Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 16, 1985, Page SIX, Image 6

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    s ix Th«* llr p p n r r G a i r U . - T I . i r l . Ilrp p n rt
Ur raun Wrdnrsda*
Janwary I*. I
Heading program planned to challenge
district’s TAG 5-81*1 graders
Morrow County- School District is
sponsoring th r third in a series of
Academic Challmgt* 1‘ rogramx (or
talented and Gifted 1 TAG 1 fifth
through eighth grade students on
Wednesday, January 23 from 9 JO to
II .10 a m at Sam Roardman FI
emrnlary School
(Hiring the program titled, "Read
mg In the Front Row " students
will tie separated into two groups for
an in depth study of a selected
rrading from literature There will
lie one group for grades five and six
and one group for grjdes seven and
eight Students w ill read a selection
that has literary merit and an ability
to provoke and sustain discussion
said a district spokesperson
Thr students w ill be encouraged
lo think carefully about the author’s
meaning They will discuss what
genuinely puzzli •> them in the -elei
lion They w ill a l-" learn th.i* fain
turns and wrong answers art- in
essential part of th* interpretive
process explains Ito- -|mki person
The purpose of the ai ’ ll i l l will l i
to encourage habits of n .nling . t
c a lli. interpreting *hat i rc.nl
supporting interpretation- *ith ei
idenie from th«* selection and listen
mg carefully lo cai h other * ideas
Discussion leaders (or the activity
w ill be Hrrnita Wey garnit from
Heppner Karen Heck from lone and
T e rri Mi Klligotl finn, t nlw
The activity will la- followed hi
lunch (or the participating students
at Sam Roardman Elem entary
School b«*lore returning to their
respective schools
Transportation arrangements will
fa* made hy s*hisil challenge pr-
gram coordinators
■....»e»eeeee»»e»e»eee.e»»e»»eeee...»e»>»»ee»»»»»eeee. . . . . . .e . »
Housing needed for
St. Patrick's Day
The («Mirth annual St Patricks
Dai celebration will lx* held this
year on Saturday and Sunday March
li.und I? Since it falls on a weekend
again we expect a large crowd says
si Patrick s Day committee Rous
ita. chairman Jerry Hollomon
lost a lot of our crowd last year
be* , ium - there w js no place to spend
the night
We don't want this to
happen again this year ’
W« are trying to line up additional
sleeping facilities, such as unused
Ixdnxmis in private homes and
R V s camp trailers motor homes
These would tx* rented or
loaned at the owner s risk because
ice have no insurance to rover this
Range Hulls Heing Offered Are The Top.
From Th«* Hereford Herds ( >f < tregon
type ol us«* There is a possibility ol
need tor two nights usage 'Friday.
March I i and Saturday. March 16
II you bare an K y or empty
tx-droom you would like to rent or
loan t" an out ol town guest, during
si Patrick s weekend please con
la* l Jerry Hollomon at Sh*x* Hox or
• • i ,.'ll during business hours
i >42 after 6 p m
children or pets
■xi p ni M o n d a i
Show a l I M a
J a n u a r s 2S
For further information
Elgin. Oregon
shepherd P 11 Rox
Phone 437 3192
1 3 th A nnual
Hoop S h o o t
W hat's ^ o u r
( )pinion
Lexington News
l i y D r i f t ha J o n e s
W W -HI H 't
Mrs J im * i Hilda i Yocom under
wenl major surgery on Wednesday
of last week at St Anthony Hospital
in I’endleton
Mr and Mrs Lyle Reck were
loastul visitors at Newport over the
Three (.inks Club met at the home
of Donna Papinrau on Thursday
afternoon for the regular meeting
with the chairman. Dorothy Rur
chain presiding
Rians for the
District meeting were discussed,
and a project for the needy was
again taken over This w ill consist
of foods and other needed things to
In- left at the NeiglitMirhiMxf Center
for distribution Refreshments were
served to la-ila Ralmer, Delpha
Jones Dorothy Rurcham, Kathy
Tellechea, Virginia Peck. Joyce Hu
chanun. and Ruth Robinson The
next meeting w ill tx‘ at the home of
Kathy Tellechea
It has lM-en announced that due lo
the cold weather, the regular l.odgc
meeting w ill fx- held al the home of
Ruth Robinson on Thursday after
home of Mr and Mrs Rarton d a rk
on Friday evening starting wiih a
(«mutilili pntlin k dinner I "llnwing
this the officers were mstall<*d by th'
Wheglland County iH-puly M (red
Wright was installisi i- M.istcr
Rians were ills« ussed lor tin ew ng
ilay al Pioneer Memorial II pit.il,
and that group s plans lor the dimi«*r
at the Centennial < elebratmn The
next meeting will lie held it th*-
home of Mr and Mrs N«*d Clark
Wheatland Poni"'.a w II mis ' .! I"
a m Saturday Jan .*'• al Willow*
Grange in lone for .« pmgr.ii
Dinner will lx* serve*! at mxin
S atu rd ay, Jan. 26
11:30 to 1 p.m. Hcppner, 10 to 11:30 a.m. lonei
(jo* -lion "Row do you f<*rl atxujt
Hi«* |Hissit>ility of the slate taxing the
winnings o( the state loHery’ "
I was wondering who was going to
gel stuck next, hut it It s going to lx-
it s going to lx- said Alice McCatx*
ol lleppner-. What I'm worrying
about more is the sales tax
Contact Ddlp Holland or Jim Swanson
Heppi •ner Elks .358
