Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, July 15, 1987, Image 1

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Morrow County s Home-Owned Newspaper
Three area high school track
athletes and their coach have recent­
ly returned from a 10 day lou r o f
China w ith the Amateur Sports
Jason Dougherty, Jason Palmer.
Kim Sager and coach I>alc C onklin
were part o f a 39 member, lour
coach Class " A A ” and " A " track
team which spent 10 das x at the end
o f June in China
" I t seas really a trip lo r cultural
experiences in vthich see vsere ex
posed to the eights, sounds, and
smells o f the Chinese veay o f lif e . "
C onklin said
The contingent spent the first tw o
days touring and shopping in Hong
Kong ()n the third day o l the trip
Landfill Public
Wednesday July 15
Irngon Courthouse
Annex-10 a m
Riverside High School
Boardman-7 30 p m
Heppner 25*
Wednesday, July 15. 1987
Friday July 17
8 Pages
lone Legion Hall-1 p m
Heppner Courthouse
7:30 p m
Clerk’s office verifying signatures on landfill petition
Since the planning commission ap
proval. how ever. Simpson and
Mason have requested in w ritin g an
appeal o l the decision, saving the
commission made a "se rio us om is­
sion in the proposal I The letter to
the court is a separate action front
the petition |
I he appeal slates that the county
cannot approve a lan dfill for more
than 40 acres The Finley Buttes site
is considerable more at 600 acres
County Planner Deane Sccgcr said
I uesday he had read the letter, hut
had no comment " I understand the
from fall
The lineman who fell 30' from a
power pole July I is now out o f the
hospital and expects to he able to
return to work next week
Greg Karlxon fell 50' when he
stepped on a knot and it cut out from
under him while he wax fram ing a
He broke his nose, some o f the
hones in his left wrist I which is still
in a splint), and had several cuts His
ribs are Mill a little vore. he said, and
be had tumble breathing after swim ­
ming earlier this week, but is sure
the doctor w ill release him to go
back to work soon
He is one o f nine clim bers in the
crew to r Bari and Assoc the con­
tractor for reconstruction o f the main
power line into Heppner W ork on
the SI 3 m illio n project began in
May and is expccied to he completed
this tall
Karl son has been a lineman for
eight years and has traveled w ith his
w ife and tw o children to almost
every state except those in the
.5 '
by Vshlrv C unklm
The Heppner
Over 400 signatures were turned
into the County C lerk's office Mon
day . asking voter approval before a
large scale la n d fill can he ci»n-
xiructcd in M orrow County
I wo Roardman men. Dean Mason
and Jerry Simpson, gathered the
signatures on petitions circulated
around the county the past ten days
W ording on the ballot says that
voter approval would he required on
the location, development or opera­
tion ol any lan dfill located in the
county . which accepts garbage from
outside the county
The petition was prompted alter
T idew ater Barge Lines, w hich
operates barges on the Columbia
River, proposed the construction o l
a 600 acre lan dfill near Finley But
les, 16 miles south o f Boardman in
central M orrow County
If the petition is valid 1182 o f the
400 signatures must he registered
voters in the county I. the issue would
be on the November 3 ballot, said
County Clerk Barbara Bloodxworth
Bloodsworth said her otfice is now
in the process o l validating the
signatures, and should he done by
the end o f this week
It the lan dfill is established here,
it would he used to dump com m er­
cial and residential garbage colli vied
front communities along the Colum
hia River.
