THE GA7FTTE-TIMFS. Heppner H 'TV' i ; ; i Ytt&T'S immmuG vnr rtff r 1 l.'-T1.. - H -I j Iji h f) . ) ) ' ' ; . J Card off Thanks We would like, to ex press our thanks and appreciation to all for the prayers, cards, flowers, memorial con tributions and food after the loss of our loved one. Also, our appreciation for the kindness and thoughtfulness shown "Grandma Madge" the past three years. This meant much and brought great pleasure to her during that time. Vour kindness and thoughtfulness will al ways be remembered and cherished. May the peace and Blessings of Godbewitheachof you. The Family of Madge Bryant Card of Thanks Our heartfelt thanks to all those who sent expressions of sym pathy at the recent loss of our wonderful moth er. We would like to especially thank the fine staff at Pioneer Memor ial Hospital, Dr. Tib bies, Pastor and Mrs. Edwin Sikes, the Chris tian Church Deacones ses and the Order of Eastern Star. The family of Gertrude C. Parker Card of Thanks I wish to thank every one for their prayers, flowers, gifts and cards while ! was a late summer patient in Pio neer Memorial Hospital and while receiving medical treatment both in and out of a Portland hospital for the past two and a half months. Special thanks to Dr. Carpenter for his kind ness and concern. I know that due to the love, concern and pray ers of my husband, my family and the people of Heppner . I will be well again. Thank you all so much. I love you all. Jcannie Hansen Card of Thanks My sincere thanks and appreciation for the many cards and letters received during my long stay at the hospital at Lincoln City. Doris Watkins Card of Thanks To the people of Mor row County, I would like to express my apprecia tion to the citizens of the county for their support. I pledge again, to you. that I will continue to work for our county and Its people. To Dan Creamer, ! wish to extend my per sonal thanks for a clean and gentlemanly cam paign. Paul W. Jones 2. Notices MENTAL HEALTH CLINIC: Heppner office open daily. Boardman Irrigon area Tues. and Thurs. For appointment either area telephone 676 9181. After hours emergency contact through sheriff's office; 676 WtO IC Now you can clean carpets the professional way at fraction of the cost with KlnseN Vac. Kent at Case Furniture. ISC A gift for all occasions; let flowers do II. H A Vmy Patch. 070 0U0. IStfc NEW Rinse N Vac steam clean. rinses and vacuums out dirt, leaving" carpets profes sionally clean. Rent at CVwf In Vt IV 3. Lost & Found LOST: Red down jack et. Please return to Northwestern Motel. Tim Skow. 39-3p Lost Large, male Siamese cat, 6 yrs. old. Lost between Lex. and Heppner. Phone 989 8502. Reward offered. 39-1 pd 6. Wanted WANTED: Family wheat farm. Will pur chase machinery, build ings, crops. Confidential Inquiries invited. Big Bend Land Co., West 1507 Fourth, Spokane. l-r-747-6318 anytime. 39-4p Wunted to rent or buy, 3 bedrm. house with add. property, Heppner or Lex. area, 676-5542. 3Btfc WANTED: Acreage near Heppner, with or without a house, also some grass or meadow land. Call 676-5396. 37-3C WANTED TO BOR ROW: Old fashioned settee for "Charley's Aunt." Call high school, 676-9138. 39-lp 7. Rentals For Rent: 1 & 2 bedrm. apts. No pets. Call after 6:30p.m. 422 -7587. 34tfc FOR RENT: Newer three bedroom home for rent; 676-5594. 3Ktfc FURNISHED 2 bed room apt. Garbage and water furnished. No children or pets. $110.00 per mo. Herman Green, 676 9171. 39 3c House for rent in Hep pner. Call 422 7144 be tween 1 and S p.m. 39 lp a Services For all your lippei problems, see Farra'i Shoe Service. 676 9446. 37-3p SEWING MACHINE Repair and scissor sharpening. Nov. 13. Also, used sewing ma chine. CASE FURNI TURE. 676 9432. 39 lc 10. Livestock WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses. Rex English. Ph. 5674063. life Found: 1 bay saddle horse. Owner may have same by paying pasture bill and this ad. Horse at Fairview Drive. Phone 676 9436. 39 2C 11. Farm Equipment Poly post rugged and durable, "cheaper than steel. Call 423 7IM or 422 7441. lfC SALE OR TRADE: 20 bales heavy duty plastic baler twine. 