y umii m"'w "i"-Tr"'")'r'i'r" ii"r"r"i"ni i "iw pi -yn-ymp--pi .1 1 yr f I pi p H" 'n P"T RUBBER I STAMPS & BUSINESS CARDS 676-9228 P2 public NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW No. 7210 STATE OF OREGON, Acting by and through the Director of Veterans' Affairs. Plaintiff, v. WILFRED C. JONES; ct al. Defendants NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an Execution issued out of the above entitled court In the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the IRth day of May, 19R3, based upon a Judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 28th day of April, 19B3. in favor of the State of Oregon, Acting by and through the Director of Vete rans' Affairs, commanding me to make sale of the follow ing described real property, to-wit: The West 78 feet of Lot 6. in Block I of Ayer's First Addi tion to the City of Heppner, County of Morrow. State of Oregon, to satisfy a Judgment against defendants. Wilfred C. Jones and Barbara K. Jones, for the sum of $27,552 07, together with interest on $27,552 07 at 9 0 percent per annum from date of judgment until paid, and for plaintiff's attorney fees, costs and disbursements incurred herein in the amount of $1,825.30 NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said Execution and Judgment and in compliance with the command of said Writ.'l will on the 23rd day of June. 1983. at 10 00 A.M. at the front door of the Morrow County Courthouse, Heppner. Morrow County, Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemption to the highest bidder for Cash in hand all of the right, title and interest which the above nan:?d de fendants had on the 2fM.h day of April. 19H3. the date of the Judgment, and thereafter had In and to the above described real property or any part or portion thereof, to satisfy said Execution and Judgment and interest, costs and accruing costs. DATED at Heppner, Ore gon, this 16th day of May, 1983. ROY L. DRACO, Sheriff By Pauline Winter Deputy Published: May 19, 26; June 2, 9. 1983. PUBLIC NOTICE A meeting of the budget committee for the North Mor row Vector Control District will be held on Thursday, May 20. at 7:30 p.m. at the Board man City Hall In the council chambers. Published: May 19, 1983. You classified ad will reach over 800,000 Oregonians through 84 state-wide weekly newspapers. From Pendleton to Brookings and Lakeview to Portland (Lake Oswego, Beaverton, Gresham, Milwaukie) you get a combined paid circulatKX! of over 373,000. Condtom: tUMtdiony No fc requmg moosy to be Mot in nc $5 par word, 25 wd minimum AdTtat be prepaid ForMUtaM,cal GAZETTE-TIMES 676-9228 jQQQQOOOOOOOOOOOOOQQQQQOQQOOOOOOOOO ' I'-PPBUCNOTICEsj SECOND NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING A meeting of the Heppner Water Control District will be held on June 0th. 19H3 at 7:30 P.M.. at the Soil Conservation Office. Gilliam & Bisbec Buil ding. Heppner. Oregon. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the budget for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1983 as approved by the Hep pner Water Control District Budget Committee. The bud get summary was published in the Heppner Gazette-Times on May 19th. 1983. A copy of the budget may e Inspected or obtained free of charge at 471 North Main Street. Heppner, Oregon between the hours of 9 00 A.M. and 5:00 P.M. pre vailing time. Telephone 676-9-t5fi. Al Osmin Chairman of the Board Heppner Water Control District Published: May 26, 1983. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Plan ning Commission will hold a public hearing on Monday, May 23. 19H3 at 7:30 p.m. at the Courthouse Annex Building, Irrigon. Oregon, A public hearing will be held on the following- 1. Application by Mary Berg strorn for a conditional use permit for a home ocupa lion da v care facility in T2S, R26E. Section 34DD. Tax Lot 1700, in a residential atone. 