TKN The Gazette-Times, Heppner, Ore,, Thursday. April 28, 1977 Public Notices IONE-LEXINGTON CEMETERY MAINTENANCE DIST. NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING The public hearing of the budget of the lone Lexington Cemetery Maintenance District, Morrow County, Ore gon, for the fiscal year 1977-78, beginning July 1, 1977, shall be held Classified Ads cont. House for Sale: Two bedroom, (possible four). Call 676-9814. 16tfc For Sale: House in lone, write Box 74, lone, Ore gon 97843. 5-tfc FOR SALE: Large old er home, $35,000. 215 Gale. Phone 676-9841 evenings. 14-tfc 20 ACRES with 24' x 48' 3 bedroom Kingswood mobile home. 2 miles from Heppner, year 'round stream through property. Pay equity and assume VA con tract. Call 676-9885. 17-3c INVESTMENT BUY $38,000 Lexington 4 plex. Showing excep tional net return. Two units just remodeled. Solid pumice block con struction. Pendleton Realty & Investments 276-2662 51 May 17, 1977. at 8:00 p.m., at the lone City Hall, lone. Morrow County, Oregon at which time any person may appear to discuss the budget or any part of it. The budget for the fiscal year 1977-78 was prepared by the cash accounting basis, and is consistent with the ac counting basis used dur ing the last two years. A copy of the budget docu ment may be inspected or obtained between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., at the office of Winter & Sweeney, At torneys at Law, 471 North Main Street, Hep pner, Oregon 97836. The Budget Document or any portion of it, may be obtained for $2.25 com plete or $.75 per sheet at the office of Winter & Sweeney, Attorneys at Law, 471 North Main Street. Heppner, OR. The total budget re quirement for the Dis trict for 1977-78 is $18,377.00 and the Dis trict proposes to levy a tax in the amount of $14,024.55. For the fiscal year 1976-77, the District levied a tax of $14,024.55, making for no increase for the next fiscal year, beginning July 1, 1977. signed Dean Hunt Chairman lone-Lexington Cemetery Maintenance District Published April 28, 1977. PUBLIC MEETING NOTICE OF MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION Notice is hereby given that on Monday, May 2, 1977, at 10 a.m. the Board of Equalization of the County of Morrow, Oregon, will meet at the County Court House, Heppner, Oregon, to publicly examine the assessment rolls for said County of Morrow, for the year 1977 and to correct all eriwrs in valuation, descriptions, or qualities of land, lots or other property asses sed by the assessor. The ratio between as sessed and true cash value adopted by the Board of Equalization pursuant to ORS 309.028 is 100 per cent. It shall be the duty of the persons interested to appear at the time and place appointed. Peti tions for adjustment of assessments must be filed with the Board of Equalization not later than the Monday of the week following the first week that the Board is in session. EVERETT HARSHMAN, Assessor, County of Morrow, Oregon Published April 14, 21, 28, 1977. BUDGET NOTICE A public meeting of the Budget Committee for the Port of Morrow will be held at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday. May 10, 1977, at the Port of Morrow Office, No. 1 Marine Drive, Boardman, Ore gon. At this time the budget message and the proposed budget will be presented to the budget committee for their con sideration. A copy of the proposed budget will be available at the Port of Morrow Office, Board man, Oregon. Anyone may discuss the budget, in whole or in part, with the Budget Committee. Dorothy Kennedy Budget Officer Published April 28 and May 5, 1977. NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a public meeting of Heppner Cemetery Maintenance District Budget Com mittee will be held at 630 N. Main Street, Hep pner, Oregon, at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 10th, 1977, at which time the Budget Message and Budget Document for the fiscal year 1977-78 will be presented. Any one may attend to dis cuss the budget. Copies of the budget available at 630 N. Main Street. Dated April 28, 1977. Elaine S. George, Budget Officer. Published April 28, 1977. