FOUR-The Heppner Gaiette-Times. Heppner, Oregon. Thursday, Gov. proclaimed Range Management Week Oregon Governor Vic Atiyeh has proclaimed June 24-30 ment Week in Oregon recog nizing the 50th anniversary of the Taylor Grazing Act which initiated public rangeland management said a spokes person from the Oregon i State office of the Bureau of Land Management. Atiyeh said, "The public rangeland has been in an improving trend for the past SO years. The federal range is of major importance to Ore gonians, not only because of the forage that is used by livestock and wildlife, but the multitude of other public val ues, such as watershed, min erals and recreation. "June 28, 1984 marks the 50th anniversary of the enact- FOR SALE Overlooking Heppner, 2 bedroom 2 bath Completely carpeted home. Full basement, knotty pine finished, and bath. Separate rental on property. Call 676 TEEN OF THE MONTH s s Paula Anderson, a junior at lone High School has been named student of the month for April. She, with two sisters and one brother, lives with their grandparents, Sam and Grace Byrne. Paula enjoys playing vollyball, basketball, and baseball and is participating in interschclastic tennis this spring. She loves working with youngsters and is an aide for first grade. Paula has been a hard worker in TAC corporation at school this year. Don McDonald f n . a'I i I n 1 1 HOMELITE SAVINGS k y ' r f 7 1 20 OFF ALL HOMELITE CHAINSAWS & GAS STRING TRIMMERS IN STOCK 0 P. O. Box 367 Lexington, Oregon 97839 ment of the Taylor urazmg Act which heralded a new philosophy of conservation in managing the federal range. As a result of this legislation the public rangeland is being restored and rejuvenated, the forage production increased, and the watershed values en hanced. "Therfore, as Governor, I hereby proclaim the week of June 24-30, 1984, as Public Land Range Management Week in Oregon as a recogni tion of 50 years of progress on the public range. All Oregon ians who have participated in the protection and manage ment of the federal range are hereby recognized for their past cooperation and coordin ation and for the public bene fits they have enhanced for all Oregonians." with extra bedroom - 9693. 676-9108 line. " .n.. n 1 . 4 . J I Homelite Lightning Bug GENERATOR 600 watt SOCICIOO n.C.G.G. Morrow County Grain Ph. June 18, 19M Directory Assistance gets computer Monday, June 25, Pacific Northwest Bell directory as sistance operators in Oregon began using a new, computer ized, "Audio Response Unit" to provide quick, efficient ser vice and help hold the line on service costs announced a news release from PNB. While operators still will handle customers' directory assistance requests, they'll have the option of providing the listing information them selves or calling upon their computerized helper. For example, the operator may choose to provide personal help when a listing has an optional after-hours number, but let the computer provide a pre-recorded readout of a reg ular listing. The operator still will han dle personally all emergency Meat prices expected to rise Meat prices are on the way up and are likely to stay up through fall, according to an economist at Oregon State University. "Beef prices were low at the beginning of the year, which was expected," said Carl Paula Anderson kTrTT w h V -..'-p -v. r Growers mc. 989 - 8221 1(800)452-7396 listing requests and when he or she is aware of a special need, such as a customer with a hearing problem. The "Audio Response Unit" rearranges a vocabulary of words, phrases, and numbers spoken by a human into a slow, distinct reponse, which it repeats twice. If the customer needs more help after hearing the audio report, an operator will return to the line to provide personal service. It's estimated that 70 per cent of all Directory Assistan ce requests can be answered by the Audio Response Unit. Three responses have been programmed into the audio response comupter: one for conventional telephone num bers of up to 11 digits, one for toll free "800" Service listings, and a third for non-published numbers. O'Connor, OSU Extension economist. "Prices are rising now, as expected, but it ap pears that they will remain up through September, which is not the usual trend." In the second half of this year, beef prices will increase four to seven percent over last year's second half prices, the economist said. This will happen because overall beef supplies are lower than nor mal and feed grain prices are up causing beef producers to put fewer animals on feed. Ordinarily beef prices would go down in the fall as consum er demand, which customarily peaks each year in the sum mer, goes down, and beef supplies increase. This year, however, O'Connor noted that the decreased beef supply sit uation, coupled with higher feed grain prices, will keep beef supplies more in line with consumer demand. O'Connor expects beef prices will remain high until January 1983. Pork prices will be high also, according to the econo mist, but they may come down towards the end of the year. Retail prices for pork pro ducts are expected to increase six to eight percent in the second half of 1984 over what they were last year. This will happen because the num ber of hogs slaughterd throu ghout the remainder of 1984 is expected to be 13 to 15 percent below last year's levels. The economist said that pork prices may drop slightly at the end of 1984, as they usually would be expected to. "This is anticipated because a year-end surge in pork sup plies usually comes on the market and creates downward pressure on prices," O'Connor said. BUSINESS FORMS All kinds Gazette-Times 1 iPPCllkL ON VACUUMS $449.00 New Kirby or Bison Many many more. Ask about our 4-year warranty. We ship C.O.D. House of Discounts 1516 S.W. Emigrant 'Econo -Eating' By MON1NE STEBB1NS OSU Extension Service I've hen writing this col umn for nearly two years and 1 have not bombarded you with a cheerful lecture on breakfast yet. The fact is, every time I have asked peo ple for ideas for the column, someone always brings up breakfast. Even the group of teenagers who gave me sug gestions, wanted ideas for quick breakfasts. The main reason I avoid the topic is that I'm in a rut. It's a nice, comfortable rut and I don't want to give it up. I have a couple of very nice break fasts that I can face easily and that don't make me feel too guilty about my nutritional intake. Every time I read one of those sparkling, bright, cheerful articles about break fast, I think about how I hate to get out of bed in the morning. Morning needs to be calm and familiar. I need a menu I can stumble through without much brain power needed. My regular breakfast is an English muffin, which is easy to put in the toaster, orange juice and milk or hot chocolate for protein. If I'm really alert, I may have cereal with milk and a dollop of fruit flavored yogurt, a piece of toast and a glass of juice. At least that's standard fare when I get up early. For brunch, the sky's the limit. The main idea at breakfast time is to have at least one fourth of your calories for the day. Your body has been without food for several hours and does need to be refueled. The choices you make should include foods from at least two or three of the food groups, and it w ill stay w ith you longer if you have some source of protein. Some people need more food in the morning than others. If you're a construction work er or a nurse, you'll probably need more food in the morning than the person who sits at a desk all day. You need Vitamin C every day, so it comes easily to include a citrus juice or a fruit that's high in Vitamin C in your breakfast. You may want to be creative even if I don't. I taught my new daughter how to make egg nog and now she makes the most marvelous breakfast drinks, using a variety of fruits and flavorings. One thing that people do seem concerned about is choosing breakfast cereal. There are scmany choices and the ones that are advertised heavily on the Saturday morn ing TV programs have the zippiest names and usually the highest sugar content. There are lists giving the percentage of sugar for cereals in various books. If you can't find such a list and are interested, your local Extension home econom ist will be able to get one for you. Amounts of sugar in cereal range from less than one percent to over sixty percent sugar. Ingredients listed on Pendleton, OR. 97801 276-7423 the package are in order of percentage by weight, with that ingredient listed first be ing the one present in the largest percentage. So if sugar is first or listed in several different forms, you know you have a high percent age. Cereal packages have good information on the label, in cluding serving size, calories and the percentage of major nutrients a serving contrib utes to your daily needs. You should also check labels for fat content. Some of the "natur al" cereals, such as granolas, are high in fat and therefore high in calories. To balance it out, they suggest a very small serving size when they list calories, probably smaller than you eat. Here are a couple of recipes that are fun for breakfast. The sourdough English muf fins are fast and easy. You can make a whole batch for the price of one or two pack ages of the purchased ones. Sourdough starters are in re cipe books, but ask among your friends - they may have a sourdough or a "Herman" which was a big craze a few months ago. That's a sour dough, too. Sourdough English Muffins Set sourdough the night be fore by combining 1 cup start er with 1 cup warm water and then adding 2 cups flour. Set in warm place so it will work. 2 packages active dry yeast 2 cups warm water a cup dry milk powder ' cup shortening 4 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon sugar 5 '2 cups flour 1 cup sourdough cornmeal Soften yeast in warm water in a large mixing bowl. Stir in milk powder. Add shortening, salt, sugar and 3 cups flour. Beat vigorously until smooth. Add sourdough and blend thor oughly, but gently. Gradually add remaining flour to form a Stiff dough. Hull out dough on a floured surface to about a invh thickness, Cut into roun ds with a cutter or glass. (A tuna fish can works well.) Place on ungreased cookie sheets sprinkled with corn meal. Let rise in a warm place until double in height. Gently slide spatula under muffins and place them upside down on an ungreased but cornmeal sprinkled electric frying pan or griddle set at 350 degrees. Cover and bake 7 minutes on each side or until light golden brown.' Let cool on a rack. Split and toast just before serving. Package and freeze what you can't use in two or three days. Makes 25 to 30 muffins. Marcia's Eggnog Whizzers 14 cup milk 1 raw egg, not cracked or checked 1 to 2 tablespoons sugar or honey t teaspoon vanilla Put the basic ingredients in the blender. If that's not exciting enough then get cre ative! Add one or several of the following: any kind of fruit you can find ... canned peach es or pineapple are good. Fresh bananas or berries. If you can get away with it, ice cream is great especially cho ALIGNMENT, BRAKES & SHOCKS SERVICE US colate. A couple of table spoons of frozen Juice concen trate is good, too. A little nutmeg, cinnamon, almond extmct, lemon juice or Jam can be added to taste as the spirit moves you. Refrigerate