The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore.. Thursday, September 1, 1977 SEVEN Livestock : some ri T7 a e em. some ., i 1 11 ill i Cf 4 W" - A , J,;' mm , . mu show em 5 :f f y I 1 1 . A 1 i( Stand tall Young 4-H'ers set up their animals during showmanship judging. -w ( f ft - - - ... . f f 7 f' - , 4 1 J1 'J n "t " -, ',1 v Catbird seat From his announcers perch atop the grandstands, Kurt Robinson kept a steady and knowledgable commentary going throughout the weekend rodeo shows. b Morrow County 4-Hers travelinfir to State Fair 7 4 " V. 1 7 Although the Morrow County Fair has come and gone, many county 4-H'ers have spent the week antici pating the competition at Oregon State Fair. Traveling to Salem this week will be Erin Evans and Lori Witt, who will model their championship style revue garmets on Thursday. In the senior presentations category, Jan Peterson, Kate Evans and Erin Evans will all appear in the state contest. Becky Hobbs will repeat her interemediate lucheon for the state judges, Jyl Hobbs will enter the intermediate salad and sandwich contest and Janet McElligott and Jan Peterson will be in the senior baking competition. In the livestock arena, Donald Richards will be showing swine. Helping out with the activ ities will be Harold Kerr in the beef area, Francine Evans as a 4-H hostess and Birdine Tullis everywhere she is needed. Janet McElligott will be working as a volunteer teen staffer for the week as commentator with the swine program. The entire 4-H tole painting club will have their works on display with leaders Phyllis Piper, Linda Padberg and Eileen Padberg accompany ing the girls. Morrow County exhibitors in the 4-H clothing categories include Carla Miles, Jodi Padberg, Ann McLaughlin, Denise Kennedy, Cathy Lind sey, Christy Anderson, Diann Morter, Tara Mahoney, Becky Hobbs and Jyl Hobbs. Also, Paula Palmer, Mari Evans, Janet McElligott, Lori Witt, Michelle McElligott, Natalie Tews, Debora Palmer and Grace McElligott. For the food category, the following 4-H'ers will make the trip to Salem : Carla Miles, Ann McLaughlin, Thomas James, Cathy Lindsey, Ann Lindsey, Elizabeth Mc Elligott, Diann Morter, Mari Evans, Michelle McElligott, Jan Peterson, Janet Mc Elligott and Joan Dougherty. Becky and Jyl Hobbs will compete in food preservation, Wendy and Sam Myers in leathercraft and Denise Ken nedy will represent the county in knitting. More... Fair & Rodeo results next week .JUar: sac Whoa now Results RCA Cowboy Dean Oliver appears to have the situation well in hand as he leans into his steer at the Heppner, rodeo grounds, Oliver has always been a popular contestant with the local fans. Water system improve ments for the City of Irrigon under an E.P.A. grant are now ' complete. The $116,000 grant ' added a 130,000 gallon storage area to the reservoir, extend ed a number of water lines and made interties between lines for more efficient water pressures and service. Also included in the improvements were the addition of a new well, pumps, pumphouse and several fire