to toy - si,-- " ' t '-"H EIGHT The Gazette-Times. Heppner, Ore., Thursday, July 14. 1977 i 1 i The historical Pioneer Chapel, located near the Sellwood Bridge, in Portland was the setting of the wedding of Patti Van Gilder and Charles Constantin at 6 p.m. on June 27. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pike of Kinzua. The grooirfe parents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Constantin, Johnson City. The bride, given in mar riage by her father, wore a full-length dress and train of cream colored gauze cloth with matching lace front panel and yoke. She carried a white Bible topped with a pink orchid. Victoria Autry was maid of honor. Her gown, in the same princess style as the brides gown, was of blue gauze cloth and trimmed with cream colored lace front panel and yoke. She carried a nosegay of yellow and white daisies. Rev. Glenn Lavell perfor med the wedding service. Music was furnished by the church organist. Dennis Deranleau was best man. Pat and Ron Constantin, brothers of the groom, were ushers. Following the wedding ceremony a reception was held at the young couples new home at 2303 SE 35th Place, Portland. The brides table was centered by a beatiful three-tiered wedding cake topped with the figures of a bride and groom and trimmed with blue flowers. Out ot town guests attending the wedding included former Fossil resident Ed Howe and Mrs. Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pike, Bruce and Lu Ann of Kinzua, Sue Pike, PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE OFFICIAL CALL FOR BOARDMAN RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Morrow County State of Oregon Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received on behalf of Boardman Rural Fire Protection District, Morrow County. Ore gon, until 7:30 p.m. PDT on 15 August 1977, at the Boardman City Hall, 206 N. Main, Boardman, Oregon 97818, at which time they shall be open ed publicly and filed for public inspection. .Bids called for are either or both of the following: (1) Land Site plus Fire Station, or (2) Fire Station to be con structed on site furn ished by the District. The specifications for the fire station may be seen at the Boardman City hall, Boardman, and are available for $10. Construction on this project must be com menced by 30 days after award of contract and completed within 90 cal endar days thereafter. No bid will be re ceived or considered unless the bid contains a statement that the bid der will comply with the requirements of ORS 279.350 and has attached to it a surety bond, cashier's check or cert ified check of the bidder in the sum of 3 per cent of the amount of the bid for the contract. The successful bidder must furnish performance bond equal to the amount of the bid. The District will fol low the provisions of ORS Chapter 279 in connection with award of contract, bond, return or retention of bid security, rejection of bids and disqualifica tion. The District re serves the right to disqualify a bidder for any of the reasons specified in ORS 279.037 Constantin, VanGilder Ashland and Mr. and Mrs. Lance Van Meter and Clayton from Nyssa. Kinzua Barbara Pike The Kinzua TOPS Club is having a Bunko party this Friday, July 15, at7:30p.m. at Jeffmore Hall. A $1 donation ticket can be obtained from any TOPS member or at the door. Refreshments will be served. A drawing will be held for an Air Pot, you need not be present to win. It promises to be a fun evening. Come join us. Betty Benson went to Boise Tuesday to visit her daughter, Nancy Christenson, at St. Alphonso Hospital. Nancy . was finally released from the hospital on Friday. Betty took Nancy home to Ontario where she finally was able to care for her tiny daughter, Carrie Lea. This is the first time Nancy has been home since the birth of that young lady on May 27 at the Weiser Hospital. Hope things smooth out for little Carrie and her family, they have had their , share of problems already. Earl and Carol Norris went to Pendleton Wednesday for medical care for Earl. Jiggs and Rita Bowman went to Prineville this week end to pickup their daughter Cindy who has spent the last three weeks in Prineville visiting with Dave and Sara Riney. Hershel and Betty Murdock for a period of 10 days. Additional information regarding the District and this call for bids may be obtain ed by contacting Del mer A. Hug, Rt. 1, Box 54, Boardman, Oregon 97818 or by phone at 503-481-4021. BOARDMAN Rural fire PROTECTION DISTRICT Morrow County, Oregon Published July 14, 1977 PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE Residents of Lexington, Oregon are hereby advised that the Lexington City Council and Budget Committee will hold a public hear ing at 8:00 p.m., Tues day, July 19, 1977 at the Lexington City Hall. The Council proposes to pass an ordinance to apply for Oregon State Revenue Sharing Funds. The Budget Commit tee will then hold a public hearing