v m- t 9 ' V - v r p m r" r- " P1 i (f- Tin- (in Hie-limes, lliji)ncr. Ore., Thursday, May 19, 1977 THREK Teachers retire from Democratic Committeee backs Nelson as Judge replacement years of service The Morrow County Demo cratic Central Committee Monday voted to recommend D.O. Nelson, of Heppner, as (the replacement for County Judge Paul Jones, who last fweek announced his resigna tion from the position. : Jones, in making his formal ? statement during court ses sion on Wednesday, May 11, said his resignation will be come effective July 1 of this 'year. The committee's recom mendation, in resolution form, will be sent to Gov. Straub today. Straub will appoint a successor to Jones under terms of the law requiring the appointee be affiliated with the same political party as his predecessor. Ed Sullivan, legal counsel to the Governor, has requested nominations for the appoint ment be made in writing and filed with the County Clerk by May 31. The nominations c Amelia passes Death claimed one of Ione's oldest residents with the passing of Fannie Amelia Griffith, 88, Saturday, May 14, at Hiersche's Nursing Home, Pendleton, where she had re sided for over a year. She was born Feb. 12, 1889 at Ladd Canyon near Union, Ore., the daughter of Oliver H P. and Grace Gray Goodall, who were early day pioneers of that area. She spent her childhood in and near La Grande, with the exception of a few years spent in the Willamette Valley and Cali fornia. After receiving her certificate to teach, she taught in Klamath County for a year, then in the Pendleton Public Schools before coming to Mor row County, where she taught at Rhea Creek and Pine City Schools and later was the bookkeeper at the Bert Mason store in lone. On Feb. 14, 1918, she was married to Elmer Griffith, lone, and they lived there with the exception of 18 years when they lived on their ranch at Morgan. Mrs. Griffith was very in terested in community life and was one of the founders of the lone P.T.A. She became a member of the lone Topic Club, a women's study group, soon after its inception in 1931, and devoted many hours in support of their philanthropic project, the lone Public Li brary. She worked as a substitute librarian until her Jerry's Mobil now has unleaded gas. should include a statement of background and qualifications for the position. Jones said he thought the Governor would give "a great deal of consideration" to the committee's recommenda' tion. "I'd be disappointed if he chose to do otherwise. I feel Morrow County will be ex tremely fortunate to have a person of Nelson's caliber as County Judge," Jones said. Following the committee session, Jones attended a meeting of the East Central In last week's story about Grand Squares' ninth anni versary, Dan and Barbara James were inadvertently listed as Dan and Barbara Jones. We regret the error. Griffith May 14 early eighties. Her constant love of flowers and gardening showed in her lovely yard. She was a long-time member of the lone Garden Club and worked many years on the horticulture show at the Mor row County Fair. Mrs. Griffith was a past matron of Locust Chapter No. 119, lone, and a 62 year member of the Order of the Eastern Star. She was a member of the lone United Church of Christ. Funeral services were held Tuesday, May 17, at lone United Church of Christ at 2 p.m., with the Rev. William Graham officiating. The church choir sang an anthem, accompanied by Mrs. Paul Tews, organist. Casket bearers were Paul Tews, Robert Rietmann,. Ted Palmateer, Gene Rietmann, James Barnett and Arthur Lindstrom. Honorary bearers were Omar Rietmann, Herb ert Ek strom, Sr., Verner Troedson, Kenneth Smouse, Milton Morgan and Lewis Halvorsen. Concluding services and vault interment were at High View Cemetery, lone, with Sweeney Mortuary in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Griffith's husband, El mer, preceded her in death in 1946. She is survived by three daughters, Virginia G. Burns, Eagle River, Alaska; Kath erine Lindstrom, lone; and June J. Haugen, Lake Os Oregon Association of Coun ties in Pendleton and said the feeling was present that Nel son would cooperate fully with other county officials if appointed. Boardman to potatoe Donald R. Brewer and Al Adamson, both of Boardman, were among nine members and their alternates recently appointed by the U.S. De partment of Agriculture to serve on the Oregon-California Potato Committee. The two men were assigned alternate positions for the two-year terms ending May 31, 1979. John A. Prag, of wego; one son, George G. Griffith, Cecil; nine grand children and one great-grandchild. Contributions may be made to the lone United Church of Christ Memorial Fund, or to the lone Library Fund. Hennrier man sentenced Larry D. Groce, 19, of Heppner, was fined and