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the Common Coun cil of the City of Hep pner will hold a public hearing on May 2, 1977 on the proposed vaca tion of Morgan Street lying between Riverside Ave. and Linden Way. Larry Prock, Cornett Green and Morrow County Grain Growers have filed a petition for vacation of the above described street with the City of Heppner. Interested persons may attend and present evi dence for or against the proposed vacation. Published April 28, 1977. Notice of Bond Sales DATE December 1, 1983 December 1, 1984 December 1, 1985 December 1, 1986 $70,000 BOARDMAN RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT - MORROW COUNTY STATE OF OREGON BONDS Notice is hereby given that sealed bids will be received on behalf of Boardman Rural Fire Protection District, Morrow County, Oregon until 7:30 o'clock p.m., Pacific Daylight Time, on May 17, 1977, at the Council Room, City Hall, 206 N. Main, Boardman, Oregon, at which time they will be publicly opened and announced. The bids shall be considered and acted upon by the Board of the District at its recessed meeting to be held on May 17, 1977, commencing at 7:30 o'clock p.m. ISSUE: SEVENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($70,000) consisting of 70 coupon bonds in denominations of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS ($1,000), all dated June 1, 1977. INTEREST RATE: Maximum not to exceed a net effective rate of eight per cent (8 per cent) per annum, the first interest payment due on December 1, 1977 and semiannually thereafter on June 1 and December 1 of each year. Bidders must specify the interest rate or rates which the bonds hereby offered for sale shall bear. The bids shall comply with the following conditions: (1) Each interest rate specified in any bid must be in multiples of Vsth or one-twentieth of one per cent ( 1 per cent), not exceeding a net effective rate of eight per cent (8 per cent) per annum ; (2) No bond shall bear more than one rate of interest, no interest payment shall be evidenced by more than one coupon, and supplemental coupons will not be permitted; (3) Each bond shall bear interest from its date to its stated maturity date at the interest rate specified in the bids ; (4) All bonds maturing at any one time shall bear the same rate of interest ; and (5) The difference between the highest and lowest rates bid shall not exceed one and one-half per cent (l'i per cent). MATURITIES: The bonds shall mature serially in numerical order as follows: AMOUNT DATE AMOUNT $6,000 December 1, 1978 $8,000 6,000 December 1, 1979 9,000 7,000 December 1, 1980 9,000 7,000 December 1, 1981 10,000 8,000 December 1, 1982 REGISTRATION: The bonds will be issued in bearer form with no option for registration. PAYMENT: Principal and interest are payable in lawful money of the United States at the office of the County Treasurer, Morrow County, Heppner, Oregon. PURPOSE : The bonds were authorized at a special election held within the District on January 11, 1977, to authorize bonds for acquiring land, purchasing or constructing a fire station and paying the expenses relating to the sale of the bonds. SECURITY: The bonds of this issue are general obligation bonds of the District. The district has covenanted to levy an ad valorem tax annually to pay bond principal and interest as they respectively come due. LEGAL OPINION : The approving opinion of RAGEN & ROBERTS, Attorneys at Law, of Portland, Oregon, will be provided at no cost to the purchaser, and will be printed on the bonds at the expense of the District. TAX EXEMPT STATUS : Interest on the bonds, in the opinion of bond counsel, is exempt from taxation by the United States under present federal income tax laws and from personal income taxation by the State of Oregon under present state law. BEST BID : The bonds will be awarded to the responsible bidder whose proposal will result in the lowest net cost to the District. The successful bid will be determined by computing the total amount of interest which the District would be required to pay from the date of each bond to its respective maturity date at the coupon rate or rates specified in the bid assuming no bonds are called prior to maturity, less premium offered, if any. The purchaser must pay accrued interest, computed on a 360-day basis, from the date of the bonds to the date of delivery. The cost of printing the bonds will be borne by the District. DELIVERY : Delivery of the bonds will be made without cost to the successful bidder at such bank in the City of Portland, Oregon, as the successful bidder shall name. Payment for the bonds must be made in federal funds. Delivery