y. -Iff The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, June 9, 1977 SEVEN Boardman golfer grabs educators' link title kit A. . Braves maintain lead The Giants split a pair of games last week to leave their first half season record at 5-3. The Giants need a win in their makeup game scheduled for June 17 to give them the first half championship. They host the Indians. The Braves won an exciting 8-7 game over the Dodgers last Thursday. Parker was the winning pitcher and was 2 for Season Standings Braves Dodgers , Giants Indians 6-4 6-5 5-5 3-6 2-0 1-0 0-1 0-2 Second Half Dodgers Braves Indians Giants 3 at the plate. McEwen also had 2 or 3 with 4 RBIs. Stan Sporseen leads the Braves with a .450 batting average. Parker has a .360 average and Buddy Marlin is hitting .350. The Dodgers outhit the Braves with Rod Cole and Jay Hayes each 3 for 4 at the plate. Eric Thompson, Greg Connor, and Ken Gochnauer each had 2 hits. Steve Crewse pitched four innings with Greg Connor finishing up as losing pitcher. Saturday, the Braves beat the Indians 22-14 for a second half win. Russ Brannon hit a grand slam and also struck out 8 in 3 innings. Tony Hazelwood finished up the last three innings. Pat Parker also had a good day at the plate. The Braves' 9 and 10 year olds have been performing well in recent games. For the Indians in recent games, Roger Morter has continued as leading hitter and has been a good base runner all season. Mark My- MORROW COUNTY J Mike and Jeff Lawn Care Lott's Electric Murray's Drug R & W Drive-in Heppner Auto Parts LeBush Shoppe Court Street Market Farm Service Chemicals Art Stefani ers has been very steady at bat. The Giants tasted victory over the Indians last Friday by 16-3. Bruce Way pitched the victory as Dave Green fin ished up in relief. Wilson was 3 for 3 at the plate with 4 RBIs. Justin Lowe hit 2 for 4 and had 4 RBIs. Saturday, the Dodgers won a 9-6 contest (at lone) over the Giants as Rod Cole and Jay Hayes pitched for the Dodgers. Justin Lowe and Archie Lucas pitched for the Giants. Rod Cole, John Sum ner, and Steve Crewse had two hits each for the Dodgers. Bruce Way had 2 hits to lead HHS captures top team honors After several years in the bridesmaid role, the Heppner High School rodeo team final ly walked off with the overall team trophy at the Pendleton High School Rodeo held June 4 and 5. One first place and four seconds helped Heppner to the team title during the com petition which featured 228 contestants. Ron Currin was Heppner's only individual winner as he wrapped up the bulldogging event with a time of 4.1. Teammate Tim Daly was runnerup to Currin in 5.6 seconds. In team roping, Cindy Dougherty and David Steagall combined for a second place finish in 19.0. Other second place finishes were recorded tit m Jl. iii.il I r- I - 1 - -9r h .. SPONSORED ti the Giants at the plate. Monday, June 6, the Dod gers won an 18-4 game over the Giants, totaling 26 hits. Eric Thompson, Greg Connor, Jay Hayes, and John Sumner all had four hits. Connor had two home runs. Rod Cole was the winning pitcher and Con nor finished up with 2 score less innings. Mark Way and Tom Houston each had two hits for the Giant attack. Lucas was the losing pitcher. Dave Green and Jus tin Lowe also pitched for the Giants. Jay Hayes now leads the Dodgers in hitting with 26 hits and a .703 average. by Jana Steagall with a time of 18. 1 1 in the barrels and 21 .08 in the poles which earned her a runnerup tie. Cindy Dough erty placed fifth in the poles at 21.57 while Dawn Peterson, 18.18 and Mary Daly, 18.48 took third and sixth respect ively in the barrels. Fifth place awards went to Maureen Healy, 13.01 in goat tying, Wayne Seitz in bull riding and Cindy Dougherty in breakaway roping. Robert Henry tied for tenth in the bareback event. Earlier rodeo results from the High School Rodeo at John Day on May 28 and 29 included: Jana Steagall and Dawn Peterson, sixth in team roping and Cindy Dougherty and Jana Steagall, second and fifth in poles. I, mr ' - "O" I mil i, m niMiiim , if 'Hiiiin.i'iiif BY THESE CIVIC MINDED FIRMS Cole's House of Fashion Gardner's Mens Wear First National Bank Central Market Peterson's Jewelers Bank of Eastern Oregon, Rietmann's Hardware Union Collier Jim Osmen r Im-0 r-'-- t 1 Vicki Edmundson practices her putting technique as Cindy Kerr looks on. Both Heppner golfers participate in Ladies Day activities each Tuesday at Willow Creek Country Club. Refreshments are served at 8 a.m., and tee-off is 8:30 a.m. Heppner-Boardman match Sunday Willow Creek Country Club will host a men's inter-club golf day with players from Willow Run Golf Course, Boardman, this Sunday. Doherty cards ace at Willow Creek Francis Doherty carded his third hole-in-one Saturday, June 4, on Willow Creek's par 3, 155-yard ninth hole. In addition to being one of Hep pner's steadiest golfers, Do herty also acts as club man ager. r- lone BABE " ft :.'"W3e.