hydrants. Several thousand dollars extra work above grant funds was done by the contractors, Sharpe and Prezler of Ken- newick, as the city tried to eliminate bottlenecks in the system in preparation for a Fire Insurance Rating Bureau O Inigon news Francis Rose Wilson 922-3352: assessment of the system. The study is currently underway and a lower insurance rate for the city is anticipated. The current improvements have assured better pressure patterns to every part of the city and greater fire fighting potential. The system is de signed to handle water needs generated by future growth in the area. A.C. Houghton School has been plagued with water problems for several years with pump failures. The school has decided to take advantage of city water this year and a meter was instal led the past week to service the facility. With the influx of students in the area it was considered a necessity. Mr. and Mrs. Don Tusten have moved to Irrigon with their family of teen age children. Tusten transfered to U.A.D. from Ft. Knox Ky. where he had been employed since his discharge from the Army. Tusten had served in the Army for 20 years. Tusten was raised in Uma tilla by his foster parents Mr. and Mrs. Walter Agee. Nowhe and his family plan to make their home in the area. Results Results1 Results Results Swayne, Evans, 2nd Tolt Painting Tin or Matal Bette Spaulding, 2nd Tolt Painting Wood - Animal! scratch that TOLE PAINTING Wood - Fruits or flowers Virginia Wilkison, 2nd Melba Quae ken bush, 3rd Tola Painting Wood-pcopla Melba Quackenbush, 2nd Virginia Wilkison, 3rd Tole Painting Canvas Linda Padberg, 3rd Tube Painting Luncheon cloths Shirley Connor, 2nd Tube Painting Pictures Shirley Connor, 2nd Tube Painting Pillow Slips Shirley Connor, 2nd Myrtle Imel, 3rd Tube Painting Wall Hangings Shirley Connor, 1st Tube Painting Other Shirley Connor, 1st Frances Crook, 2nd Woodworking Furniture Making Martha Doherty, 2nd Woodworking Woodcarving Bob Hagar, 3rd Woodworking Other Martha Doherty, 1st Bob Adelman, 2nd Other Paint By No. Etc. Leland & Doug Ansotequr, 1st Jan Evans, 2nd Jan Evans, 3rd' Toys Other Jim Launer, 2nd Martha Doherty, 3rd Pine Needle Baskets Beverly Launer, 1st CHILDREN'S CORNER Art Foam Chenille Amy Hobbs, 1st Pompom Lyle Hobbs, 2nd Metal Work Jewelry Swayne Evans, 1st Other her Roger Morter, 1st Shann. Evans, 1st Sandy Wright, 1st ., u,h- L,nc, Morter, 1st Kimmie Warren, 1st Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Hughes, 2nd . Sandy Wright, 2nd Rebecca Bunch, 2nd k Lv,e HobDS' Carolyn Hughes, 2nd Bowl a Pitcher r... Artificial Flower Arrangements b 00 Evans' 2nd Missy Turner, 2nd Kevin Hughes, 3rd Cannino Jam Mikka Evans, 1st J ana Lee Phegley, 1st Debora Wilson, 2nd Linda Morter, 1st Wayne Wilson, 2nd Mosaics K,m Miller' Keith Morter, 2nd Macaroni, Spaghetti, Etc. P,per Je"y PamKeene,2nd Marie, 1st Sandra Turner, 2nd Kimberley Hughe,, 1st Pickle, Cut Paper Construction Cloth Gibb Evans, 2nd Ken Curtis, 1st Dvann Brosnan, 2nd Ken Curtis, 3rd Marie O5"' ,st , , t . Novelty Items Vegetables