2. Application by Pat Cuts forth for a conditional use permit for a gravel pit In TlS, R25E. Section 20. Tax Lot 2000. in an exclusive farm use zone. 3. Application by Don Jorgen sen for a zone change from Farm Residential to Com mercial in T5N, R26K. Section 25B. Tax Lot 100. 1.91 acres. Interested persons are invi ted to the hearing to express their views. Written, signed statements will be considered. Reasons for approval or dis approval should be included in written or oral statements. Gene Trumbull Chairman Morrow County Planning Commission Published: May 19, 1983. Cords Thanks of 1 We would like to express our sincere appreciation to all who gave assistance during and after the recent fire. Thanks to each and every one. It means much to us to be part of such a great commun ity. Turner, Van Marter & Bryant G-T Classifieds - II B & C REPAIRS, INC. AUTO PARTS We Build Up Rollers, Idlers Turn Pins Bushings Make Up Hydraulic Hoses Welding Fabrication Service Calls Air Conditioning I Heavy Equipment Maintenance Parts & Tune Ups Roller Shells Exchange lone 422-7409 or 422-7418 Cards Thanks of We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hep pner Fire Department for their valiant efforts to contain the fire. They are a group to be very proud of. Without their concerted efforts the whole block could have burned. The firemen from Hermis ton deserve a vote of Utanks, too: they are professionals, but our boys, who are volun teers, gave a very profession al performance. Heppner Investors 5-19-lf To our friends, Thank you for the many kind expressions of sympathy in the loss of the landmark. Thomson Bros. Store the store meant much to us, and after 52 years working there, it wus heart breaking to see it burn along with all the other buildings. Good luck to all in rebuild ing. Jim and Madge Thomson Notices Do you want to stop the use of alcohol and need a safe place to withdraw? The Uma tilla County Detox Unit is available at 1601 S E Court (Rround floor of St. Anthony's Hospital). Reach out and call 27B-0252 anytime. 3-3-tfc The lone United Church of Christ's 20th Annual Auction and Barbecue has been scheduled for Saturday. June 4. Anvone with items to donate may phone Bill Rietmann. 422-7296. to arrange pick up. 3-24-llf $25 Reward for return of dual AM FM cassette Pana sonic stolen at Jr. High Bas ketball gvm Mav 20. Call 676 5128 4-28-ff Lost Found I.OST: On Heppner Main St. April 16. Caravdle3lova ladv's gold watiwlth possi bui Ar4&Vfeold stretch. o Grandmother who recentlv passed away. 676-9123 or 676-5376. Call lost & Found 3 FOUND: Man's watch on Main Street in Heppner. Claim at Morrow County Abstract & TitleCo .Inc. 4 28-lf Help Wanted 4 Career Opportunity: Look ing for Real Estate Associate Broker to assist in Real Estate sales, listings, farm and commercial activity for Heppner. Lexington. lone, area Please contact Ted E. Johnson. Broker. Universal Realtv. Inc. 985 N. First St.. Hermiston. OR97838. 567-8303. Call collect. 4-28-3c Applications are now being accepted for lone Swimming Pool Manager for the summer of 1983. AH applicants must be at least 18 years old and hold a current Water Safety Instruc tor's card. Application forms are available at lone High School and should be returned to: Chuck Starr, Principal, lone Schools. lone. Oregon 97843 by May 20. 1983. The Morrow County School Dis trict is an equal opportunity employer. 5-12-2c Civil-transport deputy, cer tified annual salary, $15,382. Apply at sheriff's office. The Morrow County Sheriff's of fice is an equal opportunity employer. 5-19-lc FULLTIME- PARTTIME Own & operate family type vending route. Light plea sant work. Training. High profit confection & novelty items. Responsibility. $1,9X0.00 & car required. Write giving phone: F.L.I. Box 413, Everett, W A 98208 Wanted 6 Wanted: Ranch to rent or lease with option. Phone 483 or write Fred Beymer. Rt I. Box SO.Tygh Valley. OR 97063 or call collect. 