and re ceive written and oral comments concerning the use of such funds from residents of Lex ington. Following the Budget Committee hearing, the Council will hold a hearing concerning pro posed uses of such funds. The exact amount of money to be received under the State of Ore gon Revenue Sharing program is unknown, however, we estimate the amount to be ap proximately $1,000. .The only purpose of the joint hearing is to receive testimony con cerning the budgeting of funds to be received under the State Revenue Sharing program. Mrs. Pat Wright, Budget Officer Lee Padberg, Mayor Published July 14 and their grandson Pat Bell, went to Bend Thursday to attend the State Archery news 7682861 Meet. The group returned home late Sunday evening after the meet held at the State Archery at Kiwa Springs. Gail Mennenga and children Julie and Lonnie were visitors at the Raymond Reid home on Thursday. Mrs. Mennenga, a McDaniel reunion Sunday The annual reunion of the descendants of Morrow Coun ty pioneers Sam, Bill and Ed McDaniel is set for Sunday, July 17, in the Anson Wright Memorial Park. The potluck dinner will begin at noon. Family members are ex pected from California and Utah to meet with the many McDaniels in this area. The family used to hold its reunions in the Courthouse Park, but outgrew the space there about 12 years ago. They feel that the mountainous Wright County Park is more appropriate as most of the McDaniels were mountain folks who lived near that site. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Planning Commission will meet Monday, July 25. 1977 at 8:00 p.m. at the Morrow County Courthouse, Heppner, Oregon. Public Hearings will be held on the following matter: Application by Clar ence C. Frederickson, Irrigon, for a Condition al Use Permit to operate a Commercial Feed Lot in a FARM zone. Loca tion of the proposed use is T.4N., R.25E., Section 14, Tax Lot No. 900, consisting of 34.42 acres. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and express their views. Written, signed statements will be considered. Reason for approval or disap proval should be includ ed in oral or written statements. MRS. DORRIS L. GRAVES. Chairman Morrow County Planning Commission Published July 14, 21, 1977 Heppner 676-5184 TIRE PRICES raws GOING UP See me now for tires JUlY 18 of oW' price5 & save- GOOD STOCK oTTnAL'D EXAMPLE HR78xl5 C ra f rsf Includes STEEL KP02 Mounting, RADIAL g 40,000 MILE GUARANTEE NO TRADE-INS NEEDED HERE wed June former Kinzua resident, was on her way home to McMin nville from Long Creek where they had been visiting her parents. The Mennenga child ren are staying at the Reid home until July 18 when they will return home. Betty Murdock, her daugh Thanks Many are involved in the making of a 4-H camp program ...and many contribute in ways not visible to all! A special thank you to Bob Lowe, park attendant, who gave up days off to come to camp to keep the rest rooms tidy, and carry away mountains of rubbish, and to John Jepsen. who provided his PUBLIC U.S. DEPARTMENT Forest Service LAND EXCHANGE Notice is hereby given . that the Kinzua Corpor ation of Heppner, Ore gon, has made applic ation under the Act of March 3, 1925, as amen ded, and the Act of Oct ober 23, 1962, as am ended, to exchange the following described lands in the Umatilla National Forest. Willamette Meridian, Morrow County, Ore gon, T. 4 S.. R. 29 E.. Section 36, SW'jNW'j SW'4 Containing 10.0 acres, more or less, for Natio nal Forest land in the Umatilla National For est described as foll ows: Willamette Meridian, Morrow and Wheeler Counties, Oregon, T. 6S., R. 25 E., PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE The Morrow County Court will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, July 27, 1977, at 10:00 a.m. at the North Mor row County Office in Irrigon. Notice is given of an appeal hearing on the decision by the Morrow County Planning Com mission denying a zone change and conditional use permit to Orlin Kloepper for a drinking establishment to be lo cated in T.5N., R.26E., Section 25B., Tax Lot No. 701, consisting of 4.60 acres. The appeal is made by Orlin Kloep per. Interested persons are invited to attend the hearing and express their views. Written, signed statements will be considered. Reasons for approval or disap proval should be includ ed in oral or written statements. D.O. NELSON, Judge Morrow County Court Published July 14, 21, 1977 If AUT0 lOw) l QUALITY ISeXJ 27 ter Edith Bell, her mother Delia Casey and Rose Vader went to The Dalles Tuesday where all the ladies had medical attention. , " Kinzua 's Postmaster Vir ginia Kelso is in Seaside this week attending a Postmasters convention. from 4-H camp trailer for the comfort of the women of the camp staff. Also deserving a special word of appreciation is Francine Ev ans, who spent two days at the camp, assisting with craft classes, which' were enjoyed by all the