TWO The Hrppnrr Gatette-Times. The Official Newspaper of the Ciy of Heppner and the County of Morrow The Heppner .'Jjmtpa GAZETTE-TIMES Mrr CtiMji's lMf-0wfd WftkljKtwspaitr U.S.P.S. 240-420 Published every , Thursday and entf" od as soconcMass matter at the Post Office at Heppner. Oregon under the Act of March 3. 1879. Second-class postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at H7 West Willow Street. Telephone 503) f.7fi 9pt, Address communications to the Heppner Gazette Times! P.O. Box 337. Heppner. Oregon 978.. $10.00 in Morrow, Umatilla, Wheeler & Gilliam counties: $12.00 elsewhere. David and April Hilton Sykes, Publishers J Engagements Britt - L . 1 Rusty Britt and Ronda Quigley Rhonda Quigley and Rusty Britt, both of Heppner, announced their engagement and forthcoming marriage. An October 23 wedding date has been set. 'Public Meetings Monday, October 4 - Hep pner City Council, city hall. 7:30 p.m.: Heppner Fire De partment, fire hall, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 5 - lone City Council, city hall. 7:30 p.m : Morrow Co. Soil and Water Conservation District, county annex. Irrigon, 8 p.m. Wednesday, October 6 -Morrow County Court, court house, Heppner, 9 a.m. Monday, October 11 - Hep pner Planning Commission, city hall, 7:30 p.m.; Heppner Fire Department, fire hall, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 12 - Lex ington City Council, city hall, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 13 -Morrow County Court, court house, Heppner 9 a.m. Thursday, October 14 - Lex ington Fire Department, city hall. 7:30 p.m.; Port of Mor row Commission, port office. Nelson Square. Boardman, 1 p.m. Monday, October 18 - Mor row County School District board, district office, Lexing ton. 7:30 p.m.; lone Planning Commission, city hall, 7:30 p.m.; Heppner Fire Depart ment, fire hall, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday. October 19 - Pio neer Memorial Hospital board, hospital, Heppner, 9:30 a.m. Wednesday, October 20 -Morrow County Court, court house. Heppner, 9 a.m. Monday, October 25-Morrow County Planning Commission, courthouse. Heppner - 7:30 p.m.: Heppner Fire Depart ment, fire hall, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 27 -Morrow County Court, county annex, Irrigon, 9 a.m.; Hep pner Public Library board, library 8 p.m. re storing leftover yarn. strand from each ipe to the outside of to, x. At a glance you n Heppner. Oregon, Thursday, September 30, 1981 Quigley DA's Report Morrow County District At torney, Ann Spicer reported that on Friday, Sept. 24 a grand jury indicted Ronald Korthouse, 33 of Irrigon, with three counts of kidnapping in the first degree, two counts of rape in the first degree, two counts of sodomy in the first degree, one count of sexual penetration with a foreign object in the first degree, and one count of an exconvict in possession of a fire arm. Also indicted was Rick Eu gene Rogers, 25 for theft in the first degree. John Krebs, 32 of Arlington, and Richard Lester Christie Jr.. 18 of Hermiston, were each charged with two counts of theft in the first degree, and one count of attempted theft in the first degree. The grand jury also indicted John Paul Johnson, 18 of Irrigon on charges of alleged ly manufacturing and being in possession of a controlled sub stance. Joseph Paul Fochet, 20 of Irrigon was indicted with one count burglary in the first degree, one count attempted unauthorized use of a motor vehicle, and one count theft in the second degree. Senior News Karen Thomas, R.N., of Tri County Home Health Agency, will conduct a free blood pres sure clinic at the Heppner Senior Mealsite on Wednes day. October 6, between 11 a.m. and 12 noon. lone and Lexington resi dents needing a ride to Hep pner on Wednesdays are ask ed to call Dot Halvorsen, 422-7143 to make arrange ments. Seniors attending the noon meal at the mealsite are not charged for transportation. For those over 60 who do not attend the cost is 75 cents round trip. Cost for commut ers under 60 is $1.50. Heppner seniors needing a ride to the mealsite should call Mary Nikander, 676-5571 to make arrangements. Right To the editor: I would like to express my feelings about the football strike. I think the NFL players are absolutely ripht for strik ing, they are all underpaid and thev should ask for twice as Curious To the editor: Last week's paper contained a curious statement under the road department report, con- cerning roads in the aftermath of last Sunday's storm; all roads were passable if care was taken." Storm conditions render any traffic except four wheel drives from negotiating the detour through a stubble field around a washed-out cattle crossing on our road. Farmers' tax dollars should return to them in the form of passable roads. But for over two years, this section of road has never received a comple ted patching job. Knowing how this has added to our own vehicle costs. I'm sure this has added considerably to the maintenance of the school bus which must negotiate this route. In light of the economy, perhaps we should return to To the editor: Oregon's Senator Bob Pack wood, recently led a success ful filibuster on Capitol Hill, and kept Senator Helm's abortion restriction legislation from being heard and voted on in the Senate. The piece of legislation in question was viewed by many as a sane and rational attempt to curb what has become an epidemic of death in our society. The Helm's legisla tion was designed to limit federal funding of abortions, and to expedite a