5-5-2f.lp Wanted: used office desk chair with castors, call 676 5241 676-5542 after 6. 4-28-tff WANTED TO BUY: Long i wood table with fold-up metal lens. Contact David Sykes. Heppner Oazette-Times. 676- 9228 4-14-tfs WANTED: two house jacks 676-5444 eves and weekends. 55-2f WANTED: Swing set and-or Children's Play Equipment for lxinRton Christian Pre School. Call 989-8566. 4-7-4f Rentals 7 Small Furnished Apt. 1 bedroom. Includes water, hot water and garbage. 676-9157 da vs. 676 9284 eve. 4-28-tfc One month's free rent in quiet apt. building close to downtown Heppner for ma ture tenant intending long term residency. 422-7579. 3-10-tfs Bachelor apt. and two bdrm. apt. Water and garbage service furnished. Close to downtown. From $135. Call after 6 p.m. 276-4674 collect. 11-25-tfc APARTMENTS for rent: SI 10 $145 per month plus utilities. 422-7579. 3-10-tfs Services 8 Interested in giving piano lessons. Reasonable rates. For more information, call Trina Palmer at 676-5103. 4-21-tff Take the shimmy out of your car. Professional front end alignments. Morrow Co. Grain Growers. Lexington 989-8221. . 5 5-tfc Experienced mother will babysit your child M F some weekends my home. 676-5308. 4-28-lf By - Sell - Trade - 676 - Services 8 uuns: Bought, sold on traded. Will order for 10 per cent above cost. WINTER TIRES OFF summer tires on and balanced hrubeless $3.50 ea. Tube Type B4 50. SPECIAL: Lube. oil. and filter! Irhange plus car wash. $18. 4 xl fs $1 extra. Up to five quarts Jnfon 10-40. BRING BACK THE SHINE o your vehicle and protect tha paint on newer ones. SimonizeJ Wax $19.95 and up. Vern's 76 Station 676-5I84. Need a babysitter? 12 year old Heppner girl will babysit on weekends. Natalie Robin son. 676-9249. - 4-7-f Carpets and upholstery :leaned professionally. John Shaw. 676-5283. 8-12-tfc Rabbits. Rabbits. Rabbits. For any purpose. 6 weeks, up. Pets and fryers. We dress and. deliver. Clean and young. Call 422-7106. 3-iO-tff WILL BUY HORSES - Any kind. Phone 567-6055. Hermis ton. 8-12-tfc Farm Equipment 11 Irrigation Headquarters complete irrigation supplies. Rain Bird. Berkeley. Wade. We install Morrow Co. Grain Growers 989-8221. 5-5-tfc TURMAN EQUIPMENT Metal buildings - grain bins. Your choice of most major brands.PRICED RIGHT BUILT RIGHT. Call Merle -567-7666. Hermiston. 10-21-tfc Miscellaneous 14 FOR SALE: Service for 8 -(4 piece place settings) of Heirloom Sterling Silver Flatware. Stanton Hall pat tern plus accessory pieces -$2,500. Current appraisal $8,000. Call 676-9908. 5-19-2f FOR SALE: red brick, un cleaned. you load and haul, 25 cents each. Call 989-8553 be tween 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. 5-19-2c BAILEY'S IRISH CREAM, Kahlua Ameretto, Ouzo. Make over 50 delicious liqueurs quickly, easily, inexpensively. Write for free details. Garner Publications, P.O. Box 473 Lvnnwood, WA 98036. 5-19-lf Good quality Railroad ties. Now in stock. Morrow Co. Grain Growers 3 17-tfc COLLECTOR PLATES: 30 plates from the Bradford Exchange Would consider selling the entire collection. Priced individually from $7.50 to $275.00. Complete list and prices available. L.E. Dick. 676-9920. 4-14-fn Musical FOR SALE: Piano, saxo phone, snare drum. 989-8254. FOR SALE: Older upright piano, plays great! Asking $200 00 but am open to offers. Come see. must sell ! 422-7440. 4-21-tff . FOR THE OLDER JJJNERATI0N THE BROWN BUILDING 110 SE Court, Pendleton, OR Ideal for older residents, quiet, entrance locked. 9p.rn.j elevator, automatic lighting-sprinkler fire system, live-in managers, downtown location. Appliances, air, hot water coin washerdryers. a&2 bedroom apartments Livestock & Poultry 10 3 The Heppner Fuel 17 Bulk Fuels we deliver Diesel. Gasoline Home fuel oils Lubricants. Mor row Co. Grain Growers. 