Page 12. THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Herpwer. OR. Thursday, Oct. Action agency offers assistance Community action can heat your home. That's what the Heppner Neighborhood Center advo- 31 Grieb, Sargent winners Two area 4-H'ers took top honors at the Pacific Inter national livestock Exposition last week, amidst a field of more than 200 4-H members from Oregon, Washington, Idaho, California, Montana, and Colorado. f in the intermediate beef showmanship contest, Geri (Srieb, Lexington, claimed the Oregon Cattlemen's Associa tion trophy as champion. Mark Sargent, Heppner, was reserve champion in crossbred swine classes. New arrivals To Mr. and Mrs. Louie Eng, Lexington, a son, Shad Dee, weighing 7 lbs. and 2Vt oz., born on October 9. Grandparents are Mrs. Ray Papineau, and Agnes Nichols, Lexington. Shad joins two brothers, Shawn and Shane. To Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lee Wilhem, Heppner, a daughter, .Tammy Jo, born October 16, weighing 4 lbs., 14 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moss, Napa vine, WA; Mr. and Mrs. James Wilhem, Heppner. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Coffman, Milton, WA, and Mrs. Paddock, Sweet Home. OR. To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Unrein, Heppner, a son, James Lee, born on October 15, weighing 6 lbs., 3 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Jack McTimpeny, Hep pner, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hunter, Pointerville, CA. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Hudson, Hep pner. To Ron and Teresa Hoff man. Oregon City, OR. a daughter, Andrea Nicole, on October 15. at St. Vincent s Hospital, Portland. Andrea weighed 6 lbs. and oz. She joins a sister, Heide Miy Hoffman. Grandparents are Jim Mon ahan. Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoffman, Pendleton. -REPLACE R0KE1I LASS in RM DOORS SAFETY ACRYLIC PLASTIC J T1 .i n tA tut." . I it I la Cut. tr. ,tr4 ni I'm n r ' j with ,u o i n J. 1 1 1 r.rv I I far I cates and they have the plans and operations to prove it. The Neighborhood Center says that if a person is low-income and elderly, low income and handicapped or just low Incomed, they can help. The community action agency has a plan to keep these people warm this win ter. With the conservation of energy in mind, the agency offers services to homes. Among these services are the installation of skirting, insulating attics, floors and walls; repair of broken win dows; patching roofs and walls; caulking cracks and joints; weathers tripping doors and windows; installing plas tic storm windows; bank foundations or wrapping pipes. The services are all energy saving techniques that require simple effort and desire which the agency is offering. Whether a person rents or whether he buys, if he is a low income person, he is urged to contact the Heppner office at the Neighborhood Center. Pat Brindle is the contact at 676-5873 or on 120 South Main Street in Heppner. To Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jay Brownfield, Heppner, a daughter, Alissa Katherine, born October 15, weighing 8 lbs., 2 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles Christensen, Redmond, OR, and Mr. and Mrs. Jay Brownfield, Eugene, OR. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. H.E. Lee, Happy Camp, CA. Alissa joins two sisters, Carrie, 44, and Amy, 2. To Mr. and Mrs. Chris Elden Davis, Heppner, a daughter, Loyla Shantel, weighing 5 lbs. and 104 oz., born on October 17. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis, Lonerock. Great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lester Cole, Jack son, KY; Mrs. Agnes Davis, Lonerock, and Mrs. Ellen Rogers, Lonerock. To Mr. and Mrs. Michael John Palmer, McNary, OR, a daughter, Jaqualine Doris, born October 14, weighing 8 lbs. and 1 oz. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Palmer, Her miston. OR, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stevens, Hermiston; Mrs. Aikens, Estacada, OR; Mrs. Ralph Moore, Hermis ton. Great grandparent is Mrs. Ellen Rogers, Lonerock. We have safety acrylic plastic to replace broken gtass in storm doors. PETTYJOHN'S SUPPLY Your Sentry II r die arc Center 676-9157 Heppner, Ore, gl. ?g ii .' ' )f i L ' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Thurmond Peck-Thurmond wed Teresa L. Peck became the bride of Randy L. Thurmond October 5 at 6:30 p.m. at the United Methodist Church in Heppner. The Pastor, Steve Tollefson, performed the double ring ceremony. Organist was Mrs. Pauline Miller. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck of Heppner, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Boursaw, Pilot Rock, and Mr. Troy Thurmond of Roseburg. " The couple was given in marriage by their parents, the bride wore an ivory floor length gown, fashioned with long train, long sleeves and bodice of brocade overlay. Her fingertip veil was held in place with a brocade tiara. She carried a bouquet of burgundy mums and pink roses. The bride's sister, Debbie Olsen, was maid of honor. Tami Toll of Heppner was bridesmaid. The best man was SUn Britt. Cliff Lankford and the bride's brother, Steve Peck, were ushers. Following a reception in the church basement, the couple left for a trip to Lewiston. The couple live in Heppner, where the groom is employed by Kinzua Corp. GIFT PRICGD UMDGR $35 113 qr "! I . ii i i rt t o"e""3 tuts ?en fmnmr H i tice'ie"! vtu P'c'on (' Omc tn ifym Vm iu'd godton cti. Ip cooJ full numfsl d'l and ur txtlabl mmipHJ Wi'f atf ihoch ftt'!"