676 WIW. HYDRAULIC angle tilt Mad for D4DSA 676 9ffMt. 33t 12. Farm Produce lt. 3mt, 3rd rutting alfalfa hy fr Ml Al (Kmin.:67tf7 V For JUte-gm! trvd rut ting grs hay. 10 loo fTS JI rtfr 12. Farm Produce NOW AVAILABLE! Natural sheep pelt rugs v and wool dusters Buy now for Christmas. Dode Krebs, lone. 422 7108. 37-3p 14. Miscellaneous The Gaxette-Tlmes will pay 50 cents a copy for the first 15 July 29 issues returned to us In excel lent condition. 31tf EXCELLENT quality alfalfa hay, $70 ton. Bob Walden, Spray. 468-2684. 37-3c Wall hung electric fire place; older G.E. stove, works good. 676-9898. 39-3p FOR SALE: 500 gallon underground tank. Call 989-8248. 39-lcf 14 GRANNIE'S DOLL HOUSE: Now featuring Tiffany Taylor doll and wardrobe. New styles for Crissy. Come see! 676-5583. 39-3C Furniture FOR SALE: 2 end tables, 1 coffee table, good condition. 676-9247. 37-3c For Sale: Used 12 x 15 Carpet, Used 5 Piece Bedroom Set, metal closet, Used Rocking Chair. Call 676 9977. 39-lc 19. Motorcycles? 1975 250CC Suzuki Sav age on and off the road, street legal. 800 miles, good condition. $750, or best offer. 676 5870. 34tf 20. Mobile Homes 1967 30 ft. Airstream trailer; International Sovereign. Loaded with extras. Air conditioner. Call 676-9711. 37-3p 22. Cars & Trucks 1972 Datsun pickup with canopy below book.. Call mornings or eve nings. 989 8557. S7-3C FOR SALE: 1954 Jeep pickup. Don Bennett, 6769771. 31 tfc CB RADIOS: Installa tion, repair. AMFM radios, tape players, Sid Zinter, Jr. 422 7441. JTtfn 1973 Ford Wagon; auto matic, PS. IVB., air cond. with luggage rack. Call Butch Laugh tin after 7 pm. 678 976I. 39 3p Boats C. Kik and Son for Flberfoam. Starcraft. Caldwell and Martin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH &674MI0. Ilrrmia ton Mc Nary Dam IIy. Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE: 1 si.lehy side 1 story duplex. All modern conveniences, S yrs. old. will go mm , .Slat (it loan Rental will Mp make the mortgage paymrru $7t 044 Of 676 JJ KUfC Real Estate For Sale FOR SALE: Newer 3 bedroom home; large yard, $25,000. 676-5594. 36tfc 20 ACRES DOUBLE WIDE MOBILE HOME 2 miles south of town, approx. 20 plus acres with small yr. round creek, well, nearly new, 3 bedrm. double-wide mobile home, compos, roof, all electric, car peted with stove and refrig. $32,500. Call owner 676-9876 or 676 5217. 39-1-c FOR SALE: House in lone, write P.O. Box 74, lone, OR 97843. 26tfc Ranch for Sale 800 total acres with 530 irrigated 180 dry land & balance in pasture, machine storage sheds, shops grain storage bins 2 wells, and 2 houses For more information contact Roy Lindstrom, BOBSECOLO REALTY INC. 256-0421 Res. 658-5653 3 hedmom. new carpet, fireplace, large corner lot. view, family room, nice yard. 676 9456. 38 tfc FOR SALE: Approx. 4 acre divided into 50 x 100 ft. lots in the Hardman area. There are 17 50 x 100 ft. lots and one 1-acre lot. Will sell any part or the entire parcel. Close to hunting and fishing. Call 679746. 1511 FOR SALE: Beecher'a Cafe, lone; Bob Secolo Realty Co. Call Roy Lindstrom. 2564421. Res. 658 5653. Portland. 24tf TURF 9 sq. ft. ERIC ANDERSON 422-7204 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lr Ranch for 1 Sole 1 1 U0 total acres 430 acres Irrigated mobile home, e ; close to Boeing For more 1 1 information 1 contact Roy Lindstrom, 1 I BOBSECOLO I REALTY, INC. 1 254-0421, f Res. 158-5653 Tiitiiiitiiitiitiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiii'ir; tawjMnjsus afkV OUTTIIEYGUH! M SPECIAL THIS WEEK 1973 Ford Pick up with camper box 1973 ton Intern., clean, low mileage, deluxe thru-out, air cond. 1976 F 600 Series Ford Truck, 16 ft. combina tion factory bed with hoist. 900 rubber 1976 F150 4 x 4 6587 miles 1974 H T. 4 x 4 auto, & air, a .real clean unit FARLEY MOTOR CO. Call Phil Doherty on any of the May and Heppner Flying H Breeding Service Supplies and Semen J. H. Hayes 676-9841 676-5367 Heppnerites A new or used car in your future? If so. contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. The Walking Man's Friend Pendleton Ph. 276-7341 Home Phone 276-0376 Specialists In frat k-larr Trai tor Repair Automotive Welding r handle truck hoists, beds j no ratss, own ruslam-huilt : tractor cahs and gooseneck tpe trailers Air 4 'ondil Inning B.