"V-pflp j- . -- p p m f 0. , ' nt w-- m t- i- - r- v ir .. j yr-' H eppner lanes change With a new owner, a new name and even a new coat of paint, Heppner Bowl is planning a September 1 opening to bring a full slate of bowling activities to the community. The new owners of Heppner 's only bowling lanes, formerly known as Fiesta Bowl, are Bob and Marilyn Schiller, Butter creek. Don and Cathy Isom will manage the operation and Isom plans to stay busy for the next couple of months making improvements and alterations. In addition to painting the building inside and out, Isom is planning to open two more bowling lanes, bringing the total to eight. Also planned is a complete overhaul of all the pinsetters and the installation of a new snack bar. Isom said he will add tables in the snack bar area where hamburgers, tacos, french fries soft drinks and possibly chicken will be served. A new collection of games will be added including foosball, Lexington news Fair & Rodeo The Morrow County Fair and Rodeo Committee held a sur prise party for D.O. Nelson who resigned his position as com mittee chairman following his Couple take vows Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Keene were hosts for a wedding rehearsal dinner for Loreta . Pinney and Richard Keene on Saturday evening June 25 at the Willows Grange Hall. Thirty eight people attended and out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Loy Keene, Lexington; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Easley, Portland; Mr. and Mrs. Carston Brandhagen, Heppner and Mrs. Ron Jones, Spokane. The young couple were married Sunday June 26 at the ' United Church of Chirst at 4 p.m. lone news Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bryce Keene were Mr. and Mrs. By Trevett of Campbell River, B.C., who had come for the Pinney-Keene wedding. The C.W.A. of Willows Gra nge will meet at 2 p.m. on July 15 in the lone City Park. Birthday celebration Mr. and Mrs. Clark Stephens of Umatilla brought a birthday cake to their father, Ernest Stephens, in Irrigon to help him celebrate his 88th birthday. Other visitors at their home during the week included their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Benson of Salem, the Bensons daughter-in-law, three grandaughters and Mrs. William Cooper of Sandpoint, Idaho. Irrigon news . Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wilson are their daughter Carmine Wilson of Santa Cruz, Calif, and their granddaughter Cindy Bartlett of Lynnwood, Wash. They came to Irrigon with the Wilsons, who spent several days visiting their daughter and son-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bartlett in Lynnwood. Miss Wilson return ed to Santa Cruz, on Monday. The Rev. and Mrs. Robert Schmoll and family have re turned from a vacation trip to San Diego, Disneyland and other points of interest. hands pinball and other amusements. All the improvements have necessitated a price hike to 75 . cents a game which Ison said is "still one of the least expensive in the Northwest". House shoes and balls will be "ovided at no charge. Sign-up is currently under way for fall and winter leagues which Isom hopes will begin on the September 1 opening. The leagues will be divided into two sections of 18 weeks each. Planned are two shifts of Sunday mixed doubles, Monday and Wednesday men's night leagues and a Saturday morn ing student league. City tournaments for both men and women will be held and additional promotions will be announced throughout the year. Hours of operation are tent atively set at noon to 11 p.m., . with Monte Carlo bowling every Friday night. "We're going to try a lot of new ideas to bring in more bowlers," Isom said. appointment as the new county judge. The party and potluck dinner were held July 29 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Curtis. Nelson was presented with a macrame owl made be Mildred Rauch and a card designed and drawn by Pauline Matheny. Dinner was served in the Curtis' beautifully decorated back yard. Nelson presided over the meeting and then turned the chairmanship over to Mike Conley. Present at the meeting were; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rauch, Alvin McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Piper, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Business MEDICAL SUPPLIES HERMISTON DRUG Free prescription Mail Service. Open9a.m.to7p.m. Gifts for all occasions. Snack Bar FURNITURE WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system. 