' - . A (u- - k -a dfc " s: V "V"-'' -a' r r r f - w w The Gazette-Times, Heppner. Ore., Thursday, March 17, 1977 NINE Billing for classified ads is expensive. Classified ads are on a cash in advance basis, unless customer has a regular commercial account with the Gazette-Times. If so, classi fieds will be billed monthly. Rates are $1.50 for the first ten words or less, or 15 cents a word. If the ad runs for 3 weeks, the third week is free. If the ad runs for 4 consecutive weeks or more, the rate is 10 cents a word. Cards of thanks are $3.00. We wish to extend our thanks to each of you for the flowers, cards and memorials; also the food that was brought to the church. A special thank you for your prayers and comforting words after the loss of our mother and grand mother. We thank the ladies of the Christian Church and a special thank you to Louise, Marjorie and Barbara. The family of Elma Hiatt , 'i i I i ; RUMMAGE SALE PICKUP: Call Arbo gasts, 676-5058; Biddies, 676-9247. Heppner Swim Team Association. 7tfc REGULAR MEETINGS of Heppner Cemetery Maintenance District Board will be changed from first Wednesday to second Tuesday of each month until further no tice. Meetings are held at 630 N. Main Street at 7:30 p.m. John Pfeiffer, Chairman. ll-3p TO GIVE AWAY: Half Border-Collie half German Shepherd dog; has had all his shots. Call 422-7296. 11 -3p Otnnfl LOST? STRAYED? CATNAPPED? Large yellow tomcat, "King" of the house, missing 3 weeks. Answers (some times) to "Sunshine." If seen, call 676-5344 eve nings; 676-9228 days. Reward. STRAYED from my lone property about Feb. 1, black gelding with halter, no brand. Louis Carlson, ph. 422 7282. 7-tfc MISPLACED. One, overstuffed, bulging leather portfolio. Con tents: Chamber of Com merce matters. Vicinity of West of Willow res taurant. If found, con tact Wil Phinney, 676-9228. WANTED: General of fice work. Experienced. Lois Allyn, 989-8419. 9-3c S5 WANTED: 2 or 3 bed rm. house to rent or buy in vicinity of Heppner. Contact Patrolman Campbell, Heppner PD. 6tfc WANTED TO BUY: Small acreage close to Heppner, with or with out buildings. 447-5669. 7-7p WANTED TO RENT: Two bedrm. house in Heppner area. Call col lect, 384-6272. 6tfc Storage Space avail able, call 676-9426. 44-tfc One bedroom furnished apt. Water and garbage furnished. No children or pets. $75. Herman Green, 676-9171. 10-3c CLOTHES PAT TERNS: Custom made to fit you or your family. Also custom sewing. Call Billee, 989-8553. 9-3p DEL'S MARKET in Lexington now carries a full line of tole painting supplies. ...paints, brushes, boards, books, etc. ll-3c COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rewinding Industrial Commercial Farm and Home Pendleton 276-7761 The Gazette-Times Eastern Oregon's greatest wood product fell1 RAFTER-Z RADIO SHOP.CB.AM-FM rad io repair, service and installation. Phone 422 7441 evenings. Sidney G. Zinter. lltfc We're There A new location is high lighted with a new ser vice: a Track Press for installing or turning pins in all makes of tractor rails. Also, B & C features an automatic welder for building up idlers and rollers. For a complete line of tractor repairs see... & C Repair! lone 422-7423 or 422-7409 f. T For Sale: Two-year-old Angus bulls. Big John breeding. Don Greenup. 676-9795. 