&C Repair Shop I.':- net c t r ot nil ni it"- It INK THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS Audi Volkswagen MHWlnlrrnlksSra Prndli tin.tir ;.... it Mobile Homes; 20 homes M A t M t MtHtll V. IMiMM iM r M. rrl tc Hrppnrr c Hst"""' re rt " i ft C"t" Iff 0 Trucks 1975 Courier. 6.000 miles Cars 1974 Chev. Vega. 3 dr., good unit 1973 Chev Laguna, 2 dr. hdtp 1970 Chrysler Newport, clean, low mileage, air cond., good rubber 1972 Ford Galaxy 500, 2 dr. hard top, clean unit 1972 Chev, Malibu, 4 dr. sdn, good unit 676-5188 above units Chase, 676-91 16 Notices PJOTICE OF PROPOSED ABANDONMENT Notice is hereby given that the Interstate Com merce Commission is teing requested to Issue I. certificate ol public c onvenience and neces i ity permitting aban donment by Oregon U'ashington Railroad imd Navigation Com pany and abandonment if operation by Union Pacific Railroad Com lany over a portion of ( )regon-Wasbington llailroad and Naviga tion Company branch line trackage known as the Umatilla Branch extending from railroad inilepost 1.3 near Umatilla. Oregon, in a westerly direction to railroad milepost 18.15 near Irrigon, Oregon, a distance of 7.52 miles In Umatilla and Morrow Counties. Oregon. The trackage proposed to be abandoned Includes the iton-agency station of Irrigon. The Interest of em ployees will be protect ed by Imposition of the 'Burlington Condi lions." Chicago, Bur lington A Qulncy Rail road Abandonment. 257 I.C.C. 706. The reason for the proposed abandonment is that there has been no irstfk over the track igt during 174. 17S tnd the first nine nooths of 176. There b M prospect of obtaining the traffic necessary to Justify continued opera tion of this portion of trackage. The proposed abandonment would not tffect the movement of products to and from this area. If abandon ment Is authorised this trackage will be re classified as sidetrack. The name and ad dress of applicants' rep resentative In whom In quiry snay be made is Joseph D. Anthofer, As ttetast General Attor ney. Union Pacific Rail road Company. 1116 Dodge Street. Omaha. Nebraska MIT. The Interstate Com merce t'nmmlsalonj will rule upon this appli cation without hearings less protests ar re eel ed which contain In formation indicating a teed for such hearing. In artnrdaace with the tommtaalon't regula- iUm tit c.r.ft. llMZSat in l Tarte No. U I Sob Ne, 41. Implementation Natlon I f ttrwameaUt Pol icy Act, 1969. 348 I.C.C. 431 (1972), any protests may include a state ment indicating the presence or absence of any effect of the re quested Commission ac tion on the quality of the human environment. If any such effect is al leged to be present, the statement shall include information relating to the relevant facts set forth in Es Parte No. 55 (Sub No. 4). supra, Part (B) (IMS), 340 I.C.C. 431, 461. Applicants state that the authority sought in the requested Commis sion action will have no significant effect on the quality of human en vironment. Any protest referring to this notice (No. AB-37 Sub No. 6) shall be filed with the Interstate Com merce Commission, Washington, D.C. 20423, not later than December 1. 1976. OREGON WASHINGTON RAILROAD & NAVIGATION COMPANY UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY Published Oct. 28. Nov. 4 & 11. 1976 Notices NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT TRANSFER APPLICATION NO. 73 FOR A CHANGE IN POINT OF APPROPRIATION OF GROUND WATER Notice is given hereby that Georgia Belle Hol zapfel has filed an ap plication for approval of a change in point of appropriation of ground water from a certain aquifer, under the pro visions of ORS 537.705. Heretofore the appli cant has obtained water from the shallow gravel aquifer system by means of her "Well No. I" located 975 ft. N. and 1400 ft. W. from the E. 1 4 corner of Sec. 32, being within the SW UNEUof Sec. 32. T.4N.. R. 27 E., W.M.. having a depth of 123 ft. and a developed pumping yield of 575 gallons per minute, for Irrigation nnder the fol lowing described rights of record: (I) A right to appro priate not to exceed 0.61 c.f.s. with a dale of priority of March 16. 