Tidewater would barge the waste
up the riser in sealed containers, o ff­
load the containers at the Pon o f
M orrow dock in Boardman. and
i r ik k the waste lo the la n d fill site
The la n d fill would accept only non
toxic material. Tidewater o fficials
The M orrow County planning
commission gave its approval tor the
dump Iw o weeks ago. granting a
conditional use permit tor its ci>n-
struction The landfill permit still has
to have the approval o f the M orrow
County Court
Four return from China tour
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VOL 105 NO 28
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district attorney is looking at i t . "
Sccgcr said
District Attorney Jeff Wallace said
the appeal had been returned to
Simpson and Mason because the
planning commission decision "w as
not appealable ”
Public hearings on the la n d fill arc
scheduled Wcdnesdas July 13 before
the M orro w Ctm niy Court A hear
ing w ill he held at the Irrig on C ou r­
thouse Annex at 10 a m and again
at Riverside H igh School in Board
man beginning at 7 30 p m The
hearing w ill be continued at I p m
Friday. July 17 j t the l.cgion Hall
in lone and at 7 30 p m at the Cour
I house in Heppner
the group took a h ydrolo il to Macau
where they spent two day x w ith tours
ot the city and ot Mainland China
W ith the Mainland China lour the
group saw the beginning o l the rice
harvest which C onklin said was his
favorite part of the trip The rice
harvest is accomplished entirely by
hand with no machines Ib c Chinese
d on ’t waste anything, saving even
the straw to fuel their home kitchen
stoves," he said
An all star g irls basketball game
between an American team and a
Chinese international team was
scheduled at Macau However, the
U S A team did not nuke the tu p .
so a g irls ’ team was made up o f the
g irls on the track team
A lot o f time was spent in Macau
and Hong Kong shopping where the
Anxcrican dollar was worth about
$7 70 Hong Kong dollars
" I t was a really good place to do
a lo t o f b a rga in s h o p p in g .”
Dougherty said
A fter the group x stay in Macau,
they went back to Hong Kong by
hydrofoil where they had tree time
until an all day track meet on the
sixth day
At the track meet the Oregon all
star teams competed w ith athletes
from several Hong Kong athletic
clubs The meet was conducted
under international rules using
heavier implements and higher
hurdles than those used in high
school meets The meet was pul on
by the Hong Kong Amateur Atheltic
Palm er, h u rlin g the b ig g e r,
heavier discus won the event w ith a
distance o f 113 9 He was also
fourth in the hammer throw , a
16 pound hall and c ham event His
toss was 82 0
He also competed
in the prelim inaries o f the shot pul
hut failed to nuke the finals It was
the first time Palmer had ever
thrown the hammer
Dougherty finished sixth in the
110 meter high hurdles in : 18 36 and
tilth in the 400 meter intermediate
hurdles w ith a time o f I 04 77
The high hurdle race was run with
42 inch hurdles compared to 39 inch
hurdles used in the high school
The intermediate hurdles
were run w ith 39 inch hurdles com ­
pared to 36 inch hurdles used in a
high school 300 nxeter hurdle race
Sagar was to compete in the
400 meter hurdles but became ill and
was unable to compete
"T h e track com petition was real­
ly a bonus and a small part o f the
overall t r ip . " C onklin said
Die next night the group had a
dinner sponsored by the Hong Kong
Amateur Athletic Association and
went swimm ing in the South China
Sea among other activities before
relum ing home
"Seeing China was a real ex­
perience.’ ' Palmer said "T h e sights
and smells o f Hong Kong were in ­
teresting ”
"T h e trip was fu n .” Sager said
" I wish we could have stayed longer
and I wish I could go hack **
The group also had exposure to
the Hong Kong subway system,
which C onklin described as " t e r ­
r ific .” that carries nearly one m illion
people each day in a city o f nearly
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Beat the Heat
Evan Weygandt, 10. of Heppner beats the heat as he —
hoi dogs s n
diving board
it" off the divina
day Pc
at the Heppner pool Tuesday
People all around the area were finding ways to beat the heat
this week as the temperatures climbed toward 100 degrees
City zoning review approved
By Avon Metby
A state required review ol the ci
ty o t Heppner comprehensive plan
and zoning code was approved by
the Department ot Land Convertva
lion and Development on July 6. u
ty planners were told M<*nday nigh«
The city planning commission
started work on the update ta ile d in
the period'«, review last tall and has
put a lot of hours in ihe process Dan
Mcader. planner from Ih c Dalles
was hired lo assist in the work and
was paid hy the state
Hcppner’s plan was first accepted
and approved hy the state July 10.
