V .... - IM I' I Morrow County's Home-Owned Weekly Newspaper 240-420 1‘uMKhrtl r*cr, WcUnrMta« *n*l rater«! at wtund->UM mall« al Ihr KmlOOkr at Mrppocr l Hr*..« umkf Ihr V I nl Marrh .». l»7S S«uml i U u piraacr pud at tbpporr. Orrgim 1 HTVr al 141 WrW VSl»..» strm Irtrphonr tMJl *7a-*2» Slklrr** rurmmink aOim* to the llrppnrr (.urtU llm n. 1 O Hut JJ7. U»PI^ ncr. Orvgna TT«»* s«|*,Opt am*: *12 la Murr»». WhccWr (.«lam and l.ranl ( iMinttr*. *2.1 rl*r»hrfr Jost« ll u c h r s ..................................................................tttnc« M in a tfi. I'p n rllM « Sands Mu« < .......................................................................................................... *d « o t \U rV S truth«* ...................................................................... t.ra p h lti l>» part me nl I .a ll Paphsrau ........................................................................... t.ra p fc h s , Ih s lr il.u la .n t l k r n S a ttln « ............................................................................................... •*"« * “ »«h»* David and April Sykes, Publishers Letters to the Editor Bikers impressed by Heppner hospitality To the Editor: M y husband ami I were par licipants in the "Oregon 500", a motorcycle excursion lhai originated in the Portland area, hut had par­ ticipants from all over Oregon and southwest Washington Our route look us thrinigh your town We were met at your city limits by representatives o f your Chamber o f C om m erce, who handed out broc hures and coupons lor tood ami merchandise- We were invited to rest at your lovely city park and visit your museum, and when we arrived in your business district, w r found nearly every store open ami awaiting us. ami several stands where drinks and food were available I cannot tell you how impressed we were by your hospitality I'm sure there arc plenty o f towns in the state that would cringe at the pro sc pci o f 2000 motorcylcs passing through, even though most of us arc just as responsible and courteous as re*n cnthusiasis Citi/ensol Heppner seemed genuinely glad to sec us and were very friendly and helpful Talk o f your hospitality was on the lips of many a motorcycle rider for the rest o f the day. Frankly. my husband and I would have had little inclination to visit Heppner had it not been for this trip, hut alter the reception we received, I can assure you w e'll he back, ami I'm sure that's a sentiment shared by many o f our group You fuse a great town ami some of the friendliest pco pic around Your efforts were emu mously appreciated Sincerely (s) Deime ami Steve G usttfvtn Portland Proud of Heppner ’ r/ t » V f • * V! ■ j wv ‘" . V V r - * V . T : % ;/ i To the Editor: I have always been proud of Hcpp ncr. hut never more so. than during this time of following Sam Worley 's death Die out pouring o f love and .itledKin that Heppner has shown his family is tremendous It has been a great comfort to his family to know he was laid to rest in a town that lov ed him. My deepest appreciation go to all those who have contributed to the Sam Worley Memorial Trophy fund for the Junior Howlers Sam always believed that giving recognition to the children for a job well done should come first I'm scry proud that the town has shown such sup port lor continuing Sam's work V1v many thanks to all who ha\e supported me through Sam's death I'm prouder than ever to^all Hcpp ncr my home Sincerely. (si Cycle Skrocli * • «í* « * «w ’ ; r* .. >r -*i X k ■ ’ • • , s - . \ , •» . « f* ^ i •'■'■■JrTi i ?*.r ' £ , i-* * ' ' k ^ *• * « ) 1 k .