campers. Their sharing and caring for 4-H is appreciated. NOTICE OF AGRICULTURE Portland, Oregon NOTICE Section 26, W'NWU NW'4SE'4 T. 7 S., R. 23 E.. Section 16, portion of SW'4NW'4; Section 17, portion of SENE , T. 8 S., R. 22 E., Section 6, portion of NE'4SE'4. and portion ofW'iSW'j Containing 10.62 ac res, more or less. Persons claiming said properties or having valid objections to the proposed exhange must file their claims or objections with the Reg ional Forester, U.S. Fo rest Service, P.O. Box 3623, Portland, Oregon 97208, within 30 days after date of first publi cation of this notice. Published June 16, 23, 30, July 7 and 14, 1977 Business MEDICAL SUPPLIES HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service. Open 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. , Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar FURNITURE WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. 254 W. Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston CONSTRUCTION Circle "D" Trenching Licensed & Bonded Vermeer Trencher 14" wide x 8' deep 680 Case Hoe Septic Tanks, Etc. Dump Truck for Hire Robert Duncan 989-8493 AUTOMOTIVE Serving all this area for over 20 years. JONES RADIATOR SERVICE 1315 North 1st St. Hermiston, OR 97838 Ph. 567-6916 OPTOMETRIST DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9465 Heppner WANTED: Used refrig erators. Call Dean's Ap pliances, Heppner, Ore., 676-5018. 22-tfn WANTED: 2 or 3 bed room house to buy or rent in Heppner area. Write or call collect. Bob Krein, Rt. 1, Box -A178, Gold Beach, Ore, 97444, Ph 247-2264. 28-3p A gift for all occasions; let flowers do it. THE POSY PATCH. 676-9426. 43tfc Now's the Both Aerial CUSTOM SPREADING & SPRAYING NH3 Aqua Dry Fertilizer Ag Chemicals Seed Animal Health Products ESTERn Ken Smith - Sales & Service r FPRm SERVICE tennis Reisch Boardman 481-2921 Heppner 676-9103 C.B. SERVICE Terry's CB Consulting Service 155 Rock Street P.O. Box 356 Heppner "Fox Hunter" Ch. 19 Terry Carter 676-5192 GLASS COMMERCIAL GLASS & ALUMINUM. INC. Store Front Systems Gyro-Tech Automatic Doors Glass Sales & Service MICKBURCH pvB ! Phone (503) ! IVjLHI 922-4136 rT JO P.O. Box 1413 py M111 Umatilla, Ore. GYROH MONUMENTS SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave markers. Granite, Marble, Bronze 24-Hr. phone 676-9600 or 676-9226 Also serving lone & Lexington Heppner P.O. Box 97 MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions. Hospital Supplies Open Mon.-Fri., 9-6 p.m. Sat. 9-1 p.m. Located in the Medical Center, 1100 Sou thgate, Pendleton 276-1531 AUTOMOTIVE SHERRELL CHEVROLET INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main Hermiston REAL ESTATE WANTED: Small acre age within five miles of Lexington to build fam ily house on G.I. Bill. Must have existing water. Call Martin Pot ter at 989-8149 after 6 p.m. 28-3c WANTED TO BUY: Push-powered lawn mower. Call 422-7577. tfn Teacher needs lot in or near Heppner to build or place mobile home on. Call collect, 509-486-2672, anytime. 26-3p time for weed control & Ground Applications Available WESTERN FARM SERVICE Bob Davidson Bill Wondra - Directory TITLE INSURANCE MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance ' Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912; Heppner HOME REPAIR UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays & Sundays if necessary. Ph . 676-9406 or 989-8467 FURNITURE HOUSo.WKOUTSn: . Curtis-Mathes TV Quasar TV, Norge & Admiral appliances. Largest selection of t furniture in the area. 2200 N.F. Hermiston 567-8960 WELDING JIM'S WELDING SERVICE Either in the shop or on the job. Hydraulics, hose & fittings Jim Barrett Riverside Ave. Heppner Bus. 676-5816 Home 676-9886 FLOOR COVERING M&R FLOOR COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic tile, kitchen cabinets. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Matt Hughes 422 Linden Way 676-9418 Heppner QUALIFIED piano tun er will be in the area July 17-22, and Aug.' 14 19. For appoitment , call 468-2495. No Satur day calls, please. , 27-3p COPIES of "The 'His-"' t tory of Heppner Lodge No. 69 AF&AM" are available at , Turner, VanMarter & Bryant, or contact .Don Gilliam. , $2.00 per copy. 26-3p CLASSIFIED ADS PAY 10 words or less, $1.50. Call 676-9228. - Sales & Service Fieldman - Branch Manager Lexington 989-8525 THIS SPACE FOR RENT '8 PER MONTH CALL 676-9228 INSURANCE RAYBOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health, Fire, Auto, marine Group Plans Ray Boyce 676-5384 676-9625 Heppner LAUNDROMAT Main St. Heppner HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT BUILDING SUPPLIES See us for all your building supplies. We feature Boysen Paints. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dorian 276-6221 PENDLETON PRINTING , WEDDING INVITATIONS BUSINESS FORMS PRINTED ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS GAZETTE-TIMES 676-9228676-9496 . -, -... p - m m- m