Deane Sccgcr reported on pro
grew o f the county in landscaping
and making changes at the Cour
(house Annex in the old dental
building near the hospital A d rip
system for irrigating the lawn is he
ing installed Screening has arrived
to cut o ff the view from neighbors
W ork on the parking area is under
way Gutters w ill be installed to
direct water from where it could get
under cement Painting and all pio
jeetx arc expected lo be completed
w ithin a month
Asked about Ihc heliport w htih
was also to be upgiaded in this work
before the city would allow an
unrestricted conditional use o t the
properly. Sccgcr said It is in Inn
b o .” Nothing is being done until it
is determined it there w ill be a con
iniuationot the helicopter service tor
the area
A v a ria n c e to setback re
q uire m en ts was approved lo t
Charles iXtwxc at 373 Linden Way
He wants to construvt a shop tor his
own use in bask o l his double wide
mobile home there It w ill be ot
punuee block w ith wood frame
covered by alum inum which w ill be
painted to match the mobile home
He wants the set hack to be inside
his property from the alley by one
and one halt lect. instead ot the rc
q u irrd 10 feet He said other xtruc
lures built hy neighbors were lined
up so the approx mute I *6 feet would
be in the same depth from the allcs
Doctor hired to serve Boardman
clinic on temporary basis
By Stan T alb ott
A fter todays without an attending
p h ysicia n , the N o rth M o rro w
Medical C lin ic now has one
According to Ernest W ick, coun
ty medical adm inistrator, the coun
ty has hired D r Benjamin Kenagy
D r Kenagy. Eugene, has practic­
ed medicine since 1953 "H e prac
(ices in various places in Oregon as
needed " said W ick "H c w a x fa u ly
recommended by many o f the local
physicians "
D r Kenagy was in Boardnun
Tuesday and Wednesday to assess
his new surroundings He signed a
contract which runs through the mid
die o f next month By that tim e, the
M orrow County Medical Board
plans to determine the course o f
M orrow County health care
Dr Kenagy w ill return to the
clinic beginning Monday, said W x k
He w ill he there Monday through
Friday from 9 a m to 3 p rr.
Anyone wishing to make an ap
pointment w ith D r Kenagy can con
tact the clinic at 481-7212
The land is in a comm ercial /one
Approval was also giantcd to
M uhael Slookey to plaic* a mobile
home on his property at 423 Linden
Wax He needed a conditional use
permit hccjuxc the property is in a
commercial zone
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th ird K im B u rk e , fo u rth Dana
Flanagan, fifth Carman B ritt, lied
fo r sixth K ari Morgan amt Judy
Jcpsen. eighth Debi D rive r, ninth
Laurel Temple and tenth Rondi
The top three judges and five o f
the to p 10 w ere J u n io r 4 H
members It is important for new or
young 4 H members to realize they
have just as good a chance to do well
in contests as anyone else and should
participate in as menav as j**xxihle.
said B ill Bnvderick. 4 H agent
Phyllis Brooks nidged the event
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Park d is tric t C ha irm an Ken
Turner, and Treasurer Pat Sweeney
appeared before the Marine Board in
Salem Iasi Wednesday to request the
funds for the boat ramp
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Dave Obcrn o l the M arine Board
said Tuesday the docks would be
placed in the lake not long after the
park district is able to obtain the
lease from the Corps.
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Len Ray Schwarz
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Scotch Thistle, a biennial may he
identified the lirs i year hy ihe large
amount ot soil whily hair on the up
per leal suitace o f the rosette Ih c
second year plants may grow 4 8
feet tall w ith one purple (lower
blooming at the end ot each stalk in
June Ihe stem is characterized hy
winged tissue
Landowners who refuse to control
" A " list weeds may he cited It a
landowner still rcluses to begin her
bicidc controls, ihc weed supervisor
has the authority to spray noxious
weeds, or to have it done at the Ian
dow ner’s expense
(Jucxiions about identity or control
o l the weed may he addressed to the
weed supervisor. 676 V452
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July 6 • 13
H igh I an* Pres.