sen tenced Wednesday, May 11, by Circuit Court Judge Jack 01 sen after pleading guilty to a Gun theft draws two-year jail term A Hermiston man was sentenced Wednesday, May 11, to a two-year term in the state penitentiary by Circuit Court Judge Jack Olsen after his conviction on a charge of theft in the first degree. Lawrence R. Barnes, 32, I M M i M The ...goes 1 CJii 1 J ARROW J J & LANCER I fair Imiw'SJ SHIRTS J ; m. LEE'S & LEVI J ' ' IP PANTS I yS PANHANDLE SLIM J W "rS 3" A COLUMBIA KNIT I ! pH . .; SWEATERS J fill 7H i J i J Heppner 76-9218 rr. n r n r i 1 II W T IN X "As government continues to expand, the job of County Judge must be considered to extend beyond county lines," Jones said. pair named committee Boardman, was nominated as a producer alternate to fill an unexpired term ending May 31, 1978. The committee administers locally the provisions of the federal marketing order on potato handling. The order sets grade and size speci fications to insure steady movement of uniform quality potatoes throughout the mar keting season. Eight persons were cited last week in Justice Court for careless driving violations or for driving under the influence of intoxicants. Donald W. McConnell, 59, Heppner, cited May 14 for DUII. Darrel D. McLachlan, 45, Heppner, cited May 13 for DUII. He pleaded guilty and was fined $305. Fortina Mojica, 23, Board man, cited May 15 for DUII. charge of theft in the first degree. The action stems from an April 8 robbery in which $385 was taken from the Pettyjohn was arrested Dec. 30 of last year in connection with the theft of a shotgun from a car. Barnes was found guilty by a jury on March 25 and Judge Olsen sentenced him to two years of a possible five year term. graduate on the go.... C Pi tfrl M n ha to VjVMAiia Two Heppner school teach ers were honored on their re tirement during a recognition dinner at West of Willow restaurant in Heppner Wed nesday, May 11. The retirees are Inez Erwin, sixth grade teacher, and Pauline Miller, remedial read ing teacher. Mrs. Erwin and Mrs. Miller have spent three decades or better in the field of teaching. Mrs. Erwin began teaching in Heppner 31 years ago. Mrs. Miller has been teach ing special reading in the district for 16 years. She taught in Iowa, Illinois, Utah, and Burns, Ore., prior to coming to Heppner. She has a total of 36 years of teaching. Justice Court News He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 15 days in jail. Charles C. Terry, 41, Umatilla, cited May 9 for DUII and DWS. Estin W. Stevens, 74, Monument, cited May 10 for careless driving. Raymond Peck, 27, Lex ington, cited May 7 for careless driving. Tommy R. Ayres, 21, Heppner, cited April 21 for careless driving. Oil Co., in Boardman. Groce had been an employee of the service station at the time of the holdup. According to the terms of the sentencing, Groce will be placed under three years of formal probation and will also serve two days in the county jail. He was fined $305 and ordered to pay $166 in court expenses. ' In addition, Judge Olsen directed Groce to work to wards achieving his high school diploma through an authorized G.E.D. program and to participate in a Mental Health Program as recom mended by Dr. George B. Rex of the Morrow County Mental Health Clinic. - . -.V . " ' '.. iin.it i J Heppner elementary teachers Inez Erwin, left, and Pauline Miller are shown with Don Cole, principal, during recent retirement and recognition dinner at the West of Willow restaurant. Mrs. Erwin currently teaches sixth grade. Mrs. Miller is a remedial reading teacher. -William E. Mabe, 22, Arlington, was arrested May 16 on warrants for DWS and contempt of court. James R. Lankford, 19, Heppner, cited May 7 for careless driving. -Steven J. Stai, 19, Port BLUE B0NNETT MARGARINE KRAFT Imitation Mayo lMayunnaisel mluVs KLEENEX fox 55' TEA BAGS ,Tb0an 1 89 PINK GRAPEFRUIT Radishes & Family Pak Pork Chops PORK ROAST ws.M COUNTRY STYLE SPARERIBS BEEF LIVER f ." v.. S land, was arrested May 13 in Pendleton on warrants for DWS and DUII. Perri R. Gaustad, 18, lone, was cited May 13 for breaking the window of a phone booth on Main Street in Heppner. 45 I lb. KRAFT 2 lb. VELVEETA MISSION 7'4 oz. MACARONI DINNERS I? pre 4T Green Onions 225 CAULIFLOWER 45c Hd. lb. 39' -r m w mam m ,js I 1 Cattle vote Cattle producers will vote on the proposed Beef Research and Information Program Tuesday, July 5, through Friday, July 15, at their local Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS) office. In order to vote, producers must first register at the ASCS office from June 6, through June 17 need. 4$l 8$l $1.39 $1.19 . i f 'f it?, tJtJ 1 i L V;." LBonnet'" Ifll&PffHffMi n in "- ' $99 Prices effective Thurs., Fri., & Sat. May 19, 20 & 21 (Groc.) 676-9614, lAAeat) 676-9288 MARKET