will be made within thirty days. FORM OF BID: All bids must be for not less than all the bonds hereby offered for sale, and for not less than one hundred per cent (100 per cent) of the par value thereof and accrued interest to the date of delivery. Each bid together with bidder's check as herein specified must be enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed to the District and designated "Proposal for Bonds." Bids must be received by 7:30 p.m., Pacific Daylight Time. BID CHECK: All bids must be unconditional and accompanied by a certified or cashier's check on a bank doing business in the State of Oregon for-One Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ($1,400) payable to the order of the District to secure the District from any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of its bid. In addition, bidders are requested to supply the total interest costs and net effective interest rate, based upon the aggregate interest cost, if its bid be accepted, that the District will pay upon the issue if the bid is accepted. Such information shall be considered as informative only. Checks will be forfeited to the District as liquidated damages in case the bidder to whom the bonds are awarded shall withdraw its bid or fail to complete its purchase in accordance with the terms thereof. No interest shall be allowed on the deposit but the check of the successful bidder will be retained as part payment of the bonds or for liquidated damages as described above. Checks of the unsuccessful bidders will be returned by the District promptly after award of bid. RIGHT OF REJECTION: The District, by its Board, reserves the right to reject any or all bids. CUSIP: CUSIP numbers will be imprinted upon all bonds of this issue at the purchaser's request and expense. An improperly imprinted number will not constitute basis for the purchaser to refuse to accept delivery. NO LITIGATION: At the time of payment for the delivery of said bonds, the District will furnish the successful bidder a certificate that there is no litigation pending affecting the validity of the bonds. FURTHER INFORMATION: Additional information regarding the District and this sale may be obtained from Delmer A. Hug, Route 1, Box 54, Boardman, Oregon 97818. BOARDMAN RURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT Morrow County, Oregon Published April 28, May 5, 1977. 1977 Foreclosure Notice The Tax Collector of Morrow County, Oregon, has prepared the following list of all proper- ties now subject to foreclosure, embracing Foreclosure List Numbers 01 to 12 inclusive, hereto attached, containing the names of the several persons appearing in tlu; latest tax rolls as the respective owners of tax delinquent properties, a description of each such property as the same appears in the latest tax rolls, the year or years for which taxes, special assessments, fees, or other charges are delinquent on each property, together with the principal of the delinquent amount of each year and the amount of accrued and accruing interest thereon through May 15, 1977 1177 FORECLOSURE LIST ISSUED BY MORROW COUNTY , STATE OF OREGON TAX YR. LIST NAMEADDRESS OK OWNER NO. ACF.NT, IK ANY, AS SHOWN ON 1jTEST TAX ROLL 01 Wright, Lucy Estate Heppner, Oregon 02 Hager, James M. & Jewel Heppner, Oregon 03 Hager, James M. & Jewel Heppner, Oregon OA Hager, James M. (, Jewel Heppner, Oregon DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY ASSESSOR'S TAX LOT CODE 2S2635BC-7800 l-l 1975-76 Lot 6 Blk 4 Aycrs 4th 1974-75 Addition Heppner 1973-74 Deed Book 45 Page 301 1972-73 2S2635CA-13100 l-l 1975-76 N14' Lot 5, SI J ' Lot 4 1974-75 Blk I Avers Addition 1973-74 Heppner M. 5326 1972-73 2S2635CA-2300 1-1 1975-76 Lot 1 Blk 2 Kinsmons 1974-7 5 2nd Addition Heppner 1973-74 D.B. 71-531 1972-73 2S2635CA-2700 1-1 1975-76 All Blk 3, Kinsmons 2nd 1974-75 Addition Heppner 1973-74 D.B. 71-531 1972-73 TAX INT. TO TOTAL AMOUNT 5-15-77 32.63 4.41 37.04, 19.96 3.39 23.35 18.42 4.61 23.03 9.85 3.06 12.94 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 96.36 16.84 1.33 18.17 13.31 1.68 14.99 12.37 3.09 15.46 10.05 3.32 13.37 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 61.99 13.47 1.82 15.29 9.86 1.68 11.54 9.07 2.27 11.34 9.83 3.25 13.08 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. 