TWO-The Heppner Gaiette-Tlmet. Heppner, Oregon, Thursday. August . 1981 The Official Newspaper of N Ciy of Hponr ond County of Morrow The Heppner tbrAE 1 1 EST I IWI Nrr Ciit;'s lMr-0wird Vttkli Newspaper U.S.P.S. 240-420 Published every Thursday and entered as second-class matter at the Post Office at Heppner, Oregon under the Act of March 3. 1879. Second-class , postage paid at Heppner, Oregon. Office at 147 West Willow Street. Telephone (503) 676-9228. Address communications to the Heppner Gazette Times. P.O. Box 337. Heppner. Oregon 97836. $8.00 in Morrow, Umatilla, Wheeler & Gilliam counties: $10.00 elsewhere. David and April Hilton Sykes, Publishers LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Compromise or To the Editor: As an individual who has attended numerous meetings on establishing electrical rates at Columbia Basin Electric Co-op, I was dumb founded at the action of the board of directors at a special meeting Friday, July 31. In the last two years Columbia Basin Electric has payed for three rate studies; and all have pointed to about the same conclusion as to revenue required to operate the Co-op, who should pick up the tab, and in what propor tions. But for the last two years the board of directors, after adopting these studies and rate schedules, have rescinded these adoptions and moved in favor of a group of individuals calling themselves "large irrigators." Now, this group of people would lead us , to believe that in the past they have been paying the bills and they're tired of it; and from now on the rest of us will pay our way. Last year they picked on the small irrigators, 50HP and under. This year they're picking on all other classes of customers. When each individual receives their July bill, I'm sure it will be Mourn passing To the Editor: The enclosed news clipping from the East Bay Today of Oakland, Calif, dated July 28 should be of special interest to the Heppner sports commun ity. Especially, the nostal gia buffs. John Beckett would have graduated from Heppner High School about 1910 or 1911. I am wondering if he has any classmates still living in the Heppner area who recall his gridiron exploits at the University of Oregon. Also, the earlier school years in Heppner. It is rather sad that John Beckett is the third state of Oregon athlete who passed away recently. We mourn the passing of Buck Grayson, brother of Bobby Grayson, All American football player at Stanford in the mid-thirties. Buck was on the Oregon State basketball varsity from 1929 through 1931. Also, Bobby Anet from "Honest John" Warren's As toria High School team who went on to honors at the University of Oregon as a member of the "Tall Fir Boys" who won the NCAA basketball title over Ohio State at Treasure Island in 1939. The 'Tall Fir Boys" receiv ed their name from L.H. Use extreme By BOB COSTA. Morrow County Extension Agent The outstanding wheat yields in most of Morrow County result in a severe fire hazard. The tall, heavy stub ble is easily ignited by hot exhaust pipes or sparks from the combine; several wheat fires have occurred. sell - out? plain as to what I'm talking about. Recently the large irrigat ors have presented themsel ves before the board of directors with an attorney, a rate analyst, and a threat to sue on the grounds of discrimination if these rates weren't adjusted more to their liking. It seems to me that this phrase "discrimination" has been overworked and it's time to consider the majority, not a special interest group that's in it solely for their own gains. The only reason that was given for the board's compro mise was the board though the consumers would rather pay a larger rate increase than pay court costs. So when I say "compromise or sell-out?" I mean - did the board compromise or did they sell out the other classes of customers to a special interest group? Once again it's time for all members to become concern ed, stay concerned, organize, and let their feeling be known to Columbia Basin Electric and its board of directors. Dexter M. Miles, Small irrigator and general consumer Gregory, late and great sports editor of the Oregonian. Howard Hobson was the coach. , The team members were Aivet and Wally