Paula Plocharsky, 3rd " Paper Plastic Tracy Lindsay, 1st Susan Plocharsky, 1st Seed Breads, batter Gibb Evans, 1st Kimberle Wright, 1st Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Kimberly Hughes, 2nd Carolyn Hughes, 2nd Cindy Stroeber, 1st Bobbette Angel, 2nd Stenen Plocharsky, 3rd Stacl Toll, 1st Baking Powder Biscuits Sandra Turner, 3rd Mikka Evans, 1st Robert McMillan, 2nd Jennifer Hughes, 1st Ryan Van Cleave, 2nd Marie Oswalt, 3rd Merry Despain, ind Muffins Sillouettes Paper Tom JameSj ,5( Sue Evans, 1st CHILDRENS CORNER Breads, Yeast Shell! Biddle, 1st Kimberly Huohes, 2nd Hom. Economie, Dinner Rolls Steven Plocharsky, 3rd Mardel James, 1st Shanna Evans, 2nd Sandra Turner, 3rd Bgs. Purses, Curler, etc. Fudge ?T,e? Novelty Item. Carolyn Hughes. 2nd Julie L.ffertv. 1st Judy Jepsen, 2nd . He(en DMoM 4 penny Connor w Blouses or Shirts , Cookies, Brownies Deborah Wilson, 1st Je0ni,er Huhe' ,5t Pau,a P'harsky, LM , Xara Mahone )st Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Deena Hams, 2nd Hand Lacea Carolyn Hughes, 2nd Marie Olwalf, 3rd , lr , Mikka Evans, 2nd rttt 0b'e, c,rMl Dav,d Bennett, Jr.. 1st Shwna ,, 2nd Cherri. Her, 2nd Annette Wilgers, 2nd Todd Lindsay, 2nd paua plocnarsKyj Aex Lin(teaVi M CUy Head Scarf Drop Cookies Hand Tooled Ryan Van Cleave, 1st Macrame Plantholders jackl Sumner, 1st Amy Hobbs, 1st Kimberly Wright, 2nd Joyce Elsasser, 2nd Wall Hangings ' Stacl Toll, 1st Lisa Wilson, aid Sue Evans, 2nd Other Missy Turner, 1st Stacl Toll, 1st Kirsten Green, 1st Kimberly Hughes, 1st Kimberly Wright, 1st Nance Wright, 1st Wayne Evans, 1st Swayne Evans, 1st Val Hager, 2nd Gibb Evans, 2nd Shanna Evans, 2nd Felt Deborah Wilson. 1st Lyle Hobbs, 1st Amy Hobbs, 1st Gibb Evans, 1st Tracy Lindsay, 2nd Hovetty Itens Amy Hobbs, 1st Sandy Wright, 2nd Jumper Helen Daltoso, 1st Tara Mahoney, 1st Lunch Cloths Kimberly Robb, 2nd Skirts Lisa Wilson, 1st Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Angie Evans, 1st Ann Evans, 1st Other Kimberly Robb, 1st Patty McElligott, 2nd Julie Clemlnson, 3rd Crocheted Items Missy Turner, 1st Dish Towels Carolyn Hughes, 2nd Potholders Sandy Wright, 1st Cherrie Hager, 2nd Tracy Lindsay, 1st Nance Wright, 1st Marion McMillan, 1st Ken Curtis, 1st Bobbette Angell, 2nd Missy Turner, 2nd Penny Connor, 2nd Judy Jepsen, 2nd No Bake Marion McMillan, 1st Tara Mahoney, 1st Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Cherie Hager, 2nd Srtaun Hams, 2nd Janet Plocharsky, 2nd Robert McMillan, 2nd Pressed Trisha Mahoney, 1st Shelly Stroeber, 2nd Kimberly Robb, 3rd Rolled Cookies Tara Mahoney, 2nd Kimberly Wright, 2nd Theresa Lindsay, 2nd Other Randy Robb, 2nd Cathy Lindsay, 2nd Ken Curtis, 3rd Pie Crust Two Crust Marie Oswalt, 2nd Rock Painting Shelley Stroeber, 1st Nance Wright, 1st Kimberle Wright, 1st Val Hager, 2nd Cherrie Hager, 2nd Lyle Hobbs, 2nd Kevin Hughes, 2nd Paula Plocharsky, 3rd String Art Gibb Evans, 1st Swayne Evans, 1st Shanna Evans, 1st Kim Kroll, 2nd Gibb Marie Oswalt, 1st Denise K'nned' 2nd Sue Evans, 3rd Novelty Items Styrofoam