6tc All Breed Range j Bull Sale Sat. March 19, 1:00 pmj 50 head consigned Herefords! Polled Herefords, Angus, Shorthorn & Tarentiafe LaGrande Livestock f Comm. Co. I Auctioneer Orville Sherlock ! LaGrande, Ore. 963-21 58 1 Only $6.00 per year for resident beavers. FOR SALE: Artificially inseminated yearling and 2 yr. range bull. One-half and three fourths Simmentals; three-fourths Chianinas, Herefords. "83" Ranch, Pilot Rock. 443-6483. 9tfc Livestock Dealer Buy & Sell Everett Jones 276-4205 Early mornings or late evenings. 11-tfc WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled hor ses. Rex English. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc FARMERS: Oil shot gun, Coleman Fur nace. Ideal for shop with 250 gallon tank. $150 cash or equal trade. 676-5074. 10-lC VERSATILE TRAC TORS 6 per cent ad ditional discount on all tractors purchased March-April, '77. Tim's Trucks, Inc., 611 N.E. Hwy. 11, Pendleton, OR 97801. 503276-5742; evenings, 503276-0066. 10-8p GET READY FOR SPRING. "Weedeater" type grass trimmers in stock. $49. yi and up. See at Pettyjohn Supply, Heppner. 676-9157. ll-4c SEPTIC TANKS in stock. 750 and 1,000 gallon. See us for all septic system installa tion. Pettyjohn's Sup ply, 676-9157. 10-4c A gift for all occasions; let flowers do it. THE POSY PATCH. 676-9426. 43tfc New Rinse-N-Vac steam cleans carpets cleaner and keeps them cleaner longer. Rent at Coast-to-Coast. For Sale Two girls' formals 8 & 10 misses. Boys' jackets all new condition. One. small bike rubber English" boots, size 6. Phone 676-9761 evenings. ' 11-lc j Rent new Rinse-N-Vac lightweight steam car pet cleaner made for heavyweight jobs at Case Furniture. MlPj iiiiwi UMpWi'fl 'H'I"I l' 'Ill" f 'Willing TWO USED .22 RIFLES. $39.95 each. Also, good selection new .22s. See at Pettyjohn Supply, Heppner. 676 9157. 11 -4c Mir ifi- iurf II 11 firtf-ir' -i -' 1 .3 For Sale: 20 x 50 Mobile Home. Call 422-7535 after 5:00 p.m. 11-lp Heppnerites A new or used car in your future'.' If so, contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. "Hie Walking Man's Friend' Pendleton I'll. 27(i-:itl Home Phone 27ti-(l."i7li To close estate: 1975 V.W. Rabbit. Book val ue $2,975, less than 6.000 miles. Make offer. Phone 422-7405 or see Howard Smith at 8 mile post, Hwy. 74. 7-tfc For Sale '76 Plymouth Volare. Exe. condition. Ph. 468-2455, Spray. 11 -3p -Jii: St. Patrick's Mt Day "rr$S Save n "1 the Green" C AXJ on better used cars WzyM EXAMPLES 1975 International ,,,,. . y2 ton pickup, 4x4. V- 7 mlun- 8, 4 speed, 20,000 Hatchback, 4 speed. miles. $3393 $2198 72 Chev Vega SW 71 Volks Campmobile 4 speed, & clean All the camping equipment $1193 $1798 75 Toyota Chinook Camper, pop top, cas 75FordF-100 Camper, pop top, pas x4 360 aut0- ps- stove,4speed. 18,000 miles. $5198 $4998 Prices good only until 31977 HARLEY m?4 nsmnnii SWAIN MBAIW On HermistonMcNary Hwy. FOR SALE: Three bed rooms, fireplace, family, room, 676-9456. 6-18p Two bedroom house lor sale in Heppner, $9,300. Call Anne Doherty, 9H9 8551. ll-3c Old house, large, lot, in Heppner. Contact John 'Newman. .Box 551, Ter rebonne, Oregon. Phone 548-1443. 7-7p For Sale: House in lone, write Box 74, lone, Ore gon 97843. 