any leftovers. "In the Good Old Summer time..." I had a little taste of summer over the weekend and just loved it. Summertime Is a time of picnics, hikes, camp ing, gardening and just gener al outdoor living at our house. It shard to get in all the things we like to do. When you're the cook and you don't feel like cooking because you're too busy or too hoi it's nice to keep meals simple, cool and refreshing. It's also nice to have some things you can do early in the day, before the schedule or the heal gets to you. Even though you want to keep things easy, you need to think about nutrition. In summer, most people switch from drinking milk to drinking other beverages. I must drink gallons of iced lea when it's hot. It's so easy and Inexpen sive to make sun tea that I always have it on hand. But you still need the calcium provided by the milk group. Thai means you have to pay particular attention to think ing up ways to serve milk foods. Puddings, milk shakes, white sauces w ith meat or fish added are all quick to fix and appetizing when it's hot. Yogurt, which has become popular in the last few years, is a very nutritious member of the milk group. It can be eaten out of the carton or used in many ways You've probably discovered that fruit flavored yogurt makes a greut salad dressing for a fruit salad, but plain yogurt is great for potato salads or in place of higher calorie sour cream for creamy salad dressings. Those who are watching their weight should Ik' reading labels. The calorie content of yogurt var ies a great deal 11 s easy to gel excited about the fruits and vegetables a vailable in the summertime. They're appetizing, fresh and usually available at lower prices When it's hot, you can serve them raw or cook and chill them, The tang of marinated vegetables is very appealing Main dish salads and chilled soups, like gaz pacho, are very refreshing. Most people have little prob lem getting foods from the meat and legumes group, There are so many meals that are enjoyed in the summer, especially if you like to barbe cue meals. One trick I learned was to partially cook chicken in the microwave and then transfer it to the barbecue grill to be coaled with the barbecue sauce and browned. Chicken done this way is esM'cially moisl and yet done through without a lot of tend inB Cook the cut up chicken for five minutes per pound in the microwave, Then transfer over hot coals and cook an other 15 to 20 minutes, turning frequently, basting with your favorite barbecue sauce. Don't feel that you must use only the higher priced meals such as steak for the barbe cue. You can also marinate or cut less expensive meats very thin. I have been enjoying some Korean barbecued meat that is delicious. It can be done with any kind of pot roast WHEEL SCHWAB cut. You can cither freeze it for an hour or two and slice it yourself or ask the butcher to slice it. - Summer Is a grenl time to enjoy foods from the breads and cereal group. A long Hero sandwich can create lots of fun and excitement and is easy to take on a picnic. Just fill the sandwich with the meat and cheese desired and then wrap It up and put In an ice chest unless you will be eating within two hours. Take along the lettuce, tomatoes or avo cados and put them In at the last minute. Then all you need la a knife to share it. Cold meals are sometimes easier and more appetizing In summer, but the addition of a hot yeast bread, biscuit or muffin can be a nice contrast to the maul. Breads are important and should be In cluded even if you're dieting. Breads are not the high cal orie food they are thought to be. If you are careful what you put on breads, they can be very healthful and filling with out adding a lot of calories. Here are two recipes for your summertime enjoyment, The pie is easy to make and uses yogurt, the other Is a Korean broiled meat recipe. Yogurt Chiffon Pie Bounces fruit flavored gelatin 1 cup boiling water 8 ounces fruit flavored yogurt fresh fruit, if desired 8 inch graham cracker crust Dissolve gelatin in boiling water. Chill until slightly thickened. Beat until fluffy. Fold in yogurt and fruit. Pour into pie crust and chill until set. I made one with straw berry flavored gelatin and yogurt and added fresh straw berries. You can keep all the flavors alike or get creative and combine different flavors, Korean Broiled Meat one-third cup soy sauce 2 tablespoons water 2 tablespoons oil i Koreans use sesame oil, which has good sesame flavor, but you can use any vegetable oil.) 1 green onion, including tops 2 cloves garlic, minced dash of peper 4 cup prepared sesame seeds (recipe follows i This is the basic marinade for a pound of meal cut very thin, Sizes of pieces will vary with the type of meat you choose. The ideal is about a three inch square. You can vary the flavor of the different meats as follows: Beef: Add 1 tablespoon flour and ' cup sugar. Pork : Add 1 teaspoon finely chopped candied ginger and 2 tablespoons sugar. Chicken or turkey: Add 1 tablespoon sugar. Combine marinade ingre dients and add meat. Let stand 15 to 30 minutes. Broil on a hot charcoal fire. You can spread meat on the grill using your hands and then turn with chopsticks or tongs, you can also fry meat in a small amount of oil. Serve immediately. Prepared Sesame Seeds: Put clean seeds in a heavy skillet and brown using me dium heal and stirring con stantly. Seeds will brown and become a little rounder, Add 4 teaspoon salt to ' cup seeds. Then mash until pulverized. The monkey wrench is named after its Inventor, a London blacksmith name Charles Moncke. Rubber Stamps & Business Cards Heppner Gazette-Times 676-9228 676-9463 or 676-5436