,0 0 PUBLIC NOTICES in the: circuit court , '. of the state of oregon for the county of morrow No, 7210 ! STATE OF OREGON, Acting by and t hrough the Director of Veterans' Affairs, Plaintiff. v. WILFRED C. JONES; et al. Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an Execution Issued out of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the tflth day of May, 1983, based upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 28th day of April, 1981. in favor of the State of Oregon. Acting by and through the Director of Vete rans' Affairs, commanding me to make kale of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: The West 76 feet of Lot 6. in Block 1 of Ayer's First Addi tion to the City of Heppner, County of Morrow. State of Oregon, to satisfy a judgment against defendants. Wilfred C. Jones and Barbara K. Jones, for the sum of $27.55207. together , with interest on 127.552 07 at 9 0 percent per annum from date of judgment until paid, and for plaintiff's attorney fees, costs and disbursements incurred herein in the amount of $1,825 30. NOW. THEREFORE, by virtue of said Execution and Judgment and in compliance with the command of said Writ. I will on the 23rd day of June. l83. at 10. 00 A.M. at the front door of the Morrow County Courthouse, Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemption to the highest bidder for rash in hand all of the right, title and interest which the above named de fendants had on the 28th day of April. 1983, the date of the Judgment, and thereafter had jn and to the above described real property or any part or portion thereof, to satisfy said Execution and Judgment and interest, costs and accruing costs. DATED at Heppner. Ore gon, this 16th day of May, 1983. ROY L. DRACO, Sheriff By Pauline Winter Deputy Published; May 19. 26; June 2, . 1983. We. would like to thank our friends for the many cards of sympathy and acts of kindness we received at the time of loss of my brother Wilbur. Berl Akers family 5-26 If FREE SWIM The Heppner Municipal Swimming Pool will open with a free swim on Sunday. June II. 1983 at 1:00 P.M. Mill Margaret Kincaid will be manager of the pool, assisted by Miss Mary Kincaid. Miss Sandra Ward and Miss Michelle Aaron. Swimming lessons will begin in July. The pool will be closed on July 4th. Season tickets will be available at City Hall beginning on June 7. 1983. AH dates, costs and pool hours will be announced at a later date. Published: May 26 and June 2, 1983. HER! Your classified ad will reach over 800,000 Oregonians through 84 stale-wide weekly newspapers. From Pendleton to Brookings and Lakeview to Portland (Lake Oswego, Beaverton, Gresham, Mirwaukie) you get a combined paid circulation of over 373,000. CcnMtan: UwadionV No adi requiring money to be sent in advance $5 pet word, 25 word mhmum Ad mutt be prepaid Arte-, cat GAZETTE-TIMES 676-9228 WQOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I C-T Ossies - Buy - Sell - Trade - 676-9228 AAvMnAAAAnnAAAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnAnnninAnnnAAnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnAnnonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnAnnnnnnnnAAAAAAAAAniAi. LaGrande Livestock 523-4056 963-2150 John B.Kirby MARKET REPORT THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1983 CATTLE SALABLE 363 STEERS 300 to 400 lbs. 75.50 - 78.50 400 to 500 lbs. 72.25 - 78.00 500 to 600 lbs. 68.75 - 73.75 600 to 700 lbs. 66.00 - 73.00 Over 700 lbs. Dairy Day old calves, by the head Older calves, by the head Commercial Cows Utility Cows Canncr & Cutter Cows Yield Grade No. 1 Bulls Yield Grade No. 2 Bulls Yearling Bulls HEIFERS 300 to 400 lbs. 400 to 500 lbs. 500 to 600 lbs. 600 to 700 lbs. Over 700 