Supreme Court review of abortion leg islation. Indications were that there just might have been Hospital Notes The following patients were admitted and discharged from Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner during the past week: Judith Pennington. Heppner - admitted September 20, discharged September 22; . Michael Orr, Heppner -admitted September 20, dis charged September 24; Leslie Pabb, Heppner - ad mitted September 20, dis charged September 21 ; Ronald Haguewood, lone -admitted September 23, dis charged September 23; Anne Murray, lone - admit ted September 23, discharged September 24. Patients still receiving care as of Monday, Sept. 27: Myron Huston, Jleppner -admitted September 21; Mary Bryant, Heppner - admitted September 22; Gladys Thomas, Spray - admitted September 24; aid Joyce Bur chanan, Lexington - admitted September 24. Church begins eve. services The Church of the Nazarene in Heppner announces the beginning of Sunday evening services on October 3 at 7 p.m. The service will begin with an hour of "Sing 'n Praise," said Pastor Floyd Wilks. At 6 p.m. the children will begin practice for the child ren's musical "Kids Praise." AH children in the community in grades one through six are welcome to take part. For transportation, call Pastor Wilks. Special"Thankso Everyone Who Helped & Offered Help During Our Clean Up. 'We appreciate it' Gene & Donna Orwick Lexington Lumber Lexington 989-8586" for striking much as they are now. I am really enjoying being able to watch regular programs on the television. Signed. Janet Greenup, Heppner A previous football widow statement driving cattle to market or winter pastures or perhaps farm with horses to avoid usage of roads for trucking. If shopping at home is vital to the town's economy, one needs public road access, though we again might have to hitch up old Dohin A rancher with diversion ditches has to maintain same or they serve no purpose in preventing erosion, The same is true concerning the resur facing of the Sand Hollow Road from Three-mile. The time and yards of gravel used would have been considerably less if grader ditches were maintained to handle run-off Also. I'm concerned with safety, since the county crews often do not use construction signs in areas where visibility is limited. Sincerely, Merlyn Robinson, Heppner Packwood tactics questioned enough votes to see its pas sage. Concerned groups from across America had worked long and hard to have their day on the Senate floor. But alas, our cvn Senator Packwood decided that the constitutional process was not valid this time, since its out come might be counter to his personal views. Hence, the filibuster led by him. "Our" Senator decided that he not only wanted his ideas to rule, but he decided to deny the right of his opposition to even be heard. In my view, his actions were un-American, unethical and a prostitution of SherifFs Report The Morrow County Sheriff's department at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner handled the following calls and cases during the past week: " On September 24 a Board man ambulance responded to an overturned Nor Gas Pro pane truck on Bombing Range Road, south of Wilson Road. The driver was taken to Good Shepherd Hospital in Hermis ton. A Boardman firecrew responded as a safety measure. On September 26 a Heppner citation for alleged driving while suspended was issued to Michael Richard Murtha. Co. Fair office hours announced The Morrow County Fair office at the Morrow Co. Fair grounds is now open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Mondays and Tuesdays only, announced Dorothy Estberg, fair secretary. Those wanting to reserve the building are asked to contact Estberg during office hours, at 676-9474. Although we know much about Socrates and his say ings, nothing survives of his writings. Much of the in formation we have about his life and teachings comes from the writings of others of his time. Letters To The Editor Not Reagan's recession To the editor : It's not Reagan's recession Jimmy Carter, when presi dent, hurriedly built unto the biggest deficit in the history of this government with his policy of big government, bid spending, big taxes, etc. And, in the face of non-stop infla tion, plus everything that comes with it. he turned to the American pople 'via TV media and said, "Stop spend ing money, stop using oil. etc.. or I can cause a recession and I will" - unquote and he did While the liberal Democrats are saying it's "Reagan's re cession." the liberal House of Representatives is fighting the battle of a lifetime to stop Reagan's programs for re covery, constantly keeping the thought permeating through out the country thath "Rea gan's programs don't work." The TV news media is con stantly attacking President Reagan and other conserva tive leaders while their efforts and accomplishments are ig nored or obscured by criti cism. Reagan is not allowed to communicate with the Ameri can people as he would like the constitutional intention of the democratic process. Senator Packwood forgot that he is "our representa tive" and that means all of us. even those who are on the other side of this particular issue. I think Senator Pack wood has a right to be heard. Too bad he doesn't feel the same about me and thousands of Oregonians like me. Some who read this no doubt agree with Senator Pnck wood's position on this parti cular issue. But what about the next time? Will you want a chance for your views to be heard when you disagree with Road Heport The Morrow