1953, for Irrigation of 16 acres inSE'. NEW and 33 acres lnSW'4NE4of Sec. 32. T.4N..R.27E.. W.M.. as evidenced by certificate recorded at Page 22s. Vol. I. State Record of Water Right Certificates. t2 A right tn appro priate not to exceed 0.61 c.f.s. with a date of priority of March 16. I1S3. for Irrigation of acres In NE' 4 SK" 4 and 40 acres iaNWSSK'.of Sec. 32. T. 4 N R. 27 E.. W.M.. as evidenced by certificate recorded at Page 2UW9. Vol. 10. State Record of Water Right Certificates. (31 A right to appro priate not to exceed 0.23 c.f.s. with a date of priority of July I. 193. for Irrigation of l0 acres In SE NE Sec. 32. T.4N-R.27E.. W.M.. as evidenced by the certificate recorded at Page nT, Vol. !. State Record f Water Right Certificates. It) A right U appro priate not to exceed an umlutded 3 OA c.f.s. from said Well No. I and two other wells alto de teloping water from tne Mme aquifer, with a dale of priority of Jnne is. I ft, tor irrigation of 31 acres In NEW 40 acres in KW, fit-.' 4. 0arrelq,!iK'4t,f Se. JJ: supplemental Irrigation among other land. 27 acres in NF.'i NF.S.f nrres in NW4 NE'4. 7.0 acres in SW'4 NE4 snd 0.0 acres in SE'4 NE4 of Sec. 32, all in T. 4 N.. R. 27 E., W.M., as evi denced by the certifi cate recorded at Page 31098. Vol. 23, State Record of Water Right Certificates. The applicant herein, owner of the lands above described, pro poses to change the point of appropriation away from said -Well No. 1" and, without loss 4f priority, obtain the water from said aquifer by means of her "Well No. 5" located 100 ft. S. and 80 ft. W. from the N. ; ' jcorner of Sec. 32, T. 4 N., R. 27 E., W.M. All persons interested are notified hereby that -a hearing will be held at the county courthouse at Heppner, Oregon, on January 6. 1977, at 9:30 -a.m. All objections to the proposed change, if any there are. will be -heard at said time and place. Any and all ob-' jections shall be pre pared in writing, one copy to be served on Georgia Bell Holzapfel, P.O. Box 214. Wasco. Oregon 97063, and one copy filed with the Water Resources De ' partment. Salem, Ore gon 97310, together with a f 10 filing fee, at least , 10 days prior to the date ' set for hearing. IF NO OBJECTION IS FILED, THE APPLICATION ; MAY BE APPROVED BY THE WATER RE SOURCES DIRECTOR WITHOUT A HEAR ING. Administrative rules pertaining to the filing of a protest will be furnished by the Water Resources Department upon request. Dated at Salem. Ore gon, this 25th day of October. 1976. JAMES E.SEXSON Director Published Nov. 11, 18. 25. 1976. Notices The Morrow County Planning Commission will meet Monday. No vember 22. 1976 at 8:00 p.m. at the Riverside High School auditorium. Boardman. Oregon. ..Public Hearings will be held on the following matters: 1) Application from L.W. Vail and Co. for a conditional use permit in a FARM lone. Pro posed use Is a concrete batch plant, office, and scales. Location of the proposed use Is T4N. R25E. sec. 10. the east erly portion of tax lot no. 3201 ownrd by Mr. and Mrs. Emmett O. Mc Kemie. H Application from Wil lie Otterkamp for a conditional nse permit In a FARM RESIDEN TIAL tone. Proposed use Is a mobile home park. Lor a I loo of the propoaed nse la T I N. R E. sec. 23, tax lot no. 7 consisting M acres owned by Cecil Rock. j) proponed revisions and amendments to the Morrow County Subdlv talon Ordinance. Intrrested persons are tnt Ued to attend the bearing nod express their lws. Written, igned statements will be considered. Reaaons for approval or disap proval should be Includ ed In seal or written statements. Mrs. Dorrts l Grates ChaU man.. Morrow t oanty I'UoMing t mmitnn publish In the Noiem fcer II and Noif oWr tl Uaoes of the t.aiette and snail involve In Morrow County (erk.