THE GAZETTE-TIMES, Heppner. OR. Thursdsy. Oct. It, l7g, Psge 1 . , , 1 ' v y Card of Thanks ; Special thanks to Dr. Gif ford and the hospital staff for their gentle attentions, and to family and friends for the cards and flowers. J Linda Prock Card of Thanks i ; To anyone who did not receive a note of thanks, our "sincere apologies some of the gift cards were lost in moving the gifts from Hep jpner to Portland. Thank you all very much. Julie and Denny Bird 2. Notices PUBLIC NOTICE J The Umatilla Electric Co- -operatlve Association, 1723 N. First Street. Ilermiston, Ore gon announces that It proposes Uo construct S.S miles of US Kilovolt transmission line 'with 7.2 12.47 Kilovolt under build and a 10,000 KVA substation In an area located approximately 7 mites South west of the Umatilla Army Depot in Morrow County along the County's Microwave Koad. . . The Homestead-Ordnance transmission line begins In the i.W. corner of Section 7, T.3 North. R 2 KWM where It attaches to an existing trans mission line. From this point, the transmission line proceeds East along the South side of Morrow County's Homestead Road for S.S miles. From this point, the transmission line proceeds North along the East Side of Morrow County's Microwave Road for 4 mile, terminating at the Fast Home stead Substation. These facilities will make it possible for the Cooperative to relieve an overloaded sub station and Increase the sys- ttem reliability in the area. If there are any comments on environmental aspects of ! the proponed construction. 'they should be submitted in writing to the Cooperative ' within 30 days of the publi cation of this notice. Route map of the proponed line may be seen at the office of the Cooperetive. 2. Notices IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF MORROW PROBATE DEPARTMENT ESTATE OF 1 ) PATRICK MclNTYHF.. DECEASED 1 NO. 1770 NOTICE TO INTERESTED j PERSONS ! Probate proceeding In the estale of PATRICK MclV TYRE deceased, are now pending In the a bote entitled court, wherein Ann Hutchin son the undrrlgned. has been appointed and has qualified as Jhe personal representative of itaid estate. All person having rlaims against said etate hereby are required to present them. In due form, within four months after the date of the firt publication of this notice, as slated below, to the Undersigned at the following address now designated as the place for the presentation of rlaims to wit: HI North Main treet. Heppner. Oregon. All persons whose rights (nay be affected by said probate proceedings may ob tain additional Information irnm the record of the court, the undersigned personal rep resentative or Ihe latler's ktlornev who are Winter Iweency. P.O. Hns 12. Hep pner. Oregon. ;st. s Ann lltili hlnon. I'ersmtal rrernlUe, 1 1 ii.h HA. IHt e.. Tiid. tn-nn ;:t. J-hone: fcl'islli 9 I 2. Notices SOROPTIMIST RUMMAGE SALE, Morrow County Fair Pavilion, Heppner, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Oct. 15-16. For pickup call: Marlcne Gray, 676-5395; Lenna Smith, 676-9143; Mollie Becket, 989-8507 or Nadine O'Brien, 676-9602. 30-5c Now you can clean carpets the professional way at a fraction of the cost with Rinse-N-Vac. Rent at Case Furniture. 15c I will not be responsible for any bills, except my own. Leland Magili lone, OR Notices PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE ..The Morrow County Plan ning Commission will meet Monday. October 25. 1976 at 8:00 p.m. at the Courthouse. Heppner. Oregon. . . A public hearing will be held on the application of Thomas P. & Carol J. Hilling. Board man, for a Zone Change from Farm to Farm Residential on Tax Lot oo. I.H0 acres, and Tax Lot 500. 