i 11 .. rii iy w n The Heppner Gazette-Times, Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, January 20, 1983 SEVEN RUBBER STAMPS & BUSINESS CARDS 676-9228 lLyjlCHMEKUli j I lone School Thursday, Jan. 20 Chinese hamburger, hot rolls, buttered carrots, fruit and milk. Friday, Jan. 21 - tomato soup, egg salad sandwiches, peanut butter sandwiches, crackers, dessert and milk. Monday, Jan. 24 - hambur gers, potato chips, carrot sticks, pickles, dessert and milk. Tuesday, Jan. 25 - cowboy macaroni, buttered corn, hot rolls, fruit and milk. Wednesday, Jan. 26 - fish wedges, cabbage salad, French fries, dessert and milk. Heppner High School Monday, Jan. 24 - macaroni and cheese, broccoli or spin ach, hot rolls, fruit, milk or salad bar. Tuesday, Jan. 25 chili, corn bread, cabbage salad, one half apple, milk or salad bar. Wednesday, Jan. 26 cooks' : choice. Thursday, Jan. 27 tacos, shredded lettuce and cheese, . cold tomatoes, dessert and milk. Friday, Jan. 28 - chicken sandwich, cheese slices, pota to salad, fruit and milk. Pennant bearer information Girls who are interested In serving as pennant bearers for the Morrow County Fair & Rodeo Court are asked to please contact Marsha Kemp. 9898178, as soon as possible. P.I.K. program details given Secretary of Agriculture John R. Block recently an nounced details of a payment-in-kind (PIK) program for 1983 crops of wheat, corn, grain sorghum, cotton and rice. President Reagan an nounced the program at the Farm Bureau Federation January 11. "PIK. is basically simple," Block said. "A farm er who takes out of production additional acres over what he agrees to take out under the current program will receive as payment a certain amount of the commodity he would have grown on these acres. The commodity is his to do with as he wishes. Commodi ties for the P.I.K. program will come from farmer -owned reserve, regular loan or C.C.C.-owned stocks." Sign-up for P.I.K. will begin on January 24 and run through March 11. "Farmers have four possible options for making their 1983 plans," Block said. "They may parti cipate only in the regular farm ' programs; participate In the regular program plus the 10-30 percent P.I.K.; withdraw the entire base acreage if their whole base bid is accepted; or not participate at all." Morrow Co, native named Citizen of the Year A Morrow County native, William "Bill" Kilkenny, was named Pendleton's Citizen of the Year at the Chamber of Commerce's annual awards banquet there last Saturday night. Kilkenny's parents were John Sheridan and Rose Ann Kilkenny, Irish-born Morrow pioneer sheep ran chers. . Kilkenny is well known in the Heppner area, where he had his public schooling and where he has many kin still living. Last St. Patrick's Pay, i (IZJT (Til Ch G3GSH jf LaGrande i 523-1056 963-2158 John B. Kirbv MARKET REPORT- THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1983 CATTLE SALABLE 1127 1 STEERS Under 4K) lbs, 400 to 500 lbs. 500 to 600 lbs. 600 to 700 lbs. 700 to 800 lbs. Over 800 lbs. Plain It Dairy HEIFERS Under 400 lbs. 400 to 500 lbs. 500 to 600 lbs. 600 to 700 lbs. Over 700 lbs. Plain Heiferettes Pairs Bred Cows, vaccinated Bred Cows, unvaccinated Commercial & Utility Cows Canners & Cutters Bulls, Light it Feeder Bulls HOGS SALABLE 50 Feeder hogs Weaners Sows Boars SHEEP SALABLE 33 Lambs Ewes Culls Bucks HORSES SALABLE No. One's No. Two's There were 47 buyers and 66 consignors represented at Thursday's market. MARKET TREND: The market was hot on all classes with plenty of buying power. A boast of optimism was shown that we as an auction market were glad to see, as it benefits the entire livestsock industry. We would like to thank both buyers and consignors for the good cattle offered and the way they were received. NEXT SALE : January 20, this will be a regular sale as will ' the following week January 27. Field