5 tfc Used Cars & TrucEcs Pick-ups 1974 Ford 'jT 4x4 air conditioning I!l7,i Ford 4T pick-up XI.T, low mileage, . new car appearance l!t73 Ranchero Deluxe, loaded, a clean unit 1975 Chevy 4x1, 4 Ton 1972 International truck 16' combination stock & grain hoist like new 13,428 actual miles l!Mi7 Bronco 4x4, roll bars Cars 1971 Huick 2 dr. I.e Sabre, clean I!I74 Olds' Cutlass Clean car 1971 C'hev. Monte Carlo, real clean unit 1!)72 Ford Galaxy 500, 2 dr. hard top. clean unit 1971 Chev. .Monte Carlo Landau clean, power windows, seat etc., air conditioner Check with us for front end wheel alignments. Farley Motor Co. Heppner 676-9116 RECREATIONAL PROPERTY. Approxi mately 7 acres on old Blake ranch, 16 miles above Heppner. Wooded view property, excellent cabin sites. Zoned rec- reational. Water, phone, electricity. Good road fronts property. 567-3734 after 7 p.m., 567-8528 days. 7- INVESTMENT BUY $38,000 Lexington i-4-plex. Showing excep- tional net return. Two units just remodeled. Solid pumice block con- struction. Pendleton Realty & Investments 276-2662 Northwestern Livestock Comm. Co. TUESDAY SALE March 15, 1977 SLAUGHTER CATTLE Bulls Commercial Cows Utility Cows Canner & Cutter Cows Old shell cows FEEDER CATTLE Yearling Steers , 700-900 Pds . Steers, 600-700 Pds. Steers, 300-500 Pds. Yearling Heifers, 600-800 Pds. Heifers, 500-600 Pds. Heifers, 300-500 Pds. Light Holstein Heifers, 400-600 Pds. Baby Calves, Beef Baby Calves, Dairy I I COMMENT: Butcher cows classes of feeder cattle were when runs are light and the HOUSE FOR SALE: 3BR-1BA, features; Lennox year 'round hot cool system, garbage disposal, dishwasher, stove, carpeted wall to wall, 220 power, '2 acre, ML 635 E. Hager Street. Contact Herman U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Forest Service Portland, Oregon LAND EXCHANGE NOTICE Notice is hereby given that Kinzua Corporation of Kinzua, Oregon, has made application under the Act of March 20, 1922, as amended (16 U.S.C. 485, 486) to exchange the following described lands in the Umatilla National Forest: Morrow County, Oregon T. 4 S., R. 28 E.. W.M. Section 34, E'2NE'4, SW4NEV4. NWV4SEV4 Section 36, NVi T. 5 S., R. 27 E.. W.M. Section 20, NE'4NE',4 Section 21, NV4NV2 Section 22, NV2NWV4 Section 33, SEUSW'i, SE'4 Section 36, All T. 5 S., R. 28 E., W.M. Section 7. Lot 2 Section 18, Lots 3 and 4, ESYV'4 Section 26, S'N'NE'4. SE'4NE'4 Section 28, SW4SE4 Section 31, Lots 3 and 4, ESW4 Section 32, SW'4 Section 33, W'itE T. 6 S.. R. 27 E.. W.M. Section 1, SE'4 Section 2, Lots 2, 3, and 4 Section 3, Lot 1, S'-i Section 10, E'NE'4, SW4NEV1. NEV4SEV4 Section 11. N'i, Section 16, All Section 29, WiEb Section 32, SWV4NEV4, E'NWV4, NWV4NWV4 T. 6 S., R. 28 E., W.M. Section 3, Lot 1, SEV4NEV4, NEV4SEV4 Section 4, Lot 4, SWV4NWV4, WSW4 Section 5. Lots 1 and 2, SEV4NEV4, EfcSE'4 Wheeler County, Oregon T. 7 S., R. 24 E., W.M. Section 17, SW4NWV4l SWV4, SWV4SEV4 Section 20, NEV4NW4. WHNWV4, SViSEy4 Section 21, NE4. SW4SW4 Section 22. NW'i. NSWV4. NSEV4 containing 5.816.60 acres more or less for National Forest land in the Umatilla National Forest described as follows: Morrow County, Oregon T. 4 S., R.-27 E.. W.M. Section 35, NEV4SEV4 T. 4 S., R. 28 E.. W.M. Section 19. SWV4NEV4 Section 20. SE'iNE' Section 22, NWNW4 Section 29, NEV4SWV4" Section 31. NESE1 Section 32, NVjSW4 T. 5 S., R. 27 E., W.M. Section I. Lot 1. EVsSEV4 $29.00 to $33.85 $24.50 to $28.60 $22.50 to $25.60 $19.50 to $21.75 $13.00 to $16.50 $34.00 to $37.85 $37.00 to $39.20 $36.00 to $40.00 $28.00 to $33.00 $28.00 to $33.75 $30.00 to $34.75 $34.00 to $37.75 $25.00 to $50.00 $6.00 to $16.00 $1.00 to $1.50 higher. All $1 to $2 higher. Sell now prices are stronger. J W. Winter, Attorney, 676-9470 for details. Price $35,950.00. 9-tfc 4 Bedroom House in lone for Sale. Call Alton Yarnell, 676-5054. 9-3p t ('.' t v