lbs. Heiferettes Plain Pairs, broken mouthed, thin Better Pairs HOGS SALABLE 13 Fat Hogs Sows SHEEP SALABLE - 31 Heavy Lambs Ewes HORSES SALABLE - 39 No. is I No 2s I No. 3s and 4s Head Young horses, head There were 67 buyers and Thursday's market. MARKET TREND: We had buyer activity. The market light heifers selling stronger. NEXT SALE: Thursday, June this coming Thursday, May 26th. The Eastern Oregon Livestock Show, held in Union on June 8th - 12th is fast approaching with 4 H and FFA classes and stock sale, also a parade and 3 big days of rodeo performances and parimutuei horse racing. Mark your calendar now. We hope to see you there. Field Representative: Don Robinson 562-5259 LA GRANDE LIVESTOCK Dealer. Cards Thanks of 1 I want to express my heart felt thanks to friends and relatives for their prayers, cards phone calls, flowers, food that Berl and I received after my recent stay in the hospital. May God bless each of you, Margaret Akers 5 26- If 61.00-65.00 47.00-60.00 50.00-70.00 115.00-175.00 42.75 - 47 75 38.50-41.00 35.50 - 36.50 49.00 - 54.50 43.25-44.00 59.00 - 64.50 65.00-75.00 62.25-71.75 61.00 - 65.50 61.00 - 64.00 59.00-62.00 45.50 - 54.50 41.00-47.50 430.00 - 530.00 550.00 - 590.00 46.00-47.50 34.25 44.50 - 48.00 8.50-12.25 32.00 - 37.00 23.00-29.00 11.00 - 20.50 400.00 - 480.00 150.00-280.00 80 consignors represented at a good market with plenty of was steady on all classes with 2nd. There will not be a sale Thank you, John B. Kir by A Powder River Equipment Thank you to the person who returned my purse. Delores Shelton We would like to thank the following people who helped to make our part of the eighth grade tour a success: Tad and Melba Miller, Jean Brazell, Vickie and Steve Wagenblast, Carly Drake, Mary Kilkenny, Martha Peterson, Marcia Kemp, Marcia Anderson and Pat Dougherty. Also, a big thanks to Mel and John Boyer for their demon stration, and to Dan Barr from MCGG for his participation. Mark and Shanny Miller Morrow County Wheat Growers Assoc. Notices 2 Do you want to stop the use of alcohol and need a safe place to withdraw? The Uma tilla County Detox Unit is available at 1601 S.E. Court (ground floor of St. Anthony's Hospital). Reach out and call 278-0252 anytime. 3 3-tfc The lone United Church of Christ's 20th Annual Auction and Barbecue has been scheduled for Saturday. June 4. Anvone with Items to donate may phone Bill Rietmann, 422 7296. to arrange pick up. 3-24-1 If $25 Reward for return of dual AM FM cassette Pana sonic stolen at Jr. High Bas ketball gvm Mav 20. Call 676-5128 . 4 28 tf Losf Found & FOUND: Man's watch on Main Street in Heppner. Claim at Morrow County Abstract & TilleCo.. Inc. 4 28-lf Cards of Thanks 1 i- 1 Iron Hereford Pairs 400 Hd Yearlings Will Sell m r riuay, may & wi if m ' m . - ii - in r Mid-Colambia Livestock Exchange (50) 291 1161 ? Til Dtlln, It 1 Help Wanted 4 FULLTIME- PARTTIME Own & operate family type vending route. Light plea sant work. Training. High profit confection & novelty items. Responsibility. IhfWO.oo & car required. Write giving phone: F.L.I. Box 4 IT Everett. WA SS20S Wanted 6 Wanted: used office desk chair with castors, call 676 5241 676 5542 after 6. 4-28-tff WANTED TO BUY: Long wood table with fold-up metal legs Contact David Sykes. Heppner Garette-Times. 676- -Q22R 4-14-tfs WANTED: two house jacks fi7fi-t444 eves and weekends. 5 5-2f Rentals 7 Small Furnished Apt. 1 bedroom Includes water, hot water and garbage. 676-9157 davs.676 92H4eve 4-2-tfc One month's free rent in quiet apt building close to downtown Heppner for ma ture tenant intending long term residency. 422 7579 3-10-tfs FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnished apt. No children. No pets. Water and garbage fur nished. $140. Herman Green 676-9171. 