Johansen, from Astoria; Dave Silver, Benson Tech, Portland; Urgel "Slim" Wintermute from Salem and Laddie Gale, Oakridge. Why can't we field all Oregon College teams any more instead of recruiting so heavily from out of state? William Mitchell 61 Forest Grove Drive Daly City, CA 94015 July 28, 1981 EX-OREGON STAR DIES SAN DIEGO - Retired Marine Brig. Gen. John W. Beckett, who was captain of different teams in successive Rose Bowl victories, died Sunday in a hospital. He was 88. Beckett, a native of Hep pner, Ore., was a 200-pound tackle when he was the captain of the University of Oregon football team that beat Penn, 14-0, in the Rose Bowl game of 1917. A year later, when the Rose Bowl game was not limited to college teams, he captained the unbeaten Mare Island Marines to a 19-7 victory over the Army. caution in fighting wheat Heppner physician. Dr. Joe Gifford, provides this advice on smoke inhalation while fighting wheat fires. "Smoke inhalation can be a very hazardous threat to one's life, and varies a great deal with the type of fire, the amount of heat, and the prior health of the person involved. Farm fires during harvest are usual ly not related to toxic hydro carbons: consequently the Weddinp Announcements Costa Pence Cara Pence and Bob Costa, both of Heppner. were married July 25 in a 10:30 a.m. ceremony at the First United Methodist Church at Corvallis. The Rev. Earnest Bell officiated. Best man and matron of honor were Steve Petrie, and Donna Batch, both of Twin Falls. Idaho. Guests at the cermony were Cara's son. Ryan. 7. her mother. Ruth Raker, and a friend. Nina Par ks. The couple were honored at a barbecue-reception following the ceremony. Piper Marquardt Mr. & Mrs. David Piper Pamela Rosita Marquardt and David Eugene Piper were united in marriage on June 27 in a 3 p.m. ceremony at the First Christian Church in Heppner with the Rev. Don Shelton officiating. The bride is the daughter of Carl and Betty Marquardt. Lexington. The groom is the son of Melvin and Betty Piper of Heppner. Vows were exchanged in front of a decorated white heart made by the bride's grandfather, which has become a tradition for all of his granddaughters. Church decorations included red and white silk roses arranged by the bride's sister, Carlita Bloods worth. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore her mother's wedding dress of satin with a lace bodic. The gown featured a long train with lace inserts around the edge of, the train and bottom of the full skirt which were caught up with red silk roses matching the bride's bouquet. A finger-tip veil, held in place' by a lace tiara, completed her ensemble. Maid of honor for the bride was her sister, Debbie Marquardt. Bridesmaids were Christy Bourrie, sister of the groom, and Sheree Smith, sister of the bride. Scrolls were passed out by Trent Hughes, nephew of the bride, and Becky Wagenblast. Flower girl was Kim Sager of Hermiston. Candle lighters were Jana Marquardt and Joyce Hughes, both sisters of the bride. All of the bride's attendants, candle lighters and the flowergirl wore matching red print dresses which were caught up with red satin bows around the bottom of their full skirts. The bridesmaids and maid of honor carried bouquets of red and white silk roses ; the flower girl carried a basket with an arrangement of the same flowers. Best man was Jim Bloodsworth of Pendleton, brother-in-law of the bride. Ushers were Wayne Bourrie, brother-in-law of the groom, Randy Hughes, brother-in-law of the bride, and Jim Marquardt, brother of the bride. The men of the wedding party wore white tuxedos with red shirts. Wedding music was "Hand in Hand," sung by Mary Kay and Sam Bellamy, and "Till There Was You" and "Today is the First Day of the Best of Our Life," both sung by Norita Marquardt, a cousin of the bride. Organist was Vivian Messenger, an aunt of the bride, and the pianist was Douglas Marquardt, a cousin of the bride. A reception for the couple following the wedding was held in the basement social rooms of the church, which were decorated with arrangements of red and white silk roses with wheat from the bride's family ranch. (All of the bouquets, pew bows and arrangements were accented with