TWO The Heppner Giette-Times, Heppner, Oregon, Thursday, October ?, 1882 Th OHkioI Nawtpopar. of fe i Civ of Hppnr and th A 1 -. OOTPA tl ' E is SS 8 r County The GAZETTE-TIMES Morrow Couij's iMr-Owie. Wkly (spiper .U.S.P.S. 240-420. Published e.very Thursday and entered as seennd-class matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3, 18(9. Second-class postage paid at Heppner. Oregon. Office at 147 West Willow Street. Telephone (503) Address communications to the Heppner 'Gazette Times! P.O. Box 317. Heppner, Oregon 97836. $10.00 in Morrow, Umatilla, Wheeler & Gilliam counties: $12.00 elsewhere. David and April Hilton Sykes, Publishers Marriage A Marriage License application was received at the Morrow County clerk's office at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner from : Forrest Allen Burkenbine, 24, and Carol Rayleen McRob erts, 21, both of Heppner. Sheriffs Report The Morrow County sher iff's office handled the follow ing calls and cases during the past week: . On September 27, a Morrow Co. sheriffs deputy responded to a two car accident on Highway 207 and Highway 74. Marie Kay Coon, 36, of Lex ington was cited for alleged Failure to Yield Right of Way. The other driver was David Frederick Marick, 32, of Dufur. On September 29, a Heppner ambulance transported a pa tient from the scene of an accident, one mile north of Lexington on Highway 74, to Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Heppner. Also on September 29, the Boardman Police Department arrested Wayne Patrick Hawk, 29. of Pendleton, on warrants from the Pendleton Sheriff's Department, the Pendleton Police Department and the LaGrande Sheriff's Department for two counts of alleged First Degree Theft, Violation of the Basic Rule and two counts of Negotiating a Bad Check. On September 30, Joseph Wimberly Scott, 64, of Irrigon, was arrested for alleged Fourth Degree Assault by a Morrow County sheriff's de puty. He was lodged at the Umatilla Police Department. On October 2, vandalism to a vehicle belonging to Robert Krein of Heppner was repor ted to the Heppner Police Department. A windshield valued at $200 was broken. , The vehicle was parked in front of the Heppner Elks Lodge when the incident oc curred. Also on October 2, a Morrow County sheriff's deputy took a theft report from Marvin Boyle, Third and E. streets, lone. Stolen from a storage shed on his property were a chain saw, two cans of gas and an electric drill. Total value of the items was ap proximated at $481. In a third October 2 incident, Jeffrey Robert Atkeson, 29, of Milwaukie, was arrested by a county sheriff's deputy on a fugitive warrant from Mult nomah County for an alleged Probation Violation and Driv ing Under the Influence of Intoxicants. On October 3, a Boardman ambulance responded to a call at the Sesler residence in Boardman. The patient was transported to Consolidated Good Shepherd Hospital, Hermiston, reportedly with a broken arm. if BUY SELL TRADE G-T Classifieds 676-9220 of Morrow Bcpf Btr Licenses Justice Court Justice Court at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner handled the following cases during the past week : Michael Wayne Walsing ham, Heppner - no Oregon Operator's License, $6 fine. Raymond Lee Banka, Hep pner - Violation of the Basic Rule (53 mph in a 35 mph zone), $28 fine. Scott Gordon Harris, Hines -Disobeyed Stop Sign. $14 fine. William Douglas Tews, lone - Violation of the Basic Rule (78 mph in a 55 mph zone), $55 fine. James Clark Gibbon, Hines -Disobeyed Stop Sign, $22 fine. Gerold Melvin Suchla, Port land - Failure to Drive to the Right, $14 fine. Michael F. Doherty, Hep pner - Violation of the Basic Rule (36 mph in a 23 mph zone), $28 fine. John Albert Cason, Ukiah -No Trailer License, $24 bail forfeited. James Orlando Ginn, Flor ence, Mo. - Truck Speeding (72 mph in a 55 mph zone ) , $55 bail forfeited. Anne Leslie Metz, Heppner -Illegal "U" Turn, $29 bail forfeited. William Sanford McGinley, Irrigon - No Oregon Opera tor's License, $6 fine. Billy Davis Ayers, Lexing ton - Disorderly Conduct, $250 fine, all but $55 suspended on condition of no more loud fighting. Albert Lee Corey, Lexington - Disorderly Conduct, $250 fine, all but $55 suspended on the condition of no more loud fighting. Betty Jane Corey, Lexing ton - Disorderly Conduct, $250 fine, all but $55 suspended on the condition of no more loud fighting. Senior News Joanna Bown, an Ameri