F ri
ol ifta M o w County (
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By plac ing third Rritlncr qualified
tor ihc national meet to be held in
Provo. I lah on the weekend ot July
i Gnx»*t«
Tuesday, July 14
Sott White
Also m the meet, the I M 2 year
old 400 meter refay team o f Andy
Axhhcck. In d y H olm an. Kevin
Payne, and Sam Sumner placed sixth
w ith a lim e o l 59 04
Payne also ran m the preliminaries
o f ihe IU> meter dash, finishing
sixth in his heal to tall |uxt short o f
making the finals
: ka -
ty. lo he used for a day use and
recreational vehicle park fh e park
district is in the process o f applying
lo r the lease at this imxc
because the weed may have been in
Ihe ground but kepi under control
w ith regular tanning practices
Heppner participants bv placing
third in the high jum p in the 1112
year old hoys division He jumped
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"1 liked most o f the tours and
wished 1 could have stayed longer,’ ’
IXiughcrty said "1 met a lot ot great
people "
" I t was great and 1 met some nice
fieople.” Sager agreed
" I t was great and 1 would have
liked to slay longer.” C onklin add
cd " I didn’t like the smells o f Hong
Kong the first day hut quickly got us
cd to it "
by Ashley C o n k lin
Fisc area athletes competed in Ihe
Athletic Congress Junior O lym pic
regional track and field meet held
last Saturday at Spokane Falls Com
m um ty College
l.eon.ird Brittner led the wav (or
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Weather Report
Brittner leads Heppner at
regional junior Olympics
River Riders place first at horse show
The River Riders from Irrig on
placed first at the Prelair horse
show Second was the Heppner Tw o
Trackers, the new 4-H club from
lone placed third.
The lop ten individuals in ihe judg
ing contest were as follow s Firxt-
hiizabctl. South, second Sarah Britt
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Scotch Thistle becomes noxious weed
Scotch Ih is lle has been upgraded
to an " A " lisi noxious weed in Mor
row County
Form erly on the B weed list,
ihc ihunge means dial landowners
ate now responsible lor eradication
o l Scotch Thistle on their property
Infestations ot Scotch Ih islle in
M orrow County arc small enough
Weed Supersixot Jim VanW m kle
said, that eradication or containment
is s till possihlc
Allhough il is ( i n i late now to
begin an h e rb ic id e io n iio l program,
he said, small plants can he chopped
o tt with a shovel I oi Ijig c r mtcsla
lions he adviscd w ailing until tall or
s p rin g to begin an h e rb ic id e
The weed causes p ro b le m s
p rim a rily on rangeland and in
allatta Fields recently seeded to
grass under ihe C on se rva tio n
Reserve Program should he watch
ed for Scotch Ih is lle . he said.
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Schwarz joins Central Market
l en Ray Schwarz is the new hut
cher at Central M arket He replaces
John McCabe who liaised to W at
renton to manage a meaK tilting com
pany there
Schwarz is a long time resident ol
Heppner having along with his w ile
Ann, owned and operated Court
Street M arket and then le n Ray
The couple still operate Len s Pm
cessing, a custom meat cutting com
pans at their home on Hinton Creek
McCabe is working as manager ot
Real aial Hertig. a na-ai cutting com
pjny in Warrenlon He worked at
Central Market lor I I years
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Lake gets boat docks
Money lor placement o f two boat
docks on W illow Creek la k e was
approved by the Slate M arine Board
last week in Salem
The board has approved $23,000
for tw o docks at (he lake, one dock
to be located at the boat ramp to
assist boaters while launching, and
the other to be located near the coxc
to be used tor ntoortng short periods
of time
The grant is dependent on the
W illow Creek Park D istrict obtain
ing a lease from the US Arm y Corps
o f Lnginccrx for lake front proper
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