TEN-The Heppner Gnxette-Tlmes, Heppner, Oregon. Thursday, November 27. 1980 228) CLASSIFIED AD 15c a word ( 10-word minim um ) 676-9 j&xtensionempnasizes conservation by Birdii. Tullis. Extension Service The emphasis will be on "Helping You Conserve Re sources" in the 1980-81 OSU Extension Service family living-home economics program in Morrow and Umatilla counties, following a state wide trend. ! The theme was selected following results of the state wide long range program development effort conducted throughout Oregon last year by the Extension Service. Large numbers of local citi zens were involved in the effort, pointing out their concerns for Morrow County. Their needs and concerns in most cases, were identical to those of all Oregonians. When results from all over the state were tabulated, it was clear that resource conservation and management were the over-riding concerns of Ore gonians which extension needs to address. The importance of careful energy use in the face of increasing costs and short ages and the need to learn more about managing the family's economic resources in the time of inflation were the needs most often ident ified. In Morrow County the development committee was concerned with teaching people how to manage their -time effectively, how to eat nutritionally-balanced diets, and how to help children and adults achieve their full po tential. These concerns also followed state-wide trends. While "Conserving Re sources" will be the dominant theme of programs offered during the coming year, not all programs will be directly related as extension will continue to offer a balanced program designed to meet a variety of educational needs. The family living program will offer a variety of ways for people to get the information they need to help them live better lives. Four Study Groups meet monthly and always welcome new members. These are informal learning groups which meet monthly to ex plore a chosen topic. Leaders who have received training on the topic share the informa tion with other members. Special interest topics are presented as public meetings throughout the year. A recent example was the "Pasta" last week, and the "Potpourri," last month. Other public interest topics or workshops wilLbe offered in the spring, including a workshop on "Sewing to Fit," and one on county government. They are Open to all interested people and usually without cost. A correspondence course is off ered yearly which allows homemakers to study at home and -complete as their sched ' ules allow. , In "addition, the county extension office has a wide variety of bulletins and fact sheets available free on such topics as food preservation, home insulation, clothing con struction, child development, burning wood, and horticul ture. Extension reaches many audiences through radio and . newspapers, as well as the monthly Extension letter which is mailed to all 4-H leaders, study group mem bers, and anyone wishing to receive it. Television, too, is utilized in areas where local programming or stations are available to agents. Not to be overlooked are the extension agents in each county, who are available to all for personal ized help with problems. Anyone interested may re ceive a printed program listing all family topics for the year by calling 676-9642. In, addition, you will usually find a notice or article relating to coming events in this newspaper. The Extension office in Morrow County is located upstairs in the Gilliam-Bisbee building, directly over the Coast to Coast store in Heppner. In addition, mes sages may be left for agents at the county office building in Irrigon, where they will be delivered on to agents on Thursdays. One member of the Morrow staff is usually in north Morrow County on that dav. Hi! 0 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS , No. 1841 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW, PROBATE DEPARTMENT Estate of: VIRGINIA SMITH, deceased. Probate proceedings in the .estate of VIRGINIA SMITH , . deceased, are now pending in the above entitled court, wherein Charles Carlson, the undersigned, has been ap pointed and has qualified as the personal representative of said estate. All persons having claims against said estate hereby are required to present them, in due form, within four months after the date of the first publication of this notice, as stated below, to the under signed