4.80 acres, located In T 4 N. R 25 EWM. Map I6AD, on Wilson Rd., approximately M mile south east of Boardman. Oregon. ..All Interested persons are welcome to attend the hear ing. Written, signed state ments may be submitted and will be considered at the hearing. Statements should Include your reasons for ap proval or disapproval. MORROW COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION s-Dorris L.Graves, Chairman A gifl for all occasions; let (lowers do it. The Posy Patch. 67B -HlJii. 15lfc NEW Rinse N-Vac steam cleans, rinses and vacuums out dirl leaving carpets pro fessionally clean. Rent at Oiast lo-('oast. 15c 6. Wanted WANTED: to rent or lease a house or cabin in the moun tains around Heppner. 422-7557, lone. 7. Rentals FOR RENT: Trailer space; preferably small trailer. 98984'ffl. 34 3c FOR RENT: Furnished apart ment; includes heat and all utilities. Ph. 6769432 or 676 9278. 34 3c For Rent: I & 2 bedrm. apts. No pets. Call after 6.30 p m. 422 7587 . 34tfc 8. Services Will make leather belts, west ern or other. Prices are reasonable. Call 676 5878. 35 3C SEWING MACHINE Repair and scissor sharpening, Octo ber 18. Also used sewing ma chine. CASK FURNITURE. 676412, 35 Ic 10. Livestock Poly post rugged and durable, cheaper lhan steel Call 421 71 Wor 422 7441. Ifflfc WILL BUY crippled, retired and spoiled horses Hen Eng lish. Ph. 567 omtt. life 11. Farm Equipment For Renl Tillers -cultivate jour "in now and catch tin- (.ill nuns I'rttt John's t iJ, Vile 13. Pasture & Feed SEED WHEAT: McDermit and Paha; also 100 bu. treated Paha. Don Peterson, 422-7136. 35-3c FOR SALE: 22 sacks treated Hyslop wheat. Call 422-7236. 35-3C 14. Miscellaneous The Gazette-Times will pay 50 cents a copy for the first 15 July 29 issues returned to us in excellent condition. 31tf Collector's Club Flea Market; Milton-Freewater Community Building, Saturday, October 23, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. 35-2c Special This Week 4-Z Brick Redrcg.J5.49 NOW $4.90 ctn. Used reg. $6.49 NOW $5.60 ctn. Lexington Lumber Yard, 989-8586. 35-1-C Special this week Laun plywood paneling A Grade reg. $5.50, this week $4.95. Lexington Lumber Yard 989-8586. 34-1-C FOR SALE: Alfalfa hay and railroad ties. Contact Ken Wright, 676-5832 or 676-5345. 33-3c Save time and $$$. Let us bore-sight your rifle. $1. Pettyjohn's Supply. 676-9157. 32-4C You've been waiting for them II Good used PM-6A McCullogh chain saws $95.00 each PETTYJOHN'S SUPPLY Heppner-I.ex llwy 18. Furniture & Appliances FOR SALE: 17 cu. ft. upright freeicr. Good condition, freei es good. Lexington 989 8557. 34 3 King aiie bed. $225; single bed. $UH); Dinette set. $100. Like new used I month. 676 9212. 34 2 )" elecl. range; yr. old Kitchen-Aid dishwasher with chopping block; antique wood burning range; New elect, horse clippers. 676 mi. 34 2 19. Motorcycles 1971 Honda CB 750 Kl motor cyclcIUi.ket case-Best of fer. Ph 989 8149 evenings 341c FOR SALE: Suiuki TCinn. C mo old. 4t mile. Like new. w s tr.j after 6 pm week days, anytime weekends 34 3p -m J'aifC Suukl Savage on i,n,i oil the tMd. Mreet legal, fi miles, good condition tfo, r 11 Lifer T6 V 3f 20. Mobile Homes FOR SALE: Double-wide 3 bedrm,; set up and ready for occupancy. $15,500, $3,000 down. Site may be purchased or rented. 676-9876 or 206573 3211. 34-3-C 21. Trailers & Campers Nomad Camp Trailer, 19 ft. self-contained w-shower, exc. cond. $3,000, call after 5. Inez Meador, 676-9192. tfc Recreational vehicle anti freeze now in stock. $5.95 gal. Pettyjohn's 676-91 57. 