can Field Service exchange student from South Africa, will speak and show slides at the Heppner Senior Mealsite on Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 12 noon. Miss Bown, 17, is a senior at Heppner High School and is living with Larry and Mary Ann Cerullo in Heppner. Any senior citizen desiring a noon carry out meal on Wed nesdays is asked to Cherrie Clark, 676-5222, or Bill Collins, 676-9947. lone and Lexington resi dents needing a ride to Hep pner on Wednesdays are ask ed to call Dot Halvorsen, 422-7143, to make arrange ments. Seniors attending the noon meal at the mealsite are not charged for transportation. For those over 60 who do not attend the cost is 75 cents round trip. Cost for commut ers under 60 is $1.50. Heppner seniors needing a ride to the mealsite should call Mary Nikander, 676 5571, to make arrangements. To the editor: Many people have asked me why I support Senator Bub Smith for congress in this, our new, second congressional district. I think the time has come for me to publicly state the reasons upon which this support is based. Our family has known Bob Smith personally and politi cally for more than 20 years. He has great personal inte grity, he is morally clean, he has good common sense, he is conservative in his political thinking and he delivers! He projects no false claims to past achievements, no per sonal airs of questionable ac complishments. Just 20 pro ductive, honorable years of service to the people of Ore gon. Years in which his fellow legislators have chosen him twice as majority leader, speaker pro tern, speaker of the house and twice as the senate minority lrir This is MHHMHHMHHMBHH 'Public Meetings Monday, October 11 - Hep pner Planning Commission, city hall. 7:30 p.m.; Heppner Fire Department, fire hall, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. October 12 - Lex ington City Council, city hall, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 13 Morrow County Court, court house. Heppner 9 a.m. Thursday, October 14 - Lex ington Fire Department, city hall. 7:30 p.m.; Port of Mor row Commission, port office. Nelson Square, Boardman, 1 p.m. Monday, October 18 - Mor row County School District board, district office, Lexing ton. 7:30 p.m.; lone Planning Commission, city hall. 7:30 p.m.; Heppner Fire Depart ment, fire hall. 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 19 - Pio neer Memorial Hospital board, hospital, Heppner. 9:30 a.m. Wednesday October 20 -Morrow County Court, court house, Heppner. 9 a.m. . Monday, October 25-Morrow County Planning Commission, courthouse, Heppner - 7:30 p.m.; Heppner Fire Depart ment, fire hall, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 27 -Morrow County Court, county annex, Irrigon, 9 a.m.; Hep pner Public Library board, library 8 p.m. Hospital IMotes Patients admitted and dis charged from Pioneer Mem orial Hospital in Heppner dur ing the past week include: Alfred Nelson, Lexington -admitted September 28, dis charged September 29; Dennis Papineau. Lexington - admitted September 29, dis charged September 30; and Alvin Owens, Fossil - admit ted September 29, discharged October 1. Community Singspiration slated in Heppner The fall Community Sing spiration will begin this Sun day, Oct. 10, at 7 p.m. The gatherings will be held at the Heppner Nazarene Church throughout the month of Octo Grange C.W.A. plans turkey dinner, bazaar Willow Grange C.W.A. will hold a turkey dinner and bazaar on Sunday, Nov. 14, at the grange hall, announced a group spokesperson. The meal lone man receiving basic training Pvt. Christopher E. Riet mann, son of Gene and Maxine Rietmann of lone, is receiving basic training in the U.S. Army at Fort Jackson, Co lumbia, South Carolina. Riet mann enlisted in the Army in February under the delayed enlistment program and re ported for active duty Sep tember 14. Why I support Smith more elected legislative lea dership positions than ny other member in Oregon's history. Now we have a chance to send this truly great public servant to Washington, where I am confident he will continue to represent us with intelli gence, courage and political know-how. How can 1 be so sure? Because I know Senator Boh Smith. I am proud to be his Mal heur County campaign mana ger. Proud to serve our coun try by serving in his cam paign. Proud to use this op portunity to thank him for his past service to Oregon and to pledge to him my loyal sup port and