County Public Works Department has re leased the following work Report : Roads patched with cold mix this past week were: Petty's Canyon. Hardman Ridge. Keck Canyon, Willow Creek. lone-gooseberry and Barlow Canyon Road. Roads bladed were: Emma White, Tupper, Sunflower Flat and Upper Rhea Creek. Shoulders of Clarks Canyon Road were built up. After the recent heavy rains, mud was bladed from several roads. Base and gra vel were replaced on the fol lowing roads: Don Turner, Piper Canyon. Gene Cutsforth to Baseline, Miller Cutsforth, Blackhorse and Nolan Road. Culverts were cleaned and new ones installed In the Boardman-Irrigon area, potholes were patched on Frontage Koad. Home stead. Pole Line, Cemetery, Kunze and Irrigon 'g Eighth St. Gravel was bladed onto Ore gon Ave. rXRAVELLE The fine details ...of Caravelle timekeeping, seen in the distinctive outstanding bracelets and in the precision of its quartz movements accurate to within a minute a year. Peterson's pjs Jewelers IT'S BULOVA because of the heavy propa R.'tnrin haiTane by the hostile networks Manv liberal newspapers and other publications are spewing their poison against conservative government and its leaders across the land. No Government can have vital strength without the people, When conservative govern ment is attacked, our Consti tution of the United States of America and our freedom is under attack. We as a nation were on the edue of an abyss when we as a people voted in conservative, constitutional leadership in the presidency of the United States and in the Senate in WHO There's a conservative mood in this country that won't be denied But if we don't remove the liberals from our government, substantially in the November 1!W2 election, we will have to work harder to gain less thereafter. Ijick of space (only) keeps me from lending more credi bility to my statements. Sincerely. Georgia Hildebrant Telephone 3-4347 the Senator? When "our" Senator Pack wood decided to play dictator, he decided that his view was THE view. No debate. No vote. No compromise. It was his way or no way. I wonder how Senator Pack wood would treat Solidarity in Poland, if he happened to be on the side of the military junta'' His behavior leads me to In-lieve things wouldn't be much different than they are. Is this the kind of "repre sentation" Oregon needs in Washington? I think not. William L. Carmichael Sisters, Oregon Birth Jixti F.lizabWh liirkbv A daughter. Jodi Elizabeth, was born to Timothy and Vicki Birkby of Heppner on Sep tember 24 at Pioneer Memor ial Hospital in Heppner. She weighed 8 lbs., 10 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs Doug Ashkraft and Mr. and Mrs, Benny Birkby. all of Prineville. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tim Ashkraft and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boehmke. also of Prineville. Threesome travels to Idaho USN Chief Petty Officer Jim Farra and his wife Bonnie have recently spent two weeks visiting with Jim's mother, Ida Farra. One weekend the threesome traveled into Idaho to visit family members. Last week the younger Farras returned to their home at OxnarJ, California. by BULOVA A. Integrated cast anfl bracelet in fjoldtona. gill dial 1129.00 I. Distinctive styling in tex tured goldtone wiin cream dial. 1115 00 styling of its WATCH TIME Thanks for To the editor: On Saturday, Sept. 25, I chaired a Cystic Fibrosis Rike-A-Thon at the fair I'loiiofK I'd like to (bunk the community people, businesses find schools for their help with monev donations, refresh ments and announcements. The turn out was less than I hoped for but the enthusiasm and Generosity of those who Hid participate and help out Is Cowbelles slate There will be a Morrow County CowBelle meeting Monday. Oct. 6 at the Elk's Club in Heppner announced Carleen West, president. The meeting will begin at 12 noon with a no host luncheon. To the Class of '52 & '53 Who Ordered Photos from the Gazette-Times: THE PHOTOS ARE READY TO PICK UP. BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTO PARTS f HEPPMER AUTO PARTS 234 N. Main Heppner 676-9123 FLOOR COVERING M & R FLOOR COVERING Linden Way Carpet, Linoleum, 676-9418 Ceramlc Heppner Cabinets, FURNITURE r CASE FURNITURE Heppner Carpet, Linoleum, Counter Tops Installed Beauty Rest Mattresses, Fabrics and Accessories, Sherwin Williams Paint INSURANCE j5J TURNER 9ot .12 ViN UiBTTB MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free Moiling Service on Prescription! Hospital Supplies Mon. ' Fn. 9-6 p.m. Sat. 9 1 p.m. Located in the Medical Center 1100 Southgate, Pendleton 276-1531 OIL PRODUCTS Chevron DEVIN OIL 2 CO. CHEVRON PETTYJOHN OIL COMPANY. Mebil Form Chemicals Serving 3 Counties Petroleum Products Phone: 422-7254 IFHfFrii-i riiliilli plii:iti::g services fou YOUSl NCrJE OH D'jrrZSS U7 wi:iow II EPPuEEt G AZETn-TLVS., CATERING R&D MOBILE We'll cater your Private parties pgm " me yuur. rrivaie par gatherings social events the help greatly appreciated. If anyone has suggestions as to how we as a community could improve the participa tion let me know. I feel it's a worthwhile cause and I'd be willing to chair the event again. Thank you, Cathy Wilson P.O. Box 944 Heppner. OR 97836 676-91129 meeting nusines matters and plans for the annual Farm-City Banquet In December will be discussed. Carleen encourages all Cow Belle members to attend and bring a friend. Tile' Kitchen Qj2 Counter Tops uffuou tfnsuump nM 3 IIN8URANCI ww" nun IHC. 676-9633 PRODUCTS 676-9223 CATERING call 676-5274 hat the box contains.