5-26-3p SUPER! NO DEPOSIT REQUIRED LOW UTILITY PAYMENTS 2 43 Bedrooms SUBSIDIZED RENTS FOR LOW TO MODERATE INCOME Fully carpeted, extra storage. Drapes, Appliances & Laundry Facilities Families Welcome EVERGREEN TERRACE APARTMENTS N. Thompson & Pioneer 676-5120 Equal Housing Opportunity Bachelor apt. and two bdrm. apt. Water and garbage service furnished. Close to downtown. From $135. Call after 6 p.m. 276-4674 collect. 11-25-tfc APARTMENTS for rent: $110 - $145 per month plus utilities. 422-7579. 3-10-tfs Services 8 Interested in giving piano lessons Reasonable rates. For more information, call Trina Palmer at 676-5103. 4-21 Iff uUNS: Bought, sold or traded. Will order for 10 per cent above cost. (SPECIAL: Lube. oil. and filled hange plus car wash. $18. 4 Ms $1 extra. Up to five quarts union 10-40. BRING BACK THE SHINE o your vehicle and protect the! pint on newer ones. Simonizel Vax $19.95 and up. Vern's 76 Station C7S-5I84. Take the shimmy out of your car. Professional front end alignments. Morrow Co. Grain Growers. Lexington 989-8221. 5-5-tfc Services 8 Carpets and upholstery :leaned professionally, John 5haw. 675283. 8 12 tfc Experienced mother will babysit your child M F some weekends my home. 676-5308. 4-28-lf Livestock Poultry a 10 Rabbits. Rabbits. Rabbits. For any purpose. 6 weeks, up. Pets and fryers. We dress and. deliver. Clean and young. Call 422-7106. 3-10-tff WILL BUY HORSES - Any kind. Phone 567-6055. Hermis-. ton. 8-12-tfc' Farm Equipment u Irrigation Headquarters complete irrigation supplies. Rain Bird. Berkeley. Wade. We install Morrow Co. Grain Growers 989-8221. 5-5-tfc TURMAN EQUIPMENT MeUl buildings grain bins. Your choice of most major brands.PRICED RIGHT BUILT RIGHT. Call Merle -567-7666. Hermiston. 10-21-tfc "78" Circle J 16' 4 horse trailer. Pull type. $2,000. "76" Circle J 18' 4 horse trailer. Goose neck. $2,500. Robert Ma honey 676-5876. 5-26-4C Irrigation P.V.C. V thru 6" Alum. 2". 3". 4" - Wade. Pierce. Ireco, Springlens, Rainbird, Nelson, Gaskets. Morrow County Grain Grow ers. Ph. 989-8221. 5-26-tfc Farm tires, implement, truck, tractor, combine. New, re-caps. used. Morrow County Grain Growers. Ph. 989-8221. 5-26-tfc 3 Miscellaneous Submersible and Centri fugal pumps, Grandfos, Sta Rite, Pressure tanks, Well-x-tnol. Morrow County Grain Growers. Ph. 989-8221. 5-26-tfc FOR SALE: Service for 8 -4 piece place settings) of Heirloom Sterling Silver Flatware. Stanton Hall pat tern plus accessory pieces -$2,500. Current appraisal 58.000. Call 676-9908. 5-19-2f FOR SALE: red brick, un cleaned. you load and haul, 25 cents each. Call 989-8553 be tween8a.m.and7p.m. 5-19-2C FAINT SALE: Save on Boy sen paint during our big paint sale. Save $$ Lexington Lum ber 989-8586. 5-26-lC Shovels, hoes, rakes, repair handles. Morrow County Grain Growers. Ph. 989-8221. 5-26-tfc Good quality Railroad ties. Now in stock. Morrow Co. Grain Growers 3-17-tfc COLLECTOR PLATES: 30 plates from the Bradford Exchange. Would consider selling the entire collection. Priced individually from $7.50 to $275 OO. Complete list and prices available. L.E. Dick. 676-S320. 4-14fn FOR THE OLDER GENERATION THE BROWN BUILDING 110 SE Court, Pendleton. OR Ideal for older residents, quiets entrance locked fc)p.rn, elevator, automatic lhtinj-spnnkler tire system, live-in managers, downtown location;' Appliances, air, hot Water,' coin washerdryers. tt&2 bedroom apartments $190-240 276-5356 The HeppnerGaiette-Tlmet. Heppner, Oregon, RUBBER STAMPS& BUSINESS CARDS 675-9228 Musical 15 FOR SALE: Piano, saxo phone, snare drum. 989-8254. FOR SALE: Older upright piano, plays great! Asking $200 no but am open to offers. Come see. must sell 422-7440. 