THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner. OR, Thursday. Nov. 25. Page I . - -- :' s 7T I ' ' j ' ' ' ' 4 ; ; i s j r" I ) 1 mm f s , . ccmm lm 1 m Li iJLf 0 0 0.. f on J l in ) i i m&y i j t v i i i Card off Thanks We wish to extend our heartfelt thanks to each of you for the cards, flowers, memorial do nations and the food that was brought to the house. A special thank you for your prayers and comforting words after the loss of our loved one, Your thought fulness and kindness will always be remem bered. God bless all of you. The Wayne Gollyhorn family Card of Thanks A big "thank you" to everyone for the cards, gifts and flowers I re ceived while I was In the hospital. Sincerely, Vivian Elder Notices Now you can clean carpets the professional way at fraction of the cost with Rinse-N-Vac. Rent at Case Furniture. 15c A gift for all occasions; let flowers do it. The Posy Patch. 7 WIS. ISlfc NEW Rlnse-NVsc steam cleans, rinses and vacuums out dirt, leaving carpets profes sionally clean. Rent at Coast -to-Coaat. 15c 3. Lost & Found Lost 2 weeks ago. boys siuler, red yellow, with no. 9. Reward offered, call 47 5120. 41 1C LOST: Red down jack et, please return to Northwestern Motel. TimSkow. 3Jp Lost: Black Hills Cold Bracelet. 15 00 reward CaIl9eM7. 1 p LOST: Two dogs. Pole Creek area. Nov. II Female German Shep herd. "Duchess." 10 yrs old. grsy. has dog Ugs. Male German Shwthatr. "JMriker." I months old. has leather collar Reward Calls J077 evenings c 4. Wanted Teacher draire live i sttusiWMt with establish ed farm family, young, female. nx smoker pWaae call Portland collect. Saturday. T, or Sunday. tT- 41 le Wanted: American Fly e electr train In time to tune up far little hry's Chrtatmas Steve !. 111? ) WANtrO Family heat farm 3 pur (Mn methifery. bwli fa,tt Cwpfwlenttal tnter initl K (VrT Fowth, frse ITU SJIIsaytime 7. Rentals For Rent: 1 & 2 bedrm. apts. No pets. Call after 6:30p.m. 422-7587. 34tfc jefor 38tfc FURNISHED 2 bed room apt. Garbage and water furnished. No children or pets. $110.00 per mo. Herman Green, 676-9171. 39-3c For Rent: Middle aged couple preferred; 2 bdrm. house, refrlg., heating and kitchen stove furnished. TV cable, 19 ml. S. Hep pner, good road to house. Ph. 676-5852. 41-3-C 8. Services SEWING MACHINE Repair and scissor shar pening, Nov. 29. Also, used sewing machine. CASE FURNITURE. 676 9432. 41-lC 10. Livestock WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex English. Ph. 567-6065. ltfc 140 ewea for sale. 676 5857. 0-3p 11. Farm Equipment Poly -post rugged and durable, cheaper than steel. Call 422 7136 or 422 7441. lfc SALE OR TRADE: 20 bales heavy duty plastic baler twine. 676 9898. 39 Jp HYDRAULIC angle tilt blade for LMDSA. 676 9896. 33p 14. Miscellaneous GIGANTIC Flea Market and Antique Sale, SUN DAY. Dec. S. Ilermlston Fairgrounds. to $. Ninety tables of collect ibles. Ph. 5676916 41 3c For Sale: McCullochCP 123 chain saw. All new parts USoor best offer. 76sfter6 41 GARAGE SALE: Satur day, Nov 17, at lftO' W. May ecrtxM from First National Rank Parking Lo4.IOtoS. 4llc TV KeteUe-Timet will pay SO cents copy for U first IS July Ji issue returned to us In tscel Sent condition. Sttl rw Sate VUS weather rd S Mir tin for home or store dworellpg Call f?6SlM befnre Ipm 1 p IJ.-n'i (1t) F) ' CltdWIum Few Ne4y Coatl CI Store Wall hwrg eUctric fire piM. 4W J K. Stove, wis $t tr t FOR REWfTfl thrbi'Ato rent 14. Miscellaneous GRANNIE'S DOLL HOUSE: Now featuring Tiffany Taylor doll and wardrobe. New styles for Crissy. Come see! 676-5583. 39-3C For Sale-TV cable membership. Call 676 9634, after 5:30 week nights. 41-lc C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam, Starcraft, Caldwell and Marlin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567-8419, Hermis-ton-McNary Dam Hwy. otf 22. Cars & Trucks nilTTHFVftfil JJ t IIBImI Vitrei SPECIAL THIS W EEK 1976 F 600 Series Ford Truck, 16 ft. combination factory bed with hoist, 900 rubber Truckj 1S6M Bulrk 4 dr., air cond. IS73 Ford Pickup with ramprr box 1174 T. 4 1 4 auto. A air. a real clraa unit FARLEY MOTOR CO Call Phil Doherty 676-5188 on any of the above units May and Chase, Heppner 676-9116 1973 Ford Wagon: auto matic. P S , P.B., air cond, with luggage rack. Call Butch Laugh lin after 7 p m. 676 9781. 