-, . i r J -. J Coffee and doughnuts will be served at 8:30 a.m., with play beginning at 9. An afternoon meal will be catered by Jim Rogers. He devotes about 20-25 hours a week working and golfing at the course and, according to insiders, is one of the main ingredients behind the club's success. 4 RUTH " fr ai 'r ' Hi ' " lnm wgmiM ji. r a v Bristow's Food B & C Repair Bob Drake Mobil Station Morrow County Grain Growers Beecher's Cafe Pettyjohn Oil Co. Turner, Van Marter & Bryant Charles O'Connor Insurance Bank of Eastern Oregon, Heppner Mike Wetherell of Board man took the low gross honors for the second year in a row at the Annual Morrow County Educators' Golf Tournament, Saturday, June 4. Wetherell won with a 4 over par 64 followed by John Edmundson with a 65 and Harold Kerr with a 68. Other awards included first Willow Creek hosts invitational tourney Willow Creek Country Club held their first invitational golf tournament of the year, Sunday, June 5. Golfers from Kinzua, Condon and Heppner were awarded with separate prizes, and enjoyed good weather and a potluck lunch. Don Stinkerd and Frank Bailey took low gross for Kinzua, while Jack Bell and Bill Casey took low net. Ron Bownan and John Show took second low net. The closest to the pin contest was won by Lee Bailey and long drive was won by Ron Stinkerd. The lady Kinzua awards were presented to Georgie Lommis for low gross while low net went to Linda Shar and Nuoma Bailey. Both the long drive and closest to the pin contests were won by Bailey. Awards to Condon men in-' eluded: Mike Rothwell and James Burns, first and second low gross respectively; and low net to Martin Jackson, Bob Conley and George Eaton. The long drive ball was hit by Erine Well. Nancy Rothwell and Bethel Burns split the ladies' Condon awards. Rothwell took both low gross and the closest to the BASEBALL : '0 ' V i low net to Jerry Daggett with a 54 and Mike Conley and Mike Engelan tied for second low net with a 55. The long drive contest was won by Bill Ber nance of Boardman. Harold Kerr won both the closest to the pin and longest putt. Dan Daltose of Boardman won the closest to the pin on the second shot. Most-out-of-bounds-and- pin contest, while Burns took low net and long drive. C.C. Carmichael won first low gross for Heppner and second low gross went to Harold Kerr and John Ed mundson. Low net was won by Ambrose Chapin and Ed Gun derson. Frances Doherty took the closest to the pin honors while Neil Parks hit the long est drive for Heppner. Vi Lanham and Vicki Edmund son took low gross for Hep pner's ladies and Monica Jones took low net. Edmund- Elks Calendar A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A S A 0 Thursday, June 9 Lodge, 8 p.m. Big Kitty Snacks Friday, June 10 Happy Hour 5-7 Steak Dinner Live Music Depot II Elks & out-of-town guests only B.P.O.E. 358 THE TEAM Back Row, left to right, Dennis Peck and Kim Gutierrez, coaches; Shawn LaRue, Les Thompson, John Bier, Dale Holland, Herman Winters, Bob Bier, Doug Holland, Gregg Rietmann, Jim Swanson, manager. Front row, left to right, Donny Taylor, Mary Kincaid, Rick Cole, Rick Klaus, John Murray, Scott Mastin, Don Lott, Jeff Hams, Craig Gutierrez, Harry Groshens. THE SCHEDULE June 6, Monday June 7, Tuesday June 8, Wednesday June 9, Thursday June 14, Tuesday June 15, Wednesday June 16, Thursday June 20, Monday June 21, Tuesday June 23, Thursday June 28, Tuesday June 27 or 29 at June 30, Thursday July 5, Tuesday July 6, Wednesday July 7, Thursday at lone At lone at Stanfield at Stanfield at Hermiston at lone at Hermiston at Hermiston at Hermiston at Hermiston at Hermiston lone or Heppner at lone at lone at lone or Heppner at Hermiston at lone or Heppner at Hermiston at lone July 11, Monday July 12, Tuesday July 13, Wednesday All home games at lone High School field while Heppner Rodeo grounds field is repaired. All Hermiston games are at Weber field. in-the-creek award went to Mike Engelgan of Boardman and Al Novach of Hermiston. After play, the field enjoyed a lunch prepared by Vi Lan ham, Pat Edmundson, Mich elle Portmann and Cathy Bor gen. Other members of the committee were John Ed mundson, John Sporseen, Tom Shear and Chris Borgen. son also won the long drive contest, while Bev Gunderson won the closest to the pin award. Correction In last week's story on the announcement of 1977-78 cheerleaders for Heppner High School, Patty Huddleston was incorrectly identified as Janice Huddleston. 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 Saturday, June 11 Dinner, 6:30 Live Music Depot II Tuesday, June 14 Senior Citizens, 4:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 15 Senior Citizens, 4:30 p.m. 0 A 0 A 0 A 0 Heppner, Oregon! 5:30p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 7:30p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. 7:30p.m. 7:30p.m. 7:30 p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30 p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 7:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. 5:30p.m. r J. .A .c?