that of my family. This election is so important to all of us here in the second district. We have a challenge to meet. It is so important that we meet this challenge as an informed and intelligent elec Rood Report , The Morrow County Public Works Department has re leaseds the following Work Report for the week ending October 2: Roads patched with cold mix this past week were: Sandhollow. Clarks Canyon. Brenner Canyon, Keck Can yon, Jerry Dougherty and Valby Road. Gravel was spread on Piper Canyon Road. Van Schoiack, Baseline to Linday, Warren Road. Juniper Canyon, Dee Cox Road and Fuller Canyon Road. Short sections of Meadow brook. Dee Cox, Riverside Drive and Fuller Canyon were seal coated with emulsified asphalt. Base rock was spread on the Airport Road and Myers Road. Roads bladed include: Balm Fork Road. Upper Rhea Creek Meadowbrook. Don Turner and Tupper Road. A new bridge is being built on Upper Rhea Creek near Sanford Canyon. The old wooden structure is being re placed with one of steel. Traf fic on Upper Rhea Creek Road is not being affected by this project. Bird IS Marissa Anne McCabe - A daughter, Marissa Anne, was born to John and Sonja McCabe of Heppner on Sep tember 29 at Pioneer Memor ial Hospital in Heppner. She weighed 7 lbs., 8 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Biddle and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest McCabe, all of Heppner. Great-grandparents are Mary Bristow of lone, Peggy Davis of Lind. Wash, and Lee Davis of Montana. Great-great-grandmothers are Ida Grabill of lone and Mrs. Nelson Davis of North Carolina. ber, announced the Rev. Floyd Wilks, pastor of the Nazarene Church. A fellowship time is being planned to follow in the church fellowship hall, Wilks said. will be served from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Cost for the dinner will be $4 for adults, $2.50 for children, and pre-school children will be served free of charge. Following basic training he is scheduled to receive advan ced training in microwave technology at Ford Gordon, Augusta, Georgia. Rietmann, a 1982 graduate of lone high school, served as student body president and as president of the District As sociation of Student Councils during the 1981 1982 school year. Letters To torate, Every vote, every voice of support is so imxr tjint If you haven't met Sena tor Smith yet. I invite you to meet him when he next p Hars in your locale. Make the effort to tell him of your concerns and to ask his opin ions. I promise he will listen and he will answer you in a straight forward manner, be cause I have never known Senator Smith to hedge or to give pat answers. Thank you for sharing with me these reasons why 1 think Senator Bob Smith should be our next congressman for the second district of this, the great state of Oregon He has earned our support, and we are entitled to the lest. Sena tor Boh Smith meets every criteria for a great congress man. Sincerely, Juiu'S. Hartley Nvssa 9-twttmtt9-Mmmttww-tttttttttm DA's Report Rick Eugene Rogers, 25, of Irrigon, was arraigned in Morrow County Circuit Court on September 29 on an indict ment for First Degree Theft, reported Morrow Co. Deputy District Attorney Harold McLean. Valerie Doherty was appointed council for him and the case was continued until October 6 for entry of plea. Rogers was released on his own recognizance, McLean said In other circuit court news. McLean reported Brian Katz. also known as Ronald Glen Korthouse. 33 of Irrigon. was arraigned September 29 on an indictment for three counts of First Degree Kid napping, two counts of First Degree Rape, two counts of First Degree Sodomy, one count of First Degree Sexual Penetration with a Foreign Object and one count of an ex-convict in Possession of a Firearm. The case was con tinued until October 6 for entry of a plea. He was re manded to the Morrow County sheriff on a bail requirement $50,025. ( ) 'J r - , " is g o PALS OF L r W 2f. The fiery Fall colas of October are reflected in precious Opals-October's birthstone. Precbus Opals dance with color the moment they are removed from the earth Each stone is hand-mined, polished and set in a wide variety of exquisite jewelry. Opals of October. . . the colors of Fall in precious stone. Lifetime warranty on all precious Opal jewelry by Parle'. Peterson's Jewelers y The Kriitor To the editor: I'd like to thank nil those who stopped and helped Den nis, my 17 year-old win, when