39 3p For Sale: "76 Chev. 4 wheel dr. pick-up. ton, power steering, power brakrr, air, A sliding rear window. Call after 5 30 p m. 422 7266. 40 J Three bedrooms, new carpet, fireplace, large corner lot. view, family room, nice yard. Check V A 95 per cent. 90 per cent and 10 per cent loans at First National. Heppner 676 9436. 4Mfc CB RADIOS: Installa tion, repair. AM FM radios, tape players. Sid Zinter, Jr. 423 7441. ITtfn Meppneritcs A aew r aed car la jmmr falare? If ,retarl: Ed Wells at Keith Farley CVysler Pt)wtkUr. Ut slkhig Msa's Ff t4 riftM in. mini HiwelkMenJ6 22. Cars & Trucks r V2BE3EasV9flE3K Specialists In Track-layer Tractor Repair Automotive Welding Ve handle truck hoisU. beds and rack, both factory and I'lislnin-huill : tractor cabs and Ko"nei'k type trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 122-7109 ( I.FOt IHI.nKHV I IOM-: 422-7123 TURP 9 sq. ft. ERIC ANDERSON 422-7204 I ft f. Cars 1971 C hev. Vega. 3 dr., good unit 1973 Chev Laguna. 2 dr. hdlp 1970 Chryslrr Newport, clean, low mileage, air cond.. good rubber 1972 Ford Galaiy 508. 2 dr. hard top, clean unit 1972 Chev. Malibu. 4 dr. sdn, good unit THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS 0 Volkswagen Mrl Winter olkKr I'rntlli ton. t)rrs" i',t .it. 1 1 Mobile Homes 20 homes WW t MDMOItll F IHIMFH tm mtr M. re at fur llrppner calmer. reeel mp and drliterv COLK tUCTHtC Mr fttwi4if Imtiflrml - t"nmetil rim and Home Vnll tn Z! V NN WWDffSJ I Real Estate IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIII!IIMIIIIII1: Ranch for Sale 460 total acres 430 acres irrigated i mobile home, close to Boeing For more information i contact Roy Lindstrom, i I E BOBSECOLO REALTY INC. 256-0421, Res. 658-5653 1 Tiiitiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir; UNIVERSAL REALTY, INC. 1050 N. First Street Ilermlston. OR 97838 567-8303 A-FRAME ON 2', ACRES A real nice 2 BR pad, fireplace, deck off mas ter BR, completely fur nished, bar, water, elec., road, 13 mi. from Heppner on Blake ranch, 5 mi. from Ar buckle ski area, $31,500 terms. FOR SALE: 2 side-by-side 2 story duplex. All modern conveniences, 3 yrs. old, will go max., State GI loan. Rental will help make the mortgage payments. 676-9456 or 676-9632. 26tfC FOR SALE: House in lone, write P.O. Box 74, lone, OR 97843. 26tfc FOR SALE: Neer 3 im htJf large 'C94. 36tfc FOR SALE: Approx. 4 acres divided into 50 i 100 ft. Kits In the Hardman area. There are 17 50 x too ft. lots and one Here lot. Will sell any part or the entire parcel. Close to hunting and fishing Call 679746. IN' FOR SALE: Bcecher's Cafe. lone; Bob Secolo Realty Co. Call Roy Lindstrom. 256-0421. Ret. 658 5653, Portland. J4tf Flying H Brooding Servlco Supplies and Somen J. H. Hayes 676.954? 676-5367 Notices , NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT TRANSFER APPLICATION NO. 3478 FOR A CHANCE IN POINT OF APPROPRIATION OF GROUND WATER Notice is given hereby that Georgia Belle Hol zapfel has filed an ap plication for approval of a change in point of appropriation of ground water from a certain aquifer, under the pro visions of ORS 537.705. Heretofore the appli cant has obtained water from the shallow gravel aquifer system by means of her "Well No. 1" located 975 ft. N. and 1400 ft. W. from the E. corner of Sec. 32. being within the SW NE'.j of Sec. 32. T. 4 N.. R. 27 E.. W.M., having a depth of 123 ft. and a developed pumpiug yield of 575 gallons pir minute, for irrigation under the fol lowing described rights of record: (I) A right to appro priate not to exceed 6.61 c.f.s. with a date of priority of March 16, 1953, for Irrigation of 16 acres in SE4 NE4 and 33 acres in SWUNE'iof Sec. 32. T.4N.. R. 27 E., W.M.. as evidenced by certificate recorded at Page 22888. Vol. 16, Slate Record of Water Right Certificates. 