«m . both o f lone, and Jerry at Tillamook, sisters, Anna W right ol Baker. Ha/cl Ellis of lone and Helen Keithley o f Heppner; 13 grand children and II great grandchildren Her husband preceded her in death in 1979 Memorial contributions may he nude to the National Foundation lor Ileitis and Colitis through the Bank of Eastern Oregon, lone Branch. P O Box 106. lone. 9784* Funeral serv ices were Tuesday. May 19 at the lone United Church of Christ Concluding service and burial was at Highview Cemetery in lone Sweeney Mortuary. Heppner was in charge o f arrangements District Attorney’s Report The District attorney s office reports that Judge Ralph Curnn pro­ nounced the following sentences at District Court in Heppner May 12 loirry Coles was sentenced to 30 days in jail and lines of $550. He was found guilty o f Failure to Display Operator's I ícense al a May 8 trial Robert Coles wav fined $265 for Driving Uninsured. David Hudson w.is lined $318 lor No Vehicle License, and Barbara Hudson was fined $450 lor f ailure to Display Operator's License. Driving Unin cured and No Vehicle License as a result of the same Mas 8 trial I he district attorney’* office has action pending against these same lour people lor additional counts of the same charges Heppner Police Report____ The Heppner Police IVpt reports handling the following business dur mg the past week May I I 5.20 a m -report o f Burglary May 12 12 39 a m -report o f Prowler May 14 8 37 p m report o f Hit and Run and Criminal Mischief May 15 7 41 p m -citation issued lor No Operators License. 10:04 p m report of Prowler, 10 42 p m received complaint o f someone shooting a BB Gun May 16 8:52 a m -took report o f Criminal Mischief May 17 12 40 p m.-Citation issued tor Failure to C'hange Vchi tie Registration. 7:15 p m -citation issued for Careless Driving. I 20 p m officer requested for Security Check. 4-H News Two Trackers • • Music Awards * * ? %* 1 > m " ; : 2 ; 0 Julie Wild (left), Kathleen Brazell, and Yvette Cowett of Heppner High School recent­ ly received music awards for outstanding musicianship and participation Wild received the choral award. Brazell the director award for band and Wild the John Philip Sousa band award Two-Trackers 4 H club w ill n«*t meet Sunday. May 24 because the Pioneer Picnic The next meeting w ill he Sunday. May 31. 4 p.m at Robinson's feed lot Remember, the tune up clinic and lair judging classes are only a month away, leader Al Brazed said "B rin g your record hooks to class and let's get readv for summer." I I ---- ?.. ?j >> y ‘ GREEN F E E D ’ S Cash and Carry Special! Friday and Saturday Only May 22 G 23 'V a . A. '1 . I à M r y ~ w \i s. • " Typewriter VCR. TV. Stereo Housewares Crock pot Hair Dryer Iron Shaver Phones Dustbuster *-a * *■ • » C> Zonal (ftTamums-good color variety $ |0 0 Redding Plants, while supplies last 65c each Memorial Day Baskets Now Available rw New - Just Arrived!! Yard Ornaments, Decorative: and Bird Baths Yard Stepping Stones & Kdgings etc. V ireen Feed Heppner & Seed 676-9422 It Graduation Gift Ideas! •:* ¿ f t ¡* Y* ■**!? i Hospital Notes , .V :• £ / ■ ; - ,T * Morrow County Justice Court at the Courthouse Annex in Heppner reports handling the follow ing business during the past week Cash Craig Allison. Heppner Excessive Tire Noise $17 fine Joanne M ane Randolph. Hermiston Failed to Drive Right o f Centerline. $17 fine Craig Fredrick Parks. North Bend-Exceeding the Maximum Speed (65 mph in a 55 mph zone), $36 fine Brian Kietmann. lone Exceeding ihc Maximum Speed (75 mph in a 55 mph zone). $36 fine Lee Adam Ford. Georgetown. South Carolina-Exceeding the Max imum (65 mph in a 55 mph zone). $26 hail forfeited Orville Dale Rcibcr. Touchet, Washington Passing on a Curse with Insufficient Clearance. $31 hail forfeited Timothy Joe White. Idaho Falls. Idaho No PUC Permit. $57 bail forfeited Marvin IJanlen Dcarr. Pendlct*»" Exceeding the Maximum Speed (75 mph in a 55 mph /one». $30 fine James Erank Wishan. Hcppncr- Exccedtng the Maximum Speed (72 Samuel E. Worley G A Z E T T E -T IM E S USPS Justice Court Obituaries The O fficial Newspaper o í ihc City o f Heppncr ami the County o f Morrow The Heppoer '+»*. ,t Sleeping Bag Flashlight Coolers Kitchen Utensils ’¿-pint Microwave Back-pack Tape Recorder Thermos Automotive Acces Coffee Makers Cookware * ■ ■ - Í * 1 \ M. m . k*. ì v W * i f »> a m -A*.