Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, April 07, 1977, Page NINE, Image 9

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    The Gaiette-Times, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, April 7, 1977 NINE
'Mustangs, Filly s destroy
, t$ to
Heppner kinda destroyed
people Tuesday. In two, 4-way
track meets in Boardman, the
Mustang spikers, both girls
and boys, won convincingly
over Riverside, Umatilla and
Between the two Heppner
teams, there were 12 first
places garnered. The Mus
tangs brought home eight, the
Fillies four.
Behind a team effort and
Brian Marlin's three first
places, Heppner strode to 84'
points, outperforming Uma
tilla 59, Riverside 54V2 and
lone, 28. Maureen Healy took
off from where she left bas
ketball and again used her
speed and jumping abilities.
The sophomore sprinter
brought home four first plac
es, winning every event she
entered. The Fillies were
behind her and walked away,
doubling the second place
team. Heppner won with 76
points, ripping past lone with
33, Umatilla at 22 and River
side girls, surprisingly, in
fourth with 20 points.
Healy won two fast dashes,
the quickest hurdle event and
the high jump. She was quick
est in the 220, sprinting the
distance in 27.7. She rallied in
the 440, taking the quarter
mile in 1:05. The long legged
Healy skipped over the 110
yard hurdles, bettering the
second place Jackie Mollahan
by almost a full second.
Healy didn't get as high as
she's gone in practice, but she
failed to tip the bar at 4-10
Tuesday and again outbested
her basketball MVP partner,
Marlin used his arm in the
javelin and surprised the field,
but didn't surprise anyone in
the jumps with a pair of
triumphs there.
Marlin flipped the spear 139
feet, edging Marty Smith at
133. In the triple jump, he went
39-81 i and long jumped 19 feet,
'2 inch for a first there.
Marlin, with Smith carrying
firsts in the shot and disc, put
Heppner over the top.
Smith's disc toss was a
highlight in the meet. A career
best, Smith lifted the big
frisbee 123-9 to win by ten feet
over second best, Mark Par
ker, at 113-10. Smith also putt
the shot 42-104 for first.
Adding to the fire were good
performances by individuals.
Both Heppner relay teams,
leading both relay events,
dropped the baton during the
final leg and were disquali
fied. But Dave Piper and Danny
Nix' event performances will
stand out. Piper toured the
quarter in 54.8, an impressive
clocking for this early in the
season. And Nix, a freshman,
ran the two-mile in 11:35.9 to
take second, behind Ione's
Scott Sherer, another fresh
man who was clocked in
Piper took home one of the
remaining two firsts for the
boys. He high jumped 5-6 to
win it. The other first came
from track newcomer Brian
McLaughlin, who raced 330
yards over intermediate hur
dles in 45.5 for the win, ahead
of Bryce Powell in second.
Card boys surprise coach
Ione's young boys surprised
their coach Tuesday, yielding
28 points against three bigger
schools in a 4-way track meet
in Boardman. lone was fourth
in the meet, but outperformed
their coach's first meet ex
pectations. "They did pretty well,"
Gordon Myers said matter-of-
factly Tuesday night. "I was
really surprised."
Scott and Todd Sherer paced
the Cardinal thinclads. Scott
took the only first in the two
mile and Todd had a pair of
seconds in a third.
Scott ran an 11:26.2 for first,
ahead of Heppner's Nix at
11:35.9. Sherer holds the lone
school mark of 11:25.1 and
according to Myers, is shoot
ing at a time under 11 minutes.
Brother Todd was second in
the 880, behind premiere
mid-distance ace Jim Bozarth
of Riverside. Sherer was
second in the mile, running the
distance in 5:03. A third in the
pole vault came at nine feet.
Mustang mentor Conklin
called it a "terrific overall
team effort." Conklin said he
thought Heppner would be
strong in the field event, but
would be a little weak in the
running department. "But the
running came through a lot
stronger and helped us carry
to the win."
Besides Miss Healy's con
tribution, Diane Holland had a
first in the javelin and
Heppner girls came up with
six second places, in one case
sweeping the event.
Holland's hurl was 88-8, the
same method that took her to
the state track meet last
Seconds abounded, and in
high fashion. Heppner girls
swept the high jump, Maureen
Healy being followed by
Mollahan and Janice Healy,
In the long jump, Tammy
Lucas was second and she
took second in the 100 yard
dash, too. Mollahan was sec
ond in the 220 and Janice
Healy was second in the shot.
Diane Holland added a second
in the disc to her javelin mark
and was fourth in the shot.
Heppner girls' 400 yard
relay team was second. A poor
handoff of a baton may have
slowed the Fillies, who ran the
distance in 57.6, almost a
second slower than winning
lone girls at 56.7. The second
place finishers were Claudia
Huston, Tammy Lucas, Jack
ie Mollahan and Laurie Harrison.
' Wife
Smith shot-putt
second at Salem
' ' wsr "fc ' w
Dennis Stefani went 17-6 in the long jump at Boardman.
Complete results were not available.
Seven Heppner thinclads
took places Saturday at the
prestigious Willamette Relays
in Salem. Marty Smith fin
ished second in the senior
division of shot putters to top
the Mustang efforts.
