, Jtttf- a m ' 4 M FOl'K The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, May 12. 1977 (J) Lexington news Delpha Jones Holly Rebekah Lodge met on Thursday evening for their regular meeting. Preceding the meeting, the charter was draped in memory of Annie Keene. Mrs. Keene joined Holly Rebekah Lodge in Jan uary of 1907, having worked her way through the chairs, being secretary from 1911 and 1912 and later serving for 12 years, beginning in 1942. She had received the deco ration of Chivalry and had been a most faithful member until illness caused her to become inactive. The girls, in pastel colored formats, were candlelighters, and speakers were dressed in white. A Mother's Day tribute was read in honor of Sister Annie. During the business of the evening, plans were discussed concerning the painting of the inside of the hall, with esti mates to be gathered. The NG read two Mother's Day poems during the good of the Order, after which refreshments were served. The Three Links Club will meet at the home of Irene Padberg this Thursday. Venice Hendrickson is spending a few days at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Rinehart, in Ukiah. Eula Bloodsworth is at home again after several months' stay in the Philip pines with a granddaughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson. The Ander sons recently welcomed a , baby son into their home and grandmother Eula went to get acquainted with the young man. i ' Justice Court In Justice Court at Heppner, Raymond Peck, 27, Star Route, Lexington, was fined $53.00 after he pleaded guilty to a charge of careless driv ing. Peck was charged fol lowing a May 3 accident on Chase Street involving a second vehicle owned by C.E. McQuarrie. Many guests visit at Pomona Grange meeting Morrow County Pomona Grange met at the Rhea Creek Grange Hall Saturday, March 30, with Master Bryce Keene in the chair. Escorted to the Master's chair and introduced were State Deputy Ralph Fenton and wife. Other honored visitors intro duced were Morton Wolver ton, Umatilla County deputy; Berl Akers, Morrow County deputy; Joe DuPuis, Umatilla County Pomona master and wife, Mary; Margaret Akers, District 6 chairman of wo men's activities, and visitors Mr. and Mrs. Art Dalzcll. Mrs. Dalzell was given a gift of appreciation for her 12 years as secretary in Morrow County and in light of her record of unbroken attend ance at meetings. Art is master of Haystack Grange and Irene is secre tary. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Barker of Mud Springs Grange. Both Grang ers are near Bend. Dinner was served by ladies of Rhea Creek Grange, fol lowed by a cake walk. The program consisted of readings from the various granges and slides taken of Arizona and way points by Mrs. Graves and Mrs. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Thorpe were elected to go to the State Grange session as delegates from Morrow Coun ty Pomona. Mr. and Mrs. Barton Clark were named Grange insurance delegates. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Coble recently retired. State Deputy and Master of Baker County Pomona Grange were introduced and each spoke on the work of the Grange and the need for younger members. They also 989-8189 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. VanWinkle spent last week with the Heppner grade school kids at the Tupper campout. Donald VanWinkle recently visited his parents from Pen dleton. Aaron Klinger was a Lex ington caller from Pendleton Saturday. Margerat Baker has gone to Arizona where she will make her home with a grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peck and small son are moving into a trailer home in Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Smith and family were Lexington callers from Hermiston Sun day at the Kenneth Jones home. Mr. and Mrs. C.C. Jones motored to Camp 5 Sunday where they visited Dale Jones, who recently returned home from Portland, where he underwent major surgery at the Adventist Hospital. Mrs. Jones and son Bobby remain ed in Portland while he was confined to the hospital. Lexington Christian Church entertained Bob Allstott on Sunday, with a potluck dinner following the services. All stott, of Hermiston, was the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mes senger and son Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Messenger and family from Portland and Franklin Messenger, and two children of Bend, visited with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. T.E. Messenger, Sr., over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Rick Mar quardt and family of Connell, Wash., Norita and Charma Marquardt of Portland visited Justice court news Scheduled May 10 in justice court are hearings for James Ray Lankford, 19, of Heppner. Lankford is charged with careless driving and minor in possession of alcohol. He was cited by city police following an accident on Quaid Street involving a pickup owned by Mrs. C.H. Privett, 110 E. Quaid. issued an invitation for visits by local Grange members. Visitation is scheduled at Greenfield Grange on Satur day, May 21, at which time Lexington will bring the pro gram, consisting of musical (siiiifcii?' t We carry a full line of Redken pH plus make-up MEN'S CUTTING APPOINTMENTS Yrisil'S BEAUTY SHOP 338 N MAIN PH. 676-9282 Mr. and Mrs. Bill Marquardt over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Sager and family from Hermiston were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt. County Health Nurse Pat Wright was a recent business visitor in Portland. Her moth er, Ferida Majeske. has also returned from Portland, where she spent a couple of weeks at the home of her daughter and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mounts. Mrs. Kenneth Marshall is again home after a stay in Pioneer Memorial Hospital. Visitation will be Saturday, May 21, at Greenfield Grange in Boardman. The program will be provided by the Lex ington Grange. Medical Alert is the pro gram scheduled for the Lex ington Grange for Monday evening. The program will be presented by Lecturer Pat Wright. Heppner places second at High School Rodeo Heppner placed second as a team at the Rufus High School Rodeo April 29 and 30, while individuals walked away with several first and second plac es. Cindy Doherty received a first in breakaway roping and Jana Steagall took first in barrel racing. Ron Currin placed second in bulldogging and Maureen Healy finished second in bar rel racing. Others from Heppner com peting were Dawn Peterson, Robert Henry, Janice Healy, Kathleen and Marie Van Schoiack, Jack Yocom, Wade West, Mary, JoLynn and Tim Daly. Scheduled for hearing May 25 are Edward Pedro, 19. of Echo, and Joseph E. Tru bachik, Sr.. 56, of Gresham. They have been charged with fishing in a closed season on Willow Creek in separate cases. Fishing season opens in Eastern Oregon on May 23 of this vear. selections and a flag drill by Holly Kebekah ladies. Re freshments will be handled by Rhea Creek. The next Pomona will be an evening meeting in Boardman on Saturday, June 25. 