Visitors at the home of Wilbur and
Marie Steagall recently were their
grandalighter Milindu R h o d e s and
her infant daughter la*slie Krynn
who came to get acquainted with her
grandparents She is a great gran
daughter of the Steagalls
The Singspirutlon was held al the
Christian l.tfe Center on Sunday
evening with a good attendance
There were several solos enjoyed
Fula Rloodsworth and Mr and
Mrs T K Messenger attended the
Sunday (xitluek dinner at the Chris
lian Church in lleppner on Sunday
Mr and Mrs C C Jones visited
with Mr and Mrs Jim Rower and
children from Priest River. Idaho at
the G E Irvin home where the
Rowers were visit in# on Saturday
la-xinglon (.range w ill meet on
Monday evening Jan 21 lor a
regular meeting This is Men’s night
al which time they prepare and
serve pancakes, at 6 ;io p m
rangers are cordially invited to
attend Following this there w ill tie
a program and meeting
The Rhea Creek (»range met al the
Senior Citizen
Center building
The senior citizens of South Mor
row are working toward the building
of a lleppner Senior Center Many
fund raising events are necessary in
order to achieve the money (or the
all purpose, community building for
which they have adopted archltcc-
tually drawn and approve*! plans
The next event announced by the
fund raising committee is a com
munity card party and fun time on
the afternoon of Thursday . January
24. in the Episcopal Church Parish
Hall Folks are invited to come to
play bridge, pinochle or Trivial
Pursuit, to enjoy desserts and bev­
erages and to have chances to win
prizes during the afternoon
event w ill begin at I .10 p m and the
admission charge will be t l '«o
The seven-member board super
vising the lleppner Serior Citizen
Ruilding Corporation includes Rob
Harris, chairman, Jane Rawlins,
secretary. Clayton Ayers. Rill Cox
S im * Jepsen Paul W Jones and
Frieda Slocum This group super
vised a hot dog and coffee sale
during lleppner s Morrow County
Centennial Fall Festival and also
had a successful sales table at the
The Morrow County Court got the
senior building project started last
year when it donated land on the
northeast hillside west of the fair
grounds and dedicated M l.000 in
county revenue sharing funds to­
ward the center building
The lleppner area seniors, inspir
ed by the successful efforts of the
Irngon seniors w ill be using a plan
very similar to the plan being used
at Irngor tor their m ulti use commu
mty bi.dding
Even Kink s a \ s thev re the best, but voti
should know better
Because nobody does it better than
the bank with unparalleled final it lai strength
First Interstate Bank We prove it even da\. in
the things vou l a r e aboil! most
Like convenient e
Y hi can m*t cash from vour accounts .it
more than I .(MM) First Interstate banking offh es
and nearly IMMi I >av \* \ight Idler' iHichmes
throughout the West And they n bai ked up k
the CIRRI N, network of m< ire than a,(MM)
automated teller iTVtehirieS the mghout the I S
and Canada
W kit s more we offer more savings and
investment options than any other bank
With our fixed and variatile rate accounts.
\< ni II find the IRA that s right for vou And
well in,m you the money to get started so you
( an flave that important deduction on this
year s return
Also consider our Market Interest
At count Besides being an excellent
investment, vour funds are acces­
sible anytime at nearly BOO Day *\t
Night Idler mai limes throughout
the West
A lid < Ion t oy et look ( ert if h ales of
I )rposit with our attrai tive rates and flex­
ible terms ranging from 3
mont lis to 4 years
Or call on our team o|
Kink spei lalists lor invest­
ment management service
( )ur trai k record is the best
in ( )rt*gon
We also
luve a group
of financial
Some have extended terms available depending
on the loan amount
And v\ith the right credit information well
process your kian .tpplication the very same
iiav you <t[>j)lv
W e 're ce le b ra tin g
ou r u n p a ra lle le d
financial stre n g th .
W h a t could be b e tte r?
We were the first nationally chartered
bank west of the Rockies. And we've Iteen
proud to serve the financial needs of Oregon
ft tr 12( • years
Todtv we re meeting those needs better
tlum ever M o re As part of the nation's largest
multi-state banking sy stem with over $4 5 bil­
lion in assets.
And nobody
can do better
than that.
And the most .idv.iin > I fm.r ..i! m.n lyjcinciit
services in tile state
First Interstate Kink Isn't it time vou knew
S a v in g s a n d In v e s tm e n ts .
W e d o e v e r y b a n k in
O r e g o n o n e b e tte r.
First Interstate Bank tias more investment
options than an\ other hank in ( )ret>on
who handle a first-rate portfolio of tax-free and
other investment options
Com e to b e tte r term s.
If vou re interested in a loan, yrxi'll In*
very interested in our excellent, varied terms,
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We have a wide range of loans, including
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home improvement. Imit and personal loans
Ö First Interstate Bank