Representataive: Don Robinson 562-5259 Thank you, JohnB. Kirby LA GRANDE LIVESTOCK - A Powder River Equipment Dealer. Payment in kind will be in terms of No. One wheat, No. Two yellow corn, No. Two grain sorghum, historical area average quality upland cotton, and for rice, the his torical area average of the type, quality and milling out turns. Farmers will be able to get full details on the P.I.K. pro gram from their local Agri cultural Stabilization and Conservaion Service office by the time the P.I K, signup begins on January 24. Mean while, farmers can call a toll-free number, 800-368-5942. to get answers to their ques tions. This number is now open for calls weekdays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., E.S T. Interim regulations will be published in the Federal Reg ister with a request for com ments. Producers entering into an agreement during the comment period will be given the opportunity to withdraw from the agreement should there be material changes in the final regulations. Com ments must be received by February 11 and should be sent to: Dr. Howard Williams, director, analysis division, he was featured on Jim Far ley's Irish program, and it is hoped he will be appearing again next March 17. Pendleton's Chamber Pres ident, Jim Lynch, called Kil kenny, 77, "a man about whom it can be said by so many 'Because of him, my life is better. He cared enough to help' " ("East Oregonian," Jan. 17). Tessie Williams, the first Indian ever so honored, was named Pendleton's first lady of the year. Livestock 68.50-70.75 66.00-71.00 64.25-69.75 62.50 - 68.25 60.00-65.00 59.00 - 62.00 44.50-49.00 54.00 - 58.50 54.00-59.50 54.00 - 59.00 54.00 - 58.50 51.00 - 56.50 31.50-44.00 45.00-50.00 465.00 - 505.00 425.00 - 465.00 375.00-385.00 36.25-43.50 29.75 - 35.75 36.25-39.25 43.75-49.75 51.50-56.00 34.00- 42.50 hd 35.50-44.00 14.00-28.00 44.00-49.00 20.00 - 30.00 hd 5.00-12.00 hd 17.50-22.50 hd 29.50 32.00 24.50 USDA-ASCS, Room 3741 -South Building. P.O. Box 2415, Washington, D C. 20013. (202) 447-3391. What's Your Opinion? . . 11 1 - V.i ' I v fir- ' I- f Question: "How do you feel about Heppner's Willow Creek Dam not reducing the flood plain as much as was expec ted?" "It's kind of funny," said . Bonnie Parret of Heppner, "but I think it was a waste of money." CO i PUBLIC NOTICES Notice of Redemption THE PORT OF MORROW, OREGON THE PORT OF MORROW, OREGON has called for re demption on March 1, 1983, those Port of Morrow, Oregon Revenue Bonds, Series 1974-A, maturing on March 1, 1999 in inverse numerical order (Bonds No. 579-615 incl.). The Bonds will be due and payable at the Corporate Trust Office of the United States National Bank of Oregon, Portland, Oregon at a redemption price equal to the principal amount "together with accrued interest to March 1, 1983, all interest on ther Bonds shall cease to accrue March 1, 1983. John A. Charno Trust Officer and Manager United States National Bank of Oregon, Trustee Published: January 20, 1983. Rnv If MID-COLUMBIA LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE THE DALLES, OREGON Sale every Friday 12 Noon Rocky Webb (503) 298-4464 Dan Frey (503) 365-3463 6 BRAHMAN BULLS Consigned for Friday, Jan. 28 3 Regfetered 3 Grade (1-78 & 2-34) The bulls will be Bangs & Semen tested. For information call the Yard or Eii! Lauterbach, Breeder (509)395-2882. 3 PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE A proposed use hearing for general revenue sharing pur poses will be held on January 31. 1983 for all interested citizens of Morrow County. The amount of general rev enue sharing funds to be dis cussed for this fiscal year is $351.459 00. The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. for the purpose of discussion of possible uses of general revenue sharing funds at the Morrow County Court house. Room 101. All interes ted citizens will have the opportunity to give written and oral comment on uses of the funds. Senior citizens are encouraged to attend and comment. Published: January 20, 1983. NOTICE OF INTENT TO ACT UPON AN ORDINANCE TO ISSUE REVENUE BONDS Public notice is hereby given that on Thursday, Feb ruary 10. 