wheat from the family ranch. Pouring at the reception were Donna Ball, the groom's sister, and Charma Marquardt, the bride's cousin. Serving cake were Carlita Bloodsworth and Lolita Grace, both sisters of the bride. Attending the gift table were Vicki and Becky Smith. Marti Baker attended the guest book. After a wedding trip to the Oregon Coast, the couple are at home in Lexington on the Charles A. Marquardt ranch where the groom is employed. Both the bride and the groom attended Heppner High Sehnn' greatest danger is with the temperature and lack of oxygen. "When torced into a situa tion of having to fight wheat or stubble fire, use extreme caution to not inhale hot gasses. a high concentration of smoke, or any amounts of noxious fumes or smoke if toxic hydrocarbons are invol ved in the fire. Use some type of fabric or mask on the nose and mouth. If at all possible. fires remove yourself from the smoke after very short inter vals of exposure to evaluate your present physical status rather than spending several minutes at any given task in the smoke filled area. If lightheadedness. fainting, continued coughing, or more severe signs develop after being exposed, it would be wise to see a physician immediately." Engagements Barrow CI aiders Mr, and Mrs. Cleo .Childers of lone announce the engagement of their daughter, Laurie Ann t Merle DiiHiie Barrow, son of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Barrow, Canby, Ore. Merle was in the army for six years and is now employed at B it C Repair, Inc., lone. Laurie attended college at Blue Mountain Community College and is also now employed at B & C Repair. No wedding date has been set. Marriage licenses Marriage licenses were issued at the Morrow County Courthouse this past week to: Charles Milton Brinker IV. and Edith Elizabeth Barr. both of Pendleton. SHERIFF'S REPORT The Sheriff's Dept. at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner handled the following calls during the past week: On Aug. 1. Clarence L. Proctor. Irrigon. was arrested by the Boardman Police Dept. for allegedly driving under the influence of intoxicants and wreck less driving. Proctor posted bail and was released according to the Sheriff's report. Also on Aug. I. Steve J. Pender grass, Everett, Wash., was arrested by the Board man Police Dept. on a Morrow County Circuit Court warrant for alleged delivery m of a controlled substance and criminal conspiracy. Pender grass posted bail and was released. On July 31. Bobby Lee Embry. Portland, was arrest ed by the Washington County Sheriff's Dept. on a Morrow County 5th Justice Court warrant for allegedly exceed ing maximum speed. Embry posted bail and was released. Also on July 31, an ambul ance was requested at West ern Alfalfa on Patterson-Ferry Road. A bale of hay was reported to have fallen on a vehicle and a woman was injured in the incident. A Boardman ambulance re sponded to the call. In another July 31 incident, Nicolas Serrano Carbajal, Hermiston, was arrested by the Boardman Police Dept. for allegedly driving under the influence of intoxicants. Car bajal posted bail and was released. On July 30, Kay Seaton, Boardman, reported the theft of her son's bicycle. The Boardman Police Dept. re sponded to the call. Also on July 30, Terry Lee Haldy, Umatilla, was arrested by Oregon State Police on a 4th HHS reunion The fourth Heppner School Reunion (all classes includ ed) will be held Sunday. August 9. at the Heppner High School. Registration will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will last Theres l no need v i -if, n. i urn -m n for jewelry to show its age Is your jewelry as beautiful us tire clay you first wore it? Are the stones still set firmly? Does the mounting show signs of wear ? You probably haven't considered jewelry c leaning and maintenance. An American Gem Society Registered Jeweler is trained to know the importance of jewelry upkeep --7 and is ready to advise and assist you. We can (Sir's give that lifetime Peterson's ! Heppner fjj Morrow County Circuit Court bench warrant for failure to appear at his trial for alleged delivery of a controlled Rub stance. Haldy was lodged at the Umatilla County Jail. In another July 30 