1 - & STYLING TUES.-SAT. (QllIil Eva Itamlett Mr. Stephen Lindstrom of Norfolk, Va., spent the week end visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Lindstrom. Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Turner of Eugene spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Stefani, Jr., and also visited with other relatives in the area. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer were hosts for dinner Sunday evening in honor of Mother's Day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Nash, and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Connor and family of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Gutierrez of Her miston, and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Palmer of lone. Coming Events: The CWA of Willows Grange will meet Friday, May 20, at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Beulah Sherer, with Mrs. Geneva Palmer as co-hostess. The lone Planning Com mission will meet Monday, May 16, at 8:00 p.m. at the lone City Hall. Discussion will ISllI 1 s0 m "VT' JT'- mi - be held on the development of the Monty Crum property on 3rd St., and suitability of development in the city in relation to the flood plan, slope and other factors involved. They will be using maps and data prepared by the City Planner. Members of the Morrow County Fair and Rodeo Court, Queen Mary Ann Proctor and Princesses Krynn Robinson, Donna Palmer, Teresa Proc tor, and Debra Palmer rode in the Parade and Grand Entry at the Arlington Rodeo on Saturday, May 7, at Arlington. Pennant Bearers were Lori Edwards, Marie Yocom, Shauna Sietz, and Bobbie Schiller. Others attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Lee Palmer and daughter Anita, Stan Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Proctor, Mrs. Don Robinson, Mrs. John Edwards, Mrs. Joe Yocom, Mrs. Tony Sietz, and Mrs. Bob Schiller. Mrs. Lee Palmer is official chaperone for the Court, and Stan Kemp is Court Director. or w eLj IS? ir Cn J r i? ir iv7r "H L L IL IL WITH A FIRST , i ri: Sw y ii,i.,,.,Z-ir . j- There's a 1st FIRST Heppner Branch 422-7557 The Court's next appear ance will be at the Spray Rodeo on May 28. Princesses Krynn Robinson and Donna Palmer partici pated in the barrel race events. Board announces vacancy The Board of Directors of the Oregon Institute for Re habilitation, Research and Recreation, Inc., sponsor of Meadowood Springs Speech Camp, announces a vacancy on the board and asks for nominations or letters of interest for the position on or before May 18, 1977. Please contact the Meadow ood office at: 334 S.E. Emi grant. Mailing address: Post Office Box 1025, Pendleton, Ore. 97801. 48 - MONTH Now you can afford the vehicle you need. Ever notice something about the new cars' Many of them cost less to operate, but they sure seem to cost more to buy in the first place. Well, we can't do anything about bringing down the price you have to pay, but we can do the next best thing: give you more time to pay it in. . . up to 48 months, depending on purchase price. The way we see it, those extra months may let you afford to buy the kind of vehicle you really want new car, wagon, van, camper or light truck. Simple interest. Another benefit to you is simple interest. That means you're only charged interest on the amount you actually owe only time for evervth NATIONAL BANK Heppner, Oregon OP OREGON Grand Squares hold Anniversary celebrated Grand Squares celebrated their Ninth Anniversary as a club, with five squares danc ing to the calling of Darrel Wilson at the Willows Grange Hall in lone, Saturday, May 7. The lone club hosted danc ers from Rocket Squares of Pendleton, Square Knots of Hermiston and former Grand Squares' members, Jim and Mary McClain, who were visiting at the Dallas McDan iels home. The McClains now live in Redmond. The hall and dining area were appropriately decorated with baskets of May flowers, bouquets on the tables and parasol cutouts on the walls. During refreshments, door prizes were awarded to those whose paper plates said "Hap py Ninth" on the underside. Homemade ice cream was lone visitation lone Elementary School will be having its annual kin-dergarten-pre-school visita tion day May 17, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the kindergarten room. AUTO LOAN. for as long as you owe it. And you'll save money if you make extra or early payments. There's an interest charge, but no penalty charge, for late payment. First time for everything. While you're getting to know our 48-month FirstLoan for autos, find out about our other FirstLoans ... for home improvement . . .vacation . . . personal . . . money for any good reason! Come into any of our branches across the state and see why in banking services, there's a First time for everything. Member FDIC. An Equal Housing Lender. Example: 48-Month Auto Loan ANNUAL Amount 48 Monthly PERCENTAGE Total of Financed Payments RATE Payments $4,650 V$ SI 19.20 10 55 $5,720.59 Example based on first payment due 30 days after loan date incr provided by George Griffith, Lloyd McNary and Jerry Hol lomon. The committee in charge of the anniversary celebration included Bill and Daisy Col lins, Jerry and Joyce Hollo mon, Lloyd and Shirley Mc Nary and Dan and Barbara Jones. Dorothy Warren, his torian for the club, has gath ered considerable material on the club's activities over the nine years and compiled it in a scrapbook. The Grand Squares also re ceived a rather pointed invi tation to Pendleton when members of the Rocket Squares "stole" the local club's banner, leaving the message, "Come square up with us on our dance night soon." day planned Parents of children who will be entering kindergarten next year are encouraged to bring their children on this day along with birth certificates or other proof of birthdate. 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