! Bgiovs gu'i"!l AaJ mry 1utiibl fu'l 0niOt J"d, 134 95 ht. . . si w (' i ( ij I fv4,.-,' I i 1 1 I The bride is in her senior year at Heppner High School. Garden Club The garden clubs of Morrow County have been working on gathering pictures and facts about historic trees. The lone Garden Club won many hon ors with the pictures and articles that they submitted to a book of historic trees that was a Bicentennial project of the Eastern Oregon area of Garden Clubs. The Heppner Garden Club is eager to learn about historic trees south of Lexington. Mrs. Norman Nelson is planning to put together a book about all the historic trees of the county. She will use the ma terial that the lone Club has already published and the pictures and articles that the Heppner Club hopes to gather. If you have information about historic trees, or can furnish a picture of old trees, or help the club get a picture and story about old trees, please contact Irene Nolan, in charge of this project for the Heppner Garden Club. 9am to 6pm 676-9200 All Saints' members to attend convention The Parish of All Saints will worship at 10:30 a.m. on Sunday. Worship will be led by Mr. Gene Reitmann and the Bishop's Charge to the diocese will be heard on cassette tape during the service. The rector and other mem bers of the parish will be at the Diocesan Convention in Can yon City on that day. After the service, during coffee hour, Ruth-Locust chapter Ruth-Locust Chapter No. 32. O.E.S., resumed activities this fall with several Grand Chap ter Committee members mak ing their official visit at the September meeting. Those welcomed into the Chapter room by Worthy Matron Mary Bryant and Worthy Patron Claude Graham were Ms. Janis Friedly, Pilot Rock, Blood Bank Committee; Ms. Galena Sandwick, Milton-Freewaler, ESTARL Committee; and Ms. Lillian Sorensen, Pendleton, We Now Hove Moture TURF 18" X40" strips 500 feet per pallet 9Csq. it. on the farm Cash a Carry No Deliveries Co Eric Anderson 422-7204 , y J Tomatoes No. 1 Potatoes Turkey drumsticks vo f u Ham shanks Uregon L.niei Wieners 2 Oregon Chief Hills Sausage ltb. Rolls 89 Western Family Eggs r-sWt Darigold Butter some important information will be presented and dis cussed concerning the life of the parish. All members are urged to be present. Confirmation and Inquirers' classes are being held for young people on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and for adults on Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. All interested persons are wel come. Released time classes Home Endowment Commit tee. Each guest gave a talk concerning her particular committee. Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the meeting. The October meeting was preceded by a no-host dinner at the Wagon Wheel in honor of Ms. Dorothy Doane, As sociate Grand Conductress of the Grand Chapter of Oregon, who was making her official visit to the chapter for the purpose of holding a School of Instruction. Apples Red & Golden Delicious Red Homes 55 10 lbs. 29 c lb. 59Cb. ilEZC - i"'ck 75 J 1 dot. lib. for youngsters are held on Mondays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., and all children are welcome to attend. Next Wednesday Is the Feast of Saints Simon and Jude. There will be a cele bration of the Holy Commun ion at 10 a.m. The century-old St. Thomas' Church in Canyon City will be meets Ms. Doane Is a member of Meridian Chapter at Eugene. Also present at this meeting was Ms. Margaret Jorgensen, Irrigon, member of the Cancer Research Fund Com mittee, who spoke of her tour of the Cancer Research Divis ion of the Oregon Medical School and related data con ceiving cancer research. Refreshments were served in the dining room, which was decorated in the Halloween motif, with Marjorie Worden and Wave! Wilkinson hostes ses. Cub Scout wants YOUR OLD NEWSPAPERS Deliver to 295 Water St. or call 989-8160 For Pick-up Sponsored by AXia like 1 get to know you i m .- & Moat Groc. lb. Jolly Time Popcorn Western Family Syrup Mission Egg noodles 12 ox. 49 Crescent 2 oz. Walnuts 3 for $1 Western Family Chili concarne isoz. 39 (mm) mm In ir.. KH.. & the site for the annual con vention of the Episcopal Dio cese of Eastern Oregon Oc tober 22-24. Attending the convention at Canyon City from All Saint Church here will be Ned Clark and Robert Lowe. Other delegates are Robert Abrams, Pauline Winter, Theta Lowe, Elaine Miller, Kathy Clark, and Maxine Reitmann, along with Kenneth D. Miller, Rector of the local parish. in , .- i p . FOR TREASURER Experience, Experience, Experience. C'v Mw to T Commri o Ho.Mil Pni!t?i Pack 661 to HKt'l'NKIt BKANCII fIRST NATIONAL BANK OF OREGON MARKET 676-9288 676 - 9614 4 lbs. 99 47 oz. $1 19 00 Western Family SI59 1 Rl. I'rlcci effective Sit - Q-t. 2". 29. 31) WARPDFIOS. CMt