254W.Hermiston Ave. 567-2201 Hermiston CONSTRUCTION Circle ' D" Trenching Licensed & Bonded Vermeer Trencher 14" wide x 8' deep 680 Case Hoe Septic Tanks, Etc. Dump Truck for Hire Robert Duncan 989-8493 AUTOMOTIVE Serving all this area for over 20 years. JONES RADIATOR SERVICE 1315 North 1st St. Hermiston, OR 97838 Ph. 567-6916 OPTOMETRIST DR. E.K. SCHAFFITZ Optometrist Next to Hotel Heppner entrance. 676-9465 Heppner m. .yy - itm.mmip 'mm. w4s. r - , AT Ah.- . . - " Don Ison, new monger of Heppner Bowl, inspects pinsetters in preparation for September opening. Persons interested in bowling leagues are urged to sign up now. salutes Nelson Nelson and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Conley and daughter along with Mike's mother who was visiting the family. Honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kroll and D.O. Nelson. During the meeting, Jim Launer was hired as night watchman for fair week and it was announced there will be a balloon clown present for the fair activities. Frieda Majeske who has been spending some time with her daughter Pat Wright returned this week to Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Russell C.B. SERVICE Terry's CB Consulting Service 155 Rock Street P.O. Box 356 Heppner "Fox Hunter" Ch. 19 Terry Carter 676-5192 GLASS COMMERCIAL GLASS & ALUMINUM, INC. Store Front Systems Gyro-Tech Automatic Doors Glass Sales & Service MICK BURCH P7f I Phone (503) I IVVnl 922-4136 rl JU P.O. Box 1413 IkJVKrfSU Umatilla, Ore. GYROh MONUME.NTS SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave markers. Granite, Marble, Bronze 24-Hr. phone 676-9600 or 676-9226 Also serving lone & Lexington Heppner P.O. Box 97 MEDICAL SUPPLIES MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions. Hospital Supplies Open Mon.-Fri.,9-6p.m. Sat. 9-1 p.m. Located in the Medical Center, 1100 Southgate, Pendleton 276-1531 AUTOMOTIVE SHERRELL CHEVROLET INC. Complete Sales & Service 3rd & Main Hermiston I I l i 1 Kucera of Cheyene, Wyo., visited their brother Earl Miller at the C.C. Miller ranch this week. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Miller and family of Heppner. Mr, and Mrs. Bob VanWinkle and Teressa of Paulina and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bradd of Ontario were recent visitors at the Wm. J. VanWinkle home. Mrs. Betty Christman and Mrs. VanWinkle attended a class for school cooks at the Portland Community College last week. Bill visited at the home of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Jack VanWinkle in Hep pner. The two men visited their mother Cleo VanWinkle in Pendleton on Monday of last week taking her to Walla Walla for needed medical attention. J Directory TITLE INSURANCE MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT & TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office in Peters Bldg. 676-9912 Heppner HOME REPAIR UMATILLA READY-MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays & Sundays if necessary. Ph. 676-9406 or 989-8467 FURNITURE FT HOUSE" discounts; Curtis-Mathes TV Quasar TV, Norge & Admiral appliances. Largest selection of furniture in the area. 2200 N.F. Hermiston 567-8960 WELDING JIM 'S WELDING SERVICE Either in the shop or on the job. Hydraulics, hose & fittings Jim Barrett Riverside Ave. Heppner Bus. 676-5816 Home 676-9886 FLOOR COVERING M&R FLOOR COVERING Carpet, linoleum, ceramic tile, kitchen cabinets. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. Matt Hughes 422 Linden Way 676-9418 Heppner Morrow fair court keeps on the move This year's Morrow County Fair and Rodeo Court has been on the move lately with trips to LaGrande, Milton-Freewater and a Fourth of July appear ance in Condon. The weekend of June 25, the court, comprised of Queen Mary Anne Proctor and Prin cess Teresa Proctor, Deborah and Donna Palmer and Krynn Robinson, traveled to LaGrande to participate in the Blue Mountain Revue parade and attend a luncheon date. The following weekend the group appeared for a luncheon in Milton-Freewater and then it was on to Condon to appear in the Grand Entry and parade where the group won first prize in court judging competition. This weekend the court will be kept busy in Prineville where S twi V m fiSb ; 20 8mm roll or SuperS OFFER EXPIRES Julv 12 TOOLS ED'S PRECISION SAW 4 TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed. Ph. 676-9913 or 676-9281 Alfalfa St. Heppner INSURANCE RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health, Fire, Auto, marine Group Plans Ray Boyce 676-5384 676-9625 Heppner LAUNDROMAT Main St. Heppner HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT BUILDING SUPPLIES See us for all your building supplies. We feature Boysen Paints. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore, Mgr. 432 SE Dorian 276-6221 PENDLETON PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS BUSINESS FORMS PRINTED ENVELOPES BUSINESS CARDS GAZETTE-TIMES 676-9228 676-9496 the royal ladies will join in the parade Saturday morning and the Grand Entry both Saturday afternoon and Sunday. The group has been accom panied on their travels by chaperone Mary Ann Palmer along with her husband Lee and daughter Anita. Also making the trips was Mrs. Don Robin son. Rounding out the entourage have been the pennant bearers without whom those first place awards would not be possible. This year's pennant bearers are Shawna Seitz, Marie Yo com, Laurie Edwards and Bobbi Schiller. They have been accompanied by their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Yocom. Mr. and Mrs. John Kdwards, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schiller and Mr. and Mrs. Tony Seitz. BORDERLESS SILK FINISH v. ;i rauim r aw 11 1 1 am l oiiae ana movie EXP. GAF or LIMIT 1 Includes Ektasound Redeemable Cash Value l-20th of 1 cent l GILLETTE TRAC II CARTRIDGE 5s Mlq List Si .60 97c 85s Mtg List S2 59 1.54 i S0FF PUFFS c ANUS0L $' SUPPOSITORY 24s Mtg List $4 34 HOURS 8 to 6 Phone 676- 9158 HEPPNER . OREGON lESSSSE triaminicin fg I ' 33T ALLERGY TABLETS I I ', 'r5jJ!$j Mlg List S1 89 I iB 84c J UVAL mm Is I ( -V H'l SUNSCREEN I I XZj LOTION I 2 64 01 I S V Mlg List S3 20 111.59 J paaPl DEODORANT I I LJ1 0Z PufT1P' Re0ular 0f I I 2L Mfg List $1 91 each I TfDQkHS PILLS. mVs$X$y 40s Mfg List SI 39 n 1 1 59-1 :rrz I The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday July 7, 1977 FIVE Public Notice LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE Section Notice is hereby given that the Kinzua Corpor ation of Heppner, Ore gon, has made applic ation under the Act of March :t, IH25, as amen ded, and the Act of Oct ober 2:i, 12, as am ended, to exchange the following described lands in the I'matilla National Forest. Willamette Meridian, Morrow County, Ore gon. T. 4 S., R. 29 E., Section 36, SYY'4NW'4 SYV , Containing 10.0 acres, more or less, for Natio nal Forest land in the I'matilla National For est described as foll ows: Willamette .Meridian, .Morrow and Wheeler Counties. Oregon. T. S.. R. 25 E., COLOR DEVELOPING & PRINTING BorderlessSAHNFimsh 12-EXPOSURE 20-EXPOSURE t$2.39f3.69 OFFER EXPIRES July 12 Redeemable Cash Value l-20th with special coupon GAF Color Print or Kodacolor Film processed. 12-EXPOSURE 20-EXPOSURE - - Our t Price ' JLOi Prict KODAK 1.39 MwMWj'i DM HEPPNER from your neighborhood ASSOCIATED DRUGGISTS 3 JULY 6-12. 1977 Like oil and water, some "off the shelf" medicines just don't mix with your prescription. Your personal A D. pharmacist has the answers. 'V VIENNA SAUSAGE SANDWICH SPREAD ' by Armour Star 1m 3 oz Pop-Top Aluminum Can Great for Picnics. Hanies or ss Lunch Boxes Mlg List 39c 20 PIECE iiwPLASTIC I" PiPMir ITABLEWARE SET d4 each Divided Plates. Tumblers Forks. Knives & Spoons. Choice ot Green or Gold each Otflc SKATEBOARD by Tnckray. IV Urettiane !r Wheels. Double Action Truck. & Reinforced Polyprooeiene Body . Choice of Colors. Mtg List $13 95 5 7.gg t MENNEN SKIN BRACER 8 oz Mtg List $2 34 s1 .29 PROTEIN '2V SHAMPOO Normal. Oily or Dry 14 02 Mtg. List $2 69 each S 1.59. W'jjNW", R. 23 E., portion of NW' iSE' i T. 7 S., Section 16, SW'iNW'i; Section 17, portion of SEUNE'i T. 8 S., R. 22 E Section 6, portion of NE'iSE' i, and portion of W'jiSW'i Containing 10.62 ac res, more or less. Persons claiming said properties or having valid objections to the proposed exhange must file their claims or objections with the Reg ional Forester, U.S. Fo rest Service, P.O. Box 3623, Portland, Oregon 97208, within 30 days after date of first publi cation of this notice. Published June 16, 30. and Julv 7, 1977. 23, PRINTFILM Price LIM,T1 GAFOR KODAK ONLY of 1 cent NO4O0asa OO Our $3.69 676-9I58 OREGON C0PPERT0NE SUNTAN LOTION 4 o! Bottle Mtg List S2 19 ROSE MILK MOISTURIZING FACE CREAM 2 02 Mfg. List 52 96 $1 K 1 .uu .mmnvl P V0-5I HAIR SPRAY Regular ot HarO-To-Hold 7oz Mtg List $1 79 each 05 SINARFST SINUS TABLETS 26, luootwtonel 1 QQ i Milk. MoiMurctnn B GERIT0L 1 Taotets 40s or Liquid 12 oz H Mtg List $3.74 each M $2.lLj m If-. a SINUS TABLETS I Mlq List SI 59 H 'n CURAD wmw tfjrfldy BANDAGES I rr (y ptastic or Transparent H l 1 Mfg List $1.10 each B 5Y eirt j PHISODERM M jfiVI SKIN CLEANSER I tfiTfci Mfg List $2 99 R l?f.49 J X FEEN-A-MINT I 1 M, l 89- GUM LAXATIVE 1 I 55e I .4 4).. t ,--.- 4, 41, .4 44444,4. . A - ... . 4, ,f-;-4,.4l,.4j.,... ! -A W . .ift !?. A 0 0 10 -1