51.25 55.96 42.08 41.58 47.92 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 187.54 49.30 6.66 35.97 6.11 33.26 8.32 36.03 11.89 05 Hager, James M. 2S2635CA-2801 1-1 1975-76 67.86 9.16 77.02 & Jewel A Portion of Blk 2 1974-75 52.24 8.88 61.12 Heppner, Oregon Kinsmons 2nd Addition 1973-74 48.11 12.03 60.14 Heppner D.B. 71-531 1972-73 52.12 17.20 69.32 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 267.60 06 Hager, James M. 2S2635BC-5700 1-1 1975-76 1,241.91 167.66 1,409.57 & Jewel All Lot 6 Blk 1 Ayers 1974-75 867.57 147.49 1,015.06 Heppner, Oregon 4th Addition Heppner 1973-74 915.42 228.86 1,144.28 D.B. 54-275 1972-73 985.67 325.27 1,310.94 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 4,879.65 07 Hager, James M. 2S2635BC-13000 l-l 1975-76 405.85 54.79 460.64 & Jewel All Lot 3N 53 Lot 4 1974-75 253.55 43.10 26.65 Heppner, Oregon Blk I Ayers Addition 1973-74 269.40 67.35 336.75 Heppner M.K. 63-41 1972-73 219.88 70.36 290.24 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 1,384.28 08 Hager, James M. 2S2635CA-2800 1-9 1975-76 1.00 .14 1.14 & Jewel Tract Containing .07 1974-75 1.10 .18 1.28 Heppner, Oregon Sec 35 2S26 1973-74 .98 .25 1.23 D.B. 71-575 1972-73 1.08 .36 1.44 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 5.09 09 Crim, Chauncey W. 5N2624-2400 10-1 1975-76 115.24 15.56 130.80 & Jennie I.'. Estate Portion of Lot 1 1974-75 101.45 17.25 118.70 Irrigon, Oregon Blk 12W Irrigon 1973-74 120.35 30.09 150.44 D.B. 62-316 1972-73 108.07 35.66 143.73 1971-72 101.18 41.48 142.66 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 686.33 10 Rowell, Ella 1S249AB-9000 35-1 1975-76 86.20 11.64 97.84 lone, Oregon S 10' Lot 1, All Lots 1974-75 75.13 12.77 87.90 7 & 8 Blk 3 Sperrys 4tli 1973-74 87.26 21.82 109.08 Addition lone M.5927 1972-73 95.53 31.52 127.05 1P71-72 71.35 29.25 100.60 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 522.47 11 Melena, Melvin IS244DC-2000 35-1 1975-76 4.04 .55 4.59 & Frances All Blk 27 S. ol" Highway 1974-75 5.12 .87 5.99 Ontario, Oregon Wells Addition lone 1973-74 4.92 1.23 6.15 D.B. 61-547 1972-73 5.38 1.78 7.16 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 23.89 12 Melena, Melvin 1S244DC-2100 35-1 1975-76 .55 .07 .62 & Frances All Blk 27 N. of Highway 1974-75 .47 .08 .55 Ontario, Oregon Wells Addition lone 1973-74 .49 .12 .61 D.B. 61-547 1972-73 .54 .18 .72 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE 2.50 Please take note that a complete and accurate legal description of the properties designated by Tax Lot numbers above is made a part of the application as Exhibit "A" for Judgment and Decree, filed in the Morrow County Circuit Court and available at the Morrow County Clerk's office, and that such more particular descriptions are also available at the office of the Morrow County Assessor. To all persons or parties above-named, and to all persons owning or claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any interest in any property included in the Foreclosure List above set forth, being the Morrow County 1977 Tax Foreclosure List: YOU ARE HEREBY REQUIRED TO TAKE NOTICE that Morrow County, Oregon, has filed In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, an application to foreclose the lien of all taxes shown on the 1977 Morrow County Tax Foreclosure List above set forth, and that the said Morrow County, as Plaintiff in said application, will apply to the Court for Judgment and Decree foreclosing such tax liens not less that thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this notice, nnd any and all persons interested in any of the real property included in said Foreclosure List are hereby required to file answer and defence, if any there be, to such application for Judgment and Decree within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this notice, which date is the 21st day of April, 1977. Notice of this foreclosure proceeding is given exclusively toy four (4) weekly publications of the foregoing Foreclosure List in the Heppner Gazette Times, a weekly newspaper of general circulation in Morrow County, Oregon, pursuant to an Order of the Board of County Commissioners for Morrow County, Oregon, made and entered on the 6th day of April, 1977, the date of the first publication of said Foreclosure LisL being the 21st day of April, 1977. Published April 21, 28, May 5, 12. Elvira lrby T;ix Collector Morrow County, Oregon dLvnCz.d!.. Dennis 1). Doherty IMstrict Attorney Morrow County, Oregon i