"t r r . . -jfoto. p. , The Gaiette-TImeg, Heppner, Ore., Thursday, Jan. 27. 1977 FIVE About 1:30 a.m. last Thurs day morning, workers coming home from the mill saw a fire at the Paul Pettyjohn, Sr., home. They turned in the fire alarm and firemen discovered their dog house was burning. However, an early detection kept the Pettyjohn house from catching on fire. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mcintosh were their son, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Mcintosh, Jr., and son Marty, of New berg, and granddaughter, Mrs. Bob Johnson and family from Milwaukee. Dixon T. Smith, former lone resident, passed away recent ly at his home in Ventura, Calif., from a heart attack. He is survived by his wife Dorothy, daughter Barbara of San Monica, and a son, Bruce, of Riverside, and three grand children. He is a brother of Mable O'Hara of Condon, and Harvey Smith of lone. Vault interment was at Ivy Lawn Memorial Park, Ven tura. Ella Smith, Heppner, and Harvey Smith, lone, flew down for the Memorial Ser vice. Dorothy Smith is staying at Riverside with Bruce and his familv. At the Bill Ling home, Jan. lone news Eva Hamlett 12, Delta Huber told lone Garden Club members how to plan for continual bloom in their gardens. By using a flannel board and colored pic tures, Mrs. Huber discussed the annuals, perennials, bulbs, shrubs and shade loving flowering plants that can add beautiful color every month of the year. Delta emphasized our club theme, "Be a wise gardener," by keeping the principles of landscaping in mind when you plan your garden. lone Garden Club's next meeting will be Feb. 9 at Mrs. Kinzua brief Irene Samples was hostess for the Merrymakers Card Club on Thursday evening. Three tables of ladies enjoyed the evening's play. Among those winning prizes were Roberta Conlee with high and Patti Burres with second high. Clell Rea's home, with Ex tension Agent Mike Howell presenting the program, Pruning and Fertilizing Fruit Trees. The January meeting for the Beta Omega sorority mem bers was held at the home of Sue Proudfoot. Winning the doll in the December raffle was Dolly Allstott of Heppner, and walkie-talkies went to Helen Pettyjohn. It was announced that Linda LaRue will be running for State Treasurer at the April convention. She is presently our State Parliamentarian. Also, the Sorority is helping with the Heart Fund Drive, which will be Feb. 24th. A traveling bake sale is scheduled for Feb. 14th and orders may be taken up to Feb. 11th, by calling Julie Nelson, 989-8494. The Spring Cotillion date is set for Apr. 6th, with Julie Nelson and Liz Ernst being chairman and coKihairman, respectively. GENERAL REVENUE SHARING ACTUAL USE REPORT 0 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PROVIDES FEDERAL FUNDS DIRECTLY TO LOCAL AND STATE GOVERNMENTS VOUB GOVERNMENT MUST PUBLISH THIS REPORT ADVISING YOU HOW THESE FUNDS HAVE BEEN USED OR OBLIGATEO DURING THE YEAR FROM JULY 1. 1976. THRU DECEMBER 31. I97 THIS IS TO INFORM YOU OF YOUR GOVERNMENT'S PRIORITIES AND TO ENCOURAGE YOUR PARTICIPATION IN DECISIONS ON HOW FUTURE FUNDS SHOULD BE SPENT MOTC: ANY COMPLAINT OF DISCMMINATION IN THI Uil Of TMIM FUNDS MAY II SENT TO THS OFFICE OF REVENUE 1HARINO, WASHINGTON. D C. JOJM. ACTUAL EXPENDITURES (Inch OWIfMlml (A) CATEGORIES 1 PUBLIC SAFETY 5 Bf CREATION 10 EDUCATION 14 OTHCR ISpactfyl I 429.50 $ 429.50 (C) OPERATING MAINTENANCE none NONDISCRIMINATION REQUIREMENTS HAVE BEEN MET (E) CERTIFICATION I certify mat I am the Chut Exacuttv Otftcaf and. wim raspact 10 fh ntttlamant fundi raportatf haraon, I carttfy that may in VIOiaiK QT mtnmt U if' 'j jpaniuMUv tna matcning run proniDinon o.mni 1-20-77 n This Lee raaue , riojvi Ham. snd Trtta THE QOVEHNMf NT OF LEXINGTON TOWN has ratal vad Gmtnl Asvanua Sharing payments totaling 490 during ths parlod "on- Ju'v ' w?. tv.- : ' account no 38 a 025 004 LEXINGTON TOUN MAYOR LEXINGTON OREGON 97839 . 0) TRUST FUND REPORT Iralar to nalruclion Dl 1 Balanc. at of Juris 30. 