his pickup was run off the road last week and wrecked. Also the Stale Highway crew for going down and clearing the brush on the turn, even though it is after the fact, maybe it will save someone's life. Dennis, being a senior, still has a year to go to school in lone and next time a vehicle is run off the road it might be the school bus full of kids. It seems to me that it's sad that a tragedy has to happen lie fore the highway department can get anything going. This is nol a new cry on my part the Ixington Grange and many individuals have sent resolu tions to the State Highway Department, always being told that that road is in the plans to be fixed I've lived here 20 years and it's no better now than it was then. I think it's time now to get some of Neighborhood Center begins planning for Christmas By NKOl.A MAC'KFY It's time to start getting ready for the holidays. Many items arc needed by the Hep pner Neighborhood Center to fill Christmas baskets. All food nnd clothing donations will be greatly appreciated. Ladies who attend the Thursday craft -social times at the center have made many inexMnsive items that are for sale These items are suitable for gifts, as well as for home use and are on display at the center A Social Security represen tative will be available at the center on Friday, Oct. 8, from 10 am. to 12 noon. Many pamphlets are available from the center to help answer questions about Social jnvwx y or.'jati lo K v Owl' OCTOBER 676-920(1 Hazardous to your health those sharp turns and blind spots fixed so there is some safety before someone Is' killed, 1 ' The ditches, are full, there are no shoulders, they are overgrown with weeds and I think at least the shoulders could he repaired and the weeds cleaned off. I hear from the main office that there is not enough money, but a couple of years ago we were told If we would vote that the gasoline tax tie put all Into roads and nothing else, it would solve the problem. Well, the Oregonians voted to put all gas tax on roads. Now we don't have any money. 1 believe the problem is not money. It's how it's being spent - "surveys," I believe that enough money was spent on the surveys between Heppner and Lexing ton to pave a road halfway to Heaven. Now I'm sure if and when they do start work on the eight miles between Lex ington and lone, they'll send Security. Adult and Family Services counselor Janet Phillips will be at the center on Wednes day, Oct. 13, from 9 a m. to 12 BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTO PACTS HEPPNER AUTO PARTS 234 N. Main Heppner 676-9123 FLOOR COVERING M & R FLOOR COVERING Linden Way Carpet,. Linoleum, 676-9418 Ceramic Tile, Kitchen Heppner Cabinets, FURNITURE CASE FURNITURE Htppntr Carpet, Linoleum, Counter Tops Installed Beauty Rest Mattresses, Fabrics and Accessories, Sherwin Williams Paint INSURANCE I TURNER a Xyft) l BRYANT MEDICAL SUPPLIES niiwivnii riiMMiiml Fre Mailing Service on Pretcripiion' Hospital Supplx Mon. v- Fri. V-o p.m. Sat. 9-j p.m. Located in the Medical Center 1100 Southgate, Pendleton 276-1531 OIL PRODUCTS Chevron DEVIN OIL CO. Q1 CHEVRON PETTYJOHN OIL COMPANY Mbil Farm Chemicals Serving 3 CMnrtkr Petroleum. Products Phone: 422-7254 wr tiki i phi:jtx:3 services fcsi YCtia 03 RC2SS . H7 ttttow liEPPHIU GAZETTl-TLVIS "Mtn CATERING MP MOBILE ,s We'll cateryourPhvateparties W IM gatherings social events call 678-5274 and mine another hundred guyi to sur ' vey. All they really would have to do Is give an old cat skinner a tank of diesel and a powder monkey and In a week he would have a good straight road all eight miles and then the paving crew could just come along behind and save thousands of dollari and miles of ribbon. But that would be too easy and could save time and money and probably a life or two. I Just thank God and the guardian angels that protect- ed my son, and thanks again to those who helped. I just hope the highway department will at least try to rush the work on this danger ous road - and to all those driving It, please utay on your own side and drive slow, be cause this road Is hazardous to your health and mine. Thank you, Charlene Paplneau Box 461 Lexington, Oregon 97839 noon. Food stamp applications are available at the Neighborhood Center for those wishing to apply . Counter Tops jr uou. nnM.Kaum c J IINtURANCf mmmo wiurr IMC. "6-9633 PRODUCTS CATERING f - n i-rr 1 --inii mi m h r - ti. inn it w Hi i " " " fc n in m III