*- * * * » . \ * ' • ' * • P . • t . ^ Ä ^ y j ì , r « , * * • * * ^ • ^ ^ » * . • r ì” Am e nton e (Wonder Tones R a t Wall Paint infittiti! rtU#ta** I W A N T V O I K V IE Senator GENE TIMMS IT'S MY HOPE THAT TH R O U G H YOUR INPUT. I W ILL BE ABLE TO BETTER SERVE YOU I The Governor has propos­ ed a regional strategy for economic development which includes regional &. county strategies throughout my district Do you favor this idea? ______ Yes ______ No 2. Do you fawr a public water right'* This water right maybe requested by Fish & Wildlife. IX'p -Environmental (Quality. Parks S l Recreation or any individual. ______ Yes ______ No 3. Would you like to see more money spent on state prison construction even at the ex­ pense of other items in the budget? ______ Yes ______ No (Number from I to 6) .Level or increased revenues to the county Improved fish habitat Increased recreational prospects Maintaining scenic values Increased or maintained levels of jobs in timber industry _Environmental considera tions 8. Do you support urinalysis drug testing of employees by their employer? ______ Yes ______ No 9 IX) you support an increase in highway revenues to improve the condition of our roads? 4. Presently, the legislature ______ Yes ______ No meets only in odd numbered years. Would you support if yes. which alternative (s) meeting during even numbered would you support? years for a limited session that ____Gas tax increase deals only with budgetary ____ 291 transfer tax concerns? Increased vehicle regís No . Yes tration fees .All of the above 5. Should the surplus state in­ come lax collections be return­ 10. IX) you think the office of ed to the taxpayers or spent on State Superintendent of Public- new or existing state programs Instruction should be an ap­ ______ Yes ______ No pointed position instead of elected (as it is now)? 6 Should Oregon adopt a no ______ Yes ______ No pass / no play policy under which students must be pass­ 11. Which of the problems ing all coursework if they want would you consider the most to participate in extra­ important priorities in your curricular activities and county. athletics? Please rank in order of im­ _____ Yes ______ No portance. Number from I to 6. __ ftjwer Rate Increases 7. Which wxiuld you consider __ Federal Forest the most important priorities management programs when selecting the manage­ ment plan for the National __ School Finance Forests? Please rank in order __ Workmen's Comp. __ Escalating Crime Rate of importance: __ Highways I sincerely thank you for taking the time to reply — I will per­ sonally read each response and share them with my colleagues. Eugene ((iene) I). l irnms Stale Senator, Disi. 30 Office S-302 Oregon State Senate Salem, OR 97310 C o a s t to C o a s t We C an Help You' SHV€* » 7 °° (Please clip this survey, fold it so that our address shows, staple or tape it closed and mail it in )______ RETURN ADDRESS (Please) Your Source for Gifts H eppner mph in a 55 mph zone). $24 fine Eana Renea Reid, Hcppncr- Excecding the Maximum Speed (69 mph in a 55 mph zone). $30 fine M ark W endell K ing, lone Exceeding the Maximum Speed (7 1 mph in a 55 inph zone). $30 fine Tcvva Lynn Shcrcr. lone- F.xceetling (he Maximum Speed (69 mph in a 55 mph zone). $30 fine Maxine May Gray. Hcppncr- Excccdmg (he Maximum (65 mph in a 55 mph zone). $13 fine It's through your input that I am better able to represent you and your needs. 676-9961 =11 w i \ ,K ' — ¿ MU R - llt-ppiui Guzrltr-Timrs, Hrpprwr, (>r»*.»u W rdnrsdat. Ma« 20. 1987 i* , » ir