1983. at 1:00 p.m. at the Post Offices, One Marine Drive, Boardman, Oregon, the Board of Commissioners of the Port of Morrow, Oregon, will meet to take action upon an ordinance authorizing the issuance of revenue bonds for the purposes of refunding the Port's Revenue Bonds, Series 1981A and financing certain dock, wharf and related facili ties. Such meeting will be a public meeting and interested persons will be given an op portunity to be heard. Copies of the ordinance are available to the public at the offices of the Port of Morrow, Oregon. This notice is pub lished pursuant to the require ments of ORS 777.565. The Port of Morrow, Oregon Patricia Flug, Secretary Published: January 20, 27, 1983. OREGON CIRCUIT COURT FOR MORROW COUNTY PROBATE DEPARTMENT No. 1892 NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS In the Matter of the Estate Of RAYMOND J. SMITH, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been appointed and have qualified as the personal representa tives of said estate. All per sons having claims against said estate are hereby re quired to present the same, with proper vouchers, within 4 months after the date of first publication of this Notice, as stated below, to the personal representatives at the offices of Abrams & Kuhn, 269A N. Main Street, P.O. Box 428, Heppner, Oregon 97836, or they may be barred. All persons whose rights may be affected by the pro ceedings in this estate may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the personal representatives or the attorney for the per sonal representataives. Dated and first published January 6. 1983. Walter R.Smith P.O. Box 161 LaGrande, OR 97850 William J. Kuhn Attorney for the Personal Representative Published: January 6, 13, 20, 1983. Help Wanted 4 Morrow County Public Works Depl. is now accepting applications for a Light Equipment Operator. For more information, please call 67(5-9401. 1-20-lc WEATHERIZATION WORKER to install insula tion, storm windows, weather stripping. Starting salary $750 per month. Blue Mountain Economic Development Council, an equal opportunity employer. Apply at Neighbor hood Center. 1-20-lc WANTED: High school stu dent to write HHS girls' sports stories. No writing experience necessary. Contact Patti All stott at the Gazette-Times office for salary and other information. 1-20-tfs Rentals 7 Three bedroom house, 3 bath, full basement. Call evenings 376-8307. 1-20-2C One bedroom apartment.' Appliances furnished. No Pets $135,676-9893. 10-21-tfc ' Two bedroom unfurnished apartment in Lexington. Water, sewer, garbage and T.V. furnished. 676-9456 days, 676-9623 evenings. 9-9-tfc $25 REWARD for anyone finding a mature tenant to rent quiet apt. close to down towffHeppner. 422-7579. 12-2-tfs B & C REPAIRS, INC. AUTO PARTS We Build Up Rollers, Idlers Turn Pins Bushings Make Up Hydraulic Hoses Welding Fabrication Service Calls Air Conditioning Heavy Equipment Maintenance Parts & Tune Ups Roller Shells Exchange lone 422-7409 or 422-7418 Thrift rt7fi New Construction Remodeling Lti Boyd Martin Construction 989-8555 Licensed & Bonded Rentals 7 Bachelor apt. and two bdrm. apt. Water and garbage service furnished. Close to downtown. From $135. Call after 6 p.m. 276-4674 collect. 11-25-tfc Charming 2 bdrm. apt. Major appliances, carpet, drapes, etc. Water, garbage pd.. free laundry, quality neighbors, convenient loca tion. Rent from $169.00. Call 364-7426 collect (after 5 p.m.) or write Midas Co. of Heppner, 2629 Ojai Dr. N.W., salem 97304. l-6-3c APARTMENTS for rent: the rent for the sixth month is FREE after you pay 5 months rent. $110 -145 per month plus utilities. 