incident. John S. Akers. Boardman. was arrested by the Board man Police Dept. nn a Morrow County Circuit Court warrant for alleged violati,r of condi tions of supervision. Akers was lodged at the Hermiston Safety Center. On July 29, the Oregon State Police at Arlington reported a grass fire at Six-Mile on Interstate 84. The Arlington Fire Dept. and Boeing re sponded to the call. According to the Sheriff's report, around five fires in the area were thought to have been started by a train. In a related incident, also on July 29, the Hinkle Railroad office reported a fire at Castle. The Boardman Fire Dept responded to the call until the fire was discovered outside the district. In another July 29 incident, a fire was reported on the east side of Tower Road. l' miles from the PGE plant. StmTag responded to the call. On July 28, Edward Marick. Boardman. was arrested by the Boardman Police Dept. for allegedly driving under the influence of intoxicants. Mar ick was lodged at the Hermis ton Safety Center. On July 27, Darcine Myers, lone, reported the theft of a bicycle. The Sheriff's Dept. responded to the call. Also on July 27, a grass fire was reported on Highway 74 near Cheney Ranch, approxi mately three miles south of Cecil. The Morrow County Grain Growers responded to the call. to be held Sun. throughout the day until 5 p.m. A family picnic lunch (bring your own) will be from 12 p.m, until 1 p.m. with a short program at 2 p.m. Master of ceremonies will be Scott McMurdo. purchase a new look Jewelers 676-9200 A A. JUSTICE Justice Court at the Morrow County Courthouse in Heppner handled the following cases during the past week: Alvin Leroy Maiwigh. 7:1122 Kettering Ave., Boise", Id., exceeding maximum speed (71) miles per hour in n 55 trtph speed limit: - $2) fine; Charles Andrew Vaiulelta. R(I5 Morgan St.. Heppner, disobeyed slop Niuir $17 fine: Jack Ellsworth Cnrnine, 113 Cottonwood Loop, Boardman. disobeyed slop sign - $l!f) hail forfeited: dames Leonard Lawhead, P.O. Box 254. Pilot Rock. 1400 lb. tandem axle overload !! Imil fnrfiif. HOSPITAL Patients discharged from Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Heppner over the past week Include: Nedra Smith, Heppner, ad mitted July 26, discharged Aug. 1; Mary Wilson, lone, admit ted July 27, discharged July 29; Mike Matthews, lone, ad mitted July 31. discharged July 31; Nioma Bailey, Heppner, admitted July 31, discharged Aug. 2; and BUSINESS DIRECTORY AUTO PARTS HEPPNER AUTO PARTS 234 N. Main Heppner 676-9123 FLOOR COVERING M & R FLOOR COVERING Linden Way Carpet, Linoleum, 676-9418 Ceramic Heppner Cabinets, CASE FURNITURE Heppner Carpet, Linoleum, Counter Tops. Installed Beauty Rest Mattresses, Fabrics and Accessories, Sherwin Williams Paint INSURANCE fl TURNER if I tin Li unnrrn m , 1 j n man 1 en BRYANT MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free Wailing Service on Prescriptions Hospital Supplies Mon. - Fri. 9-6 p.m. Sat. 9-1 p.m. Located in the Medical Center a 1 100 Southgate, Pendleton 276-1531 MONUMENTS 676 9600 SWEENEY MORTUARY 676-9226 Cemetery Grave Markers, Granite, Marble, Bronze Serving lone, Lexington & Heppner OIL PRODUCTS Chevron DEVIU OIL M CO. IHC. "3 CHEVRON PRODUCTS PETTYJOHN OIL COMPANY Mbil Farm Cfl'ffltalf Serving 3 Counties Petroleum Products Phone: 422-7254 COURT David Sumner Kerry, 530 Stater Ct., Hermiston, no angling license f(l fine; Michael John HiiriHon. 308 N. Pine, Emmett, Id., no operator's license - $ sus pended fine; Noel Gay llarshrnan, Muin St., Lexington, operator's license suspended tin days In jail: Oroi'o C.onzalo Gomez, Prairie Apis. No 3. P.O. Box 270. Boardman, no operator's license $(i suspended fine; and Wayne Russell Rolhs. 25 Baltimore. Heppner. vehicle license expired - $H fine. NOTES Delpha Nelson. Heppner, admitted July 31, transferred to Pendleton Aug. 1. Patients receiving care at the hospital as of Monday. Aug. 3 Include: William Sowcll, Heppner, admitted Aug. 3; Paul Taylor, Lexington, ad mitted Aug. 3; Georgia VanWinkle, Hep pner, admitted Aug. 3; Agnes Sperry. Heppner. admitted Aug. 1; and Bill Lynch, Heppner, admit ted Aug 1. Tile, Kitchen Counter Tops atf Vl-nr,. C3u in VMM VfinMAffTM H INSURANCE HOttAKPMVANI