1B7S 2 Ravanua Snaring Funda teams Iron July I. 196 thru OtctmMr 31, 17 3 Interval ReceNad or Crooned Jury 1, 17 Vii Dscsn 31. 1976( 4. Funda Wslastsd from Obligations (IF ANY) 5 Sum of Unas 1. 2, S. 4 $ t Funds Returned U OAS (IF ANY) 7. Total Funds Available S I Total Amount Expanded (Sum of Una is. column 8 and ootumn C) t - Bslsnco ss 01 December 31. 1876 V - 924 490 l,414:-20 429.50 "984.70 (F) THE NEWS MEDIA HAVE BEEN ADVISED THAT A COMPLETE COPY Of THIS REPORT HAS BEEN PUBLISHED IN A LOCAL NEWSPAPER OF GENERAL CIRCU LATION I HAVE A COPY OF THIS REPORT AND RECORDS DOCUMENTING THE RE OPEN FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY AT ITENTS THEY ARE OPEN FOR PUBLIC SCRUTINY ) Lty Hall, Lexington, Ote. Consolidated Report of Condition BAhJK OF - jZastem Oregon KBOXM. TEDWMKL DEPOSIT mSUIAMCS COMOIATIOH AS OF 12-31-1976 ASSETS Cash and due from banks U.S. Treasury securities Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations Other Securities ; Federal funds sold & securities purchased under agreements to resell Other loans less reserve for loan losses Bank premises, furniture & fixtures, & other assets representing bank premises Other assets TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations Time and savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations . Deposits of United States Government Deposits of States and political subdivisions Certified and officers' checks, etc TOTAL DEPOSITS : a. Total demand deposits 4,647,257.87 b. Total time and savings deposits 10,515,950.94 Federal funds purchased & securities sold under agreement to purchase . . Other liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Common stock total par value (No. shares authorized 6,000) (No. shares outstanding 6,000) Surplus Undivided profits TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES & CAPITAL ACCOUNTS .... 854,884.50 1,937,338.94 355,000.00 2,635,789.06 None 10,288,436.18 280,839.32 82,245.81 16,434,533.81 4,000,691.64 8,528,440.15 26,159.06 2,523,807.20 84,110.76 15,163,208.81 None 128,544.79 15,291,753.60 150,000.00 750,000.00 242,780.21 1,142,780.21 16,434,533.81 MEMORANDA Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 14,933,000.00 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 10,771,000.00 I, JAMES H. WISHART, VICE-PRESIDENT, of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that this report of condition is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge and belief. signed James H. Wishart Correct & Attest Directors -s-Roy W. Lindstrom, -s-Gene Pierce, -s-Arthur A. Allen, -s-Wm. G. Jaeger, -s-R.B. Ferguson, -s-Kenneth Walters, -s-A. David Childs, -s-D.L. Lemon, -s-Howard Bryant State of Oregon, County of Morrow Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of January, 1977, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. Mary E. Bryant, Notary Public My commission expires 10-21-1980. A Christmas party was held at Cathy Peterson's home, with Barbara Stefani co-hosting. Secret Sister gifts were exchanged and gag gifts passed out to husbands. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adon Hamlett is their son, Tom Hamlett, and Miss Debbie Marr of Portland. A graduation square dance was held Friday night the 21st at Willow's Grange Hall in lone. There was a large at tendance, including couples from Hermiston's Square Knots and Pendleton's Rocket Squares Clubs. The graduates were asked to demonstrate their newly-acquired know ledge from their just com pleted lessons. However, this was to be done by dancing in oversized boots; then they danced on a mattress bare foot. This was followed by each couple being awarded a diploma and an automatic membership to the lone Grand Squares Club. The graduates consisted of Clyde and Jackie Allstott, Wayne and Diane , Hams, Wayne and Terry Gray, David and Carol Moon, Dan and Ronnie McBride and Mardel James. Everyone enjoyed a late potluck dinner and dancing until midnight. Party Line by Dorothy Ilia 4 r January 1977, I'm still