall One female was transported
to Good Shepherd Hospital in
Hcrm iston
July 8 a deputy responded to the
lone area to investigate a complaint
invo lvin g an animal problem
July 9 a deputy arrested Wallace
Leonard E ly . 4 3. K ennew ick.
Washington, fo r allegedly D riving
W hile Suspended He was cited and
July 10 a deputy responded to the
lone area to inscstigatc complaint o f
an animal problem
July 10 a deputy responded to the
l.cxingtnn area to investigate com­
plaint o f a neighborhood d istu r­
bance Pmblcms were resolved with
involved parties
July 10 a deputy responded to a
residence in the Irng on area to in
vcstigatc a complaint o f a rcsiden
tial burglary .
July 10 a deputy responded to in
vcstigatc a complaint o f an animal
problem in the Boardman area
July 12 a deputy backed up Ir-
rigon police in recovering a stolen
vehicle from W yom ing Tw o per
sons allegedly connected w ith the
theft were arrested
Robert E
G ilp in . 20. and B illy jo c D G ilp in .
21. hometowns unknown
July 12: a deputy backed up
Boardman polKc on report of a fight
among scseral individuals in front ol
a Boardman residence Incident was
resolved with no arrests
July 12 the s h e riffs o ffic e
responded to a report o f a fam ily
disturbance Kraig E Kassman. 23.
Irn g o n . was arrested on a charge o f
Assault IV and lodged at the
E m a tilla County Jail
IX in ng the week o f July 6 12. the
s h e riffs office assisted one disabl
id motorist
July 13: a deputy assisted Irrig on
police in helping a male locate per
sonal property.
Thursdav I «dies Das
Ju ly 7
Long drive Susan Johnston and
A m u Boyer
First place (cam Juanita M artin
and Susan Johnson. 36
Second place team
C uisforth. Jo Pettyjohn and D oll
Cam pbell. 37
Third place team Eileen Padberg,
Narvv Zielinski and Kristie Smallev.
Justice Court
The O fficial Ncwspjpcr o f the
City of Heppncr and the
County o f Morrow
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Hospital Notes
• P'esturt III l«l h»i .inqar grips R fid /W h :
• Drop Siil« h ir i t n loi easy carrying
• EiUa lough p ../t-ihylan« ion si tuition
• Uielhan« loam insulation
• Lid can to us«d as saal
P io n e e r M e m o ria l H o s p ita l
reports admitting Richard W ick o l
Heppner July 7 and disc harging him
Juh H
Now on display
< t.ts
i fcí'íí.: j
Now on display at the Morrow County Museum in Heppner,
this petrified toad was found in a flower bed on Baltimore St
earlier this week Jerry Davis said she suspected he had been
buried for a long time but that recent rams and watering helped
bring the little fellow closer to the surface She found him while
pulling weeds
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Dues If i s i l u r a i r
Slwrt S«t • Jarwf KaM.
i 1
S im : S M l
The H eppner
(M -» )
« V -
I hc M orrow County C le rk 's of
ficc at the Courthouse in Heppner
reports issuing marriage licenses to
the follow ing
James IX'an Johnson. 2 1. Adrian,
and Katherine V ictoria M artin. 18.
Irrig o n
Kerry Kenneth Kenton. 24. and
Rebecca l.ynnc Q uantrcll. 20. both
ot Boardman
Strip« i d S«M Tap
Marriage License
Tuesday la d ie s Day
July 14
Low gross Kay Anderson
Second low gross Bernice Lott
l-ow net Lorrna Jones
Secund low net [X ill Campbell
K P M arcia Anderson
l-ong drive Ann Cutsforth
C hip in L ucilc Peck and laircna
Birdie M arcia Anderson
k in /u a -1 'undon N isita lu in
July 12
H eppner
Low gross Ron Bowman, 66
Second low gross a three way tie
aim ing George W a tcrlan d. Ed
Slruthcrs ano IXtug Smith. 71
Lt>w net Eldon G ilbert. 55
Second kiw ik * i a lie between Carl
N orris and Charlie Starks. 56
K P Eldon G ilbert
Long drive Ted T oll
Special prize Ken Turner
( ondnn
Low gross Vem Mathews
Second low gross Dave Eaton
T hird low gross IXiug W ilson.
Laiw net B ill Dyer
Second low net O rville Parmcll
T hird low net Bob Cooney
K P Doug W ilson
Long drive Doug W ilson
Other awards Brad Shannon
K in zuu
Low gross Henry Spivey. 74
Second low gross Pat Bunyard.
Third low grow Herb W right. 79
Low net H ill M clnnis. 53.
Second low net a tic between B ill
O 'lX tn n c ll and R ollo L.ummis, 57.
T hird low net L arry M o ffit
K P Henry Spivey,
lo n g drive: B ill M clnnis, Jr
Special awards H ill M clnnis
In d ie s
lo w gross Sally Dyer
Second low gross
T hird low gross a tic between
Susan Johnson and Ann Cutsforth
lo w net: W illie Andrews
Second low net Coral »Norris
Third low net Ncomu Bailey.
K P Ann Cutsforth.
lo n g drive Sally Dyer
Special awards Neoma Bailey and
Coral Beckham
Committees in charge o f lunch and
play was comprised o f Frank and
Neoma Bailey. Karl and Peggy
Fishbum. Barbara Cutsforth. Eldon
G ilbe rt, and D oll Campbell 57
golfers participated.
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II» Tub (iolcJ N Soft
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rangler Western
w rani
■ [ Ç j Shirts Short sleeve
g ,7 95
oz o il or
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pai k rug »1 •
S o u p m ^ ,,/
1 Ver 8
C a r r o t s , ib b a g
#er 4
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Summer Colors
$ 1 4 95
19 95
Justin Work Boots
3 9 «,
B r o c c o li
W rangler Knit
Boot Cut HKIS pt«ly
/V -c
C am pb e ll's
V e g e ta b le
C L E A R A N C E «
Excellent Buy
* k }
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SMrkist C h u n k litu
- ' £
*? *í ï H
« ■ 1
217 N. Mato
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C u c u m b e rs
G reen o r O range
1 S‘
31 « ,
H oneydcss
£4 * 1
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fry e rs
Beet Top R ound
« u k
H a m
9 9 «
H o cks
KIDS' Cotton Prr Shrunk
Lt Blue. Reg 269 5
$ 2 1 ’ 5
Swim Suits
Men ¿k H*>ys
Famous Brand Names
20% , 4 0 % , 5 0 %
C o u r t S fre e J M a rk e t
111 N Court
N (M $ 6 9 9 5
W rangler Stonewashed
Cowboy Cut
Open 7 days a wevk, 7 a m. to 6 p.m.
7 -0 .
128 50
G a rd n e r’s
193 N Mam St
o ff
M E N ’S
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