at the following ad dress now designated as the place for the presentation of claims, to-wit: Winter & Sweeney, 471 N. Main, Hepp ner, Oregon 97836. All persons whose rights may be affected by the said probate proceedings may ob tain additional information from the records of the court, the undersigned personal rep resentative or the latter's attorney(s) who is (are) WINTER & SWEENEY, 471 N. Main, .Heppner, Oregon 97836, phone 676-9456. Charles Carlson, Personal Representative lone, Oregon 97843 Phone 422-7285 Published: November 20, 27, December 4, 1980 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW Case No. 184 CITATION In the Matter of the Adopt ion of JASON THOMAS DIXON, a minor child. TO: Walter Archie Dixon IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, at Court room No. 204 thereof, Morrow County Courthouse, Heppner, Oregon, within four (4) weeks of the date of first publication of this Citation, to then and there show cause, if any there be, why a Decree of Adoption should not be made as requested in the Petition for the adoption of Jason Thomas Dixon, a minor, which Petition has heretofore been filed in this cause. WITNESS the Honorable Jack F. Olsen, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, County of Morrow, with the seal of said Court affixed this 6th day of Novem ber, 1980. ATTEST: Barbara Bloodsworth. Clerk By: Debora Palmer Deputy First Publication: Novem ber 20, 1980 Last Publication: Decem ber 11, 1980 Published: 11. 1980 Nov. 20. 27. Dec. 4. mm pMk. m sm. U OCmUivlKJlA LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE INC Complete & profitable livestock marketing service. x 371 Head Cottb Comment: Calves under 400 lbs. over 400 lbs. strong active. 600-700 wt. came unaer pressure. Slaughter cattle and bulb steady. K feb Friday, Htv. 2S Sptd&l Ftdr Sal-ttndfly, Hv.24 Total Cettl Sold: 222ft active & strong Sale Every Friday 1 p.m. ROSS EVERY, AUCTIONEER ROCKY WEBB, MGR. New Yard Phont No.r503- 298-4464 Home Phone 503-483-2315 (3- 0 PUBIIC NOTICES NOTICE TO INTEREST PERSONS No. 1843 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, Probate Depart ment. In the Matter of the Estate of HOMER WILLIAM HUGHES, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that MARY KAY BELLAMY has been appointed as the Per sonal Representative of the above estate and has qualif ied. All persons having claims against the estate are requir ed to present the same, with vouchers and duly verified, to the undersigned personal rep resentative at: 710 S.W. Third Avenue. Portland. Oregon 97204 within four (4) months f after the date of first public- ation of this notice, as stated below, or they may be barred. Rights of persons interest in the estate may be affected by the above proceedings. Addit ional information may be obtained from the records of the above named Court, the Personal Representative, or the attorneys for the Personal Representative. Dated and first published November 20, 1980 Mary Kay Bellamy Personal Representative ' Route 1, Box 42 Echo, Oregon 97826 John C. Mangelsdorf Gleason, Scarborough, Trammell & Hannon Attorneys at Law, P.C. 710 S.W. Third Avenue Portland, Oregon 97204 Attorneys for Personal Representative Published: Nov. 20. 27, Dec. 4, 1980 PUBLIC NOTICES NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ACT UPON AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND ORDINANCE 80-9 TO ISSUE PORT OF MORROW POLLUTION CON TROL REVENUE BONDS. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Board of Port Commissioners of the Port of Morrow will meet on the 11th day of December, 1980, at 200 Nelson Square, Boardman, Oregon at 1:00 p.m. for the purpose of acting upon an ordinance amending and fix ing certain terms of ordinance 80-9 for the issuance of not to exceed $7,000,000 Port of Mor row Pollution Control Reven ue Bonds, (Pacific Northwest Generating Company Project) of the Port of Morrow, Oregon. This notice is published pursuant to the requirements of ORS 777.565. By order of the Board of Port Commissioners dated the 18th day of November. 1980. Gene L. Allen. Secretary Board of Port Commissioners Port of Morrow. Oregon Published: Nov. 20, 27, 1980 mm m mm under pressure. Calves '& active. 700 wt. steers Heifers active. Off quality on all classes of cattle. your maristpSace (3- 0 PUBLIC NOTICES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW No. 6474 STATE OF OREGON, Acting by and through the Director of Veterans' Affairs, Plaintiff. v. GAYLORD B. LOVELAND and LEALA M. LOVELAND, husband and wife. Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of an Execution issued out of the above entitled Court in the above entitled cause to me directed and dated the 6th day of Novem ber, 1980, based upon a Judgment rendered and en tered in said Court on the 17th day of October, 1980, in favor of the State of Oregon, Acting by and through the Director of Veterans' Affairs, command ing me to make sale of the following described real and personal property, to-wit: Lot 16. Block 17 in Block 1, Osterkamp's Addition to the City of Irrigon, Section 25, Township 5 North, Range 26, E.W.M., Mor row County, Oregon; together with the following . described mobile home which is firmly affixed to the property : 1979 Kingswood, 24 x 52, Serial No. 8022 to satisfy a judgment against defendants, Gaylord B. Love land and Leala M. Lovcland, for the sum of $45,152.69, together with interest on 145.152.69 at 9 percent per annum from date of judgment until paid, and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements incurred herein in the amount of $52.50. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of said Execution and Judgment and in compliance with the command of said Writ, I will on the 18th day of December, 1980, at 10:00 a.m. at the front door of the Morrow County Courthouse, Heppner. Morrow County Oregon, sell at public auction and subject to redemption to the highest bidder for cash in hand all of the right, title and interest which the above named de fendants had on the 17th day of October, 1980. the date of the Judgment, and thereafter had in and to the above described real and personal property or any part or portion thereof, to satisfy said Execution and Judgment and interest, costs and accruing costs. DATED at Heppner. Ore gon, this 18th day of Novem ber. 1980. mm " La Grande Livestock JohnB.Kirby MARKET REPORT. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1980 CATTLE SALABLE 654 STEERS Under 3(H) lbs. 75.00-77.00 300 to 4(H) lbs. 72.00 -76.00 400 to 500 lbs. 70.00-74.00 500 to 600 lbs. 70.00 - 72.00 6(H) to 7(H) lbs. 69.00 -70.00 7(H) to 8(H) lbs. 68.00 -70(H) Over 800 lbs. 67.00 70.00 Plain 45.00 -60(H) HEIFERS Heifers are still bringing $10 - $12 under steers. Stock Cows 400.00- 490.00 Commercial & Utility Cows ' 43.00- 47.00 Cannersi Cutters 37.00 - 42.50 Bulls , 52.00-58.00 HOGS SALABLE 1 Fat hogs 42.50 Sows 33.50-37.50 SHEEP SALABLE 18 Lambs 57.00 HORSES SALABLE 6 Over KHH) lbs. 42. 00 There were 45 buyers and 80 consignors representing six counties at today's market. Market Trend : The market was active on yearling steers and heifer calves. Demand was strong for bred cows and heifers. We had a very active sale despite the depressed market conditions everywhere. NEXT SALE: THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. I9H0 No Sale Thanksgiving week. We would like to thank all of the many people who have supported our market and we wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Thank you John B. Kirbv La Grande Livestock, a Powder River Equipment Driller 0 PUBLIC NOTICES LARRY I) FETSCH, Sheriff By Pauline Winter Deputy Publishing newspaper: Heppner Gazette-Times Date of first publication: November 20. 1980 Date of last publication: December 11. 198n , Publishe 11. 1980 .1: Nov. 20, 27. Dec. 4. Cards of Thanks 1. A mere thank you seems so little to say in return for the many acts of kindness shown to us during Ed's illness and passing. The phone calls, cash, flowers and food were very much appreciated by all of us. Again, thanks to everyone very much. Annie Wilson Abbi and Sheri Camargo Tracy and Shawna Wilson Bud and Delores Wilson Wayne and Sally Wilson Jerry and Judy Da vidson Mike Davidson Help Wanted 4 Wanted: FAST, ACCURATE TYPIST. Stop by the Gazette Times for more information. 11-27-tf BOARDMAN CORRES PONDENT - Community or- icntea person wanted to write Boardman-area news for the Gazette-Times. No experience necessary. Call 1-676-9228 for more infor mation. Final applications are being taken for position of grounds custodian at Heppner High School and Elementary School. Applications may be secured at either the Elemen tary or High School. ll-20-2c. IONE COR RESPOND h'NT - (Community oriented person wanted to write lone-area Piews for the Gazette-Times. !No experience necessary. Call 1)76-9228 for more information Independent contractor to inspect homes and businesses for insurance purposes. Must provide own camera and car. Perfect for fireman or semi retired. Reply to Mr. Foote, P.O. Box 1316 Lynnwood, Wash. 98036. 