Heppner competed in the A
class with both senior and
novice divisions. Senior divi
sions were for athletes who
had gained a varsity letter
before. Novice was for ath
letes who had not yet attained
the varsity status.
"It was tough," Dale Conk
lin, HHS track mentor, said
this week. "The teams in the
Valley are way ahead. Some
of them have a couple meets
under their belts already."
Conklin said he was a bit
disappointed in some areas of
the meet that brought together
more than 1,000 Oregon track
sters. The weather was great,
Conklin said.
The weight men and field
events performers had a
rough go of it, Conklin said,
complaining that the athletes
didn't get ample time to warm
up and that waiting in between
performances slowed their
chances of staying warm. He
said, too, that some per
formers were hurried in
"I think the young kids were
a little awed," Conklin said.
He noted that the lack of a
track facility right now was
detrimental to his thinclads.
"We need to work on pace and
distance," he said, noting that
the Mustangs didn't fare well
in anything over mid-distance.
Smith's shot put second was
three inches from the first
place mark. Smith putt the
heavy ball 44-10, against a
first place toss of 45-1 by Greg
Sura of John F. Kennedy High
In the novice division, Hep
pner garnered a first place
from Jim Parker. The fresh
man weight man putt the shot
39 feet and followed with a 109
foot disc effort, good for fifth.
In other senior events, Hep
pner's 880 relay team of Bryce
Powell, Steve McLaughlin,
Eric Clow and Dave Piper
took fourth. The time in that
event was 1:42.0. The winning
time by Amity was 1:37.8.
Bryan Marlin took an indi
vidual fifth place in the long
jump, leaping 18-6. The win
ning jump by Mike Bernt of
John F. Kennedy was 19-8.
Powell took a sixth place in
the high hurdles, turning a
time of 18.6. Pat LaBrasseur
of Scio was first in 16.1.
Tim Douglas of Pendleton
won the Statesman's Mile in
4:17 and Jeff Lavender was
second because of misses in
the A high jump with a 6-4
Teams competing against
Heppner in the A division were
impressive. Thev included
(Continued on page 10)
lone girls take second
lone girls garnered three
firsts, including the 440 yard
relay, to produce 33 points en
route to a second place finish
Tuesday in the 4-way meet in
lone followed Heppner and
bested Umatilla and River
side. The Card girls' 440 yard
relay team crossed the line
first in 56.7, ahead of Heppner
at 57.6. The winning combo
was Brenda Patton, Lisa Mar
tin, Kim Cofenas, and Kim
Two more firsts came from
a pair of McElligotts. Grace
ran a 6:34 in the mile for first
and Janet was first in the half
mile in 3:08. ; . ..
Janet also added a second in
the javelin and a fourth in the
disc to end up the Cards' high
scorer in the meet, with 11
points. She threw the javelin'
68-7 for second and hurled the
disc 64 feet for fourth.
Kim Pettyjohn also had a
Edmundson leads golf
Vicki Edmundson fired a 48
Saturday to pace Heppner's
Filly golfers to a dual meet
win over Umatilla at McNary
Golf Course in McNary. Ed
mundson led the five girl
squad to a 327-354 win.
Following the senior sticker,
Cindy Kerr had a 51, Joan
Warren 60, Kristi Edmundson
71 and Debbie Paustian card
ed a 97.
In the boys' action, Charlie
Rawlins fired a four over par
38, but his Mustang unit
dropped to third in a four-way
boys' match.
DeSales of Walla Walla
paced the field with a 169, four
Track readied
Final stages of the Heppner
. High School track facility are
getting underway this week
with the first home meet
slated for April 19.
The final grading was done
last week, Dale Conklin, Hep
pner track coach told the
Heppner Lions' Club Tuesday.
Conklin said the track was
"great" and that it "looks
Conklin said thai with this
week's final packing and
paving of the preliminary
surface, it would be ready to
go for the four-way meet
slated in mid-April. Heppner
will host Pilot Rock, Wes-ton-McEwen
and Oregon
Conklin said, too, that a
meet for freshmen and soph-
omores may be scheduled in
the first week of May to take
. advantage of the track.
' The track is being rebuilt,
from a 330 yard oval to a 400
meter regulation facility.
More than 1,000 truck loads of
dirt have been hauled to and
from the property. An invest
ment of almost $8,000, via
volunteer and donation, is
represented by the work.
The main donations to the
Lions' project have come from
more than 20 individual per
sons or parties.
See complete list next week.
man total. MacHi of Milton
Freewater was second at 181,
Heppner was third at 185 and
Wheeler brought up the rear
with a 245 total. Par for the
four man teams was 136.
Rawlins was medalist for
the field. Other scores for
Heppner golfers were Don
McEwen 48, Mark Sargent
and Ron Ward 49s. Three
other golfers for Heppner
failed to make the varsity cut,
but forwarded scores of 50 by
Jeff Edmundson, 52 by Jeff
Cutsforth, and a 75 by Todd
Heppner golfers play River
side at Willow Run in Board
man today (Thursday) at 1:30
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