35-3-C 22. Cars & Trucks 1967 International 1-ton truck, with stock racks, $1,200. Call Bob Duncan 76-5550. 35-4-c CB RADIOS: installation, re pair. AM-Fm radios, tape players, Sid Zinter Jr. 422 7441. 27tfn 1972 Datsun pickup with canopy. Excellent condition. Low mileage. 989-8557. 34-4-76 FOR SALE: 1954 Jeep pickup. Don Bennett, 676-9771. 31-tfc 23. Boats C. Kik and Son for Fiberfoam,' Starcraft. Caldwell and Mar tin boats. Mercury motors and EZ Loader trailers. PH 567 8419, Hermiston-McNary Dam ; Hwy. 9tfc" 24. Real Estate l'i lots for sale in Lexington. Good for trailer home, or building site. 989 8557. 34-4-c FOR SALE: house in lone, write P.O. Box 74. lone, OR 97843. 26tfc FOR SALE: 2 side-by -side 2 story duplex. All modern con veniences, 3 yrs old, will go max. State GI loan. Rental will help make the mortgage payments. 676-9456 or 676-9632. 26tfc FOR SALE: Beechcrs Cafe, lone; Bob Secolo Realty Co. Call Roy Lindstrom. 256-0421 Res. 658 5653, Portland. 24 tf OUTTHEYGC! CIJ? SPECIAL It7 Chrysler Newport. ; rlran. low mileage, air cond.. good rubber 171 Chev. Vega. 1 dr.. good unit 1973 Chev i-aiuna. 1 dr. dtp 172 Ford (ialasy SM. I it. .hard lop. clean unit 1972 Chev. Mallow. 4 dr. .ads. good vail . HuUk, I dr. id, low mileage On any of the Call Phil Doherty Pontlac Bulck FARLEY MOTOR CO.i u Ma anti Noppner 24. Real Estate FOR SALE: Approx. 4 acres divided into 50 x 100 ft. lots in Ihe Hardman area. There are 17 50 x 100 ft. lots and one 1-acrelot. Will sell any part or the entire parcel. Close to hunting and fishing. Call 676-9746. 15tf 180 Quaid St., 3 bdrm. home, lg. fenced yd., l'2 baths, fireplace, $30,000. Contact Dave Dollarhide, 1st Nat'l Bank, 676-9163 for appt. 34tfc Ranch for Sale Morrow County irrigated 'ranch, 1,026 acres, border )ing Boeing. 900 acres ) under cultivation with irrigation equipment. .Modern 4 bedroom home. plus out buildings. Grain 'elevator with truck scales. ) Owner will carry contract. For more information, contact Roy Lindstrom, BOB SECOLO REALTY, INC. 236-0421. Res. 658-5653 House for Sale. 3 bedroom 380 S. Gilmore. Ph. 676-9200 or 676-94(56. "tfc 3 bdrm, new carpet, fireplace, large corner lot, view, family room, nice yard. 676-9456. 31-7p r Heppnerltes A new or used car in your future? If so. contact: Ed Wells at Keith Farley I ( Chrysler-Plymouth Inc. The Walking Man's Friend o Pendleton Ph. 27S-7341 ' Home Phone 278-0576 4as J COLE ELECTRIC Motor Rwiadio9 Industrial . Commercial Furm and Home Pendleton 276 7761 n n n PICKUP SPECIAL 1 97 J T Intern. 2W drive, super deluve cab. power steering, enlv I. miles lU FlM 111 mites U;t,T. llato, A air. a .real cleaa unit 1971 Courier. I X miles It? International T, 2W drtva. tlmm r-ewl. .alr-etMd , miles lT3 Ford t T. 2W drle. cleaa unit abovo units 676-5180 Ford GMC Trucks Chaso, imt n. t. 676-9 ! 16 Business Opportunities .d WESTERN ATO jTTT 1? YOU CAN OWN A WESTERN AUTO STORE IN: Heppner, Oregon There is an opportunity available in the above towns for a Western Auto Associate Store selling hardware, sporting goods, automotive supplies, furniture, refrigerators, freezers, wash ers, televisions. CB.', radios, other electronics, etc. We will train you, help install your store and provide counselling after you're open. Financing is available to qualified prospects. If you're interested in owning your own Western Auto Associate Store call this toll free number today. 