Roger Morter, 1st Amy Hobbs, 2nd Kelly McLaughlin, 2nd Dyann Brosnan, 2nd Paula Plocharsky, 2nd WOOD Jaci Sumner, 1st Kirsten Green, 1st Kevin Hughes, 1st Andrea Ball, 2nd Christy Stroeber, 2nd Shelley Stroeber, 2nd Bobbette Angell, 2nd Susan Plocharsky, 2nd Missy Turner, 2nd Janet Plocharsky, 3rd Gibb Evans, 2nd Paper Mache Construction Steve Plocharksy, 1st Duane Ball, 2nd Ryan Van Cleave, 2nd Shanna Evans, 2nd Clint Carlson, B Michelle McElligott, B Swane Evans, 2nd Bruce Anglin, B Sally Sumner, B Joy Hayes, B Jo lynn Daly, R Weaving Matt Clark, B Mary Daly, R Plastic Const, (bottles, etc.) Red Commercial Keith Morter, 1st BEEF Craig Miles, 1st Market Steer Medium No. 2 photography Wayne Wilson, 1st Animals, birds, plant life Cherrie Hager, 1st wox) Carvlng Terry Seel, B Val Hager, 1st Pat Clark, B sandy Wright, 1st Wayne Wilson. 1st Ron Doherty, 1st Morter, B Val Hager, 2nd Kurt Hellburg, B Portrait Wayne Plocharsky, 2nd Teresa Anglin, B Wayne Plocharsky, 2nd Woo( Cwlrueti()n Roger Morter, B sandy Wright, 1st Cherrie Hager, 2nd jerry McElligott, R Terry Gray, 1st Trisha Maxam, 1st jay Keithley, 2nd Randy Robb, 1st Landscape and Scenery Andy Samples, 2nd Patty McElligott, 1st BEEF Robby Borst, 2nd Marrin McMillan, 2nd Market Steers Light Wt. Wright, 2nd Greg Connor, 2nd Kevin Hughes, 3rd Janet McElligott, B Shell Crafts Kenneth Gochnauer, B Scrapbooks Beadwork Pine Cone Construction Cindy Gochnauer, B for Fun Kathleen Van Schoiack, B Sandra Turner, 1st Gibb Evans, 1st Todd Harrison, R judy jepsen, 2nd Cherrie Hager, 2nd Trisha Mahoney, 2nd Missy Turner, 3rd Susan Plocharsky, 2nd Dolls Applehead Wayne Plocharsky, 2nd BEEF Producing Cow a Her Calf Ken Curtis, 1st . Krlsten Green, 1st Shell Craft Driftwood Shell Work Ann Van Schoiack, B BEEF h.vm Heifer Calved In 177 Kimberly Hughes, 1st J"v "ayes, B Julie Clemonson, 1st Janet Plocharsky, 2nd . . . . Jason Dogherty. 2nd Ann Van Schoiack, B Val Hager, 2nd Lori Van Cleave, 2nd BEEF Yarn Producing Cow Homemade BEEF Lori Van Cleave, 1st Ann Van Schoiack, B Member Herd Bobbette Angell, 2nd Jay HayeJ Kevin Hughes, 2nd Ann van Schoiack, B Gibb Evans, 2nd Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Trisha Mahoney, 3rd Textile Painting Cloth Ron Doherty, 1st Penny Connor, 1st Greg Connor, 1st Paula Plocharsky, 2nd Marie Olwalt, 2nd Ryan Van Cleave, 3rd Solar Printing Steve Curtis, 2nd Paper Gibb Evans, 2nd Stuffed Toyes Rondi Tews, 1st Susan Plocharsky, 1st Anne McLaughlin, 1st Michelle Miles, 2nd Wayne Wilson, 2nd Deborah Wilson, 2nd Patty McElligott, 2nd BEEF Market Steer Medium No. 1 Jeff Sumner, B Ralph Morter, B Vincent McEllloott, B Matt McElligott, B Grace McElligott, B BEEF Heifer Calved in 17 Gerl Grieb, B BEEF Heifer Calved in 17 Ann Van Schoiack, B Jay Hayes, R BEEF Market Steer Heavy Brad Huwe, B Rick Gilbert, B Carol McElligott, B Dawn Peterson, B SWINE Market Hogs Donald Richards, B Mike Brosnan, B Mike Brosnan, B Donald Richards, B Sid Kennedy, R Clint Carlson, R Larry Palmer, W SWINE Gilt Born In 177 Donald Richards, B Mike Brosnan, B