writing "76." We are watching that beautiful colorful film, Roots, on TV every night. The logging trucks are still coming down Main St.; still not much snow in the mountains. Wife meets husband at the door in the wee hours of the morning with two tickets to Hawaii, instead of the usual rolling pin. The husband still doesn't know what hit him. If you like your prime rib rare, we found it's best to make reservations Saturday night at the West of Willow. Apathy is here, but in Morrow County, our local citizens don't show it. One group is busy working to finish the top part of the Elks' Lodge before the Annual on Feb. 26. Another group is trying to make Hell's Half Acre a Wildlife Primitive Area for elk (the four legged kind). Completing fifteen months' teaching in Clayton Victoria, Australia, is Gwen Drake. Gwen flew home for her summer's vacation, spending some of it here visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Ray Drake. Gwen is enjoying Australia. She signed up for another fifteen months teaching physical education there. Before filing my Christmas cards in No. 13, I re-read them. This one I will share with you, written by a mother of five, who Baby shower offended Mrs. June Haugen, Lake Oswego, was a visitor last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Roy Lindstrom. She also visited her mother, Mrs. Fannie Griffith, Pendleton. About twenty five ladies from the St. Williams Altar Society and the American Legion Auxiliary attended a baby shower at the home of Mrs. Howard Crowell Monday evening, Jan. 24, in honor of Mrs. Jerry McElligott and her new daughter, Bridget. has given 20 years to a career of mother and wife. "This year has been the one I've waited for. I've taken up fry tying! We discovered our 15 year old is a most rebellious, argumentative, selfish, hateful teenager. It is even so bad that he is rebellious about his great grades. "Tony has found out it is easier to close up the bars at night than face the psychologist sessions we have set up for our older boy, who will not go to Cornell. All Bob wants to do is play golf and surf the beaches in California. ' ' "Our refrigerator stopped making ice when we were in Hawaii and we came home to an indoor swimming pool. , "Jimmy, who is six now, was impatient with us to take him to his Christmas Sunday School play practice and started up the car. The garage doors now open the back of the garage." Enough???? Patients at Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Heppner, are Roberta Evans, Condon, dismissed; Vernon Gillman, Heppner, dis missed; Jacqueline Lynch, Heppner, dismissed; Nellie Anderson, Heppner, dismissed; Frank Merrick, lone, dismissed; Cathy Marvin, Heppner, dismissed; Don McElligott,; lone, dismissed; Danny McElligott, lone, not dismissed; Jana Lee Phegley, Heppner, dismissed; Elsie Fox, Lexington; Richard Schmidt, Heppner; James Monahan, Heppner; Velma, Phillips, Heppner, all not dismissed. BIRTH 'J, Born at Pioneer Memorial Hospital, Heppner, was a daughter, Jennifer Dawn Marvin, on Jan. 22, weighing 9 lbs. and 15 oz. The parents are Mr. and Mrs. Don Charles Marvin, Heppner,. Jennifer will be going home to join her older brother. p Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Marvin, lone, and Mr.. and Mrs. Keith Vosberg, Lexington. t. Great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Herman, Albany, Ore., and Mrs. Keith Wylie, Oklahoma. ' in iiU n n rprrft nn InJllniraU till TO FWsssssTaW 0) P-nffT! aMilZa3 "2 !l DD U.S. NO. i r POTATOES yes.. Vive me locally OWNED hm OPERATED THIS MEANS WE DON'T HAVE A MIDDLEftlAN r SWEET NAVEL n y Dm noMn nonnnro r 1 i 20 LBS. (n)fft j L hlM -bbbbbs. B ajBjtfs. IBjUs Ubbhsbbbbbbbbv wr v BEEF 1l t QUARTER s 9 r LIVER PORK LOflKI ssl OLD FASHION If r i 1 FRANKS 1 U.S.D.A. FOOD STAMPS WELCOME m OPEII 7 DAYS A WEEK DUY A CAM . . . A CASE OR A CAQL0AD CHECK OUR RED TAG SPECIALS HERlYllSTOrJ WAREHOUSE FOODS 1S45 NORTH 1st KERMISTON STORE HOURS EVERYDAY 10 AM TO 7 PM 7 DAYS A WEEK 1 1 i J t