800 821-7700 ext. 818 Or write: R. T. Renfro, VP. Western Auto 2107 Grand Ave.. Kansas City. Mo. 64108 Be sure to provide your phone number and complete address. WESTERN AUTO THE GAS SAVERS Beetle Rabbit Scirocco Bus Dasher Audi Fox Audi 100LS 7k Audi Volkswagen .Mel inter Volkswagen Pendleton. Oregon 2;-.h;ii am SMwm Mobile Homes 20 homes NKW & l'SKI MORIl.K IIOMF.S on our lot. ready for I leppner customers. Free set up and delis ery GENERAL CONSTRUCTION New Construction References Remodeling Licensed & Bonded Brick & Blockwork Fireplaces Call 567-3784 or 567-8088 GENERAL REVENUE SHARING PLANNED USE REPORT Ow SS pnma IM Smdt c toesi w iwi T cot o row to.iinttpi n" i lad. O etAMtttO lHOitUMt 11 C"t Wt Sat" I 6) WMCT) TS ft LL tMtirrn t I -s S Notices TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Before contracting aluminum siding for your home, check with Pettyjohn's Supply. We sell and install. 676-9157. 35-1-C NEWSPAPER F)OCT10-16(f Elks Calendar For Elks Only Thurs. Oct. 14 ' Lodge 8 p.m. Fri. Oct. 15 Happy Hour 5-7 Dinner by Jim 6:30-8 p.m. Sat. Oct. 16 Dinner 4 Live Music W ed. Oct. 29 Pinochle Heppner B.P.O.E Specialists In Track layer Tractor Kepairl Aulomolise Welding e handle truck hoists, beds and racks, both factory and custom-built: tractor cabs and gooseneck Is pe trailers Air Conditioning B&C Repair Shop 122-7 m (I.F.OCIIII.DF.KS IONF 122-7123 C WtM U1CMIM Pw UK tn( MVSN'M t''lllM' nX AA '- tMnuOM CWCIMMM Jt. VAHl 10 t'SNP TMM uo to i-t vot ccout 36 2 025 004 LE1'0T0M TOWM LEXINGTON 0ee 5vN 979 J9 . laKlarWw Clly nstr tni fM. m T n " "" RaaM mi fm (J a Sx- 0 ttmmtm '' 0V Extension tour Oct. 28 October 28 is the day for the annual fall out-of-county tour, sponsored by the Extension Homemakers Advisory Com mittee. The educational tours have proven so popular with women that men are now demanding equal rights. This time, spec ial invitation is offered to all interested men and women to join the tour. Destination this fall is the Trojan Nuclear Plant near Portland. Special arrangements for the tour of Trojan have been made by Bus Clough of Portland General Electric Company. In order to keep costs to a minimum, sack lunches will be the order of the day, with PGE providing coffee and cookies to go along with lunch. After the tour, the buses will take participants back to downtown Portland with time allowed for sight seeing in the area of the mall and other new developments in the downtown area. Dinner plans will be "on your own" prior to bus departure. Cost for transportation will be $8.50, which must be sent in with registration to partici pate. Checks should be made to "Extension Homemakers Committee." The bus will leave Heppner at 5:30 a.m., pick up passengers in Lexing ton and Boardman. Reservations for the tour should be sent to Morrow County Extension Service, Box 397, Heppner. If there are more than one bus load inter ested, a second bus will be chartered. Final date to regis ter is Monday, October 25th. Office expanded The firm of Herman Winter-Mike Sweeney, attorneys at law, has expanded to a branch office in Boardman. The new office, in Nelson Square, has already opened and will be open on Tuesday and Thursday from 9-5. CLASSIFIED RATES Billing for classified ads Is expensive. Classified ads are on a cash la advance basis, nless customer has a regular commercial account with the Cajette-Times. If so. classi fieds will be billed monthly. Rates are 11.54 for the flnt tea words or less, or IS cents a word. If the ad runs for 3 weeks, the third week to free. If the ad runs for 4 consecutive weeks or more, the rale to 16 cents a word. Cards of thanks are IJ.H. For quick results, call 676-9228 w 676-l02. LEXINGTON TtUH MSVfNK IalV-Xtlaa, I F'-s- " A nin n iiiitim ti f