989 6221. 5 5-ffc Furniture & Appliances 18 Specials this week: 1 baby crib $30. 1 dresser with 6 drawers $45. 1 refrig. $150 and much more. Doug's 2nd Hand. 5-19-lc FOR SALE: Fireplace insert, like new. Make offer. 989-8146 after 6 p.m. Leonard Munkers. 3-24-tff FOR SALE: Wizard sewing machine, wood cabinet, good condition $50. Phone 676-9957. 5-12-lf Motorcycles 19 1979 Honda XL2SOS Less than 3.000 miles. Mint condi tion. 676-5248. 5-5-tfs FOR SALE: SL-70 Honda Motorcycle. $250.00. Phone 676-9936. 3-31-tff Trailers & Campers 21 FOR SALE: Canopy for ton pickup, long box. 676-5853. 5-5-f Fifth Wheel. 1975 Conestoga Trophy Model, Dual axle - self contained, very nice $5,000. See at 260 N. Gilmore. 676-9920. 5-19-2f FOR SALE: Canopy, fits small pickup. Chevy LUV. Insulated, paneled, lights. Asking $175 or best offer. Phone 422-7206. 5-5-f Canopy, insulated and paiieled ;i.side. Light for H ton pickup. 676-5853. 5-12-lf FOR SALE: Bolt on re ceiver (trailer hitch) for late model Chev. or G.M:C. pickup. 4 price, Paul Jones 676-9972 5-12-2f 196.1 Jeep pickup. 4x4 PTO winch, excellent condition. $1,000. Phone 676-9841 eves.. 676-R81Bdays. 4 14-tf TIRES For your car. truck or farm equipment. Morrow Co. Grain Growers 989-8221. 5-5-tfc : Cors S Trucks 22 IN CELEBRATION OF THE HEPPWER GAZETTE-TIMES' 100th AMWIVEISAHY We're Offering JFMEE WAMT ABB FOR OUR FAITHFUL READERS BUY SELL OR TRADE Bring or Mail Your Ad to the Gazette-Times Office (No phone ads accepted) by Monday, 5p.m. and we will run it FREE! Personal Ads Only. No Real Estate, Business or Rental Ads. Gatctte-Tlmeg, Heppner, Oregon, I Is l ,irrr'in 75 Ford Granada 4 DR Sedan, AT, AC, Clean unit. 80 Escort Wagon, front wheel drive, 4sp., low miles. 2 - F250's. 4sp, 4x4. tons On Display. 1 - 1983 6.2 litre Diesel 4x4 5sp. 1977 Chev Blazer, Cheyenne package, AT, Cruise control, 61,000 actual miles 1 - 1983 6.9 litre Diesel 4x4 5sp. We do front end alignments. Sec Clarence. Good selection of cars & trucks Farley Motor Co. Heppner Real Estate 23 House for sale: Close to downtown, 2,400 sq. ft. large lot, new carpets, newly re modeled bathroom. $55,000. 676-9230. 5-19-4C FOR SALE: Cozy 2 bdrm. house on large lot, near grade school, a good starter or re tirement home. All for under $20,000. Neg. phone 676-5503 after 5 p.m. 5-19-4c I1? mi. from town, modern 3 bdrm house, l'j baths on 12 acres with barn, outbuildings and good well $75,000 Call 676-5096 4-14-tfc FOR SALE: Log home and 10 acres. Blake ranch 676-9842. 5-19-2C 116 acres for sale. 40 acres tillable in barley. Remainder good bunch grass with spring. $25.000. 676-50 4-28-tfc FOR SALE: 90 x 120' corner building lot. Valley View Es tates, behind hospital. Call 676-9949. 2-3-tfc FOR SALE by owner: 500 properties ranging in price from $9,950 to $1,450,000. As sortment includes homes, land, condominiums, coast property, houseboats and commercial properties. Call Pat. 245-7799. 5-12-lf Thursday, May 19, 1983 NINE 9228 676-9116 Real Estate 23 I.N IONE: 4 bedroom. 2 bath, family room, wood stove. 100 x 100 ft. fenced lot, fruit, outbuildings. $59,500. Phone 422-7538. 5-124C FOR SALE: at McNary Yacht Club. Cement block boat garage. $1,500. 422-7538. 5-12c Pets 25 Free puppies need loving home Australian Shepherd & Dingo mix. Male and females located on Heppner l-exington Hiehwav. 7 miles from Hep pner or 2 miles from Ijex. Big white home with red barn 4 28-lf Home & Garden 26 "?eSnS!Toli?TTdvn"T!ow, ers for sale $35 and up with limited warranty. Will pur chase non-working mowers. Call 989-8194. Ask for Bob's Small F"g'"e. Yard Sales 28 Two family yard sale -Saturday. May 21, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 960 E. Fairview Way. Stroebers, lawnmower, cloth ing, bikes, misc. items. 5-19-lc $190-240 276-5356 4-21 -tff