n rj 0 J- , PI S i I (hardware stores) I Hi. H( OIK 21. I lljilll' HOME CENTER A : U ' Make Your Pro Hardware Store Or Promart Home Center Your Do-It-Yourself Headquarters.ln Addition To Low Sale Prices And Everyday Low Price Values, You'll Like The Friendly Service, Expert Advice on "How To" Do It, And A Wide Selection Of Tools For Any Home Project. , J V ' " ' '. ' ' ' LJ,.,,f V .A I I I C" " -'J , - T t I I MJJ ; Great as use. 7 ' M sortment of do-u-yourself items that every handyman can Cmtict Cement ft H j f 'j Sutter -MT 1 KsaetfE . IP i 1 t r i- 7 r ' s ; ofE 1, . cousif esstars outlet KICfPTftCU from General Electric. Choose white or brown. Reg. 1.10.(38.39) b. v;r:a cea cbtut plsti from general Electric. Covers Double ground receptacle. Rg. 1.39. (40) , C. SrCP SJUTAKS WITH (f.a-4.'J. 3 oz. can. Many uses around the home. Lubricates , and unfreezes bolts, hinges, etc. Req. 1.25. (43) ' D. lha.h nn mmm. r:.,t - through stopped up drams.' For kitchen or bath. Safe, easy to use. 144) I. 1-wP STCPPCS KIT. Every thing you need to stop bother some faucet drips in kitchen rttnl bath. Easy to use. (4b) S. 1 1 a. Long handle. Chi cago SpectaUy Quality. A household essential. (46) h. f mm two. RtRACE- 8;:)r. Replace old tank bail ' and stop runninq toilets, con serve water. (47) I. CCKWCT CE"::iT ISSTAJT LT bonds on contact. For re pairs of metal, wood, tile, leather, rubber, china. 3 oz. jar. Duro Beg. 1.29. (54) J. PLASTIC Rt'CSHJ repairs rubber, canvas, leather. Insu lates and seals. Slays flexible. Duro Peg. 1.20. (58) K. SWR GLUE 3 for clear, per manent repays in seconds, oz. tube. Duro Re. 1.S3. (59) i. 8 mm slip mm pliers. Fuller Tool quality. Fully guar anteed. f?g. 1.69. (GO) M. LINE LEVEL from Stanley Tool. A Welcome addition 'to any handyman's tool chest. Rag. 1 .". (62) K. STANLEY UTiLITT KMiTE. Art all purpose knife with many uses around tlie horns and wo.'ksnop. Reg. i.$s. (i) to i, f-. 7 1 I i 1 f