SPECIAL FAIR & RODEO SECTION The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, August 18, 1977 FIVE As we prepare for county fair, trying to think of all the little details to make things as happy as possible for every one, we also know that out around the county there are forty 4-H leaders, and more than 200 parents who are in various stages of helping 4-H'ers get ready for the big show. Things like county fairs just do not happen without the support of both leaders and parents. So we say "three cheers" for 4-H leaders, and the same for 4-H parents. 4-H is a family affair, and we encourage families to be out there, offering support and encouragement to their special member as he or she shows their animal, does their presentation, parades in revue for the judge, or what ever their participation in the many events of the fair. We . also invite the public to come to the fair and see what the youth of Morrow County are doing. You'll be so proud of the active, energetic 4-H kids. See them at the fair. Everyone knows that the big night for 4-H livestock exhibit ors at county fair is Thursday evening, when the market animals that have been shown are brought out for auction. There is always a good crowd on hand, and the bidding is usually brisk, with the champions selling first, then the reserves. They set the Ancttiomi o The 4H'er big payoff ceiling for the rest of the animals that follow in the sale, so excitement is great as they are auctioned. There is a lot more to that sale than meets the eye of the casual observer, for many hours of work have gone into the preparations for the big event. There are hours of labor, training, and decisions tied up in the animals, and there are many more hours of preparation by the sale com mittee from the Livestock Growers Association who sponsor the sale. Add to that the hours of paper work from the extension office in registering, prepar ing the sales slips, and other assorted work. Then add on the hours spent by devoted 4-H leaders and parents in helping and guiding the members, as well as hours spent at the county fair serving as super intendents of the animal divisions. The auctioneer donates his time, as do the helpers in the ring who are there to be sure to catch every bid. The time of parents involved is so great we couldn't begin to calculate it, for most spend almost a week at fair with their members, in addition to sup port they have provided all year. In the process of preparing the animal for the show ans sale, the young 4-H member has had many learning ex periences; some experiences that have greater than dollar value. For in that project they should have made some rat ion, feeding, and care dec isions that affected their final product; learned the cost of producing an animal for market; the responsibility of caring for an animal, and now, at the county show they have the opportunity to show not only their project, the animal, but themselves. The sales committee listed in the premium book for the 4-H and FFA Market Stock Sale this year includes Louis Carlson, Ron Currin, Merlin Hughes, Bob Peterson, and Bob Van Schoiack. In ad dition, you'll see Charlie Daly, president of the Morrow Livestock Growers Associa tion, and all the members he can round up, out there helping. They want the kids to get a good price for their animals, for as livestock growers they are painfully aware of the high cost of producing a premium animal today. They are hopeful the kids can at least break even on their project. So when you come out to the 4-H livestock sale, we hope you come with an appreciation of the com bined effort by many that has gone in to each animal there, whether it be a champion or not. When you make your bid, you aren't buying a beef, swine, or sheep, you are investing in the future of some boy or girl, and that's what it is all about. A break from i ..-"-". - 11 " -. -Z5 -iTri-' V y in i w'mZ2- " - , 1Mb,; 1 ' y :t-r'r mi iti niiii ii tw itrTtmirnii)"n --ei- the suction occurs each day at the West of Willow Restaurant and Tavern FAIR & RODEO W.O.W. SPECIALS BVJtlO FRIDAY 5-7 p.m. Delicious Roast Betf FRIDAY, AUG. 26 AND BUFFET BREAKFAST MIDNIGHT TO 3 a.m. SATURDAY, AUG. 27 RESTAURANT i I FUN FINi DINING 676-5149 TAVERN IN THE GAM 676-5551 ROOM , , o.. ..t mx ii ...