4-21 -tff Console Piano to be sold in this area. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Cash or terms. Also Elec. Organ. Phone 106-363-2875 or write Western Pianos-Organs, 12700 Lake City Way N.E., Seattle, WA. 98125. 5-26-2C Fuel 17 Petroleum Products: Bulk deliveries of diesel, gas, stove oil. Also full line of greases, oils and hydraulic fluids. Mor row County Grain Growers.' Ph. 989-8221. 5-26-tfc Motorcycles 19 1979 Honda XL250S Less than 3.000 miles. Mint condi tion. 676-5248. 5-5-tfs FOR SALE: SL-70 Honda Motorcycle, $250.00. Phone 676-9936. 3-31-tff Trailers S Campers 21 FOR SALE: Canopy for 4 ton pickup, long box. 676-5853. 5-5-f Fifth Wheel, 1975 Conestoga Trophy Model. Dual axle self contained, very nice $5,000. See at 260 N. Gilmore. 676-9920. 5-19-2f FOR SALE: Canopy, fits small pickup. Chevy LUV. Insulated, paneled, lights. Asj $175 or best offer. Phone 422-7206. 5-5-f FOR SALE: 16ft. Aristocrat Camp trailer. LowLiner Model. Excellent condition: gas range, refrigerator, two 5 gal. Propane tanks, battery, elec. brakes, like new interior, $1,350. Call 422-7262, lone, Ore. ' anytine. 5-26-2f IFMEE WAOT MDS IN CELEBRATION OF THE GAZETTE-TIMES' HOOflh ANNIVERSARY We're Offering FEEE WANT AIDS FOR OUR FAITHFUL READERS BUY SELL OR TRADE Bring or Mail Your Ad to the Gazette-Times Office (No phone adi accepted) by Monday, 5p.m. and we will run it FREE1 Personal Ada Only. No Real. Estate, Businesa or Rental Ada. r MT f jpm-mm. ' 'mar, pm iMm A LOT OF USED 1977 Chov Dlaxor, Chynno package AT, CtuIm control, 61,000 actual ml las 79 Datsun 5spd, long box, AM-fM C-track, canopy, 16,700 actual mllos. 79 Honda Civic, 4tpd, clean little unit. Almost new rubber. We do front end alignments. See Clarence. Good selection of c&rs & trocka Farley Motor Co. Heppner 1963 Jeep pickup. 4x4 PTO winch, excellent condition. $1,000. Phone 676-M41 eves.. 676-58 1 8 da vs. 4-14-tf TIRES For your car. truck or farm equipment. Morrow Co. Grain Growers 989-8221. 5-5-tfC Canopy, insulated and paneled inside. Light for k ton pickup. 676-5853. 5-12-lf FOR SALE: Bolt on re ceiver (trailer hitch) for late model Chev. or G.M.C. pickup, price, Paul Jones 676-9972 5-12-2f FOR SALE: 1975 Honda Civic, $750 or offer. Call 676-9125, ask for George. 5-26-4C Real Estate 23 House for sale: Close to downtown, 2,400 sq. ft. large lot, new carpets, newly re modeled bathroom. $55,000. 676-9230. 5-19-4C 1 1 . mi from town, modern 3 bdrm house. I", baths on 12 acres with barn, outbuildings and eood well. $75,000. Call 676-5096. 4-14-tfc FOR SALE: Log home and' 10 acres. Blake ranch 676-9842. 5-19-2C Cars & Trucks 22 Thursday, TfUjJ tt, im ELEVEN 0 r l CAR DEALS! ) 676-9116 Real Estate 23 FOR SALE: Cozy 2 bdrmT' house on large lot, near grade school, a good starter or re- -tirement home. All for under $20,000. Neg. phone 676-5503 after 5 p.m. S-19-4C Its acres for sale. 40 acres tillable in barley. Remainder good bunch grass with spring. $25.000. 676-5096 4-28-tfc IN IONE: 4 bedroom, 2 - bath, family room, wood stove. 100 x 100 ft. fenced lot, fruit, outbuildings. $59,500. Phone 422-7538. 5-12-4C FOR SALE: at McNary ! Yacht Club. Cement block i boat garage. $1,500. 422-7538. ! 5-12-4C FOR SALE OR LEASE: Service station in Heppner. Can be adapted to other busi ness opportunities. Will sell $10,000 under Morrow Co. ap praisal. Call Pettyjohn Oil Co. ' 422-7254, lone. Or. 5-26-tfc Home Garden 26 econSaoTeaTawn'Tmlw1 ers for sale $35 and up with limited warranty. Will pur chase non-working mowers. Call 989-8194. Ask for Bob's Insecticides, weed killers, fertilizers, sprayers. Morrow County Grain Growers, Ph. 989-8221. 5-26-tfe Weedeaters, garden hose. Morrow County Grain Grow ers. 989-8221. 5-26-tfc