2) A right to appro priate not to exceed 6.61 c.f.s. with a date of priority of March 16, 1953. for irrigation of 9 acres in NEt SE and 40 acresinNW'4SE'of Sec. 32. T. 4 N.. R. 27 E.. W.M.. as evidenced by certificate recorded at Page 22889, Vol. 16. State Record of Water Right Certificates. 3 A right to appro priate aot to exceed 9.23 c.f.s. with a date of priority of July 5. 1955. for irrigation of 18.6 acres in SE4 NE4 of Sec. 32. T. 4 V. R. 27 E.. W.M.. as evidenced by the certificate recorded at Page 2297. Vol. 16. State Record of Water Right Certificates. (4) A right to appro priate aot to exceed aa undivided 3.08 c.f.s. from Skid Well Na. I and two other wells ala de veloping water from the umr aquifer, with a date of priority of June 28. 19M. for Irrigatio; of 31 acres la NK'i SE'i, l acre In SVV'i SE'i. 4Sacre InSK'i SK' of Sec. 32: supplemental IrrtaatioM of. among other land. 27.8 acres la NK'i NK't, 2.6 acres la NW, K'i.I. acres la SW'i NE'i and 6.6 acres la SK't NE' of Sec. 32. all la T. 4 N.. R. 27 E.. W.M.. as evi denced by the certifi cate recorded at Page 3iat. Vol. 23. Stale Record of Water Right Ortifkate. The applicant hereto. ner of the lands above described, pro poe to change the point ! apprwortaliow asy tram said "Well Na. I aad. with! los I iwUrM. mhtrnUt Ik alrr from saM aqalfer by meant ! her "Well So. I" locsled ! ft. . aad M ft. W. tram the N. i ,rrner of See. JJ. T. 4 N.. R. H W.M. Alt pr lntereted are sxrtirVed hereby that a hearing will be held al the coaaty c '! al Heppwer. t?ett. Jaaaary 6. ItM. at 9 M a m. All !) ! to (by pefMMed thaage. tt aay Cere ere. will be beard at said time aad Notices place. Any and all ob jections shall be pre pared In writing, one copy to be served on. Georgia Bell Holzapfel. P.O. Box 214, Wasco. Oregon 97065, and one copy filed with the Water Resources De partment. Salem, Ore gon 97310. together with a $16 filing fee, at least 10 days prior to the date et for hearing. IF NO OBJECTION IS FILED, THE APPLICATION MAY BE APPROVED BY THE WATER RE SOURCES DIRECTOR WITHOUT A HEAR ING. Administrative rules pertaining to the filing of a protest will be furnished by the Water Resources Department upon request. Dated at Salem. Ore gon, this 25th day of October. 1976. JAMES E.SEXSON Director Published Nov. 11. 18. 25, 1976. Ranch for Sale 800 total acres with 530 irrigated, 180 dry land & balance in pasture, machine storage sheds shops, grain storage bins 2wells. and 2 houses For more information contact Roy Lindstrom, BOBSECOLO REALTY, INC. 256-0421, Res. 658-5653 ALL 1976 PICKUPS Cash Ovjk 7? StocM Modot g Bauil Sav YOU 1000 Short b0" w " S3658 40U Mi S531 trans Short bos 4 m 4. Lots 5973 6869 890 1061 n ol accessories, a real snow piace. Short bos 4 6349 690 860 925 radio, bumper, hubs, iachmsn whaals, undaccoat 966 tSiSTS 3392 38,4 592 stock a gold, and whit s::ie. ?i - 4680 5464 w 954 this show piace Too many ac cessories to men tion. lo"8 x f1 4237 a 39 566 racks. iSots 3S47 U2 512 m stock WMte and O'ariQO. W uil rectd our first load ol the 77 pickups, 4 (h!s , S spJs, and automatics Coma to the vaitey of the OouNa Wsiia aod SAVE. Saa Fxtt lrg and Bank t.naocioQ aaota. Tiuoranf arrf PTfD ELD0M V0RIES MOTORS mi cnjM4s w.ww.wt ea taT W'"8"1 Ka las H bayws sHWsa r bare, ta by d a at fcwarte at sflntwaa . fta f M1 MM ! eat Ova Maai. "TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY" Wanted: Janitor; Mor row County will accept applications for position of janitor. A job de scription may be obtain ed at the Judge's office, Morrow County Court House, Heppner, OR. Signed: Judge P. Jones, 676-9233. 41-2-C Holly Rebekah Lodge BAZAAR, FOOD SALE, CARD PARTY Tuesday, Dec. 7, 11pm. Frizes CARDS AT 2 pm Sandwiches-Salads Coffee $1.00 11-4 pm tUAUTO'IE k Custom Personal Ear Hearing Aid' may be ideal for you. Find out if it will help you! HUNDREDS ARE ALREADY WEARING THE "CUSTOM PERSONAL EAR" Ask Now For A Demonstration & Free Hearing Test IT MAY HELP YOU TO HEAR BETTER. Lester Ruud Hearing Aid Service WillbeatGonly's Dec. 1 Leave your phone bo. C7S-92S4V DATSUN MUST GO