Page . THE GAZETTE-TIMES. Heppner. OR. Th gday. Oct. 14. 17S Lisa Martin installed lone Worthy Advisor On Sunday afternoon, Sep tember 26th, Miss Lisa Martin was installed as Worthy Ad visor of the lone Assembly No. 89, Order of Rainbow for Girls. Installing officers were: Worthy Advisor, Christy Ed mondson; Marshall, Cindi Do herty; Musician, Linda Prock; Recorder, Arlene Can non; Chaplain, Rene Gutier rez. Other officers installed were: WAA, Kim Pettyjohn; Charity, Barbara Devine; Hope, Tanna Hams; Faith, Darcy Rea; Recorder, Laurie Childers; Treasurer, Christy Edmondson; Chaplain, Janet te Piper; Drill Leader, Mar garet Kincaid; Love, Patty Devine; Religion, Tammy Howard; Immortality, Ginny Estes; Nature, Julie Baker; Fidelity, Kelly Pettyjohn; Patriotism, Lisa Meyers; Ser vice, Lynn Dee Devine; Con fidential Observer, Lori Prock; Outer Observer, Tam my Tucker; Choir Director, Arlene Cannon. Heppner John R. Hall, of Heppner, Oregon, has joined the staff of The Federal Land Bank of Spokane as Assistant Director of Research, according to A.W. Neel, President. Hall, who joined the Land Bank System in 1975 as a Farm Credit , Assistant, re ceived farm appraisal and personal risk analysis training at the Federal Land Bank Association of Blackfoot, Ida ho before moving to Spokane to assume the new position. As Assistant Director of Re search, Hall will be respons- Heppner School Lunch Menus Mon.. Oct. 18 Sloppy Joes Homemade rolls Buttered corn Cabbage salad Purple plums-milk Tues.. Oct. 19 Chili beans Carrol A celery stix Rolls-butter Applesauce-milk Wed.. Oct. 20 Tacos Shredded lettuce-dressing Baked maple bars Fruit-milk Tburs., Oct. 21 Corn dogs Baked potato patty Carrot & celery stix Fruit A cookies-milk Fri.. Oct. 22 School's choice in mt Nwitti h nmw't a iti tun wr'iwi Heppner Branch FIRST NATIONAL BANE mm MR. FARMER and MR. BUSINESS MAN This is the timii of the year, to ntart looking fori TAX Shelters. For more information: Contact Roy Undstrom, Hob Secolo Realty Inc. 256 0421, lies. 658-5653 jmamii.m.rii,, - S.Wau-J m Tl1" fn" " m' " JBS-'i Lisa's colors are red, yel low, and brown and her flower is the yellow carnation. Her motto for her term is "Love is the lesson we learn" for the Rainbow lights to burn. She was crowned by her father, Jerry Martin. Refreshments were served from a tea table which centered her cake of white and yellow bearing her name and flanked by red candles. Serving at the tea table were Mrs. Dorothy Stefani, Helen McCabe, and Margaret Mor gan. Mrs. lone Martin was acting hostess, and Arleta Aldrich was in charge of the guest book and corsages. lone Assembly No. 89 trav eled to Arlington Sunday, October 10, to visit with the Grand Worthy Advisor of the State of Oregon. Five other assemblies were present, and all Worthy Advisors and Mother Advisors sat in the East and took part in the meeting. man promoted ible for compiling a variety of data used by the Federal Land Bank for management decision-making. Reared on a wheat and cattle ranch near Heppner, Hall is a 1975 graduate of "THE NUCLEAR ENERGY BAN MEASURE WOULD WASTE NATURAL - mm mm Everyone knows that me world's oil and gas resources are being rapidly depleted. No more acceptable hydroelectric sites are available Solar and wind power are far in the future, yet to be proved. Means are not available to mine and deliver enough coal to satisfy power-generating needs Coal, gas and oil must be conserved to meet other needs. Your NO vote wul help assure conservation, eliminate waste. OPE-V7N1ANS ASA:NST THE SAN ON NUCJtAS UilKfiM S V TH AVE PORTLAND Cat i vi rr I W SW mmw v Waiver-of-lnterest, in cash! nmahnmt Now you can move up to the big. 4-wheel drive horsepower you need to finish your heavy tillage on time this fall and get Into your fields early next spring, pius Get a personal check from OStelger based on the amount of money you must borrow or commit. Claim Investment Credit on O your new Stelger tractor, this year. 1 m Lisa Martin Those attending from lone Assembly were Lisa Martin, Tanna Hams, Christie Ed mondson, Margaret Kincaid, Lori Prock, Darcy Rea, Tammy Tucker, Dot Halver son, Linda Prock, and Diana Kincaid. Oregon State University with a B.S. degree in Agricultural Engineering. Hall and his wife, Terry, will reside in the Spokane Valley. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hall. Heppner. RESOURCES." rivn HENRY R. RICHMOND Former Administrator Bonneviiie Power Administration i iZi i i THE MORE YOU KNOW ABOUT IT THE LESS YOU'LL LIKE IT VOTE 9 NO IT BANS NUCLEAR ENERGY 'and Steiger pays The offer applies to all 9 Stsloer models -from 210 to 325 bhp (170 to 270 drawbar hp). For deieils. see us today. The sooner you buy, the higher your refund will bet FJorrow County nnn Grain Lu J. FARMER OWNED AND CONTROLLED Your Friendly Local Cooperative Lexington, Oregon 989-0221 A wheat marketing work shop is scheduled for Tuesday, October 26, at 1:30 p.m. at the Elks Lodge in Heppner. The program will last for three hours with speakers being Dr. J.B. Wyckoff, Dr. Gene Nelson, Dr. Clint Reed er, all staff members of Oregon State University Ag Economics Departments. The program will discuss many different aspects of grain marketing. Among the topics will be trends in wheat production, marketing and trade; how your attitudes Historial Society Next Wednesday, October 20, members of the Morrow County Historical Society are going to be at work in the area south of Heppner setting markers on old, unmarked graves. Anyone wanting to volunteer his help should con tact Harold Becket. At noon, the ladies of the society will serve dinner in the Rhea Creek Grange Hall for the work crew. Marking graves is a Bi centennial -project in many parts of the nation and state. Morrow County has quite a few unmarked graves from its pioneer days. 072Q4'HA3SV UAZSAL TBEAS 'uynow. Wheat Workshop about risk-taking influence marketing decisions; how to Basra? Drought to you by the Union Pacific Railroad Pooplo. f mi i..esss.sBeswsMaw WHO DOES IT? HAS IT? Service Directory Automotive SIIERRELL CHEVROLET. INC. Complete Sales A Service 3rd A Main HermUton Building Supplies SEE US FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING SUPPLIES We feature Boytea Paints rUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Tim Moore. Mgr. 432 SE Dorian 274221 PENDLETON PRINTING WEDDING INVITATIONS BUSINESS FORMS GAZETTE-TIMES S7S-S22S S7S-HS2 Construction CIRCLE "D" TRENCHING Guaranteed Performance Irrlgatlow-DralnTlle Power ( able Bonded A Lkeod atwer and drain field Trenching of all hind Robert Duncan Heppner Ph. S7S-SM UMATILLA READY MIX Open every weekday, and Saturdays and Sundays If neceary. Ph.S'S-StoSorHt 7 figure odds o! getting a higher price; deciding when and how much wheat to sell or con tract; recent changes in the wheat market relationships and implications for market ing and hedging; Grain marketing contracts: I- Drugs. Prescriptions HERMISTON DRL'G Free prescription Mail Service Open t a.m. to 7 p.m. Gifts for all occasions Snack Bar MEDICAL CENTER PHARMACY Free mailing service on prescriptions Hoipital Supplies Open Mon-Frl., M p.m. Sat.S-l p.m. Located In the Medical Center,! 10 Southgste, Pendleton 27S-IUI KEIMIG Floor Covering Carpet, draperies, linoleum Counter top, ceramk tile, flooring, aundrie SalrsAlnstaltalio) Sos N. 1st St. HermUUm M A R FLOOR COVERING Carpel, linoleum, ceramic lilt, kitchen cabinets Free estimate All work guaranteed Matl Hushes 422 Linden Way I7S-S4IS Heppner Furniture tit. CurtU-MalhesTV QuairTV.Norg Admiral sppll are I orgeat t lectin of furniture In the area J:SN.F. HermUtoa) M7 lM types, consideration, problem and risk; cost and benefits of grower transportation and storage alternatives; market ing weather damaged grains; the 1973 Agricultural Act-Policy alternatives and potential impacts. Hydraulics & Welding, JIM'S WELDING SERVICE Either In the shop or on the job. Hydraulics, hoae A fittings JIM BARRETT Riverside Ave. Heppner Bus.S7S-SSlS Homel7MI7S WILCOX FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES See us before you buy your color TV or stereo system 254 W. Hermlsto Ave. S47-22SI llermlaton Insurance RAY BOYCE INSURANCE AGENCY Health. Fire. Ant, marine Group Plans RayBoycel7S-S3S4 S7S-SS2S Heppner Monuments SWEENEY MORTUARY Cemetery, grave markers Granite. Marble. Bronte 14-Hr, fhmt S7S-SeearS7S-S22S Ala serving lone A Islington Heppner, P.O. Bot 17 Laundromat HEPPNER LAUNDROMAT Similar sessions will be hcU in Condon at 7 p.m. on October 26 at the courthouse, as well as t in Wallowa, Union and Uma tilla Counties on October 25, and Sherman and Wasco on ' October 18. : l 1 . Automotive Serving all this area for over 2S years JONES RADIATOR SERVICE IJIS North 1st St. Hermlston, OR S7R3S Ph. 5S7-S9IS DR. E. K.SCIIAFFITZ Optometrist Neil to Hotel Heppner entrance. S7S-S4SS HEPPNER Saw Sharpening ED'S PRECISION SAW A TOOL SHARPENING SERVICE Satisfaction Guaranteed Ph.l7S-StlJerS7S-l2SI Alfalfa St. HEPPNER MORROW COUNTY ABSTRACT A TITLE CO. Title Insurance Office In Peters Bldg. ITS 1 7 HEPPNER Sewing Machines RINGER SALES A SERVICE We repair all make la Heppner every ether week. Call or W rite. GWtKJANS Approved Singer Dealer 211 S. Main Pendleton IT