422-7579. 11-11-tfs FANTASTIC! 2 and 3 bdrm. apts.; private balconies, economical heat, laundry fa cilities, extra storage, close to hospital. SAVE $100! $50 reduction in cleaning deposit plus $50 rent credit in March if you rent before February 1. Renting from $226. up. Rent figured on 25 percent of your adjusted income. You could qualify for Rental Assistance. Call and ask us about it! Hurry, they go fast! EVER GREEN TERRACE APART MENTS. Equal Housing Op portunity. 676-5120. 1-6-tfc Services 8 Save tire wear, stop shimmy. Amco front end alignment service. Morrow Co. Grain Growers 989-8221. 1-13-2C Carpets and upholstery cleaned professionally. John Shaw, 676-52R3. 8-12-tfc GUNS: Bought, sold or traded. Will order for 10 per cent above cost. ' Summer Tires Off - winter! tires on and balanced. Tube- less $3.50 ea. Tube Type $4.50 SPECIAL: Lube, oil, and filter change plus car wash, $18. 4 x 4's $1 extra. Up to five quarts. Union 10-40. Bring back the shine to your vehicle and protect the paint on newer ones. Simonize Wax $19.95 and up. Vern's 76 Station 676-5184. Livestock Poultry & 10 WILL BUY HORSES - Any kind, Phone 567-6055. Hermis ton. 8-12-tfc Farm Equipment 11 TURMAN EQUIPMENT Metal buildings - grain bins. Your choice of most major ' brands. PRICED RIGHT ; BUILT RIGHT. Call Merle -567-7666 Hermiston. 10-21-tfc ; I J - 79 Chov. Monte Carlo Hardtop AT, AC, Cruise control. Beautiful et black. Local ono owner. 79 Subaru 2 dr., DL, 4p., Front wheel dr.. Clean economy car. 74 Ford 4 dr.. Crew - cab pickup, 4$p., 2 wheel drive. Low miles. 77 Ford 4 dr.. Crew-cab pickup, 4sp., 4 wheel drive. Clean unit. Priced to sell 77 Chev. 2 wheel drive, 4ip., V2 ton. Excellent condition. Excellent Selection of New Cars & Pickups. 77 Dodge Ram Charger Wagon, AT, Cruise control. Good rubber. Clean. 11.9 Financing on all new Ford and GM Cars 8c Pickups 1976 Chev Real 1981 Bulck Limited 2 door Loaded Local 1 owner Luxery car Low miles Lots of Trado Good Selection We do front end alignments. See Clarence. Farley Motor Co. Heppner 676-9116 Farm Equipment j j Corn silage. Dependable supply. Excellent quality. This feed can cut your winter hay costs considerably. Call evenings, 938-5253 or 938-7013. l-13-4p FARM TIRES -THEM. Morrow Growers 989-8221. WE HAVE Co. Grain 1-13-2C Musical 15 Console Piano to be sold in this area. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Cash or terms. 'Also Elec. Organ. Phone 1-364-2066 or write Capital Pianos Organs. P.O. Box 13165, Salem, OR 97309. l-13-2c FOR SALE: 1973 AMC Ambassador. Low miles, good condition. Asking $800. We will take no unreasonable offer. 676-9635. Keep trying, ,42-2-tfs LIGHT TRUCK and passen ger tires. Morrow Co. Grain Growers 989-8221 1-13-2C Cars & Trucks 22 Circle D Construction 989-8493 Lexington Vermer Trencher 6g0 Casr Backhoe 8in. wide 5ft deep irrigation Systems Septic' Systems Underground Power & Phone We can excavate & install with materials on all services Bob Duncan Licensed & Bonded . - Q22 MM i mi! i s ton 4x4 pickup Nice Unit - ins Coming Iru I I Real Estate 23 EXCELLENT BUY! Three bedroom, two bathroom house with family room, fireplace, garage, air conditioning, cov ered deck, nice view, $59,900. 676-9213. l-20-3p House for sale - 3 bedroom. Wood stove. $33,100. 676-5513. l-20-2p. With six bedrooms, four baths and three kitchens, this home is set up for a large family or money making four-plex. Pend'eton Realty and In vestments, Inc. 276-2662. 1-13-7C Three bedroom full base-' ment house for sale. Wood stove, oil furnace with outside shop. Asking $62,000. 676-5288 after 5 p.m. 11-11-tfc, 4 bdrm. house out of dam and flood zone (509) 922-1167. No Fri. nite or Sat. calls. $24,950. 1-6-tfc 3 Pets 25 Purebred Irish setter pup pies for sale. 676-5876. l--4c