11-20 2c, RUBBER 676-9228 Rentals 7 FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apartments in Lexington. Call : days 676-9456, eves. 676-9623 9 klB-tfc , EVERGREEN TERRACE APARTMENTS. New, two bedroom .apartments for rent ' Call 676-5120. 3-13 tfc. For Rent;Two bedroom fur nished apt Water and gar bage service furnished No children or pets $140 Herman Green, 676-9171. ll-l.Mp. For rent on 6-month lease, small two bedroom unfurnish ed house. Fenced yard Washer-dryer hookup, $135 month first, last and $ioo deposit. Available Nov. 5, 676-9015. 10-30-5C. One bedroom furnished apartment. Garbage and water furnished, no children or pets. $90. Herman Green, 676-9171. ll-2o-2p. Apparlments for rent in lone. 422-757H. 10-30-tfc FOR RENT: Two bedroom duplex with carport. Electric heat, two blocks from High School Call 507-8232 or 676 5197. 1 1 20-tfc. Servces 8 "Planning a wedding? The Gazette-Times has many beautiful invitations for you to choose from. 'Stop by and look over our pleasing selection. 8-14-tfs FREE. Dead Animal Remov al - Fast Dailv Service. Call collect -507-7639. IIKRMIS TON HIDE & TALLOW. 10-2-tfc. SAVE with Solar energy. Sun-wise Solar Heat will save up to 50 percent of your heal bill, while the government pays 65 percent of the cost. Performance at 40 degrees below zero Estimates made without obligations. Blue Mountain Energy Savers. Box 582. Lexington. CARL MAHOJ'ARDT. agent, 9X9-8 176. 1 1-27-50. 3a 7.1 PONTIAC I.EMANS 4 Dr., AT., AC, Local Owners ... .Clt'Ull 73 FORD COURIER t sp. Pickup I97N FORD F2!HI 4x2 4 N. Nice Unit Farley Motor Col 3C Senices 8 You can order your persbnaT-l ized rubber stamp or business curds from the Gazette- , Times Standard rubber stamps also available. 8 14-tfs. IUNSE-N-VAC: See us for all your carpet cleaning supplies. Const to Const. Heppner. 9 4 tie Livestock & Poultry 10; WILL BUY HOUSES - any kind. Phone 57-iMi5, Ilerm iston. tfc. Miscellaneous 14 FOR SAI.E:Seventeen piece nativity scene made of 5-8 inch plyboard, life size, hand painted Plume 676-9121. Amanda Hiivall 11-27 2c. In in Sears Craftsman radial saw, $r0 989-H5H6. 11 20 Ic. FOR SALE Girls 20-im-h bike, excellent condition: 4 (liiiwer Singer sewing ma chine cabinet Call after 6 p.m.-676-021". II 13 4c Sporting Equipment 16 We buy, sell and trade New him! I mmI (.iiiis Coast to Coast, Heppner. fi 28 tfc. Furniture & Appliances 18 TWO TWIN BEDS for sale each 676 !UI7 1127 lp. $15 Mobile Homes 20 MOBILE HOME: 1973, 3-bdrm, 70 x 14 on I (Ml x 1(H) ft. lot with appliances, air con ditioning, and shop $17, (KM). For nppointmrnt to sec, phone 676-S.-,:i. Sherwood Really Inc. 625-7111. 11-27 2c. IMMEDIATE t $$CASH$$ AVAILABLE 3 For Ileal r.slalc ( onli Dels. Trust Deeds & Morlcaues. r also loan nioiiev .Ian Fai'le . Manager 276 :t7':i PENDLETON CAPITAL J CORPORATION J J3P A too mil "fcW l:aN?' en slrrnrrf.riTbrf.rf.i ClT Take This One Away 71 BUICK SKYLARK 2-dr coupe, AT. PS, PB. AC. Clean sharp unit. HURRY THIS ONE WON'T LAST 476 V48t 3 Sell Your UnuHed ItefnsWllh) GAZETTE-TIMES CLASSIFIED ADS Cars S. Trucks 22 '74 Pinto, 2 dr 26 mpg.,good tires, runs good. 676-5077. 1127-2p. 1972 PINTO, engine has just been tuned, almost new tires, 21 mpg., $795, Call Pastor Dan Adels, 676 5225, No Friduy evening or Saturday calls. 11 20-tfc. Real Estate 23 Jim Wishart Home for nale. excellent condition, S65.000.Q Have to see to appreciate. 140 S Gilmore St. Call after 5 p.m., 676.52H3. II 27-tfc. THREE ACRES of mountain property with water, elec tricity and fence, $8,5(H). A mountain home with 6 acres, water, electricity, full deck with good view. $.I8.5(H) 676 5:tlK. 7 3 tfc Spacious 5 Bedroom. Family Room. Full Finished Base ment. Fireplace. Carpeting, Energy Efficient l,cnox Heat Pump On Large Corner Lot. $.').r).iHHi, By Appointment Only. Call 989 8150 after 5. 10 16 tfc Pets 25 FREE: Barn cats, one house cat. Pam Minster, 989 8155. 11 27 It. For A Complete Line Of Tractor Repair See... c repaid mr Service Colls Welding Air Conditioning Heavy Equipment Fabrication Maintenance lone 422 7409 or 422 7418 i.i m mwmmm i am m i m i . i m LiMXmmi 0